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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip
    I love you, too, hon. I figured I'd better put myself to use, huh? There's some more caps HERE at my SGA LJ. And a smidge of commentary, though I haven't had time to put together a sophisticated recap of Sateda yet.

    Glad you liked.
    Thanks for all the caps and its wonderful to see the forum so positive at the moment. Everyone seems to love Sateda. I hope the trend continues and we get lots more lovely character moments and of course some nice shippy moments between Shep and Teyla would also be great. Its also nice to read so many positive comments about the John/Teyla scene and how they have such natural chemistry together.

    If the writers continue to take it slow, they could really develop these two into one of the best and most realistic relationships in the Stargate Universe.


      Originally posted by bluealien
      I think the cafeteria scene between John and Teyla is probably my favourite scene between them so far. I felt that John wanted to say so much more and Teyla knew this, hence her comment when he was leaving.

      I totally got the same impression...

      and although he couldn't do so under the circumstances-Teyla's highly intuitive enough to know that there was more he wanted to say.

      May JT reign for ETERNITY...


        Originally posted by fates4jt
        I totally got the same impression...

        and although he couldn't do so under the circumstances-Teyla's highly intuitive enough to know that there was more he wanted to say.

        May JT reign for ETERNITY...
        I agree... I know there was more there, he was sooo awkward... thats a part of John we don't always see, and makes him all the more lovable!!

        BA, I totally agree with you, Stargate could do this right, especially with some really good scenes like that. I'm also impressed overall by the quality of the episode. That by itself is cause for celebration.
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          Hi Shep/Teyla shippers, I'm sorry to say I'm a sparky (J/E) fan as you may have notice by my signature. But I'd like to say that Sateda was a great episode and that I absolutely loved the scene between Shep and Teyla in the cafetaria, you're right they had a great chemistry. But then again I'm sorry to say I won't change my feelings toward my favourite ship However I came here also to say that I totally understand your feelings toward these sort of scenes between characters that you would love to see in a relationship ( because we sparky do the same hehe !!). So anyway have fun like we do with them and go on with your love for this great show that is SGA ( and SG1 too of course ). By the way, Sateda is IMO one of the best episode so far, it made me really like Teyla again I'd like the writers to give her back a good part in the show like they did for Sateda.

          Now ( don't kill me for saying this ! plz ) I must return to my own shippy board.
          "Good night and Good luck"



            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            I agree... I know there was more there, he was sooo awkward... thats a part of John we don't always see, and makes him all the more lovable!!

            BA, I totally agree with you, Stargate could do this right, especially with some really good scenes like that. I'm also impressed overall by the quality of the episode. That by itself is cause for celebration.
            I liked awkward Shep as well, much more honest emotions then when he is trying to win over people with a grin...he knew when he was talking to Teyla that flashing a grin and saying 'he's a member of my team' wasn't going to work...

            I loved that he tried to be nonchalant at the start, 'Did you think we wouldn't' and then takes a sip of wasn't until Teyla started to voice her own feelings that prompted Shep to share his...I wonder why?

            Okay I'm still on my 'Sateda' high....another WP:

            Long Live JT!!!!


              Awesome AG... Seteda high is always good.

              BG, or Olivia... nice of you to stop by and thanks for being a nice shipper.
              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                I just loved the scene between them in Sateda... just so sweet...

                Devine - Loved your two fics of J/T making out in the lounge and Heightmeyer's office....
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Quick little Seteda WP

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                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    I liked awkward Shep as well, much more honest emotions then when he is trying to win over people with a grin...he knew when he was talking to Teyla that flashing a grin and saying 'he's a member of my team' wasn't going to work...

                    I loved that he tried to be nonchalant at the start, 'Did you think we wouldn't' and then takes a sip of wasn't until Teyla started to voice her own feelings that prompted Shep to share his...I wonder why?

                    Long Live JT!!!!

                    I think it took Shep a moment to realize...

                    the opportunity presented to him for a meaningful conversation with T, but the light bulb did eventually turn on in his head and when it did I guess it hit him in a way that made him realize hey dip wad here’s your chance-it’s Teyla…say something and don’t screw it up; almost certainly chastising himself quietly as Teyla continued to help in guiding him along a road she realized was new to him, allowing him to open up even more... exposing a side he probably thought he’d never be able to.


                      Okay..I am not going to read any of this...because I am officially PISSED OFF!
                      We had a storm last night *DAMN FREAKING WEATHER* and then *sniff* the lights went off *sniff* and I told hubby to go down and check the recording and just to make sure *sniff* that I don't miss anything to set it to record again at 11:00 *sniff* well, GUESS WHAT
                      He came back and said that it was already recording that we didn't miss anything, I still told him to go and set it up again to record again at the second showing at 11:00 and HE DIDNT!

