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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Camy, thanks for the pic! I can see some JT manips coming out of that one. John looked great. :-D And Teyla looked really good too, though I think she was wearing clothes from last season.



      I hope they do explore John's past and the correlations with Ronon's past in S3. That would be cool. I can imagine some great character moments in that scenario.

      Sheylafan, I think you're right, they do trust each other a lot and I get the impression John would understand also.

      Still, I can't help but feel he might be hurt that she never told him, should he ever find out.

      Have a great day, everyone!


        Hmmm...those are interesting questions...

        I think Teyla suspected that Ronon is somewhere out of place in Atlantis...I think that if she felt that Ronon in any way would have hinder her negotiations, she wouldn't have taken him...

        I also beleive that Teyla did find out about the incident with Rodney, however, considering that she is keeping a secret from John, I don't see Teyla going up to John to ask him what happened since most likely he would have asked her the same and clearly, she didn't want to tell anyone in Atlantis... probably she found out through the rumor mill since everyone must have either seen or heard about it especially the Weir scolding Rodney piece at the end there..not to mention that probably there was a briefing or something...

        Would Teyla have wanted to be with John and Rodney...I don't think so....I'm certain that she would not put aside her responsibilities with her people with the Atlantians unless her presence was vital and in this case it was not...

        Would it have been good to have her there next to John or have a scene where they are conversing about each others's day!YUP, it would have been very nice to have a J/T moment there...but again...I can't help but wonder if John plain out asked Teyla how did things go in the planet, if Teyla would have been able to keep Ronon's little fiasco from him...assuming that she in fact hasn't told anyone about the incident...which I believe to be the case...and I"m hoping it comes out in Sateda somehow...or in one of the episodes this season...

        Will it hinder John and Teyla's relationship if John ever finds out she kept something from him...? Well, I think he will make a point to have her understand that she needs to trust him and his judgements...and I think more than anything he will be somewhat hurt that Teyla didn't trust him after an entire year together and decided to protect Ronon after only a month or so with them...but in the end, it will also give Teyla an opportunity to share with him just how much she does trust him, all to make him understand that her decision had nothing to do with them...should be some interesting argument there..these two have a lot of things that they don't agree on..but what I love about them is the level of respect and understanding that they share with one another even when they disagree to the point where they both need to know that the others is okay with the other regardless of what the situation is...example..Letters from Pegasus..the famous, what else do you want from me? Clearly he wanted to do anything for her...and in Allies..the hallway scene..I guess I just want you to be okay with it of the many things that sets them apart from the others...I've yet to see John do that with any other in Atlantis and Teyla as far they do this with each other only! AH!

        I've posted a new wallpaper for Childhood's End in the Galleria...not my best..but I think it's okay!


          I think that if Teyla did mention to John how the visit to that planet went and she didnt say much about the ronana incident he might think something of it but deep down John would understand that Johns pppl wouldnt understand why she kept such a thing, Most of the ppl there already think shes different and she might call the wraith since the rumor might of spread of her wraith gene. Some might still feel she doesnt belong but Teyla wanting to keep it from John may make wat ppl think of her more suspiciouse. Teyla has been on atlantis for a while and she is trying to get along with the ppl and Ronan well ppl fear him probably casue hes frightening at times. John doesnt fear her or Ronan he was the one that picked them for his team and he has such a connenction with both that he understands y they have to hide their feelings or secrets. I read somewhere that the person that Ronan killed there may be a episode on them being in a situation where they shouldnt of keot it from john.
          part of:
          Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

          wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one



            I just had to drop by and thank you for all the shippy "play by play" (thanx for the wordage there Witchy) you do of the eps. They're great!!! Really highlight the having wine with your chocolate! (for minors, this is very likeable to having pepsi with your pizza...or ice cream and cake )

            Thanks again!

            And a big high and hug to all the others on the thread that make it such a cosy place to be!!!!! Love you guys!!!

            *looks at sappiness and winces....oh well, it IS sunday*
            Bye y'all!


              Does no-one want a j/t pool playing sig in exchange for fic? Or are you all writing pool playing epics and won't be finished until 2012?

              I've had a slightly insane idea.
              Sometimes people make artwork to go with fics they've written but how about the other way round? I'm making some artwork, with lots more fic-able elements than normal, as a fic challenge. The idea being the artwork suggests characters, places, moods, themes etc and someone writes a fic containing all those elements.
              Anyone interested?


                Originally posted by bella
                I've had a slightly insane idea.
                Sometimes people make artwork to go with fics they've written but how about the other way round? I'm making some artwork, with lots more fic-able elements than normal, as a fic challenge. The idea being the artwork suggests characters, places, moods, themes etc and someone writes a fic containing all those elements.
                Anyone interested?
                Sounds like fun – I'm working on a Black Notebook fic for a whump challenge right now, but I'd be glad to tackle that for my next project.

                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!



                  I think that's a great idea! I just wish I had more time to write so I could answer the challenge.




                    So, let me get this post the pic and we make the fic to go with the pic? Right..

                    Hmmm a John and Teyla picfic challenge, dare I say!


                      Hey, Bella, I finished that Black Notebook fic (there's a link in the Shep Whumping thread for anyone who's interested), so whenever your pic is ready I can start writing. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

                      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                        Ok first challenge.
                        I'm not going to explain anything, just post my art and see what people come up with.


                        When Fandoms Collide.
                        Ceekay, are you the same Ceekay that used to post at
                        And are Sheylafan and Azangal-icons the same person? Because if you both are that would be so cool.


                          Hmmm..this is very, is this like a oneshot type of thing..I'm not sure if I can participate..I don't write fics as quickly and as good as you guys..I'm still working on this..but I would love to see what others come up with...lots of things going on in that pic! Great idea Bella...

                          of coarse, I assume this is a John and Teyla fic?

                          Is that Teyla with John on the side there in Conversion?


                            Complex pic, Bella! I hope some good fics come out of it. If I get a chance today, I may try to drabble it.


                              Ep by Ep discussion!
                              Schedule by CAMY!

                              Today is Conversion!

                              June 26 Conversion
                              June 27 Aurora
                              June 28 The Lost Boys
                              June 29 The HIVE
                              June 30 Epiphany


                              So, Conversion questions.

                              I saw this question on one of the JT lists: What do you think would have happened differently if Teyla had been the one infected?

                              Do you think Teyla visited John in the hospital before his apology?

                              What's your take on Teyla's eyeroll/sigh at the end?

                              Challenge: write a missing scene fic. Pick one of the following:

                              Teyla alone at John's bedside during the time not shown, but before he was well and apologized.

                              Teyla talking to Heightmeyer about her feelings about the whole issue, either prior to his recovery, or when they didn't know if he'd recover.

                              John's dreams during his hospitalization and recovery.

                              A "the apology wasn't the end of it" ficlet set after Conversion and before the next ep.

                              Have fun!



                                Um...that first question..what do you think would have happened if Teyla would have been the one infected...? Hmmm...

                                John would have been sent back to Earth with a wife, a kid, and a dog! LOL

                                Um..DM...take a peek at my new avatar!

