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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by False hope
    I'd rather torture Rodney
    Well if you want to torture him then Lemon Chicken would be a good name to pick!!

    He's looking rather worried!!

    sig by SheppyD
    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
    So he just looks crazy


      I like Bashir too!!!

      Don't you think it'd be great if there was an 'evil twin' eppy...kinda either like the 'evil-Kirk' eppy or the voyager eppy with the Doctor trying to save Zimmerman and butting heads all the while

      Any thoughts?

      And just think...two Davids at the same time

      I hope we kinda get that in 'McKay and Mrs Miller'!
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by sueKay
        And just think...two Davids at the same time

        I hope we kinda get that in 'McKay and Mrs Miller'!
        I am convinced that is going to happen!!!!

        Woo hoo!!!

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          When I watched DBIP, I couldn't help but remember the rumor going around that there'd be an episode with two Rodneys - and I thought to myself, "Well, that's one way to do it..."

          To get a little off-topiccy again...

          Dr. Bashir has always been one of my favorites characters. He was so cute and spunky... though his development into a more mature persona over the seasons hasn't bothered me at all, either. He was also one of the few characters I really remembered from DS9 as a child - and I remember being rather fond of him.
          [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


            Ah, I just went out and checked the mail box, and Century Hotel was in it.

            Hi to all. Two days until Canada. WHooot!
            Sig by im_meli
            More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


              Originally posted by McKayRocks!
              Isn't it funny - Bashir is my fave character on DS9!!! I think Tom Paris is my fave in Voyager and it has to be Data in TNG. In Enterprise I love Trip (so yippee Connor is Michael!!). I grew up with the original Star Trek and suppose Kirk is my fave from that! In SG-1 it is Daniel.

              Sorry very OT but it is interesting to see who other Rodney thunkers like on other shows - are our tastes similar I wonder?!?!?
              I agree with you about Bashir and Data, but my favourite in Voyager is the Doctor with Chakotay a close second. In Enterprise I suppose Trip, yes. Original Star Trek - I always had a soft spot for Chekov for some reason. SG1 - well, Rodney, of course! What, it has to be a regular? And you didn't mention BSG, but my favourite on that is Colonel Tigh. I thought it would be Dr. Baltar until I actually started watching it.
              Please... leave the touching to the experts.


                Well... ever since I was leeeeeetle bitty, I was always fond of Riker. Rar.

                And how can you not like Chekov? He was such a cute li'l thing... though I think I like Dr. Zelenka moreso.
                [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                  Originally posted by False hope
                  Heya Arlessiar, have fun on your holiday We'll miss you
                  I'll miss you too! I still have hope that I can conncet my Powerbook to the internet but I don't know if this will work yet. If it works I might be able to drop by for a minute sometimes *yes I know I'm insanely addicted*
                  At least I could say Happy Birthday to you! Hate it that I'm away at your b-day.
                  Rodney's happy you're leaving
                  just kidding! he's actually crying inside
                  But he hides it well!
                  Hey Rodney, is it too much to ask for a small tear? I thunk for you for months on end and you SMILE when I leave! Tsk tsk tsk...
                  BTW, I'm might get my username changed again, I dont like the fact that it's depressive. I was thinking Lemon chicken since McKay's allergic to it
                  Argh, this will get confusing! MG, FH, LC...
                  Originally posted by McKayRocks
                  Isn't it funny - Bashir is my fave character on DS9!!! I have such a bad memory I can never remember what eps are called but my fave is the one where he gets 'old' cos he is fighting an infection of some sort and it is messing with his mind! He is going around the station thinking he is really there but it is all an illusion!! Bit of whump there you see (whump eps always my fave!)
                  You also liked MASH, right? I love that show, and with DS9 and SGA that's three shows we both like now!
                  I know which ep you mean but I was a teenie when I watched DS9 and I only saw the dubbed version, so I don't know the original title of this ep right now. But it's a great one, just like you I always like the whump eps very much, no matter on which show!
                  In fact I've been a whump fan since I was a child, I only didn't realise it back then. I thought I was a bit crazy, but when I got on the internet I saw that there are many other 'whump' lovers and that I'm not alone!

                  And Mx - Thanks for wishing my a great holiday! And doing housework late at night feels really crazy, I know that too! Was washing the dishes at 11:30pm once and my bf asked me if I was nuts! I answered that if he had done it already I wouldn't have to do it so late in the evening!

                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Originally posted by Catsitter
                    And you didn't mention BSG, but my favourite on that is Colonel Tigh. I thought it would be Dr. Baltar until I actually started watching it.
                    Ah yes - now I haven't got into this new series (hubbie loves it though - he denies of course it has anything to do with that gorgeous blonde cylon! ) so I am talking about the original series and it was always Starbuck followed by Apollo!!

                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    You also liked MASH, right? I love that show, and with DS9 and SGA that's three shows we both like now!
                    Yep - loved MASH and still do!! Radar is my fave character in that followed by Hawkeye!

                    Now then (showing my age here!) who remembers Starsky and Hutch!!! One of my all time fave shows ever!!!! Was nearly 12 when it first aired in 1976 and fell in love with David Soul in an instant!!! I have the four seasons on DVD!!!

                    Goodness me - it is like taking a trip down memory lane tonight!!

                    sig by SheppyD
                    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                    So he just looks crazy


                      Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                      Yep - loved MASH and still do!! Radar is my fave character in that followed by Hawkeye!
                      Winchester. Charles Emerson Winchester III.
                      What can I say, I often love the slightly weird and arrogant guys! But Hawkeye is a close second. My bf likes Colonel Potter the most.

