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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    So Camy i did the vid for Stand By Me...but i don't think it's what you may have had in mind..the pic is linked to the vid, or

    you can click here:
    Stand By Me

    Also here are my sheppard and Teyla vids for anyone whose missed them....
    My Sheppard and Teyla Vids

    Lovely vids. I have some of them from before (think I downloaded them while lurking in live journal communities), and I love them.
    The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


      Hey, FishyOne, does BSG mean Battlestar Galactica? Oh, and my sister, who is lurking over my shoulder, wants to know what ship you had a bad time with.

      (but she's wavering, and it's all my fault.) Yeha!

      Has anyone ever written an AU story on Teyla being from Earth? That would be cool. Hey, that could be a challenge! I might try one myself...

      *Runs off to make J/T fic*
      Last edited by Angel007; 03 June 2006, 09:46 PM.

      (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


        Originally posted by fishyone
        I thought I would start with an intro post... First time in this thread...

        I've been a fan of Sheppard/Teyla almost since Rising. I say almost because at first, I was against the idea of him getting together with the alien woman he just met... Too cliched or something. But as things went on, I liked the idea more and more and now I can't see anything but Sheyla. I was remarking on how few vids for Sheyla I discovered on Kawoosh (this was a while back, mind you) to my friend, and I said I didn't realize how unpopular our ship was. She looked at me kind of funny and said, "I didn't know you liked Sheppard/Teyla." And I realized she was Sheppard/Weir (but she's wavering, and it's all my fault. ) I didn't think she could be back then because Sheppard/Teyla just seemed so obvious to me. I'm kind of a lurker where Sheppard/Teyla are concerned (had a bad ship experience that burned me badly... curse you, BSG...) because I want to stay uninvolved. Unfortunately for me, I am a shipper... I can't resist.

        I can't offer any walls, banners, vids, or fanfic that's Sheyla, just my converts... I got my sister into SG-1 and Atlantis, and she is pro-Sheyla. Although I have been meaning to do a Sheppard/Teyla wall as I like making walls, I haven't yet. I have one fanfic that's started that a massive crossover and since I can't resist ship would be Sheyla for Atlantis, but my Sheppard is very OOC...and I haven't written on that in a while as I have this other fic that owns me...

        I guess that more than covers my intro...
        Welcome Fishyone!!! How you doin'?! Don't be afraid..we're super welcoming here and have a blast. Don't get me wrong sometimes we have super heated or moderately heated, or just heated, or just luke warm arguments--but it's never meant to insult or hurt although it can be snide. In the end we're of the same side. But we love discussions and also sharing viewpoints even if we disagree, since a way one views a scene another sees and interprets another.

        We're in the middle of a party, so there are loads of banners, sigs and wallpapers---so yours are super welcome, oh and videos. By the way where are A LOT of videos. I just started a sort of JT HUB where all this stuff will be archived for greater access by the fans, and Suz or Sanssong as she's known here is building it and refining it, the grand opening is not until Premiere night. But you can view it at it's coming together quite well and it will look amazing when it's done. What's great so far about that site is that we have the links of all the affiliated JT threads and links. So you can take a view of the other places that JT shippers love to haunt.

        So as a recap, if you love JT in your in the right place, if you have any other converts wanting to join, their also welcome. Since there are passionate views and ideas, and not everyone will agree, eventually you'll reach a point of we agree to disagree. By the way, we do talk a lot, from superficial pics, to major JT scene moments, and of course my rants are especially gratifying to most.

        As for fanfics, I've written 3, in the process of a 4th and I have too many damn challenges to count. But I'm a word wh*re!! There are actually several of us writers here for JT--and they'll introduce themselves, so your far from alone! If you need a beta, I'd be glad to help you out with the work---especially if it's SGA and JT. I don't know SG1, but I got the general idea to love a cross over fic. So again if you need some help, it would be welcome and pm me your work. If it's a WIP..I'd love to read that too. Again I love to beta!
        Hmm....what else to say...dont' know really. The other's will welcome you with open arms and JT kisses... The site itself will soon hold every single written J/T story---by July 14. I have my work cut out for me, since many are lost in JT fanfic archives, which I have to look for. Shame, really!

