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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Okay so I think its about time that I contributed some pics to this thread. I didn't make these though I got them off of Well, here are some of my fav.s from 'Before I Sleep'.

    lots and lots of pics of a worrying McKay
    Last edited by GatetheWay; 26 February 2005, 09:30 AM.

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      Originally posted by Purpleyin
      Heya - i made more caps.
      Posted up on mckay_daily but thought people here might liked them too.

      193? of them from Cypher - David Hewlett bits.

      All here

      A few choice ones up here (psst - there are hand shots in here and more in the directory list too)

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        Originally posted by strivaria
        Um... the picture link takes me to a page asking me not to hotlink to that picture. So, I took the liberty of copying it over from the Geek!Love site, cropping it, resizing it and put it somewhere a little more accessible:

        He was soo cute in this..He was just soooo godd@mm cute in it. I just went all shoogly inside....I just love this man McKay.


          Ok - I made a vid.
          It's primarily a Before I Sleep episode vid (hence spoilers) and so has lots of Weir but also quite a bit of McKay there.

          It's called "A Matter of Time" and is available here, in medium 4.5mb wmv and the recommended 10.6mb high quality wmv.

          Hope everyone enjoys it.


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            Ok - I made a vid.
            It's primarily a Before I Sleep episode vid (hence spoilers) and so has lots of Weir but also quite a bit of McKay there.

            It's called "A Matter of Time" and is available here, in medium 4.5mb wmv and the recommended 10.6mb high quality wmv.

            Hope everyone enjoys it.
            Talk about bringing people to tears! Loved it!

            Thanks to bling for the great sig!
            Proud Hussy of Babylon (tm) and resident linguist
            ~Proud member of the official Dr Radek Zelenka Fan Club!~


              All the screencaps on the page make me wibble at the lovliness that is David. Awwww! He kinda reminds me of Robin Williams...


                I just love the screen caps from 'Before I Sleep', quite made my day seeing those, thanks!

                Have finally had chance to watch 'The Gift'. I know
                Mckay doesn't have too much screen time in this (well, ok, gotta admit I'd personally prefer him on screen ALL the time so maybe it just seems that way but...), but I thoroughly enjoyed what there was of him! Loved the comment about the wall, and the McKay/Zalenka banter, and didn't he just look adorable staring into his coffee cup near the start?!

                I wonder how much input David Hewlett has into his character development? He certainly seems to have that fine and subtle flare for comedy that really appeals to my sense of humour anyway!

                Can't hardly wait for the season finale...
                McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
                Grodin, "You can fix anything."
                McKay, "Who told you that?"
                Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                  Capping 'Rising' (nowhere near done since it's twice as long) and found some good McKay caps to share.

                  He's just so woobie in that fleece and looks cute with all that teasing going on.
                  One weird thing is his blinking in this scene, long deliberate slow blinks and lots of them, bit like batting eyelashes or as if sleepy. Hmm. Just noticeable when capping specifically, lots of weird eyes closed frames.

                  Now this is a funny catch


                    WHOAH! I look away for a sec, and then I'm flooded with gorgeous pics! Thanks purpleyin!

                    Thanks to bling for the great sig!
                    Proud Hussy of Babylon (tm) and resident linguist
                    ~Proud member of the official Dr Radek Zelenka Fan Club!~


                      And he's got a bit of the spikey Sheppard hair going too... hehe. Cute.


                        Originally posted by Purpleyin
                        It's primarily a Before I Sleep episode vid
                        Very cool.. and I love the music. Thanks for sharing it.


                          Originally posted by strivaria
                          Very cool.. and I love the music. Thanks for sharing it.
                          Ooh, thanks. I wouldn't make one and not share it though
                          Rodney vids on the way too after I get some essays done...thinking of doing "Another one bites the dust" by Queen (I actually counted how many times they say that phrase and its about 16 - just enough to include all the character deaths in it - becuase Rodney's the survivor in it all) and Changes (The house of flies) Acoustic by Deftones, if only I can get a program that does transitions which fade - i wanted it to fade from snarky 48 hours McKay face into Defiant One McKay...


                            Ok, random weird post, but....

                            You officially know you're a McKay/Hewlett appreciator/thunker when...

                            A) Your boyfriend/partner has mentioned that they won't let you anywhere near David in real life for fear you'll run off with him.

                            B) They ask if David didn't exist would you, possibly, stop talking/posting online/making screencaps about/of him


                            C) Even your housemates so clearly know about your admiration of David Hewlett because they accuse you of only wanting to watch "Where the Heart Is" because it has David's naked arse in it.

                            Though I maintain that's so not the only reason...

                            Weird rant over now and back to reality and watching said film (by myself because they are guys and don't want to see the aforementioned scene).


                              Oh cool! I wish I could do vids; I think David Bowie's Thursday's Child fits Rodney really well, but I barely have the patients for animated gifs... so I think I'll just stick to tweaking screencaps.


                                Ok, you should check out post #2737 on SGAHC yahoogroup


                                Can't repost it here without permission but it's a chance to ask David questions and has a fine deadline, so you should trot along over there if you are interested.

