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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Good morning.

    Arlessiar, I liked your post and I think within reason most people do get they are paid to go to these things, they are paid to pay some attention to the fans and generally not be ####holes. Yes some people (and not just fangirls) will think it is more but that is why we (most countries) have Stalking laws! It is interesting to note that as far as I know RDA does not do any Cons ever!

    Well I need to Thunk and that's that.

    So he doesn't like it I am soooooo glad he is not in control of his wardrobe than.

    Well he's done it now "Gap kid"!

    See ya.


      Originally posted by Illinga
      Arlessiar, I agree with you completely. I was at the second day of the con and the wrap party myself (no, I haven't written a report yet, sorry!), and yes, I did actually get a hug from David. David N. and Paul too. I actually had no intention what so ever of asking for one, but during the day I was sitting next to another newbie to BOBW and we ended up pretty much sticking together throughout the rest of the day. Well, when Paul entered the party she decided to go for a hug and before I knew it had told him that I wanted one too! Well, after that I thought what the heck, if I'd already received one from Paul there wasn't a hope in hell that I'd leave without one from David.

      Yes, on the 'Net I let myself go fairly fangirlish, but in 'real life' I've always made a point to just treat all of these actors and other various well known people no differently from anyone else. They are, after all, just ordinary people who live their lives the bestway that they can, just like the rest of us. They just happen to have high profile jobs. That's why I didn't intend to ask for hugs, or follow them around making goo-goo eyes, because really, if I was in their shoes I think that it would all drive me batty before too long! Poor David, it took him a while to leave the party because he was hugging practically everyone on the way out!

      So yes, I am a fangirl, I won't deny it. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to see them all, exchange a few words, and most certainly the hugs. But at the end of the day I know I mean about as much to them as any random person on the street and that they'd probably completely forgotton me within a few minutes, but I'm happy with that. After all, at least they actually do these events and give us all the chance to get a little up close and personal. They could just as easily decide not too. And for that I'm grateful.

      P.S. For those curious, the shirt he wore on the second day was the same one he had on at ComicCon this year. I loved that shirt, so it was easy to recognise.
      Well said! I tend to be the same way. If I get to talk to them, I'm happy, I'm polite, and definitely express my appreciation (and getting a hug never hurts! ) but I do tend to shy away from being overly fangirlish. When I worked at Disney World, I saw a number of celebrities come through, and I always made it a point to try and help them have a normal (albeit happy!) day in the park just by treating them normally and not gushing over stuff. That kind of attitude is ingrained in my brain now.
      "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
      My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


        oh guh! i love those pics Rose


          More, more, more.



            does anyone know why I'm in this thread?

            My defence, for a feel that I left out an important bit of Saturday night -

            all the guests left early. Paul was not the first to leave


              Rose- There can never be enough pics!

              I just love this scene

              Rodney: Dont look!

              That line totally fits

              Originally posted by HyperCaz
              does anyone know why I'm in this thread?
              McKay is unbelievably hot, resistance is futile

              Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
              Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                does anyone know why I'm in this thread?

                My defence, for a feel that I left out an important bit of Saturday night -
                all the guests left early. Paul was not the first to leave
                You don't need a defence! It wasn't meant personal. What I said were general thoughts that mostly derived from the rush of jealousy I felt more often than I wanted to. I knew I had to deal with that because it really isn't healthy. And, I just say it that hard, no fandom should be a reason to get so agitated. It should be funny, not hurting. Your report and Alex' comment were just the trigger to write it down.

                I know that most of the guests left early. But I also spoke with other people who were on the con and they also felt that PM didn't seem to be that comfortable at the banquet. Mayber the others weren't also since it is a more private way of meeting the fans, or maybe they just had a hangover or other things to do. Who knows.

                Rose - yummy yummy Gap kid pics!

                Bye, A.

                P.S. I just baked a chocolate-apple pie. *hands out pieces for everyone on the thread*
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Meow, rodney pichas!!^_^ i love the duet one. ^_^

                  as for cake... please ma'am, can i have some more... *gives puppy-kitten eyes and holds out hand*

                  Join the Neko Rebellion!!


                    Originally posted by McKay's girl
                    McKay is unbelievably hot, resistance is futile
                    I wouldn't say hot, but maybe cute when he's holding up guide dog bookmarks and saying "puppies with no bodies!"

                    But not enough to thunk over.
                    Last edited by HyperCaz; 14 November 2005, 02:00 PM.


                      Originally posted by neko138
                      as for cake... please ma'am, can i have some more... *gives puppy-kitten eyes and holds out hand*
                      Of course, have some more! *hands out more cake*

                      See, Rodney is also enjoying the cake. His sixth piece of it, to be exact.

                      Thank god I put no lemon in it.

                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar
                        P.S. I hope no-one is offended by this post. These were just my thoughts. It's not that I want to diminish anyone's experiences on the con. No, I still envy everyone who was able to be there.
                        Nope, no offense here. This past April Vancouver con was my first convention that I actually had the opportunity to interact (kind of) with the actors and I spent most of it observing the fan reactions as much as watching the actors themselves. I was really surprised by how forward some of the people were with the actors... but then again, I'm usually a very quiet and shy person (unless I know you well ) and I don't think I could be as outgoing as all that. Put it this way... I shared an elevator with Tony Amendola(Bra'tac) on the way up to my room... I think I might have been polite enough to say 'hi' and then left him alone for the rest of the ride. I'd like to think he appreciated that.

                        Anyway, I still want to see David and Paul at a con one of these days if nothing else than to see their banter live. 'Cause, really... who wouldn't want to see these guys?


                          I know I haven't been around much, but I'm living the roommate nightmare from hell. New and improved with all inclusive drug and alcohol searches at ten at night. I'm not kidding. It's a very long story but I've just managed to get all my things back together from having them riffled through by the RAs. They are very nice guys, but not when they have to go through my drawers in case the new roommate stashed her pot in with my stuff.


                          Bad week x 10 to the 10th power.

                          Oh well, look at teh pretties...

                          I feel better now.

                          And, omfg, the con reports are awesome to the max.

                          *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

                          "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


                            Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
                            I know I haven't been around much, but I'm living the roommate nightmare from hell. New and improved with all inclusive drug and alcohol searches at ten at night. I'm not kidding. It's a very long story but I've just managed to get all my things back together from having them riffled through by the RAs. They are very nice guys, but not when they have to go through my drawers in case the new roommate stashed her pot in with my stuff.


                            Bad week x 10 to the 10th power.

                            Oh well, look at teh pretties...
                            Eyelashes!!! *glomps them*

                            And I feel your pain on the searches. We narrowly missed a search by San Diego PD my freshman year because of one of my roommates!
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              Originally posted by mcalex22
                              Hi everyone,Just a quick note, Arlessiar: I agree with you!!!!I'm glad you made a comment and hugs to you for respecting the actors. Coz they are actors and they are paid to hug us!Back to studying...Ta,alex
                              Well Alex I know you are vv busy but did you forget to tell us something? Hmm, seems it is your Birthday!

                              **Happy Birthday**
                              ** mcalex22**


                              sorry Alex it is the best I can do with the short notice.


                                Happy birthday!!!

                                Here's a birthday dance for you!!
                                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                                My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art