        Welcome and have a blast. Any contribution you have is greatly welcome--and I can't wait to read more of your posts, the post so far gave me a giggle. *pssst*.... (I got an idea of what it's like. Had the same problem here with SGA!) But I persevered.

        Oh and here's the link of the info about the new JT Hub:
        Initial Post:
        Originally posted by sanssong
        VB and I would like to announce to you all - and to all of the John/Teyla community the creation of a brand new John/Teyla shipper web-site!

        It's not ready just yet, but we got the ball rolling yesterday by securing a domain name and web-hosting and will be getting it up and running in the next few weeks.

        Here's what we need YOU to do! If you have stores, vids, graphics, poems, drawings or know of really great ones on the web- we want them! Be ready when we tell you give us all the information necessary to get them uploaded to the new site. One of the things we really want to do with the new site is to have as close to 100% of the J/T work out there archived where it's easy to find- and so those who don't currently have web space (like most of our vidders) will have a permanant home.

        If you have internet web-site maintence or design skills, we would really love to have your help. PM either Vaberella or Sanssong to let us know what you might be able to do!
        Updated Post:
        Originally posted by sanssong
        Awesomeness! Everything is cooking along over here with the latest spoilers, plus the great ideas from Camy and DM for next week... It sounds like fun!

        I'm come bearing the latest update from John Teyla Convergence. The Vid Archive and the Graphics Archive are up and running so that means we need EVERYONE - and I mean EVERYONE who has done grapic art (Wallpapers, banners, icons, hand-drawn, Graphic Drabbles, Graphic Poetry) and Vids to get those to either VB or myself. For Vidders, we'll need a link for downloading and your e-mail addy for feedback and for Graphic art, you can either send a link or the actual pic as an attachment.

        I've pulled a lot of art off the forum so far, but I can't do all of it, I need your help.

        The fic archive is installed, but we're having trouble with it, so it won't be ready for a couple more days. Sorry! You can go ahead and send story links to us however (unless you've posted to STF Yahoo Group in which case, we already have it)

        There is a Message Forum up and running at JTC as well. It's not as nice as this one, but it's definitely a place to hang out and talk- especially on those occasions when GW is down.

        Well, that's all for now on the new site- If you have questions, please feel free to ask!

        Season three is almost here! Whoo Hooo!
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Anyway...Jules...LOVE YOUR SIG...VB is right we need more humorous sigs/banners...snatching it!
          Wow! Thank you muchly!


            Originally posted by Lauradorable
            Hi again! Thank you everyone for the warm welcome, I was so touched! Well, you may be seeing more of me from now on, seeing as spoiler month appears to have begun, judging by the pics on Gateworld's homepage! I hope more come soon...and that I get to see more Teyla John interaction in them...I have hopes! On a related note: If you feel like reading a very, very, VERY silly little fic with John/Teyla and McKayWeir pairings, I've posted a story called Act of Desperation over at You may like it! Or you may not! (I wrote it after eating much sugar and having no sleep because of a school paper that was due)
            Lets see anything else to say...does anyone else think that
            the episode in season three where Ronan's past is expounded upon will give them a few moments alone? From the pics, it looks like Ronan gets hurt after going off by himself...leaving John and Teyla to do what, I wonder?
            *desperately tries to rid herself of the shipper imp which has overtaken her mind...*
            You know what...I'm almost a McWeir, I have a few more fics to read a few more vids to watch, and I'll be on your side, since I think you guys are very accompolished fic writers. Oh Lauradorable, I didn't give a welcome. I' apologize for that. I didn't see your previous posts on this thread at all. Pooh on me, welcome, your much appreciated here.

            As for what I know of the Sateda spoilers, they are as follows
            Ronon/John/Teyla/McKay go on a mission. But it so happens it's to a planet where the survivers of that town that Ronon talked about in Runner went to. In Runner, Ronon mentioned a town or a village he spent a night in during his time as runner. The village was destroyed since there was a Wraith attack that same night. I guess he didn't think there were any survivors, but there were. One of them is a girl, I think she tries to help Ronon(I heard something of sort of love interest for Ronon-but that could be speculation). Anyway the people had struck a deal with the Wraith that if they give Ronon back as a Runner then they get emancipation from further attacks. So Ronon/Teyla/John are captured. McKay makes it back..and Lorne creates a task force to rescue them. Ronon is given back the tracking device and is Runner. But John/Teyla remain captives. I assume based on the pics they make it out---since their supposed to rescue Ronon. From what I can gather it's heavy Ronon/John/Teyla. Primarily Ronon....with from specs I heard a bit of back story for John and Teyla's also involved, but we're unknown in what way and how heavily. But let's jsut say sort of Mama and Papa bear going to help Baby bear beat up the hairless monster!
            Hope that helps in getting the idea of the the spoilers I heard. Any questions let me know. It's definitely going to be exciting for our team, and hopefully some great moments with J/T will tie in.

            Originally posted by Angel007
            Hey, FishyOne, does BSG mean Battlestar Galactica? Oh, and my sister, who is lurking over my shoulder, wants to know what ship you had a bad time with.

            (but she's wavering, and it's all my fault.) Yeha!
            Oh, watch out Angel...this is classed as off topic, and you might want to pm Fishyone--a slight mention is fine...but a whole post on it, might get us moded, since this is focused on J/T. Although, I'm curious myself, it's not allowed.

            Click statement above to read article.


              I have a question about the site ... why can't people submit their own fanfiction? I tried, but it won't let me! And I can't find the 'Add Story' option unless I go to the 'Help' option.

              Frustrating 'cause I want to get my fics up!

              (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                Sorry about that, VB! Thanks for warning me! Let's see if I can edit that post and make it a little less OT.

                Thx again!

                Oh, and welcome all you newbies! (IS newbie herself) I didn't see your first post, so I couldn't welcome you then. Upps.

                Oh, and thanks for the spoilers on the Season 3 EP! I likie!

                (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                  Welcome To All the Newbies...Please forgive me, no time to mention each one...I am so excited about all the newcomers in the past week...Oh, this is so great...

                  Like VB said, we are in the middle of a HUGE Party....Just today we end with going through episode by episode of all the shippy moments of John and Teyla and we started with non other than with Rising...Now, we had a Tremendous Amount of Wallpapers and Sigs and what not from each episode and we ended today with Before I sleep..Now, some of my darlings are in hiatus or very busy, so the Wallpapers will continue to be posted....Now we are running this party right up to the premiere in JULY! YIPEE! and it's been a success so far, right guys?

                  However, starting as of, (for me it's already Sunday) Sunday June 4th-Sat. June 10th, we will have a small interlude of other things so that we take a break from the episode by episode and also so people can catch up with their posting, discussions, and artwork! PHEW! Have I confused all the newbies? make it simpler here are some calendars...The first one is already ended today...but again, people will continue to post if they are still Me! (My goal is to make a wallpaper for each episode...) OH, and I"m also in the middle of a John/Teyla ABC..but I"m kind of cheating..and using some of the Episode wallpapers for the ABC as well...Hey, you have to be creative, right?

                  Okay, here's the calendar for this past week...!

                  If you want to contribute to any of these, please feel free to do so..I'm hoping people will repost their wallpaper work in one posting so that it will be available for others to see since this thread has posted a lot of pages in the past week....

                  Now here is what we are going to start today! Sunday June 4th...Hopefully...if not people can post any of these throughout the week...hopefully all the newbies will come and join us and contribute stuff as well..

                  Here's todays....

                  And here's Monday's....

                  Okay...the next ones will come soon! Promise....
                  And Yes, VB and I have already discuss there will be a day for you guys to create funny Wallpapers and Manips...Creative Backgrounds and fun stuff like that! Should be interesting...Remember that I asked for A Warning Poster for this Thread...LOL
                  Also more fic challenges, vid challenges, etc...Discussion Questions...

                  Finally, and this is why I came to begin with....My Sanctuary Poster..which I will also turn into my Letter F...
                  It's HUGE!

                  I have another one that I want to make..but no time...maybe another day...

         your work, HON! You know I do...and you can post your stuff at your most convenient time...

                  Witchy, after this huge posting, I'm off to see my VID! YEAH! I'm sure it was worth the WAIT! Hon, you could never dissapoint me!

                  VB..thanks for the news on the Sateda..Can't wait!
                  Sanssong and are going to have to email me and let me know what I need to do to send you my artwork so far...if you are interested...

