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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go' And Capt. Ritter I really hope you don't hate this song or anything because this ones for you. Congratulations on your graduation


      Originally posted by melpomene
      Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go' And Capt. Ritter I really hope you don't hate this song or anything because this ones for you. Congratulations on your graduation
      MEL!!!! this Vid....

      It's so beautiful!!!....define masterpiece!!!...


      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Noooooooooooo, There isn't any need for anyone to leave!!

        As everyone said we are all fans of Shep/Teyla.

        Fishyone - I love your artwork so I hope you keep posting. I know we can still post pictures in this thread and some nice new banners are always welcome so they will stil be appreciated here. I will check out the new thread but as I can't really contribute anything I prefer to stay here and participate in the discussion.

        This shouldn't divide us - just give it sometime and see how it goes.


          Originally posted by melpomene
          Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go' And Capt. Ritter I really hope you don't hate this song or anything because this ones for you. Congratulations on your graduation
          Yay for Mel...a new vid...I am downloading as I type...can't wait to see it....

          Sidenote...I am afraid that when I think about 'Siege P.1' I remember the scene where Teyla hauls out on Bates and Shep has to hold her back...I emphasize...hold her arm around in close...really close proximity to one another...*shippy sigh*


            Since there seems to be some confusion, i though i'd re-peat my post...or the pertinant part of it

            so, you CAN, and i'll repeat this since some folks aren't getting it, you CAN still post pics here. You do need to be considerate of your other members and not go overboard.

            The other thread is for pictures only. Feel free to link to that thread from here. Feel free to promote it.

            Post your pics. Just don't go overboard. The 1-2 pics per post, 2-3 posts max is a good guideline. THe other thread should be pictures ONLY. Will the 'wow, that's great' be appropriate there? Sure. Is a 20 paragraph dissertation on Shep's actions in Conversion be appropriate? No. Post that here.

            Anyone that thinks or feels that they are not permitted to post pics here is mistaken. You can. You just cant' spam this thread full of pics is all. Save that for the Galleria.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              Since there seems to be some confusion, i though i'd re-peat my post...or the pertinant part of it

              so, you CAN, and i'll repeat this since some folks aren't getting it, you CAN still post pics here. You do need to be considerate of your other members and not go overboard.

              The other thread is for pictures only. Feel free to link to that thread from here. Feel free to promote it.

              Post your pics. Just don't go overboard. The 1-2 pics per post, 2-3 posts max is a good guideline. THe other thread should be pictures ONLY. Will the 'wow, that's great' be appropriate there? Sure. Is a 20 paragraph dissertation on Shep's actions in Conversion be appropriate? No. Post that here.

              Anyone that thinks or feels that they are not permitted to post pics here is mistaken. You can. You just cant' spam this thread full of pics is all. Save that for the Galleria.
              With all due respect, TameFarrar has told us that we are no longer allowed to post artwork/pics as they are off topic for the thread and that's what the new thread is for. So I'm a bit confused. If we are still allowed to post banner, walls, etc here, then great- problem solved, but I don't think that's the case.


                Originally posted by melpomene
                Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go'
                Thanks - great vid.


                  Originally posted by bluealien

                  There were some wonderful moments between John and Teyla but I was a bit surprised that John refused to wait for Teylas friends. When he asked her what else she wanted from him, I loved when she answered , too much I fear.

                  I thought that John didn't leave anyone behind so his commet to Teyla when she asked him if it was his family or friends would he abandon them and he answered, yes if it effected the mission. I found this to a bit out of character and a bit harsh.
                  See..this also took me by surprise...John has always said you don't leave people 'Rising' he is adamant about going to save his fellow soldiers and the Athosians who had been taken and to that is a whole lot more dangerous then waiting in a cloaked ship...

                  But the ending is what I remember...when John, Teyla and the rest return to Atlantis and are talking to Weir, John describes how bad it was and states to Weir 'we saved a few, that's something'...

                  This is a turn around for him from what he said earlier...maybe due to them staying on the planet and waiting they were able to save lives...


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    See..this also took me by surprise...John has always said you don't leave people 'Rising' he is adamant about going to save his fellow soldiers and the Athosians who had been taken and to that is a whole lot more dangerous then waiting in a cloaked ship...

                    But the ending is what I remember...when John, Teyla and the rest return to Atlantis and are talking to Weir, John describes how bad it was and states to Weir 'we saved a few, that's something'...

                    This is a turn around for him from what he said earlier...maybe due to them staying on the planet and waiting they were able to save lives...
                    I loved the ending but I found it odd that Teyla had to coax him into staying and if he had been able to get through the stargate the first time he really would have left them behind. As you say he was desparate to save Sumner and the Athosians in Rising so it just seemed a bit out of character. What difference would it have made to the mission if he had stayed a bit longer.