                      I only saw the last 20 minutes...I did see a very nice scene between J/T in the Deddy..but I am to damn pissed to enjoy it! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

                      okay..sorry! I can't comment and I don't want to read anything cause then I'll be more upset....

                      Hubby is so DEAD!


                        I loved Sheppard and Teyla in Sateda.


                          OH poor camy...well come over to Australia in about a year and then u can see it!!!! SOUNDS LIKE A FANTASTIC EPISODE...i am squeeing and i havent even seen it!!!
                          hi Sci-fi Sista!!!!!
                          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                          Thanks Camy!!


                            aw, sorry Camy!
                            shep's sad too
                            Get Hammond on the red phone stat! He's got connections.

                            At least you got to see "the scene" , as it now seems to be called, on the deddy. Wonderful J/T moment!

                            Welcome to the thread Sci-Fi Sista ! Enjoy!

                            & forever!
                            Sig by Cazzblade



                              Okay..SAW IT, LOVED IT, GOTTA GO SQUEE SOME MORE...

                              let's just say, I have my little angels watching over me....

                              I knew there was a good reason why I'm still online...LOL

                     that scene in the Deddy WAS EVERTHING AND THEN SOME!
                              I think that no one ever doubts that John would do anything and would risk his life for any of them..he's done it for McKay, Elizabeth..Teyla for all of them...but for him to plainly say it to Teyla at that moment...WAS PRICELESS! I liked the fact that we got to see a serious and emotional side to him....I must say I was surprised...I've always thought that John would be the one to come out and say how he feels to Teyla...but in this scene, she was so clever...she knew exactly what she was coming for..and she was very moved by his confession...I think at one point she even looks like she's shocked of his other observation is that patting of the hand...the patting is not the big deal for me...anyone can do that...but the fact that they were both with their heads down, unable to look at one another when something so simple and so meaningless was done..says a lot to tells me that John is feeling much more than he's letting on and so is Teyla....that brush of the hands is more than just a passing pat....he's done it to Rodney and vice versa...why for Teyla is it so important and yet so private...cause there's more to it...and then when Teyla thanks him at the end, her statement for what you MEANT to, what does that mean...He didn't say what he really wanted to say? but yet, she picked up on it...OH, YeAH! and when he was saying to her that he would do anything for them...yes, it's true..but he only said it to her...and that is the key! and if you look at him...the way he says was deep..meaning it for everyone...but directly hitting her target! and her heart...

                              Now, the entire time, I got this married couple was so apparant...and it tells me where the writers are going with this..hopefullly anyways...

                              Throughtout the entire episode these two were not only together all the time, something we missed so much in season 2, but also they were acting as one...shooting simultaneously, Teyla finishing his every thought, Teyla not letting him do something, shoot the Wraith..when has anyone of them ever been able to stop him from doing something...yet he clearly said, Teyla didn't let me...that's something my husband would say! and the competitive side..wanting to look good...awesome....
                              but I have to say, I cringe...with Squee..when he came back to the spot where Teyla was in the village and when he didn't see her there his reaction was priceless..and then when he saw her lying on the ground...OH, MY..never once did he flinched to Ronon's side..which tells me, he went back thinking of Teyla's safety above Ronons'...

                              don't kill me for that.....

                              overall, AWESOME episode..worth the wait...It was about time...EVERYTHING here was perfect! I loved how Weir stood by John and didn't question it when he wanted to go back to rescue Ronon even knowing the circumstances...and I love the Rodney scenes.....and how he cares for Ronon...that was important...and BECKETT saving the day...for that I SCREAMED! LOL

                              This is what I want from effort, Team work...Ronon hugging Beckett..PRICELESS..ONE HELL OF AN EPISODE!

                              I'm off to see it again...hubby is screaming that he wants to see it...Well, he can kiss my *ss! I almost died tonight!


                                Originally posted by Camy

                                Okay..SAW IT, LOVED IT, GOTTA GO SQUEE SOME MORE...

                                let's just say, I have my little angels watching over me....

                                I knew there was a good reason why I'm still online...LOL

                                ...and then when Teyla thanks him at the end, her statement for what you MEANT to, what does that mean...He didn't say what he really wanted to say? but yet, she picked up on it...OH, YeAH! and when he was saying to her that he would do anything for them...yes, it's true..but he only said it to her...and that is the key! and if you look at him...the way he says was deep..meaning it for everyone...but directly hitting her target! and her heart...

                                I'm off to see it again...hubby is screaming that he wants to see it...Well, he can kiss my *ss! I almost died tonight!

                                YEah i am interested as to what people believe TEyla actually meant when she said that line at the end??!?!?! I havent seen the scene but i have read the transcript and seen the caps...but i think it would help to see the atmosphere...i am dying to know what everyone thinks!!
                                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                                Thanks Camy!!