                      Ok, that was OT, sorry.

                      Now I'm off to bed, I'll try to say goodbye in the morning!

                      Until then,
                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        Originally posted by Catsitter
                        And you didn't mention BSG, but my favourite on that is Colonel Tigh. I thought it would be Dr. Baltar until I actually started watching it.
                        Baltar was definatly my favorite until the end of S2. Now it's Appolo. He's just lovely.


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          Winchester. Charles Emerson Winchester III.
                          What can I say, I often love the slightly weird and arrogant guys! But Hawkeye is a close second. My bf likes Colonel Potter the most.

                          Ok, that was OT, sorry.

                          Now I'm off to bed, I'll try to say goodbye in the morning!

                          Until then,
                          Bye, A.
                          For M*A*S*H I liked Hawkeye and the Father. SGA, Rodney and Radek

                          "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                          My clone:
                          Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                            Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                            Isn't it funny - Bashir is my fave character on DS9!!! I have such a bad memory I can never remember what eps are called but my fave is the one where he gets 'old' cos he is fighting an infection of some sort and it is messing with his mind! He is going around the station thinking he is really there but it is all an illusion!! Bit of whump there you see (whump eps always my fave!) I think Tom Paris is my fave in Voyager and it has to be Data in TNG. In Enterprise I love Trip (so yippee Connor is Michael!!). I grew up with the original Star Trek and suppose Kirk is my fave from that! In SG-1 it is Daniel.
                            Sorry very OT but it is interesting to see who other Rodney thunkers like on other shows - are our tastes similar I wonder?!?!?
                            Very interesting!! I have to say ditto to all of the above! Except on the original Trek, McCoy is my fav. DS9 was my fav of all the Treks, Enterprise my 2nd fav.

                            Originally posted by False hope
                            BTW, I'm might get my username changed again, I dont like the fact that it's depressive. I was thinking Lemon chicken since McKay's allergic to it Anybody have any other suggestions? I'm not 100% sure on Lemon chicken.
                            Lemon Chicken is good. Or some variation of lemon: I_Lemon, Lemon!, Lemony, LemonBunches. I dunno Those are just ones I thought of off the top of my head.

                            Originally posted by McKayRocks
                            Yep - loved MASH and still do!! Radar is my fave character in that followed by Hawkeye!
                            Then you might be interested to know that the guy who played Radar lives in the next town up the road from me about 30 minutes away. Have never met him though.

                            DigitalSpy has an interview of Rachel Luttrell and she had some things to say about David.

                            Could you tell us a bit about a typical day on set?
                            RL: "...There's usually some kind of hilarity that ensues. If it's me and the rest of the boys, generally speaking I get mercilessly teased throughout the day. So, you know, in between shooting scenes, I become the little sister of all of them, and get bashed around physically and verbally - which can be a lot of fun sometimes and sometimes a little bit ridiculous. But I'll give you a little snippet, for instance, the last episode we were shooting we were out on location in a little village in Vancouver. We had about 60 extras making up the villagers, and there was a moment where they were all lined up and it looked like it was a musical and everyone was about to start singing! It was me and the rest of the guys - Joe, David, Paul and Jason - and we started playing like we were in a musical. So when we weren't shooting we were singing, moving around and twirling, which is kind of ridiculous... we have a lot of fun...."
                            Sounds like they have way too much fun!

                            Are there any other sci-fi series you go out and watch regularly?
                            RL: "I did get into Firefly a little bit last year, cos David bought the DVD and I got to grab the DVD and watch that first season, which was great, and I enjoyed.
                            So David likes Firefly. (I'm assuming she means DH )

                            On ADB:
                            And finally, apart from the music side of things, do you have any other projects in the pipeline?
                            RL: "I don't know whether you know David has written, directed and co-produced a movie and I was in that, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out. It's a dark comedy called Dog's Breakfast - we're all going to get a chance to see a screening of it in a few weeks."
                            So they're all going to see the movie. I want to go!

                            sig by Pandora's_Box


                              I'll start with the OT and then move on to topic!!

                              DS9 - my favourite is Bashir... have him tattooed on my left arm.
                              Voyager - Harry is my fav... have him tattooed on my right arm
                              TNG - Data is my absolute favourite of all... have him tattooed on my back.
                              Enterprise - Trip and Malcolm are my favs... have them both tattooed on my back!!
                              BSG - Only like the original... refuse to watch the new one as Starbuck is a boy!!! Have cruised with Dirk Benedict twice now.
                              MASH - Trapper is my favourite and close 2nd is Hawkeye (i am a slasher so they go well together!)
                              SG-1 - Daniel is my favourite especially when paired with Jack (slash)... have their names tattooed on my right forearm.
                              SGA - Rodney and Carson are my favs (slash again)... they also have their names tattooed on my right forearm.

                              If anyone hasn't seen my tatts, they are on my web page

                              Now back to our regularly scheduled thunking. Some oldies but goodies from my personal capping collection.


                              I just love the way he sticks his chest out to emphasise the... well... you'll see... it's hard to miss!!

                              Mahlia Belonn


                                Hey all, wanted to spend my 900th post at my fave thread

                                Just thinking about it makes me as tired as Rodney

                                See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                                Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick

