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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I think because of this ep, this thread is going to be getting more J/T shippers
    So I guess the show's producers are
    sticking with John and Teyla! And I remember hearing something about John saying his feelings about Teyla this season, do you think they'll do it?


    Comment, that episode last night was awesome for so many reasons, not the least of which was the incredible amount of shippiness. I'm guessing it wasn't just me who was making odd noises and squeeing uncontrollably during the cafeteria scene.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard, that episode last night was awesome for so many reasons, not the least of which was the incredible amount of shippiness. I'm guessing it wasn't just me who was making odd noises and squeeing uncontrollably during the cafeteria scene.
        I had to squee inside, cuz if I had done it outloud I would've most likely woke the entire neighborhood lol


          Originally posted by Black Panther
          Wow! Where do I begin?! Sateda is amazing! John and Teyla had so many moments together that I could of missed a few while I was writing the others down! Everything from team mate moments to shippy moments.

          Sateda Shippy Moments

          Ronon and Rodney get a bad feeling about the place. John and Teyla take the lead into the village and try to convince them that everything will be fine. A man spotting Ronon yells, "Wraith Bringer!" John immediately looks at Teyla. John: That isn't good. Rodney gets shot in the butt with an arrow. They immediately run. John helps Rodney. Teyla and Ronon stop to cover them as John helps get Rodney out of there. John stops and looks back at them. Teyla, without looking back to even see if he was there, yells at him to go. After getting Rodney to the gate John runs back to help them. When John arrives on the scene he immediately looks at the place where Teyla was. He sees she isn't there, stops in his tracks, and immediately looks for her, without even looking for Ronon. His expression is one of shock and panic. He spots her lying on the ground and stares in complete shock. He doesn't even notice the darter until he gets darted.

          John wakes up. He sees Ronon, looks at his arm, then looks at Teyla. He smiles and puts on the charm. John: Well, I guess it could be worse. Teyla smiles back. John tries to console Ronon. Ronon ignores him. Teyla informs John that she tried to do that herself but Ronon isn't listening. John continues to try. Ronon informs them of what happened the last time he was here. The leader of the village shows up and badgers Ronon. John and Teyla share a look. John defends Ronon and tries to convince him of Ronon's innocence. When that doesn't seem to be working John glances twice at Teyla. Teyla jumps in and tries to convince him. The guy refuses to listen. Teyla looks at John. She continues to try. The guy informs them that he plans to give Ronon to the wraith. Teyla looks back at John. Teyla and John try to convince him not to. The guy informs them it is too late and shows them the device the wraith gave him. Teyla says it is already activated, turns, and looks at John.

          Ronon is leaning against the prison's side. John and Teyla are standing in the background. Ronon yells at one of the guards to get the leader. John and Teyla exchange several glances. Ronon tries to get them to release John and Teyla in exchange for himself. Teyla looks at John. John tries to stop him. Ronon threatens to kill one of their guards if they don't. John still tries to stop him. Ronon blames himself for what happened to them and begs them not to punish John and Teyla for his crime. John and Teyla exchange a look. Ronon then threatens to kill himself. Teyla says Ronon's name in a plea to stop him and looks at John. John tries to convince Ronon to put the knife down. John and Teyla are let go.

          When they come through the gate they explain to the others what has happened, and what the villagers plan to do with Ronon. Once they have convinced everyone to leave immediately John and Teyla exchange a look.

          As they walk through the, now decimated, village John and Teyla are walking together discussing what happened. A man brings John Ronon's gun and holster. John and Teyla look at each other. John turns away upset. Teyla: We'll find him.

          John is pacing agitatedly. Teyla is watching him concerned. John: He's alive. Teyla glances between John and another person off screen, who I think turns out to be Elizabeth, concerned. The group discusses what they can do to find Ronon. Teyla mentions there could be a way. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: If they reimplant Ronon with a tracking device.... Teyla nods at John. John immediately asks if they can pickup Ronon's signal. As they get a plan underway John mentions they need to hurry because they won't have much time and looks over at Teyla.

          They think they have found Ronon. They have a meeting with Steven. Steven refuses to put his crew and ship in danger because of one man. John: One man who isn't a member of the US military. John looks over at Teyla.

