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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Devine27
    Hi all,

    I've been following the talk of ficathons and challenges and would love to see it come to light. If you need any help just shine the J/T or Sheyla skylight and I'll come running.

    I just finished another video. It's another John POV. The scenario is that Teyla gets a bit tired of John's so called Kirking and they have a falling out. It's basically John regretting not expressing or voicing his emotions and trying to salvage their relationship. This song is beautiful, so turn up your speakers or better yet, use headphones. Hope you like it. This Woman's Work.

    FYI - This will probably be the last vid for a while. I need my season 2 clips and I'm still looking for a song for Teyla's POV.
    Oh..the song, AND vid were both beautiful...A definite tear jerker...IMO...It's on my favorites list.

    Oh I can't wait to see the Teyla's POV if it's anything like what you're done so far it'll be great.

    Nice job!!!

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by Devine27
      Hi all,

      I've been following the talk of ficathons and challenges and would love to see it come to light. If you need any help just shine the J/T or Sheyla skylight and I'll come running.

      I just finished another video. It's another John POV. The scenario is that Teyla gets a bit tired of John's so called Kirking and they have a falling out. It's basically John regretting not expressing or voicing his emotions and trying to salvage their relationship. This song is beautiful, so turn up your speakers or better yet, use headphones. Hope you like it. This Woman's Work.

      Okay Devine first off thank you, thank you, thank you; you manage to outdo your JT video work each time.
      I was spellbound; second, (and this is a bit-OT-) incredible song…very delicate; I am truly/madly in love with it and the singer…I had no idea he existed until now…thanks for introducing him to me .

      Great Work!


        Originally posted by Doxymom
        Well, I've only run one ficathon and admittedly didn't do the best job. Keeping track of who submitted what plot idea and who got it to write is the most important. What confused me is I ran it for two lists with different rating but a lot of the same authors. So I mixed up a couple of plots/people, giving a PG-13 list submitted plot to someone on the NC list to write.

        JT fandom has a lot of writers under 17 and a lot who are older and prefer to write R or NC-17. So be careful matching the challenges to not only the writers, but to a rating the person is old enough to read when the other person finishes the challenge the under-17 person submitted.

        Or, you could simply post a list of plot ideas you make up and tell every writer volunteering to pick one and write any rating they want.
        I guess that the easiest thing would be to run two separate events for the under and over 17's with different people organising them. I forgot to say that a ficathon doesn't just have to be fic - people could request and submit artwork (banners, walls, videos) too, or maybe you could just run a separate art challenge to coincide with it.

        Personally, I'm more inclined towards ficathons than challenges, RRs and parties because the time-frame that you have to work with is usually longer, and also knowing that someone else is expecting something from me is a great motivation. But by the same token, that can put people off from participating. If I have 'signed up' to do something I'll do it, but if I've just read about a challenge or party, I'll think 'oh, that's interesting, I should do something for that' and then tend to forget or get distracted. But that's just me


          Devine...I loved your latest video...different approach to a JT video that I don't often see..but the song was heartbreaking...great vid!

          Witchy! loved the tune...the first lines of the song and the 'rising' clip was perfectly used!

          And Ritter and for the 6 month hiatus...(please say it ain't so) I'm up for anything as long as I'm given a week or so heads up as to what I'm suppose to do...I wanted to do the Teyla ficathon but is was during the last month of my college classes and I had really time consuming classes but this upcoming quarter my classes are a breeze so I'll have plenty of free time...


            Hey everyone! You probably don't remember me because the last time I had posted was in like march lol. My computer had completly crashed and it took us months to fix it grrrrrr

            But I'm still a J/T shipper!! And this season looks promising from all the spoilers I've read so far, but I can't get my hopes up too high.



              Count me in for whatever it is your doing. Can you please post clear rules, schedules because I get easily confused about these things, especially because I don't speak LJ. I think j/t fans are the most creative around so anything that generates more fic/art/whatever is great.

              I'm really liking the mentoring idea. Mainly because I occasionally have ideas for fanfic but don't have the skills to make them work the way I want them to. (Witness that last sentence!). I'll happily help anyone who wants to try artwork making.

