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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I just wanted to pop in and express my growing appreciation and affection for McKay. Watching him go through LFP I found this warm fuzzy feeling for McKay growing that I hadn't had before. I mean, I always liked him, even from his initial SG-1 guest shots, but after watching him in Atlantis all of this time, I find I'm growing quite fond of the character in spite of his effort to stay prickly and distant. He's really quite...dare I say it...lovable.
    "You cannot reason with your own heart;
    it has it's own laws and beats about things
    which the intellect scorns."
    - Mark Twain -


      He is. Loveable is most deffinately a word I'd use to describe him even when he is trying to keep people at arms length with his sarcastic quips.



        Originally posted by lucylou
        He is. Loveable is most deffinately a word I'd use to describe him even when he is trying to keep people at arms length with his sarcastic quips.

        It makes you wonder how he got that way. I'd love to find out about more backstory on McKay earlier life. I think he's got a lot of hidden depths tha are just starting to peek out.
        "You cannot reason with your own heart;
        it has it's own laws and beats about things
        which the intellect scorns."
        - Mark Twain -


          Couldn't agree with you more. When we saw McKay on SG1 he just seemed to be this arrogant and sarcastic pain in the butt at times, though still incredibly smart and very cute but now in Atlantis we have had the opportunity to see that underneath that exterior there's a very complex, thoughtful and insecure man underneath with a lot of issues too I think. I also hope we get a lot of blackstory on McKays earlier life too. I thik it could make for some really interesting and heartwrenching material.



            I hate to admit it, but for all of his maddening arrogance in SG1, I did think he was kinda cute, in a geeky, too smart for his own good, needs-to-get-a-clue way. Now, he seems to be less whiney and a little more ...I don't know...manly?

            Maybe it's the guns. Rodney in fatigues with a gun is not too bad. As much as a 'dove' as I am, I do love a man in uniform...with a gun.

            I may have to talk to somebody about that.....
            "You cannot reason with your own heart;
            it has it's own laws and beats about things
            which the intellect scorns."
            - Mark Twain -


              Originally posted by Sela
              I hate to admit it, but for all of his maddening arrogance in SG1, I did think he was kinda cute, in a geeky, too smart for his own good, needs-to-get-a-clue way. Now, he seems to be less whiney and a little more ...I don't know...manly?
              Manly hunger....
              We all know he's trying to be manly atleast - must be his competitiveness combined with the military all around. He's getting quite a number of heroic moments too.


                Originally posted by Sela
                Now, he seems to be less whiney and a little more ...I don't know...manly?
                I'm guessing this is the first time that he's had to deal with anything outside a lab environment, not counting 48 Hours and Redemption. He's seeing and doing things that he probably never dreamed of even in his worst nightmares. That's bound to change someone, for better or worse... and I think with the influence of his teammates, it's definately for the better.

                Maybe it's the guns. Rodney in fatigues with a gun is not too bad.
                hehe. Like this:

                Yeah... geeks with guns... good.


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  Manly hunger....
                  We all know he's trying to be manly atleast - must be his competitiveness combined with the military all around. He's getting quite a number of heroic moments too.
                  He has become quite the reluctant hero a number of times. I didn't expect that from this character, but it's nice to see.
                  "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                  it has it's own laws and beats about things
                  which the intellect scorns."
                  - Mark Twain -


                    Originally posted by strivaria
                    hehe. Like this:

                    Yeah... geeks with guns... good.

                    Yeah baby! That's what I'm talkin' bout! A smart man with a gun! It rocks my world every time..... LOL!
                    "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                    it has it's own laws and beats about things
                    which the intellect scorns."
                    - Mark Twain -


                      This is slightly OT but it reminded me of McKay (and all the SGa geeks), particularly the bit in it on Dating which might explain (even though it's not the only reason and we probably all know already) why this thread is so popular!



                        I think the character of McKay and this thread are popular because quiet as it is kept, smart is sexy! Looks come and go, but smart is forever.

                        That was a very funny link and in a lot of the aspects noted very true! My father and sister are engineers and one of my brothers in working on his doctorate in Physics. Me, I take after my mother on the 'artsy' side of the family. Holiday dinners at my parents house are a riot!
                        Last edited by Sela; 05 March 2005, 05:11 PM.
                        "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                        it has it's own laws and beats about things
                        which the intellect scorns."
                        - Mark Twain -


                          Um, I resemble some of those remarks. Actually, in my "Foundations of Engineering" textbook, we are told that among the traits of a sucessful engineer are:
                          • Interpersonal skills (#1 on the list actually)
                          • Involvement in the community (as in actual socializing... with people.. some of whom are not fellow engineers)
                          • Leadership (and we still don't know McKay's thoughts on that)
                          • And I thought there was something about physical fitness, but apparently I must have imagined it as it's not there anymore.


                            Originally posted by Sela
                            I think the character of McKay and this thread are popular because quite as it is kept, smart is sexy! Looks come and go, but smart is forever.

                            That was a very funny link and in a lot of the aspects noted very true! My father and sister are engineers and one of my brothers in working on his doctorate in Physics. Me, I take after my mother on the 'artsy' side of the family. Holiday dinners at my parents house are a riot!
                            I can see myself as sort of an engineer - I'd be the one who writes 'It depends'
                            I have soo many geeky friends that bits and bobs from that would be true about - the frugality thing was so close to how my boyfriend is that I laughed so hard. And my dad is the engineer who'd complain about everyone and everything related to said malfunctioning objects.

                            * Demonstrate mental superiority and mastery of all subjects.
                            That's a definite McKay thing - and the gadgets stuff - oh for Ancient toys around here.
                            My uni computer department has a free table - the curious and furtive whispers they, my geeky friends, give when finding something interesting there is cute.

                            Engineers will go without food and hygiene for days to solve a problem... and when they succeed in solving the problem they will experience an ego rush that is better than sex.

                            I've seen the term coined for this, applied to McKay etc on SGA, as a 'geekgasm' !


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              It would be so nice to have a David fan to watch stuff (and squee!) with - as it is my housemates know of my desire to watch anything with DH in and my boyfriend tends to refuse on principle!
                              Hey just because they are RL friends doesn't mean they have to live in the same place as you.

                              Jafana and I have been best friends since high school. But she moved to the other side of the country straight after graduation.

                              That doesn't stop us watching stargate and atlantis together and squeeing and becoming obsessed with DH together.

                              We email each other constnatly and chat on msn and use a headset with a microphone to watch stuff together. All we do is count each other in and start the dvd/episode at the same time and we are able to watch and chat and squee hehe.

                              Works really well (and i realise this makes me a huge geek, but I don't care...I love geeks. David's a geek ).

                              We were able to combine postage because it still would have been quicker/cheaper for me to send the stuff on to her, but luckily I didn't have to because her Dad flew over for her uni graduation and he became our courier hehe.


                                Originally posted by SaharaGate
                                We email each other constnatly and chat on msn and use a headset with a microphone to watch stuff together.
                                LOL, and I thought I was the only one who did that... although for other shows. I'll be chatting with my mom and she'll see something interesting on tv and so I'll tune in and we'll talk about the show... usually Trading Spaces or Ground Force. I don't know anyone else who I could call and geek out over the Stargates with. That would be cool..

