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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Can I say again to people about sigs, yes I know I am a pain... please make sure your sigs are within the rules.... No larger then 50kb and no bigger then 200 by 700 pixels. It is not that hard to do... To check the kb right click your sig and the numbers should be no higher then 50,000bites or 50kb.


      Sorry about the OT sig thingy but it really annoys me.

      Anyho back to Thunking, I can't stay, have things to do but a little DH/RM to end the night.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        Sorry about the OT sig thingy but it really annoys me.
        No prob, forgot to check the kbs when suekay made it for me. Had to save it in paint to make it a small size.

        Sig made by Suekay.


          Have you guys noticed how hairy DH is? When I saw all that chest hair fluffing up under his collar in some pics, I thought he was a werewolf. lol... That isn't why a lot of you peeps love arm porn, because of his hairy wrists, is it?


            Originally posted by Jersey13
            Have you guys noticed how hairy DH is? When I saw all that chest hair fluffing up under his collar in some pics, I thought he was a werewolf. lol... That isn't why a lot of you peeps love arm porn, because of his hairy wrists, is it?
            He wan't that bad in Duet, think it's thinned out a bit now compared to how he used to be.

            Anyway nothing wrong with a bit of hair on a man, i happen to find it very nice. (and the arm porn is cos he has such nice musclely arms )

            Sig made by Suekay.


              i ve updated the caps for BvP on my Photobucket account


                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                What are you on about? Mx hasn't said anything offending. She just welcomed you with the waving, and she quoted your name as she's encountered the same problem with the login you had come across!
                Calm down, there's really no need for defending yourself!

                Bye, A.
                Lol i think anthony_field was joking you have to watch some these australians weird sence of scarscism


                  Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                  hey hey hey, less talkie...more piccies
                  Hmmm, I like this one!

                  Originally posted by TamMc72
                  I have been lurking like some derranged stalker for some time now but I cant resist anymore.
                  Welcome! You'll fit right in with the other deranged people

                  Welcome too, mageknightterra


                    i know Aurore, i love that one too..but i love all McKay pics

                    especially this one (look it is McKay's arse )

                    spoiled due to a Sateda pic


                      Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                      spoiled due to a Sateda pic
                      "AARRGGHHH!!! That didn't just happen!!"
                      This moment never gets old
                      I just love that he doesn't just grimace and wistand (sp.?) the pain like a macho man. He yells it away like everyone of us would!

                      I've checked and I think that my sig's size is OK but please tell me if it's too big!


                        welcome mageknightterra and aussie_babe!
                        Click me, help me grow!
                        WEIR: I'm still trying to understand, how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony
                        MCKAY: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                        SHEPPARD: I shot him. In the leg.
                        MCKAY: I'm invulnerable.


                          Originally posted by smushybird
                          I'm sure he's quite proficient at translating Squeek. If he isn't, he soon will be, with the number of Thunkers here going to the convention.

                          I can't wait to see what happens there.. I wish I could go.. but sad to say I can't...grrrrrr

                          By Kidwizz

                          By JessM


                            Back from work for a few hours. Deadly tired. Cold's annoying...

                            ...But hey, who cares, because as of today our internet connection is as fast as an express train! We went from 5 mbit to 16 mbit bandwidth today.
                            I can't be depressed when all my GW pages load within two seconds!

                            Originally posted by aussie_babe
                            Lol i think anthony_field was joking you have to watch some these australians weird sence of scarscism
                            So maybe I got it wrong, in this case, sorry. But if it was a joke and a typical Aussie thing then Australians are really weird.

                            Hey Willow, you weird, too?

                            Talking about weird (*again* ):
                            Originally posted by Jersey13
                            Have you guys noticed how hairy DH is? When I saw all that chest hair fluffing up under his collar in some pics, I thought he was a werewolf. lol...
                            LOL! Well, he's not really that hairy, the chest hair he has is really only on a small part of his chest. Compared to JF/JS he's practically hairless. (I only compared the chest hair now. Should we talk about their heads, too? )

                            Not that I mind, I like it that he's not that hairy. *g*

                            Wheeee! My amazon parcel arrived today, I have the new SGA novel now, "Halcyon". And on this SGA novel there's even a small McKay pic on the spine of the book.
                            I forgot to order the new SGA companion for season two, have done so now. Can't wait for that one, I'm looking forward to it for a few months now!

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar
                              ...But hey, who cares, because as of today our internet connection is as fast as an express train! We went from 5 mbit to 16 mbit bandwidth today.
                              I can't be depressed when all my GW pages load within two seconds!
                              Waaa, the forum wouldn't load for me this afternoon at work
                              Had to resort to desperate measures to get my Stargate fix: reading at Wraithbait. Which is a very bad idea, we've already established that fact!

                              LOL! Well, he's not really that hairy, the chest hair he has is really only on a small part of his chest. Compared to JF/JS he's practically hairless. (I only compared the chest hair now. Should we talk about their heads, too? )
                              No! Poor David!

                              Wheeee! My amazon parcel arrived today, I have the new SGA novel now, "Halcyon". And on this SGA novel there's even a small McKay pic on the spine of the book.
                              I have to buy this one. I haven't read "The Chosen" yet. I get sidetracked by fanfic.

                              I forgot to order the new SGA companion for season two, have done so now. Can't wait for that one, I'm looking forward to it for a few months now!
                              I understand it's a pre-order so? Is it that special?
                              I've pre-ordered the 2007 calendar. I was upset enough that there wasn't one last year!

                              And I really should be in bed because I'm practically asleep on my keyboard.
                              I hope you don't mind about the sig, Arlessiar. Those caps were too good to not use.
                              I've just realised that maybe the pics are too spoilery to put in a sig
                              Or could Rodney be moving his hands around in every episode? Help!

                              A not so happy pic before going to bed


                                Originally posted by Aurore
                                I understand it's a pre-order so?
                                I don't pre-order things, I just put them into my wishlist on amazon, and this book was in there for months! But I could order it now, just saw it today (otherwise I'd have ordered it together with the novel a few days ago already), so I guess it's been published now.
                                I hope you don't mind about the sig, Arlessiar. Those caps were too good to not use.
                                No, don't mind. Like it that you like these caps so much, too, they are fav pics of mine. I so love it when he's gesticulating: "geeky hands"
                                I've just realised that maybe the pics are too spoilery to put in a sig Or could Rodney be moving his hands around in every episode? Help!
                                No, I highly doubt that this is a spoiler. It gives nothing of the plot away. It's just Rodney in a PJ talking with his hands as usual.
                                A heartbreaking scene. AU, yes, but I had tears in my eyes when I saw it for the first time.
                                Sadly the CGI in this scene is so bad. The water doesn't look a bit real IMHO.

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