              A J/T website called PuddleJumper. I've never seen it before but it's a great site.


                Originally posted by mishy91
                Hey everyone! You probably don't remember me because the last time I had posted was in like march lol. My computer had completly crashed and it took us months to fix it grrrrrr

                But I'm still a J/T shipper!! And this season looks promising from all the spoilers I've read so far, but I can't get my hopes up too high.

                I joined in March so we probably haven't met. Hello!


                  Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                  Okay everyone... I have a fanfic present. Just a quick oneshot, nothing fancy, no real plot. Enjoy some well earned fluff.


                  Purple_cube... we'd love to have you aboard for it. I'm not sure about ficathons.. but we're still in the brainstorming stage.
                  Ritter I read and reviewed your story, very good.
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Hi Mishy! Welcome Back! though you are not a you go...

                    Now, DEVINE and WITCHY! first two are on a roll..and I"m loving it...

                    Witchy, you hit every single scene to coincide with the lyrics...that is AMAZING! and absolutely gorgeous!

                    DEVINE...That song is to download that one to my ipod! *shrugs* beautiful scenes...and I love the content and the words....WELL DONE, both of you!
                    Don't the past couple of days you guys have done a can't let these fall in the cracks on this thread...go to either convergence and post it in the STfever LJ...if you need help with that Devine...let us know...but these are too good to just let slip in the thread..Thanks!

           the top ten places where you would like John and Teyla make out...

                    *blame this on Ritter and Expandable Crewman*

                    1. Puddle Jumper...*Go and check out Ritter's Supernova*
                    2. Balcony
                    3. John's quarters
                    4. Teyla's quarters
                    5. Ronon's Quarters
                    6. Elizabeth's quarters
                    7. Rodney's quarters
                    8. Zelenka's Quarters
                    9. Lorne's quarters
                    10. Kate's office

                    Darn it...I should have listed 20.....


                      Adding to Camy's list.... just for fun

                      Elizabeth's Office
                      Carson's Office
                      The Infirmary

                      And here's another shameless plug for Supernova..


                      Its fluff, trust me... you'll enjoy it.
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        Ritter...that was plug fluff anytime, anywhere...

                        Thanx Jodi, DM glad you girls like the vid.

                        AG, there's that twin thing I heard the first line of the song, I instantly thought of the 'rising' clip, and couldn't help but make the vid....

                        MISHY!!!...Welcome Back!!!...We haven't forgotten you. Hope you visit more now that you've got your comp back...

                        Thanx Camy, I'll try to do the rounds, and get everything i've done posted on almost all the sites DM posted...but i'm slow so...It may take a reeeallly long time...

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          Ritter, I think we should challenge people here to join you and write another fluff fic with Teyla and John in one of these settings...anyone?


                            Come on people... step up to the fluff... before I end up writing another one.
                            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                              Ritter, you have me rolling on my floor! LOL....still laughing from the Teyla thread...


                                Originally posted by Camy
                       the top ten places where you would like John and Teyla make out...

                                *blame this on Ritter and Expandable Crewman*

                                1. Puddle Jumper...*Go and check out Ritter's Supernova*
                                2. Balcony
                                3. John's quarters
                                4. Teyla's quarters
                                5. Ronon's Quarters
                                6. Elizabeth's quarters
                                7. Rodney's quarters
                                8. Zelenka's Quarters
                                9. Lorne's quarters
                                10. Kate's office

                                Darn it...I should have listed 20.....
                                What the....?

                       that isn't something I usually visualize...John and Telya making out in Lorne's quarters or Ronon's...what the heck does Ronon's room even look like...probably has a place of honor where he hangs his sword...doesn't matter, it has got me thinking....but be warned should I take on this make out in the world I'm going to be able to put them in Lorne's quarters I have no clue but what ever comes from this challenge with be nothing but 100% fluffy humour!!!

                                And Welcome Back mishy!!!!!!

                                Witchy AG Twin Connection!!!!!!!! I'm going to write that everytime we think alike!