                    He did seem quite affected by the whole thing at the end - possibly even more then Teyla but it seemed a bit of a turnaround from his previous attitude. I liked though how Teyla did get him to change his mind - and she did it in her calm and wonderful way.


                      Originally posted by melpomene
                      Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go' And Capt. Ritter I really hope you don't hate this song or anything because this ones for you. Congratulations on your graduation
                      Great! A new vid! I downloaded to watch it later, and I'll try to get it up at Convergence later tonight too.


                        Hi Again all

                        Apparently I didn't make myself real clear and even Skydiver asked to the same question to be sure she and I were talking about the same thing...what we have here is a misunderstanding of how some are perceiving the use of the word *Artwork* and the word *Picture*

                        SO in order to clarify this an example

                        The discussion is about the episode *Conversion* and Skydiver makes a beautiful Wallpaper of Sheppard and Teyla that has all the aspects of the Episode *Conversion*....THAT could be posted during that discussion ....WHY??
                        because it partains to the discussion

                        If during that same discussion TameFarrar wants to post her wallpaper of all of the wonderful *looks* John and Teyla have given each other. Well that really ins't pertinenent to the discussion and should be posted over on the Galleria thread.

                        The Focus here is IF you are posting Pictures /Artwork JUST for the sake of posting the picture/arowork then it should go in the Galleria thread as it really isn't being posted for discussion. NOW if you are going to USE IT AS a discussion starter....then yes you can post it here...

                        that was another point for the use of pictures here it can be a *Discussion Starter* Artwork/Picture are interchangable

                        However, only you know if you are really going to do that

                        I do apologize if some misunderstood and felt that the two words were not being used correctly. But once that was pointed out I hope this has cleared it up

                        if not...then please PM one of us
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by melpomene
                          Hi guys! I made a new vid. The song is 'As Lovers Go' And Capt. Ritter I really hope you don't hate this song or anything because this ones for you. Congratulations on your graduation
                          And this is why she's BATMAN...Right here to rescue the thread with not only a great vid...J/T love. And she successfully pulled me and WITCHY and I see AG on post and give her some major love for such a great video.

                          I loved it Mel, how you infused the different tones of the music to be reflected in the vid with the scene. Like the way it slowed down and the line goes 'I have to be honest, I've been waiting for you all my life.' And then we have the first and ultimate J/T moment with the necklace in the ruins. Absolutely beautiful Mel.

                          Definitely giving love to the theme of the party with the S1 primarily based video. It kind of summed up some great J/T moments of S1 gave us some avenue for S2 greatness---you even included my Lost Boys clip---tears in my eyes Mel...tears of love!!! And we of course have some great clips of love in Allies shown. I can't wait for S3 and when the party finishes with S2 and you giving us a primarily S2 vid.

                          Again thanks Mel for in my opinion breaking the ice and definitely giving us the ammo to get out of this absolutely ridiculous drama. Also much love to the mods, I hope I wasn't too much of a migraine! But since I don't bug you guys normally---I guess it was my turn.

                          So I'm back to give love....Hey AG, Suz, and Witchy, BA and everyone else.

                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            Hi Again all

                            Apparently I didn't make myself real clear and even Skydiver asked to the same question to be sure she and I were talking about the same thing...what we have here is a misunderstanding of how some are perceiving the use of the word *Artwork* and the word *Picture*

                            SO in order to clarify this an example

                            The discussion is about the episode *Conversion* and Skydiver makes a beautiful Wallpaper of Sheppard and Teyla that has all the aspects of the Episode *Conversion*....THAT could be posted during that discussion ....WHY??
                            because it partains to the discussion

                            If during that same discussion TameFarrar wants to post her wallpaper of all of the wonderful *looks* John and Teyla have given each other. Well that really ins't pertinenent to the discussion and should be posted over on the Galleria thread.

                            The Focus here is IF you are posting Pictures /Artwork JUST for the sake of posting the picture/arowork then it should go in the Galleria thread as it really isn't being posted for discussion. NOW if you are going to USE IT AS a discussion starter....then yes you can post it here...

                            that was another point for the use of pictures here it can be a *Discussion Starter* Artwork/Picture are interchangable

                            However, only you know if you are really going to do that

                            I do apologize if some misunderstood and felt that the two words were not being used correctly. But once that was pointed out I hope this has cleared it up

                            if not...then please PM one of us
                            Okay... this is a more reasonable request that it first looked like and one I can live with.

