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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Good morning Rose! Well, prolly night or afternoon for you, but it is 12:45am here so g'morning


      Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
      Good morning Rose! Well, prolly night or afternoon for you, but it is 12:45am here so g'morning
      Good Morning PM yeah it is about 6 pm here.


        Yay, 200 posts for me!


          Originally posted by mcalex22
          Yay, 200 posts for me!

          Yah! 200! Whoo! Hoo!


            Originally posted by Potions Mistress
            okay, A. asked for it in the Rockett thread so here it is...McKay's top 15 posters
            Wow, you REALLY did that! I was joking! Talk about bored!
            And I'm on #5 on this list! How did I do that? I'm here for only four months! Now I know where all my days went... But - well, it's been worth every second!
            Originally posted by mcalex22
            Yay, 200 posts for me!
            Yeah, you did it!
            Congrats on ~*~ 200 ~*~ posts!

            Originally posted by Jen
            David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)
            Wow, I'm slowly calming down here! I saw the letter from David and the oh-so-wonderfully-cute-and-exciting-and-lovely pics soon after I got up this morning - what I way to wake up! SQUEEE!
            He thanked me in his list! That's so great! He even got my (real) name right! *happy dance* I could not be any happier at the moment, it's impossible!

            And they really do the independent movie! In HIS house! Can you believe it? That's so cool!
            Wow, these pics! His trailer! The Dalek! Mr. Super-geek himself! Did I already say that I'm a very happy fangirl? And for sure not very mature at the moment? *squees again*

            Bye, A.

            P.S. Concerning my very off-topic post yesterday: I'm sorry about that. I deleted it, it really didn't belong here.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Originally posted by Arlessiar
              Wow, you REALLY did that! I was joking! Talk about bored!
              And I'm on #5 on this list! How did I do that? I'm here for only four months!
              Yes well I am blissfully ignoring where I am on that list.

              I keep saying it just so I will remember to post there, but *I only joined GW for the Daniel Thunk*!! I 've been in the Daniel Thunk about 12 times in four months!!!

              Dam you McKay.


                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                I keep saying it just so I will remember to post there, but *I only joined GW for the Daniel Thunk*!! I 've been in the Daniel Thunk about 12 times in four months!!!
                Dam you McKay.
                Haha! Forget about Daniel, Rose, you are in Rodney's hands now!
                That's the funny thing about McKay: He converts his female watchers into fangirls without them noticing at first and then - *bang* - suddenly they are hopelessly addicted and in love and will follow him forever, like, eh...., a Dalek! And they wonder what has happened to them, but they can't do anything against it! You can't resist McKay!

                Hey girls, did you notice that David's barefoot in one of the new pics? Haha, I was hoping for that since the promo pics of him in jeans came out, I simply love that: Long trousers and bare feet!

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar
                  Haha! Forget about Daniel, Rose, you are in Rodney's hands now!
                  That's the funny thing about McKay: He converts his female watchers into fangirls without them noticing at first and then - *bang* - suddenly they are hopelessly addicted and in love and will follow him forever, like, eh...., a Dalek! And they wonder what has happened to them, but they can't do anything against it! You can't resist McKay!
                  Well I always liked the character from the few SG-1 appearances but I never knew who DH was *think I have said all this before* but well I stumbled in here one day and I pretty much never left! Poor Danny and Jack for that matter, oh an Jonas too, my SG-1 boys have suffered because of McKay. *and they can keep on suffering*

                  Hey girls, did you notice that David's barefoot in one of the new pics? Haha, I was hoping for that since the promo pics of him in jeans came out, I simply love that: Long trousers and bare feet!
                  I never noticed but I went back and yeah he is in bare feet! I hate to admit this but I was too busy looking at the Dalek! Dalek love is a strong and powerful thing.


                    Originally posted by Purpleyin
                    I think I've heard of the parody, but not heard it recently... Must look it up.
                    Well I found it. 'Not the sunscreen song'. Did I say Very funny? Well it was at the time. Hmm, a few Australian references you probably wont get.

                    Link to perfectly legal WMP file.



                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      That's the funny thing about McKay: He converts his female watchers into fangirls without them noticing at first and then - *bang* -

                      Hey girls, did you notice that David's barefoot in one of the new pics?
                      Yeah, and even better.. he's converted a die hard Danny and Teal'c thunker to a fangirl without said fangirl ever watching the show! I uh, kinda wore down one of my coworkers. The clincher was his handwritten response and signed pic to my fan letter... and some pictures of Duet ('just look at those arms!').

                      And yeah, noticed the barefooted-ness. Aww! The whole set of pics is just adorable!


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar
                        No, please don't!
                        Was no big thing, and how should you know it? I just wanted to tell you before some red-reps you.
                        Don't even wanna know what I did wrong when I was new, and I bet I still make mistakes.

                        Time for some oldies but goldies:

                        Bye, A.
                        oh, why not? thanks again! all those pics of McKay are so nice! do you think that he'd like to be flog? no, i'm not a dangerous girl
                        something cool with David, is that he seems to be as genious as McKay
                        I suppose that don't mistaken, hu ?


                          Originally posted by Jen
                          David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)

                          Visit to view the message and photos
                          LMAO! No way! He stole my dog!!

                          Get off my pillow Lara!!


                            Originally posted by Wordsmit2
                            Reminds me of a post someone made some months ago suggesting there should be an alternate universe episode featuring a geeky Sheppard and military McKay.
                            I read a fic like that a while ago where Rodney was military and John a civilian physicist... with glasses! I spent the whole story drooling at John (like Rodney did. Yep, it was a slash fic).

                            Originally posted by Jen
                            David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)

                            Visit to view the message and photos
                            Aww, can the man get any cuter?
                            He looks absolutely sexy in that first photo with the dog
                            But I can't get over the fact that the toilets' door is wide open on the pics, lol Don't mind me, it's probably the meds. I had a car crash yesterday and I'm full of them!

                            This pic begs for some captionning:
                            - Teyla : I cannot believe he just put his hand there
                            - Rodney : Uh-oh, I'm a dead man

                            (sorry it's not funny. Blame the meds)


                              Originally posted by unknownterra
                              LMAO! No way! He stole my dog!!


                              Get off my pillow Lara!!
                              Your dog's very beautfiul unknownterra. As a big dog lover, I was really surprised and pleased to see David with (his???/a???) dog.

                              Thanks everyone for the lovely congrats on 200 - you know I thought that I'd have more avatars or something but as far as I can tell, I ain't got nothing special from being a super soldier... I wonder when the next landmark is...? It's still a loooong way fromm first prime but I'll be there someday!

                              BTW Aurore, uh hope you are ok from your accident... don't stop taking those meds!

                              Anyhow, here are some Rodney pics to cheer you up:

                              And I'm throwing this one in because well, the eyelashes are nice...



                                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                                okay, A. asked for it in the Rockett thread so here it is...McKay's top 15 posters

                                watcher652 821
                                McKay's girl 679
                                Drwho'srose 620

                                and i am #6
                                Stop posting so much Rose! You're gonna beat me!!

                                Originally posted by Jen
                                David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)

                                Visit to view the message and photos
                                Loved the Dalek pics! David is soo cute

                                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl

