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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
    Well, subtlety isn't exactly one of TPTB's strong points. They really like to hammer a point home. And then hammer it into the ground. And the continue hitting us over the head with it.

    While all of the implications may seem vaguely ominous, it could be that TPTB are still simply trying to convince us that Rodney is a "changed man" and that he isn't the jackass some people think he is because of his stint on SG-1.

    Chances are, that's all there is to it.

    He's probably one of the most (if not the most) popular characters on the show. He's also main cast. They aren't likely to do him in. Not permanently, anyway...
    I agree with you that TPTB are just trying to show the changed McKay. McKay was portrayed as a real jerk in his first appearance on SG1 and some people may still view him stuck in that mode. He still has the I'm-so-smart-and-you're-not attitude.

    But he seemed to have a change of heart in his second appearance on SG1 after his stint in Russia. I'd like to hear the backstory to the start of his attitude change. I'm sure finding out that Teal'C was alive really affected him. That's why now he's always concerned about leaving someone behind or when someone is hurt.

    He saw something else in Carter besides the art behind her science that he thinks he doesn't have. He saw her compassion, her humanity, her never give up attitude. His stint in Russia gave him time to think about that.

    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      Originally posted by nUMb
      This man was THE biggest mistake in ATLANTIS! Sam kicked his ass in SG1 so they put him here! What the heck! He is arogant and bahaves like an 5 year old. If i were Sheppard i'd let the Wraith prisoner feed of him!

      They should replace his caracter with some more able to act, like that Ancient guy in the last episode (Jonus or something). You could see sparkles in his eyes, when he was talking about tehnology and stuff. All you see with Rodney, is superiority to others! They don't deserve it!
      Judging from the unreasonable harshness in your post, I'd guess that you're either trolling for trouble or you're so dead set on McKay having been a jerk in SG-1 that you can't even conceive of him being any different in Atlantis. Possibly both.

      If you actually have any interest in debate, you can try reading through some of the posts on this thread. The fact that there are 34 pages of replies here show that a majority of people disagree with you and most of them are a darn sight more polite in their postings than you have been.

      Was McKay a jerk? Yes. Is he STILL a jerk? I think most would say no.

      As for Hewlett, he happens to be a very talented actor with a long and varied history in the industry- and in sci fi, too.

      No one says you have to like Hewlett or McKay, but there's this little thing called tact that you may wish to look into before posting here again. You don't have to agree with us, but you should at least respect our viewpoint.

      ETA: Having now read your other posts on this forum, I think it's safe to conclude that your only purpose here is to bash the hell out of anyone and anything connected to Atlantis. If you hate the show and refuse to tolerate anything about it and cannot conceive of it EVER being good, then why are you posting here? Go back to SG-1. Leave the Atlantis fans to enjoy the show without your singular hatred.


        I just posted my opinion! I think this is why forums are here! I don't expect any of you to agree with me!
        I will still watch the show, coz. i like the franchize, but i will definetly hope there will be some character changing! ATLANTIS has the best opportunity to become the best SCI-FI show. It's is just lame this actors are holding it behind!


          You hate McKay, you hate Beckett, you think both the characters and the actors suck, but you can't explain WHY except that McKay is "a jerk" and Beckett has an accent. You said that Atlantis will never be as good as SG-1 because it's a spin-off. With an attitude like that, of COURSE you're going to find fault with the show, you've set yourself up for it!

          And if you hate something that much, why bother putting yourself through the torture of watching it and us through the tedium of your bashing little posts?

          As I said, if you have any VALID points to make, I'd be happy to listen, but "McKay was a jerk on SG-1 and he'll always be a jerk because he's an arrogant jerk" is not a valid point in my book.


            Well, you do have to admit that the guy is arrogant, a little cowardly (they're working on it, but it'll be a while before he gets over it completely) and rather pompous. And besides that, this is a thread about Rodney, not the Rodney thunk thread. It says nothing in the title about us having to like the guy a whole lot.

            And before you start bringing up the point of my previous posts of clear detestfulness toward Dr. McKay, I've rewatched Atlantis, and I'm starting to enjoy the guy a little bit more then I used to. It'll just take at least until we're halfway through the second season before he becomes one of my favs.
            Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

            Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


              Originally posted by nUMb
              This man was THE biggest mistake in ATLANTIS! Sam kicked his ass in SG1 so they put him here! What the heck! He is arogant and bahaves like an 5 year old. If i were Sheppard i'd let the Wraith prisoner feed of him!
              Where would the fun in that be? Who would Sheppard spar off with then? Okay, the guy's an arrogant jerk... the world is full of them... but they do exist even in Atlantis But with Rodney... it's just bravado... and we know that. Ultimately, as seen in The Eye... he is a loyal member of the expedition.

