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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    You could be a couple of I'm all hyped up with Nyquil AGAIN! Yup, Camy's getting sick again!

    Or it could be that I misunderstood what you meant, which is very common btw! or it could be that I'm not using the right words, again, something very common for me, but I AGREE with everything that you wrote here...

    so, let's just say! we misunderstood each other....

    I do agree that they have similar qualities and attributes that makes them work together so well..and because of their understanding, respect and admiration to one another they are able to even surpass when there's a difference between them! and that is what makes them unique and just works for them!

    As far as my statement, again, I wrote that at I think 12:30 or something...and you are absolutely right, he wouldn't and shouldn't and it would not be as interesting to me if he didn't like Teyla if she wasn't an equal..I think what I was trying to say, is what Sanssong posted in an earlier posting, that he finds Teyla attractive because of her uniqueness and her no nonsense attitude....that's what I meant to say...So, I think it's safe to write, that I do agree with you Loveconquers....We can just see the vibe coming from these two a mile away! hehehehehe...
    Hi Camy! Thanks so much for explaining what you meant! I think you are exactly correct, that we were both saying the same thing and not realizing it, LOL! (I'm sure it didn't help any that I was reading and responding at 2:30am!) Thank you!

    Originally posted by Camy
    Again, I'd have to refresh my memory of when he's full of crap...I see him doing things like this with Weir and with Rodney but with Teyla, I see him only treating her with the utmost of respect and even when he gives her that puppy dog look that does work the charm on her, he does it not to manipulate her or even demean her statement, I think it's more his way of trying anything to get Teyla to side with his reasoning...For example, in Suspicion, no matter what Teyla decided, she wasn't going to win that one on her he first talk some of the reasons why, that didn't work, the he stated some facts, that didn't work and finally he gave her the "puppy dog" look and she caved after pausing and looking at him...See, I see this as something that they kind of started back in Rising...remember that scene in her tent right before she took him to the cave, when she mentioned her comment about how Summner looks at her..when John asked her, do I? she stared at him and looked at him straight in his eyes..almost as if she was looking straight through his soul...AH! Okay, Camy is mellowing here...but what I mean is that it's almost a gift that Teyla has only for John...she can see right through him and see that he only means well for her and so she allows him to do things and agrees with him on things that normally she wouldn't do for others...another perfect example was the look he gave her in the Siege 1 when Ford when to question her about Bates...if it was someone else, I wonder if Teyla wouldn't have appreciated again, her actions in question..yet all John did was nod at her and give her a different kind of glance that she clearly saw and thus cooperated...I'm not saying he dictates thing for her, but this is going back to their level of trust for one another and their utmost and completely connection that only they have between one another...I don't see that with any other in the show...but just the two of them...
    I love how you said this! It's EXACTLY what I was trying to say when in my post yesterday about John being a natural charmer. You just said it a lot better. Thanks again!

    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by sanssong
      Yep, just save it to your computer then upload to photobucket. Once you've done that PB will generate an image code that you copy and paste to whereever you want to use the pic. For the forums you use the code with the []'s for most other web-sites you use the one with the <>'s and if you just want to give someone a link to the pic you use the plain one that starts with http.
      Awesome, thanks!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by White Tigeress
        Hi Everyone!!! I'm a dedicated J/T shipper so is it okay if i join in and butt into a few conversations every now and then???

        Oh and Mel, that vid back then was AMAZING!!!!
        Hi White Tigeress! Welcome to the board! Another newbie--yay! I am a newbie as well.

        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Wow 4ps!!! That is so cool!!! And True!!! U r really good at banners and sigs and stuff, in fact i think almost everyone here is...

          Thanks for the welcome LoveConquers!!!
          Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


            Originally posted by sanssong
            If you all haven't seen Steph's John/Teyla vids you need to run - not walk- to her website right now! She's got one especially called Memory Book that is just wonderful! Here's the link-
            Thanks, Suz!!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by 4prettierships
              In light of some recent misunderstandings among us J/T shippers.. I deemed it necessary to create artwork... (Very hard thing for me to do.....) and here is what I have come up with!!

              Can I order this in a larger size please...and I'll post it as my new sig....darn I love the The Real Sparky one..but oh well. Now everyone on the JT thread has to walk around with a disclaimer!

              Thanks 4PS it's hot!

              Click statement above to read article.


                Thanks White Tigress! Everyone in here is amazing at everything they do!! We have all come to love them! It's great to have you and all of the other newbies here! Welcome aboard!


                  Originally posted by vaberella
                  Can I order this in a larger print please...and I'll post it as my new sig....darn I love the The Real Sparky one..but oh well. Now everyone on the JT thread has to walk around with a disclaimer!

                  Thanks 4PS it's hot!

                  can do, but not right now!! have some non-gatey stuff to do :'(!! Soon though.. couple hours?? Gotta go now!!

                  Long Live John & Teyla


                    Originally posted by 4prettierships
                    Camy- Heres a sig! Hope it WOW's you!

                    This is a definite WOW! Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!

                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by Spectrum
                      Just catching up with the thread after being away for a few days and I find so many great vids!
                      Mel-Hero was AWESOME!!! Loved it so much! Excellent work!
                      LoveConquers-You have awesome vidding talent too! I've only watched Memory Book so far, but it was just awesome! I loved how you mixed the video with the still frame shots.

                      Back later hopefully with some art for Defiant One and maybe some catch up from The Eye.

                      Thanks, Spectrum! So happy you liked it! I hope you're able to watch the other two sometime when you get a chance as well.
                      Can't wait to see your upcoming art!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by bella
                        Storm. Whats next?


                        4ps is on a sig making roll. Is that your third or fourth great sig in a row.?
                        Hi Bella! How on earth do you make these so quickly?! They are just wonderful. And yippy!! Another WP to add to my now growing collection, thanks to you.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Wow. Big response on the new vid. You guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside Guess I'll have to make another one or something...

                          I'm down sick with a cold today so I've actually had a chance to read the thread a bit for a change. I really enjoyed everyone's artwork and the conversation 'specially Black Panther's write up on the Storm and The Eye. Thanks girl


                            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                            Just write it using the edit sig place.... I generally center and color it. Mine says "Sig by Seldear" So in place of Seldear (unless it is her's) you'd put the author's screenname. Hope that helps!
                            Oh duh, I should have figured that out! THANK YOU so much for the instruction for slow folks like me.

                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Okay I am taking a break from doing my research paper for my Twix Fix!!!

                              First of all...Welcome to all the Newbies!!!!

                              Hi LoveConquers...your vids are so awesome!

                              Hi to White Tigress....always great to see someone brave enough to jump into a discussion so please do!

                              So much great work...but I love the colors on 4ps new sigs...Gorgeous!

                              And Mel...downloaded your new vid...Its a keeper! I love the vid, it really showcased how John saves Teyla and Telya saves John...Perfect Mel!

                              Okay I havn't been able to participate fully in our party here but I snatched these pics from the ones Camy just posted and threw this together...The Defiant One...

                              okay this was me also taking a break from classes...WP...doesn't really fit into the schedule but it does have caps used from 'The Rising' and 'Conversion'


                                Disclaimer Resize - as ordered by VB!

