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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SaharaGate
    Hey just because they are RL friends doesn't mean they have to live in the same place as you.

    We email each other constnatly and chat on msn and use a headset with a microphone to watch stuff together. All we do is count each other in and start the dvd/episode at the same time and we are able to watch and chat and squee hehe.
    If only I knew someone in real life who liked David - I have a sad lack of female friends, or atleast any who like sci-fi or Canadian films and might have any clue who he is.

    But if there's anyone round here who wants to doing IM squeeing with me when I watch my three new DH films next weekend then just speak up (or type up as it is here).


      Originally posted by strivaria

      hehe. Like this:

      Yeah... geeks with guns... good.

      That pic and that quote SO needs to be made into a convention T-Shirt!

      Now if only I could afford to go to a convention and meet DH in real life.

      DH in real life!



        No engineer looks at a television remote control without wondering what
        it would take to turn it into a stun gun.

        Actually, to that end I'd like to make a small request to those of you who screencap. I'm looking for a couple of good shots of a ZPM. As an engineer wanna-be with an artistic bent, I'm planning on making a small one to go with a Rodney Bear I'm putting together. I've got an idea how to do it... I've got lots of useless clear plasticy bits lying about and with an x-acto knife, modeling glue, LED and battery, I think I could get a decent replica done up. I'll post pics when I'm done if y'all would like.

        I figured I'd ask here since usually the ZPM would be with Rodney....


          Originally posted by Purpleyin
          This is slightly OT but it reminded me of McKay (and all the SGa geeks), particularly the bit in it on Dating which might explain (even though it's not the only reason and we probably all know already) why this thread is so popular!


          That's brilliant.

          Describes our Rodney almost to a T (or is that tee?) doesn't it?


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            If only I knew someone in real life who liked David - I have a sad lack of female friends, or atleast any who like sci-fi or Canadian films and might have any clue who he is.

            But if there's anyone round here who wants to doing IM squeeing with me when I watch my three new DH films next weekend then just speak up (or type up as it is here).
            Hey virtual friends work just as well Although time differences could be a bit challenging.

            Now if only there was a way for more than 2 people to connect at a time on IM and you could have a big DH dvd marathon conference thingy. That would rock!

            I'd be happy 2 watch with you next weekend except that I won't be around


              Originally posted by SaharaGate
              Hey virtual friends work just as well Although time differences could be a bit challenging.

              Now if only there was a way for more than 2 people to connect at a time on IM and you could have a big DH dvd marathon conference thingy. That would rock!

              I'd be happy 2 watch with you next weekend except that I won't be around
              Ah, don't worry, maybe there's someone else round here who would be able to?
              Anyway, time differences don't bother me - live in Uk but am night owl so usually up late enough to chat to US people.

              I think MSN now lets you do more than 2 people in chat, doesn't it? That or ICQ or Yahoo because someone did that recently with me and a few geeky friends. A min-chatroom popped up randomly on my desktop, was quite cool even if noone had much to say after that initial burst of cool geekiness.


                Originally posted by SaharaGate
                Now if only there was a way for more than 2 people to connect at a time on IM and you could have a big DH dvd marathon conference thingy.
                Actually, AIM / GAIM supports chatrooms so you could have a handfull of people chatting in the same screen at the same time. And I'd love to give this idea a shot... what movies are you going to be watching, Purpleyin? I've got a few now and I finally got Nothing ordered, though I doubt it'd be here by then. As I'm already used to working on GMT, it wouldn't be a big deal to synch up for this.


                  Originally posted by strivaria
                  Actually, AIM / GAIM supports chatrooms so you could have a handfull of people chatting in the same screen at the same time. And I'd love to give this idea a shot... what movies are you going to be watching, Purpleyin? I've got a few now and I finally got Nothing ordered, though I doubt it'd be here by then. As I'm already used to working on GMT, it wouldn't be a big deal to synch up for this.

                  Hmm this is sounding interesting.

                  I'm thinking this would be a fun idea to try.

                  Imagine...all the DH thunkers squeeing together while we watch Nothing...

                  Sounds like a fun evening's entertainment to me!


                    So has anybody here seen David in Darklight?

                    I watched it the other day...the movie itself isn't anything earth-shatteringly fantastic, but David is good, as always, even if his role is quite small. Well, that is if you don't count the CG version - which I don't

                    Plus, he's topless

                    He's got a gorgeous little tummy!


                      Originally posted by strivaria
                      Actually, AIM / GAIM supports chatrooms so you could have a handfull of people chatting in the same screen at the same time. And I'd love to give this idea a shot... what movies are you going to be watching, Purpleyin? I've got a few now and I finally got Nothing ordered, though I doubt it'd be here by then. As I'm already used to working on GMT, it wouldn't be a big deal to synch up for this.
                      Ah that explains it - I use GAIM you see and so do several friends.

                      Movies - well the new ones will be Foolproof, Century Hotel and The Life Before This.

                      I also have Nothing, Treed Murray (my house mate wants to see this too but I could always watch it twice, right ), Cypher (seen it recently but would so not mind rewatching even all of it) and Cube (seen years ago and not yet rewatched for David). There's also Where the heart is that I'd love to rewatch with added squeeing!

                      I could also probably rewatch Bo vs Python just for David squeeing.
                      Oh and I have Darklight not watched as well.

                      And I'm always up for rewatching SGa (and his SG1 appearances - only seen them once! gasp)...


                        This page doesn't have any caps yet. More from Letters from Pegasus, just from one scene. Let's have some happy McKay. So atypical, but he hasn't had any sleep for 3 days and he just had a one sided therapy session with himself for an hour, so maybe that explains it

                        McKay looks so cute and innocent in these caps.

                        Did anyone else notice that McKay's voice in lecture mode sounded so different from conversational McKay later in his message? It really didn't sound like McKay at all. Great vocal acting by David.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          Haven't had a chance to post since I watched Nothing. Let me just say ... SQUEEEEEEE!

                          Watched it with my daughter, and she loved it too, but for totally different reasons. We both loved the humour, we both loved the absurdity, we both loved the slight surrealism ... and I loved watching David Hewlett. She is young, she will learn.

                          For those of you who haven't seen it yet, it is SO worth the wait. And damn, the man looks hot in a tight t-shirt.

                          *wanders off sighing and giggling*


                            Originally posted by blueeyes
                            Haven't had a chance to post since I watched Nothing. Let me just say ... SQUEEEEEEE!

                            Watched it with my daughter, and she loved it too, but for totally different reasons. We both loved the humour, we both loved the absurdity, we both loved the slight surrealism ... and I loved watching David Hewlett. She is young, she will learn.

                            For those of you who haven't seen it yet, it is SO worth the wait. And damn, the man looks hot in a tight t-shirt.

                            *wanders off sighing and giggling*
                            Dang, I have that DVD just sitting here waiting but I'm meant to be reading an anthropology case study and already behind because gateworld among other things distracted me yesterday and today.

                  're tempting me!!! *pouts at unfairness of work*


                              He has such lovely eyes and such lovely long eyelashes in those piccies. Totally adorable yup. They were really nice caps to come home to after a hard day at work. He just looks so....there are no words lol.



                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                Dang, I have that DVD just sitting here waiting but I'm meant to be reading an anthropology case study and already behind because gateworld among other things distracted me yesterday and today.

                      're tempting me!!! *pouts at unfairness of work*
                                Well, I did avoid doing housework by watching teh Hewlett. Soooooo worth it.

                                *tempt tempt tempt*