              Originally posted by nUMb
              They should replace his caracter with some more able to act, like that Ancient guy in the last episode (Jonus or something). You could see sparkles in his eyes, when he was talking about tehnology and stuff. All you see with Rodney, is superiority to others! They don't deserve it!
              While I would love to see Janus again... great chemistry with Weir... David Hewlett is a wonderful actor... not mention his great chemistry with Joe Flanigan and Torri Higginson.
              Go easy on the accolades ... nUMb... you are taking Rodney too seriously buddy. He is supposed to be annoying... the idea is to laugh and then enjoy the rest of the story.
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                If you recall, McKay has this bad habbit of pre-judging people! (Weir in the last episode NUTS?, The ancient girl an episode before (he scanned her?). If this is you're way of McKay being polite or is this the way an person in a research team should bahave, than i definetly dissagre with you! But if you say he is changing because he started to care a little bit, i say he isnt. He just realized that he will not survive in an explorer team if he does not care for others, coz. then in one moment suddenly others wont care for him! That is selfish and so him!

                Sorry, but as i said before. This is my oppinion!


                  Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                  Well, you do have to admit that the guy is arrogant, a little cowardly (they're working on it, but it'll be a while before he gets over it completely) and rather pompous. And besides that, this is a thread about Rodney, not the Rodney thunk thread. It says nothing in the title about us having to like the guy a whole lot.
                  Yes, it IS an open discussion thread on McKay, but "he's a jerk and should die!" hardly leaves much room for friendly debate.


                    Originally posted by nUMb
                    If you recall, McKay has this bad habbit of pre-judging people! (Weir in the last episode NUTS?, The ancient girl an episode before (he scanned her?). If this is you're way of McKay being polite or is this the way an person in a research team should bahave, than i definetly dissagre with you! But if you say he is changing because he started to care a little bit, i say he isnt. He just realized that he will not survive in an explorer team if he does not care for others, coz. then in one moment suddenly others wont care for him! That is selfish and so him!

                    Sorry, but as i said before. This is my oppinion!
                    This is not a perfect universe, nUMb... in a large group of people, you're bound to find someone who isn't going to fit in the usual heroic mould. I suspect now that you're deliberately looking for faults in McKay and putting a negative slant on all his actions. Alright, you don't like the guy... that's fine... but I don't think many people in this thread are convinced by your "arguments" because of your equally stinging attacks on Beckett, who is by any stretch of the imagination, a really caring, decent doctor. Plus you choose bits and pieces of information that suit your thesis that McKay is an arrogant jerk, conveniently ignoring other bits of information which show him to be a man undergoing change.
                    At the end of the day so what if Rodney isn't perfect and so what if he has ulterior motives some of the time but doesn't anyone else?
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      Rodney isn't perfect. Far from it. That's one of the reasons I like him so much! He isn't cut out for the superhero BS, he isn't used to sticking his neck out for anyone other than himself, but IMO, he's learning to do that and while he may still have his arrogance and his jerk-y moments, I hardly think that those are the sum total of his parts. He makes sacrifices, he shows emotion and IMO he's a little more human than some of the others because he DOES have faults and isn't afraid to show it.

                      Who wants to watch a show full of perfectly gorgeous, perfectly heroic, perfectly perfect superhuman superheroes who always do the right thing, always say the right thing and are always absolutely perfectly right about everything? Bo-ring! Give me someone who's a little more down-to-earth. Give me someone who's more realistic. Give me Rodney McKay.


                        Originally posted by nUMb
                        They should replace his caracter with some more able to act, like that Ancient guy in the last episode (Jonus or something). You could see sparkles in his eyes, when he was talking about tehnology and stuff. All you see with Rodney, is superiority to others! They don't deserve it!
                        I'm not gonna bother to explain to you why you are horribly wrong, but please don't mouth off about the actor. It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. How the character behaves on the show is no indication of the capability of the actor. This should be clear to anyone who is able to tell reality apart from fantasy!
                        Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                          Oh, boy. I'm running to Mexico until the arguing stops. So please stop soon or I will be very tired.
                          Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                          Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                            Cube is one of my favorite Hewlett movies, but I really REALLY love Nothing, too. David at his nutty best. I tried to find the UK version when I was over in England, but no luck. Guess it's back to ebay.


                              I can't believe poor Rodney doesn't have his own thunk thread yet!

                              Or, at least, a search on "McKay Thunk" turned up nothing in Gen Disc or Atlantis. How horribly remiss of everyone!

                              McKay is just my type: a buff geek. He's arrogant, he's sarcastic, he's rude... and he's absolutely adorable! A great brain in a great bod and he has MY sense of humor. That's both terrible and terribly attactive. I love a guy who can give as good as he takes...

                              *ahem* Anyway, this thread is for those who love McKay (and the delectable David). Anyone wishing to bash the character/actor, anyone wishing to voice complaints, anyone who can't imagine what we could possibly see in McKay/Hewlett are welcome to voice their opinions elsewhere. This thread is definitely PRO-McKay!

                              Welcome to the playground, kiddies.


                                Tonight I'll have to get a picture or two for you to thunk over. Hey, I'll even come thunk over here every once in a while. (shhh, don't tell the girls on the Daniel thread. It's bad enough they know I visit the RDA one.)
                                No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)