                            For the most part, this is already the way we post art for the thread. We should have been more wise in the amount and the way it was posted, that's for sure, I for one, will be more careful about that in the future. The offense to those on dial-up and those frustrated by the number of pic posts was unintentional, and I hope this will fix things for them.

                            As for the other attitudes flying around this place, I'll be the first to say, I got angry and reacted to what I thought was an attack on something I care very much about. I am hyper sensative to the idea that one person might be acting for their own gain witthout regard for what's best for the J/T fandom as a whole. I made some asumptions that this was the case for several people and I apologize if I was wrong. I also want to apologize for anything I might have said that offended the great people who post here.



                              LOVED the new vid Mel!! Nice work as always!

                              Originally posted by bluealien
                              I thought that John didn't leave anyone behind so his commet to Teyla when she asked him if it was his family or friends would he abandon them and he answered, yes if it effected the mission. I found this to a bit out of character and a bit harsh.
                              I thought that was a bit out of character for Shep too. They always use the "we don't leave our people behind" line, and like you and AG said, he did go back for Sumner, Teyla, and the other Athosians in Rising when they were taken by the Wraith and that was far more dangerous than just waiting in the PJ.

                              Originally posted by bluealien
                              He did seem quite affected by the whole thing at the end - possibly even more then Teyla but it seemed a bit of a turnaround from his previous attitude. I liked though how Teyla did get him to change his mind - and she did it in her calm and wonderful way.
                              I liked how Teyla changed his mind about that too. I think they were both scared to be on that planet with the Wraith so close and watching the horror that was going on without being able to do anything. Then, Teyla helps Shep understand that even though they cannot save all the people, they still made a difference in the lives of the people they were able to save. Nice deep Shep/Teyla moment.

                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              Sidenote...I am afraid that when I think about 'Siege P.1' I remember the scene where Teyla hauls out on Bates and Shep has to hold her back...I emphasize...hold her arm around in close...really close proximity to one another...*shippy sigh*
                              Did someone say Bates?? That has to be one of my favorite scenes too. Oh the shippiness! and it was about time someone put Bates in his place.
                              Sig by Cazzblade


                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                                See..this also took me by surprise...John has always said you don't leave people 'Rising' he is adamant about going to save his fellow soldiers and the Athosians who had been taken and to that is a whole lot more dangerous then waiting in a cloaked ship...

                                But the ending is what I remember...when John, Teyla and the rest return to Atlantis and are talking to Weir, John describes how bad it was and states to Weir 'we saved a few, that's something'...

                                This is a turn around for him from what he said earlier...maybe due to them staying on the planet and waiting they were able to save lives...

                                Okay, I'm actually going to take time to comment on an ep here... Wow, that doesn't happen often...

                                I love LFP because it's full of subtlety, emotion and character insight. For instance the phrase Sheppard used was "We don't leave our people behind" I think in LFP there's a lot of emphasis on Sheppard and Teyla and the fact that for them 'our people' means two different things. Sheppard is the military leader and as such he has to make the difficult descision of who and what comes first to him. If he's given the choice between saving a village of natives and saving his team, he has to make a choice. And I think Sheppard's a man who would choose his team. So I didn't think he was acting out of character at all. Because as difficult as it is to see civilian casualties, and as much as he values Teyla's feelings, he acted on a choice he made long before he even knew Atlantis existed. The team/unit/expedition etc is his responsibility. You do your job, you save your people. And if you have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life that's too damn bad. And of course Teyla has the opposite corner. These are her people. And in putting them first I think she was acting much, if not exactly like Sheppard was. You make a choice and you stand by it, damn the consequences. Now where it really gets interesting is the fact that once Sheppard gives in the tension doesn't just go away with the problem, it just festers between them as the silently judge each other-and perhaps themselves- for thier choices. And then it leads up to the turning point which hits when they are sitting watching the people be snatched. Here we get a great character study because while Teyla keeps her mind centered on the possibility of saving her friends. Sheppard, now stripped of his my people/her people choice is overwhelmed by the destruction of the wraith harvest. The scene where we see a look of sympathy on Teyla's face and totally contrasting with what you would expect by now she becomes the one comforting him with 'We have done something' while Sheppard's reply of 'Something' is very revealing. Sheppard, having agreed to wait can't stand to do nothing and against Teyla's wishes leaves the jumper and ends up risking his life to save a few more people. I think it's this fact of his becoming emotionally involved that truly heals any possible rift between Sheppard and Teyla as she realizes his choices weren't based on a lack of feeling but a sense of responsibilty, and that he'd gladly risk his life if that responsibility wasn't an issue. In the end I think they aquired a better understanding of each others needs and a stronger appreciation for each others feelings. And's a fun episode to watch. *scurries back under rock*

                                P.S. Glad you guys liked the vid

