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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Seriously we Thunk this guy!

    Then again how can we not.


      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
      OK, you'll love this. So my mum dragged my out of my house (that i was sleeping in thank you) today to go shopping with her. Because in her words "it's boring shopping alone".
      OMG! You my friend are a walking gay cliche! Shopping with Mum!

      *runs away*


      Just watch Doctor Who *yes thank you I did love it* and well I feel like posting this.



          Hi there folks! Yeah, I'm actually alive.

          I spend the weekend at my best friend's house, we celebrated the first b-day of her daughter. I've been here since Friday. I planned to drive home again yesterday evening, but my friend asked me to stay a bit longer, so I did that. I planned on having a lazy Sunday, but now I won't be home before 6pm, so I couldn't/cannot spend much time on the net this weekend. But I still had my daily dose of Stargate, because as some of you might remember, I converted my friend and her husband to SGA addicts last year, we watched the complete first season on three evenings. And now that I have the second season on DVD they wanted to see more, of course. So we spent the last two evenings, when the party was over and the baby was sleeping, watching SGA. 2x01 - 2x11. Wheeeee!
          My best friend has two fav characters now - Ronon Dex and Rodney McKay! *yeah I'm good* And her husband likes the character too. My friend likes Rodney because she thinks that he's funny, cute and has a deep and interesting personality. We watched "Trinity", and afterwards she said "Hmmm, he screwed up big time, but somehow I feel for him. He's looking so sad.". You know, that's what I like about many McKay fans. I always feel that they are people who are able to look behind the mask, to see more than just the obvious, and they are emotional beings who are able to be empathic, compassionate and understanding. I like that. Aaand - I also think that people who were bullied at school (like my friend) can relate to RM very well and that this could be one of the reasons why they like that character.

          Ok, right now I'm babysitting because my friend and her husband are at church. I played with the baby (do you still call 1 year olds "babies" in English, or are they called toddlers already?), now she's taking a nap, so I could go online. I try to catch up with the latest posts. I saw David updated again.

          HE WENT RUNNING? Wow. Running, swimming, he's not a 100% geek. Impressive. I'm so lazy....then again, I also don't have to stand in front of a camera every day! *g*

          Bye, A.

          P.S. Hey Willow, how's the red jello collection going?
          Don't let these morons annoy you, you're a great person, ignore those that say otherwise!
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
            Hi there folks! Yeah, I'm actually alive.
            Were you gone?

            I spend the weekend at my best friend's house, we celebrated the first b-day of her daughter.
            Oh my is it really a whole year? Where does the time go.

            My best friend has two fav characters now - Ronon Dex and Rodney McKay! *yeah I'm good* And her husband likes the character too. My friend likes Rodney because she thinks that he's funny, cute and has a deep and interesting personality. We watched "Trinity", and afterwards she said "Hmmm, he screwed up big time, but somehow I feel for him. He's looking so sad.". You know, that's what I like about many McKay fans. I always feel that they are people who are able to look behind the mask, to see more than just the obvious, and they are emotional beings who are able to be empathic, compassionate and understanding. I like that. Aaand - I also think that people who were bullied at school (like my friend) can relate to RM very well and that this could be one of the reasons why they like that character.
            Good work.

            And yeah I asked or commented in the discussion thread about whether McKay fans project on to him their *our* own experiences and is that why we love him so much, and often do not see him as arrogant or annoying like so many others do, and yeah can relate to him and want to protect him and stand up for him. *and love him*

            I played with the baby (do you still call 1 year olds "babies" in English, or are they called toddlers already?), now she's taking a nap, so I could go online. I try to catch up with the latest posts. I saw David updated again
            I think two year olds and up are toddlers in English speak. And yeah David has been updating Twitter again, although I guess he is sleeping now?

            P.S. Hey Willow, how's the red jello collection going?
            Don't let these morons annoy you, you're a great person, ignore those that say otherwise!
            LOL! I have to say I have not read the comment, I just noticed I had lost 1 point. But I am sure whoever gave it to me thought I deserved it. *shrugs* I just don't care anymore.


              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              As i thought PB has given up the ghost.
              Oh, you say that in English too? I always thought this weird figure of speech "den Geist aufgeben" only exists in German!

              Spoilers for Miller's Crossing anyone?
              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
              My opinion to Miller´s Crossing is in a thread to this episode. And it´s not too optimistic.
              Just have read the spoilers, and I'm also not very optimistic. Don't like the story and its setting at all.
              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              I get the feeling David could be quite scary if he got angry. That's a mean face.
              We could ask Jane about that! Nah, seriously, they seem to be very much in love, but in every relationship you have an argument once in a while, so I guess she might have seem him being angry already. Or maybe he was angry at someone else. Although I prefer to imagine David as a smiling, cuddly, geeky teddy bear.