                  Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 03 June 2006, 10:32 PM.


                    Originally posted by Angel007
                    Hey, FishyOne, does BSG mean Battlestar Galactica? Oh, and my sister, who is lurking over my shoulder, wants to know what ship you had a bad time with.

                    (but she's wavering, and it's all my fault.) Yeha!

                    Has anyone ever written an AU story on Teyla being from Earth? That would be cool. Hey, that could be a challenge! I might try one myself...

                    *Runs off to make J/T fic*
                    Um...Not wanting to make it too off-topic, I'll just say yes and A/S... I think that is enough... and I'll add, may that never happen on Atlantis to Sheppard/Teyla to keep it more on-topic.

                    Yes, I warned her that if I wrote a Sheppard/Teyla fic I could probably convert her... She tried to tell me no, then the other day said she was starting to rethink her position as she rewatched Atlantis. I bounced in my chair and hurt myself.

                    That is an interesting idea for a fic...
                    The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                      So Camy i did the vid for Stand By Me...but i don't think it's what you may have had in mind..the pic is linked to the vid, or

                      you can click here:
                      Stand By Me

                      Also here are my sheppard and Teyla vids for anyone whose missed them....
                      My Sheppard and Teyla Vids


                      I love the beginning how you have it flashing on and off..and you got some of my favorite scenes from Season1...It was WONDERFUL! that song is so perfect for our duo! THANKS HON! PERFECTO!


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007

                        Witchy, I'm going back to memory lane...and I must have miss it!


                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          Welcome Fishyone!!! How you doin'?! Don't be afraid..we're super welcoming here and have a blast. Don't get me wrong sometimes we have super heated or moderately heated, or just heated, or just luke warm arguments--but it's never meant to insult or hurt although it can be snide. In the end we're of the same side. But we love discussions and also sharing viewpoints even if we disagree, since a way one views a scene another sees and interprets another.
                          Thanks for the welcome. It does seem rather full of life here, and I haven't read too many of the posts (just too darn many to do that...). I have to thank you for the warning (even if it wasn't intended as a warning) because I think I'm a bit sensitive and take things kind of personally...(and do I ever wish I knew how to stop).

                          We're in the middle of a party, so there are loads of banners, sigs and wallpapers---so yours are super welcome, oh and videos. By the way where are A LOT of videos. I just started a sort of JT HUB where all this stuff will be archived for greater access by the fans, and Suz or Sanssong as she's known here is building it and refining it, the grand opening is not until Premiere night. But you can view it at it's coming together quite well and it will look amazing when it's done. What's great so far about that site is that we have the links of all the affiliated JT threads and links. So you can take a view of the other places that JT shippers love to haunt.

                          So as a recap, if you love JT in your in the right place, if you have any other converts wanting to join, their also welcome. Since there are passionate views and ideas, and not everyone will agree, eventually you'll reach a point of we agree to disagree. By the way, we do talk a lot, from superficial pics, to major JT scene moments, and of course my rants are especially gratifying to most.
                          It's nice to know that there will be an easy access place for all things J/T... Am I ever lazy and will that be ever so nice... My one convert, my sister, doesn't have internet access, but if I fully convert the other one, she's already a member of gateworld, so she'll probably hop on over... All of the talk sounds just fine to me...

                          As for fanfics, I've written 3, in the process of a 4th and I have too many damn challenges to count. But I'm a word wh*re!! There are actually several of us writers here for JT--and they'll introduce themselves, so your far from alone! If you need a beta, I'd be glad to help you out with the work---especially if it's SGA and JT. I don't know SG1, but I got the general idea to love a cross over fic. So again if you need some help, it would be welcome and pm me your work. If it's a WIP..I'd love to read that too. Again I love to beta!
                          My crossover has four fandoms: Farscape, BSG, SG-1, & Atlantis. So far Atlantis has three scenes...And two of them are McKay... I wrote the Sheppard scene twice, and he's still OOC... I haven't got a good grasp on Atlantis, I don't think... Actually, my S/W friend would probably love it if I went back to that fic (not that she doesn't push for updates of the one that owns me) I started it for the purely superficial reason of putting all those nice hot guys in leather. And I'm not kidding. I really do appreciate your offer of a beta... Unfortunately at this point, I haven't typed the fic... I write by hand and hate typing... (funny that I'm so addicted to forums... ) I think I really need to rewatch Atlantis again and rewrite all those parts (as well as the farscape bits... I wrote BSG/SG-1 the best, I think, and not too well...) before I share it with anyone, even a beta...