          John is eating and Teyla joins him to talk. The have a great conversation. Too long for me to write in detail without a transcript. Through out it their expressions are a treat to see and they share several small smiles. Teyla came to thank John for standing up for Ronon despite the fact that he was an outsider. John says he considers Ronon a friend. Teyla confesses she has often felt like an outsider herself. John: Well yeah, in the beginning... You know I have always trusted you. John looks at her with concern. Teyla says she always knew Elizabeth and him have always been there for her. She mentions that it is good to see just how far they would go to help people like Ronon and herself. John then opens up to her. It is cute how Teyla helps him find the words he is looking for. John is obviously nervous and Teyla gently coaxes him on. John: You should know I never really had any.. Teyla: Friends? Love the concern on her face and in her voice. John: No! No. He explains he means family and that herself, Ronon, Elizabeth, Rodney, and Carson are the closes thing to a family he has. Love Teyla's look of understanding. John looks Teyla in the eye. John: I'll do anything for anyone of you. He continues on to say that if he was in the same position Ronon was he would do the exact same thing. Teyla smiles at him. John looks down then akwardly reaches out and pats her hand. John gets up and starts to walk away. Teyla: Thank you. She smiles at him and pauses. For everything you meant to say. She smiles again at him. I am curious to know what that was supposed to mean?

          John and Teyla arrive to save Ronon on their own. Ronon refuses to leave. John tries to convince him to go. During this it is brought out that Ronon won't leave for the sake of the village. Teyla informs him of what happened to the village. John asks him to leave with them again. Ronon: No! John and Teyla exchange a look. Ronon says he wants revenge on the lead wraith who is in the hive ship. Teyla: We can't take on a hive ship right now! She looks at John. John agrees to help Ronon in his quest for revenge. Ronon runs off on his own and John and Teyla stay by each others' side fighting the wraith that come their way.

          They kill all the wraith to get the leader to come down to fight Ronon. Rodney radios John. John (Proudly): I got six. Teyla got... Teyla: Eight. John stares at her for a few seconds. John: I got nine. Teyla got eight. Teyla gives John a look. They meet up with Ronon. Ronon threatens John that if he kills the lead wraith before he can he will kill him. John: What if you get killed? Ronon: Then you kill him. John and Teyla exchange a long expressive look.

          Ronon is getting beaten by the leader. Teyla talks John out of killing the leader for Ronon. So Carson kills him instead.

          After John and Teyla bring Ronon into the puddle jumper. Carson and Rodney ask how they are doing. John: We are ok. John and Teyla exchange a look. Ronon asks which one of them killed the wraith. Rodney says it was a joint effort then relizes Ronon doesn't look happy. He then blames Carson for the whole thing. Ronon walks up to Carson and hugs him. Rodney complains how Ronon would thank Carson but not him. Ronon grabs his shoulder and thanks him. Teyla smiles at that. John mentions he would of killed the leader if Teyla didn't stop him. Teyla's smile falls and she gives John a look. Ronon turns to them. Ronon: Thankyou. To all of you. John: No problem. I only killed 11 or 12 wraith. Teyla give John a look of pure feminine disgust and rolls her eyes.

          I bow to your shippy glasses, they see all and know all. HA! Did any one else notice the Teyla really took the 'girls' out for a spin this episode. During 'the conversation' John took a peek or too. Poor John, Teyla knows him so well. (No social skills.. he's such a cute closet nerd) LOL!


            What an awesome episode. So many John and Teyla moments.

            The conversation between them was heartwarming and it was the first time we have seen real genuine emotion from John. He was not under any alien influence or egged on by anger but a calm and perfectly in control John displaying emotion - and it was Teyla who brought out these emotions in him.

            It was so far from the flirty banter he engages in with Weir. This is why I love John and Teyla because the emotion we get from both of them is always so heartfelt and genuine.

            I thought it was very tellling that he was so arkward. If Teyla was just a friend I don't think it would have been nearly as arkward talking about his feelings. I know if I want to chat to a guy that is just a friend and I have no "feelings" for its a piece of cake - but a completely different story if its someone I like.


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
    , that episode last night was awesome for so many reasons, not the least of which was the incredible amount of shippiness. I'm guessing it wasn't just me who was making odd noises and squeeing uncontrollably during the cafeteria scene.
              Your not alone SP! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! (Wow, don't think I've ever squeed before, but Sateda was so AWESOME!!!!! Especially the cafeteria scene!!
              Sig by Cazzblade


                Okay, John’s

                Declaration to Teyla about seeing all of the gang as family was so adorably sweet and so telling—heeheehee; did anyone else notice how quickly he went from self-conscious in his mannerisms and speech at the initial part of their convo to serious as he established deliberate and direct eye contact with her and said… “I’d do anything-for any one of you”—his voice took such a serious fall in tone there; so, anyways he then went on to say "If I had to give up my life the way Ronon was going to-I would.” I, for some reason, find it interesting that he just haaaaaaaad to let her know that he to, like, Ronon is, without question, capable of sacrificing his life for those he cares for; this got me to wondering if John thinks Teyla sees Ronon in a way that maybe he would like her to see him in; I don’t know…I might be stretching it bit there; but anyways I swear in that moment, as his soul baring eyes maintained contact with T’s, it was like he, was also saying, with his determined tone, don’t ever doubt how much I care for you Teyla…Arghhh-I would die if I ever heard him say those words to her.