              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              It is so cold here, I am cluching my Rodney!Clone to my body and not letting him go! *even if he does keep complaining... something about wanting coffee*

              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              You are also right about DH fans being lucky and having such material available etc, I guess I just hate things like this when all I can see as a fan is fandom being shut out not embraced
              That's what I dislike about that, too. It just seems as if the fandom is a nuisance to all TPTB, and I think that's wrong when you want to sell your product, and that's what the show is in the end. There have to be rules, yes, but sometimes it gets ridiculous.
              can you please URL pics when quoting and not quote the whole post, it only takes a couple of seconds to edit posts when quoting. It is good GW etiquette.
              I second this general request.
              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              I think one of the fans in my computer needs replacing, it really shouldn't be making a weird mooing (well that is what it sounds like to me) sound on start up. I need McKay!
              Don't get me started on computers fans and noise!

              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
              I just checked JM´s blog...I wonder if there are other people ask questions about Rodney than us from thunk thread Too bad that he probably won´t answer any of them
              Yeah, he could really answer more McKay questions!
              At least he got the thing with Major Lorne's first name. They obviously changed it back now. Thanks to the fans nagging JM! See, fans do have an influence sometimes! I wrote a comment about the name thing in his blog, too.

              At least Joe told us what he gave David for his birthday this year. "The ghost brigades".
              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
              I really hate it went people say he is fat, I mean they just say it like it is a fact! He isn't fat!
              He is SEXY! *cuddly*
              You know, my best friend's husband commented on me thunking for DH/RM yesterday, and he said "So you think of him as sexy?" I said "Yes, and all the folks in the thunk thread on GW do too." He said "Well, ok, it's just that he isn't a typical 'sexy guy'. He's that belly..." And I exploded "he isn't fat, if you want to say that, he may have a slight belly, but that's not much, and in contrast to JS he simply looks bulkier because he has a completely different body type."

              Yessir, that's how I see that.

              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Sorry, double post, but I have to leave again soon.
                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                Were you gone?
                Yeah, 3 1/2 days. For me that's a veeery long time when I cannot be online!
                Oh my is it really a whole year? Where does the time go.
                Really good question. It's flying, flying, flying...
                She turned one on the 31st and is learning to walk and talk now. A real cutie.
                I think two year olds and up are toddlers in English speak.
                Ok, thanks, so she's still a baby.
                And yeah David has been updating Twitter again, although I guess he is sleeping now?
                He surely is. Isn't it around 3am there now?

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                  You know, my best friend's husband commented on me thunking for DH/RM yesterday, and he said "So you think of him as sexy?" I said "Yes, and all the folks in the thunk thread on GW do too." He said "Well, ok, it's just that he isn't a typical 'sexy guy'. He's that belly..." And I exploded "he isn't fat, if you want to say that, he may have a slight belly, but that's not much, and in contrast to JS he simply looks bulkier because he has a completely different body type."

                  Yessir, that's how I see that.
                  LOL! I can just imagine you telling him what's what where loving RM/DH is concerned. Do not stand in the way of a fangirl (or boy) when they get their love rant on!


                    Welcome back, Arlessiar. I wondered where are you. You are usually one of the most active. But Willow and Logic hijacked this thread so it´s OK
                    Willow brings me heartattack always when I get here by those great pictures. Thanks Willow!

                    One-year old? That´s cute. My friend has now 5-year old little girl and I know her since she was born. I also babysit her often since she was few months old and it´s horrible how the time flies. And the weird thing is that I love the child like she would be mine. Weird. I will be 25 on September and I am actually thinking to have baby of my own...too bad I am still at school, and..damn...nobody to have the baby with

                    David runs and swims, well, I can only admire him that he actually can force himself (and finds time). I am usually looking for my lungs after I go upstairs.

                    hmm, Treed Murray, I love this movie


                    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                      Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                      David's Updated

                      Wasting Saturday doing NOTHING! Catching up on Frank Miller's "Ronin" and surfing the web. When the sun let's up I'm off for a run!

                      lol...when I clicked the page it said he'd only posted 10 seconds ago! lol!

                      I hadn't even checked the page today til now!

                      edit: such a geek...Frank Miller's "Ronin" is a comic book
                      Ooo Frank Miller does some great comic books! (And i hate comic books!)

                      He did 300!

                      Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                      I just checked JM´s blog...I wonder if there are other people ask questions about Rodney than us from thunk thread Too bad that he probably won´t answer any of them
                      He never answered mine.........

                      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                      Can you guys keep a secret? If you can, i'll show you a special 3D project i'm working on... But it can't get leaked around like crazy! ok? So, can you guys keep a secret?
                      Course we can keep a secret!! And seriously, i've got no-one to tell anyway!

                      Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                      Whoopi, I just used my brand new photobucket account to post that picture I got from No one can stop me now.
                      OMG we created a monster!!

                      Great pics though

                      Originally posted by sueKay View Post

                      posted by dhewlett at Twitter

                      25 minute run... I am officially the old guy who talks to himself as he shuffles through the neighborhood!

                      Aww bless! But he managed 25 minutes, i can just about manage a few yards before i'm wheezing like a 90 year old! (In my defence, i have asthma, i'm more a swimmer!)

