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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Yeah, GW is working again!

    Congrats on 300 posts, pavaneofstars!


    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    I don't know whether to be happy or sad; the promise of a new server got me all excited that the WSOD was a thing of the past.

    I must have just missed the server crashing this afternoon. Didn't hear anything about it till I got back tonight.

    What is WSOD?

    sig by Pandora's_Box


      For those of you interested in Grant Jansky
      Check this out. I don't know if dial-ups will be able to see it.

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
        I find all this comic relief is turning McKay into a characiture of his former self! IMO i think the humour of SG works best when its a subtle, gradual thing, not this slap stick rubbish!
        In looking at the examples of what others are considering comic relief, I see why I don't agree with most of you. When these things happen, I'm identifying with McKay. If I was in his place, I'd be as freaked out as he acts. I'm a loud, in your face kind of person. But to someone else, it would look like slapstick or being overly dramatic. Subtle and contained I'm not.

        Hey, Grant was wearing a green tshirt! David looks good in green.

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Originally posted by Abydonian Princess
          LOL are you suggesting that everything from the rising part3 until Micheal was out of character!? bold statement!
          Don't worry I think it but I am not bold enough to actually say it. *hmm, Siege not Rising*
          or do you mean everything leading up to that scene in the rising, cos I'd agree with you there.
          that cap is from just after he drops that bloody gun clip, and Teyla has to "rescue" him.
          Originally posted by pavaneofstars
          What is WSOD?
          WhiteScreenOfDeath. Use to take you to a white screen with database error on it but I think now it takes you to the Alpha site at Yahoo!

          watcher nice find (I take it you didn't put it up), I am slowly working my way through the series, and Grant just keeps growing on me, I think Season 2 of Traders is out on DVD but not sure if it is out here in Australia.

          Ah, we can add birds to the list of animals David has worked with, kind of.


            Originally posted by watcher652
            In looking at the examples of what others are considering comic relief, I see why I don't agree with most of you. When these things happen, I'm identifying with McKay. If I was in his place, I'd be as freaked out as he acts.
            Hey you don't have to agree that is why we call it a discussion, occasional argument. I know why people like this McKay and I think David would be the first to say he is really enjoying playing McKay on SGA.

            Just ignore my ranting on this I will never get the McKay I want other then in fanfics, which surprisingly more often then not, have him as very snarky and arrogant. I can live with it but I sometimes wish the writers didn't go for what I see as the easy out with his character. I am hoping beyond hope that Martin Gero (even though he is the writer who stuck him up a tree, I think he also made him drop his gun clip and wrote Duet ) will do him justice with the snark in McKay and Mrs Miller.


            I know I shouldn't find this sexy but I do.


              I transcribed part of the Duet commentary for the scene in Cadman's room.

              Duet commentary – Cadman’s room

              Peter Deluise: Now, do you remember that you had shorts on?
              David Hewlett: Yeah, I do remember.
              PD: To protect your nether regions.
              DH: Yeah, yeah.
              PD: And they kept saying “We can see your shorts!”
              DH: It was more to protect the crew from my nether regions, I think that, you know…
              PD: Do you, do you remember how cool you were? Art House David, Art House Hewlett, Art House Movie Hewlett, went off and took his pants right off…
              Martin Gero: Exactly.
              PD: …and he is bare, he’s commando underneath those sheets.
              DH: Well, they kept showing, we kept seeing these flesh colored nylon things beneath that, you know…
              MG: Well, now, you were much more protective of that area, then you weren’t worried… But then you… Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ve been at least a half a dozen nudie films.
              DH: Ha!
              MG: I don’t want to call them nudie films but…
              DH: Some of them have actually made it to DVD.
              MG: You’ve been naked in several movies.
              DH: Um, billions.
              MG: I have nightmares, sometimes, that I’ll be flipping around Canadian television late at night…
              DH: It’s happens. It does happen.
              MG: …and there’s a naked David Hewlett.
              PD: The true test of an actor is that if they are emotionally and physically naked.
              MG: That’s true.
              PD: Well, I thought that was a real, uh, quality move on David’s part, to actually strip down. And just the idea that there was a chance that we might see…
              MG: Yeah.
              PD: …what he’s made of…
              MG: (laughs)
              PD: I thought that was pretty cool.
              DH: (chuckles) Just, just extreme disappointment for all involved.
              MG: And the set was very cold that day, in your defense.
              DH: (chuckles) Let’s change the subject.

              Art House Movie Hewlett. No, I'm not posting those caps!

              Where The Heart Is

              Joe's Wedding

              Century Hotel

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Hey Everyone!!

                watcher - that video clip was awesome! Thanks! I've never seen Traders and don't know where I can find it and don't have enough money to buy the season on dvd.

                As for the general discussion going on, I think that McKay has been out of character a few times just for humor. Like when he dropped his clip in Seige -he didn't drop it in The Defiant One or any other time. I haven't actually seen the episode and even though I think it was out of character I still laugh when I see this pic. Does that make me a hypocrite? Overall, I think the writers do a pretty good job of keeping him snarky, arrogant and super smart. I love watching him spar (verbally, of course) with Ronon and all of the scenes between McKay and Sheppard are completely golden.

                Last edited by McKay'Snark; 24 May 2006, 11:02 PM.


                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                  watcher nice find (I take it you didn't put it up), I am slowly working my way through the series, and Grant just keeps growing on me, I think Season 2 of Traders is out on DVD but not sure if it is out here in Australia.
                  Searching the net for David! Traders isn't out yet. I heard maybe in the fall for Region 1.

                  Look familiar?

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    Originally posted by watcher652
                    Searching the net for David! Traders isn't out yet. I heard maybe in the fall for Region 1.
                    Ah must have been a 2006 release date that I read. Um, September (ish) would be fall then?

                    Someone don't remember who sorry, asked about DH in Without a trace.

                    Being interviewed/interrogated

                    Guess what happens next.

                    He was also in ER he played the Dad of a sick child.


                      Any idea which season of ER it was??? I remember getting a specific season just because Ewan McGregor was in it so I'll do it again.


                        Originally posted by Allestian
                        Any idea which season of ER it was???
                        Um, 2001 and the ep was "Never say never" he wasn't in it for very long he was part of the b or c plot. The Without a trace episode by the way was 2004, "Hawks and Handsaws" again really not in it for that long.

                        It's so sad.


                          *Looks at the pic of an upset David*



                            Originally posted by Allestian
                            *Looks at the pic of an upset David*...aww.
                            Here are some more, and to think I am not even a whumper.

                            I love it when he cries. *insert evil laughter*


                              I know this is totally spoilerish but since those DVDs won't be out for a while...what happens to his character???


                                Originally posted by Allestian
                                I know this is totally spoilerish but since those DVDs won't be out for a while...what happens to his character???

                                Who's? OK you know those caps are from a movie not the show? Sorry I assumed you knew given he has um, more hair *sorry David* they are from And Never let her go a made for TV movie David did a few years ago.

                                This is also from ANLHG.