                Also, is Teyla on to him…because her “thankyou-for everything you meant to say” statement leads me to believe she was acknowledging him for what he did say and for every and anything else he wanted to say, regarding her alone, but couldn’t…hmmm.

                OMG- squeeeeeeeee!! I have to control myself; I’m thinking all kinds of shippy things here; I’m driving myself nuts.
                Okay enough already fates…hold it together.


                  If anyone is doing any capping could they please cap the scene where John puts his hand over Teylas.



                    Hi to everyone new! Multi-shippers and all!

                    And SP...I thought I heard squeeing from where I was at home...must have been my fellow shippers!

                    Okay here is a link to the JT Galleria Thread with caps from 'Sateda' done by MajorTrip...I love you! They are awesome!!!

                    Originally posted by fates4jt
                    Okay, John’s

                    Declaration to Teyla about seeing all of the gang as family was so adorably sweet and so telling—heeheehee; did anyone else notice how quickly he went from self-conscious in his mannerisms and speech at the initial part of their convo to serious as he established deliberate and direct eye contact with her and said… “I’d do anything-for any one of you”—his voice took such a serious fall in tone there; so, anyways he then went on to say "If I had to give up my life the way Ronon was going to-I would.” I, for some reason, find it interesting that he just haaaaaaaad to let her know that he to, like, Ronon is, without question, capable of sacrificing his life for those he cares for; this got me to wondering if John thinks Teyla sees Ronon in a way that maybe he would like her to see him in; I don’t know…I might be stretching it bit there; but anyways I swear in that moment, as his soul baring eyes maintained contact with T’s, it was like he, was also saying, with his determined tone, don’t ever doubt how much I care for you Teyla…Arghhh-I would die if I ever heard him say those words to her.

                    Also, is Teyla on to him…because her “thankyou-for everything you meant to say” statement leads me to believe she was acknowledging him for what he did say and for every and anything else he wanted to say, regarding her alone, but couldn’t…hmmm.

                    OMG- squeeeeeeeee!! I have to control myself; I’m thinking all kinds of shippy things here; I’m driving myself nuts.
                    Okay enough already fates…hold it together.
                    Regarding your post about
                    John needing Teyla to understand that he would put his life on the life just as Ronon did to protect everyone never crossed my mind...but oh what a shippy idea...need to rewatch converstation glad I taped it!


                      Thanks for the link Athosiangirl

                      I've just had a look and they are awesome.


                        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              , that episode last night was awesome for so many reasons, not the least of which was the incredible amount of shippiness. I'm guessing it wasn't just me who was making odd noises and squeeing uncontrollably during the cafeteria scene.
                        I had trouble containing my excitement about this episode. And not just for Shippy reasons... though the stupid smile on my face probably had something to do with it.

                        I only hope SGA can keep that up, episodes like that... wow... awesomeness incarnate. (And not just from ship... I was clarifying that on Omega)

                        Now.... there was soooooooo much UST IMO... okay... shutting up... reading everyone else squeeing has inspired me to squee some more.

                        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                          My head's still spinning!
                          I think this is the best thing to happen to our ship since the cave scene (and only because that scene led to so many more). I really think that this is better then an outright declaration. This opens the door for agnst! Just... *squees*


                            I'll post this on the Galleria Thread but since it's Sateda I'll post it here too..Thanks to Aunt Trippy for the caps

                            Here is my WP...with that scene!


                              I think the cafeteria scene between John and Teyla is probably my favourite scene between them so far. I felt that John wanted to say so much more and Teyla knew this, hence her comment when he was leaving.

                              It was a great episode and I hope we get more like this - not just the shippy aspects but the great moments between all the team.

                              I could just watch team episodes all the time as they are my favourite characters.


                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                                Okay here is a link to the JT Galleria Thread with caps from 'Sateda' done by MajorTrip...I love you! They are awesome!!!
                                I love you, too, hon. I figured I'd better put myself to use, huh? There's some more caps HERE at my SGA LJ. And a smidge of commentary, though I haven't had time to put together a sophisticated recap of Sateda yet.

                                Glad you liked.
                                Sig by Camy