                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      No that's me! Actually I sing, when I walk I forget sometimes that people can hear me *dam those headphones!* or I listen to the morning news and start ranting out loud.
                      Oh God, i got caught singing away th other day - trouble was, i wasn't wearing headphones!

                      And i talk to myself all the time, that really confuses my boss.

                      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                      LoL i can so picture david walki.... manly running around the neighborhood mumbling to himself. "D*mn Flanigan, always gets the credit... NOOOO not poor rodney he's always... Hey that flowerbed looks nice, how'd they do that? Hmm, i wonder if i can use the internet to take over the world? Why am i exercising? I hate exercising. I'm hungry. Wait... where the hell am i? Did i miss the turn?"

                      D, you're not old, trust me! I swear he doesn't look a day over 29. Hell, i'm 24, david's what, 15 years older, that's not much at all really, i would sooooo do h......... D*mnit... non-PG thoughts again. Anyways, David, you're sooo not old. Besides, you have the heart and soul of bright eyed young man ready to take on the world with his sweet charm!
                      i can see him getting distracted easily.

                      And he is so not old!
                      What he's only....12 years older than me, that's only three years more than the difference between my parents! And between my brother and his girlfriend, so it's do-able....except Jane would rip off my arms and hit me with the soggy end.........

                      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                      Ah well, he has his darling Jane to be with, and seeing them together so happily makes me happy . The smile on his face when he's with her says it all.
                      The look on his face when he's with her just makes my heart melt - they are such a sweet couple.

                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post

                      Woah, how much chest hair did he have back then!?!

                      Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                      Oh, you say that in English too? I always thought this weird figure of speech "den Geist aufgeben" only exists in German!
                      Wow, i thought it was an English expression! When i wrote it, i actually thought of you, thinking you might not understand it! (Not meaning you're stupid, i just thought it might go over the heads of non-English speakers....if that makes sense. )

                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      You know, my best friend's husband commented on me thunking for DH/RM yesterday, and he said "So you think of him as sexy?" I said "Yes, and all the folks in the thunk thread on GW do too." He said "Well, ok, it's just that he isn't a typical 'sexy guy'. He's that belly..." And I exploded "he isn't fat, if you want to say that, he may have a slight belly, but that's not much, and in contrast to JS he simply looks bulkier because he has a completely different body type."

                      I have this discussion so many times with the guys at work. One guy who is fairly large said "Well there's hope for me yet if you like him, he's chubby."

                      And the other one who is a fan of his film work (the one i've lent S1 to) calls him "the tubby one" just to wind me up. I always say to him i'm not going to rise to it, then launch into a tirade about how he's not! I can't help myself.
                      But he also professes to quite fancy him too.
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                        One-year old? That´s cute. My friend has now 5-year old little girl and I know her since she was born.
                        Wow I feel old, my best friend has a daughter I have known her scince she was born she will be 16! in a couple of months!

                        I am usually looking for my lungs after I go upstairs.
                        LOL! I know the feeling!

                        I am so annoyed, I just started to read a Rodney 'based' fic but all the writer did was buy into all the cliches, he was bullied, he is fat, has a low self opinion and the problems with his allergies... whatever! I didn't finish it, but now I am in a crappy mood and about to go to bed.

                        Maybe these will cheer me up.


                          I'm 25 and my niece will be graduating high school next friday. She's 17. Her little sister is 14. That makes me feel old.

                          "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                          My clone:
                          Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                            Sorting my PB (god it's a seemingly endless job!!) came acrossthese that i'd forgotten about.

                            Spoilered for S3 (3xSubmersion, 1xFirst Strike)

                            Great expression



                            Blood!! (and those eye-lashes *melts*)

                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Sorting my PB (god it's a seemingly endless job!!) came acrossthese that i'd forgotten about.
                              that last one, aw! makes me want to hug him. and the first is lovely as well, as you said great expression.

                              Im tired and grumpy today because I was babysitting last night (another one who babysits!) untill about 3am, and then i couldn't get to sleep. You know you're gonna have a bad day when the sun is rising and you still haven't fallen asleep!

                              anyways, here are some random pics to make me feel better. all spoilers from season 3:

                              I especially love those last two, not sure why, think it might be the hands .



                                Originally posted by tinypenguin View Post
                                that last one, aw! makes me want to hug him. and the first is lovely as well, as you said great expression.

                                Im tired and grumpy today because I was babysitting last night (another one who babysits!) untill about 3am, and then i couldn't get to sleep. You know you're gonna have a bad day when the sun is rising and you still haven't fallen asleep!

                                anyways, here are some random pics to make me feel better. all spoilers from season 3:

                                I especially love those last two, not sure why, think it might be the hands .

                                That last one! guh!! Well they cheered me up anyway! lol

                                i've been having trouble sleeping lately (well,more trouble than usual ), it's not a nice feeling, watching the clock tick by and knowing you've got to get up...ack!
                                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                                l My LJ l