                          Hmm....what else to say...dont' know really. The other's will welcome you with open arms and JT kisses... The site itself will soon hold every single written J/T story---by July 14. I have my work cut out for me, since many are lost in JT fanfic archives, which I have to look for. Shame, really!

                          Welcome and have a blast. Any contribution you have is greatly welcome--and I can't wait to read more of your posts, the post so far gave me a giggle. *pssst*.... (I got an idea of what it's like. Had the same problem here with SGA!) But I persevered.
                          Thanks for all the information and links. I don't have any contributions yet, but when I do, I'll post them here. I could actually whip up something relatively fast if someone pointed me to a place that has Atlantis caps that they don't mind people using that isn't as I discovered earlier that it was down...much to my frustration as I had a wall to make...
                          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            If you want to contribute to any of these, please feel free to do so..I'm hoping people will repost their wallpaper work in one posting so that it will be available for others to see since this thread has posted a lot of pages in the past week....

                            Now here is what we are going to start today! Sunday June 4th...Hopefully...if not people can post any of these throughout the week...hopefully all the newbies will come and join us and contribute stuff as well..

                            Here's todays....

                            And here's Monday's....

                            Okay...the next ones will come soon! Promise....
                            And Yes, VB and I have already discuss there will be a day for you guys to create funny Wallpapers and Manips...Creative Backgrounds and fun stuff like that! Should be interesting...Remember that I asked for A Warning Poster for this Thread...LOL
                            Also more fic challenges, vid challenges, etc...Discussion Questions...

                            Finally, and this is why I came to begin with....My Sanctuary Poster..which I will also turn into my Letter F...
                            It's HUGE!
                            Okay...confused newbie...Um... These calendar challenges... are they challenges for wallpapers or fics or everything? It did seem rather fic-ish in one and wallpaper-ish in another... It's probably a lot clearer than my insomiac brain can comprehend... I have to say that the one-liner one gave me a plot bunny (well, I call them's a long story)... curses...

                            Oh, and I really like your new wallpaper. Very pretty.
                            The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                              These are the calendars for the ideas that you may choose to do and hopefully display for that day..for example...Sunday's are choose one of those and do a short one shot...but these are not wallpaper creations...I just chose to display the ideas into a wallpaper....Monday, you choose a drabble idea and then write and post it here..if it's long, then I guess you either post it in or I really don't know how else you can post these writing challenges.. I guess if you post it in a LJ also, anyone?
                              But they are not Wallpaper challenges...that will come for another day!

                              Here's Tuesday challenge.....and a sample of what I mean will follow....
                              Hope that helps..and thanks! I'm glad you like the Wallpaper...I know I can be confusing..I'm posting them ahead of time to give people time to choose and to write/create!

                              Here's a great example from the Admiral...He took some caps and added some captions to it to his own taste..he did a wondeful job...I, like to do picfics....but really they are NOVELLAS! LOL...My last one of J/T was 24 chapters..YIKES! I AM A NUT! Anyways, you guys can try some picfics too....

                              HEY ADMIRAL..YOU MUST COME AND DO SOME MORE OF THESE!
                              I'm going to have to PM him....

                              okay, I'm done for this morning...see ya all laterz..and I hope you guys join on this activities....keep up the FANTASTIC WORK!

                              LONG LIVE J/T....


                                Hey, did some awesome work on the Sanctuary caps...will you do Before I sleep...I started doing my own caps as well as post have some great caps btw...My Sanctuary Wallpaper is with my own caps...I tried to get that scene as clear as I could, but it didn't got a great pic though from that grassy scene! where do you get those caps from?

                                okay....if you don't post the Before I sleep, I will see if I have time later, I'm going to get some sleep...this is what happens when I nap during the day! I don't sleep at night! YIKES....

                                I can't wait to see if S3 will have more J/T love...oh, VB have you heard anymore about Phantoms? is it really supposed to have lots

                                J/T moments...will this finally be the Teyla centric episode?

