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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Another thing:
    So Rodney said he
    studied biology as an undergraduate
    , did I get that right? Is there anything this man didn't do? I mean, I like it that they allude to his hypochondria on the show, but they really have to be careful not to overdo it with his character. He may be a genius and he might have done a lot of things in his life, but as we already said when we were discussing the diploma in his room - he's not superman!
    When Rodney mentioned the
    biology class
    , I don't think he meant to imply that he had proficiency in the subject, merely that he had studied it. He also said that he
    "never could get in to it"
    or something to that effect, implying that he's not very good at the subject, but knows enough to be dangerous. Some would argue that the same could be said of his knowledge of physics judging from the events of "Trinity", but I digress.

    Even if Rodney's degrees are only in
    engineering and physics
    , he still would have had to take some core science classes in his early undergrad years.
    may have been one of the classes he chose to take.

    Rodney reminds me a lot of the guys I went to school with and work with, which is probably one of the reasons I like him so much. Those types of people will make themselves sound like they know everything about everything, but if you actually listen to what they say, you can figure out if they really are the expert on the subject or if they only know enough to carry on a decent conversation.

    I agree that Rodney shouldn't become Mr. Know-it-All or Mr. Fix-it-All. I like watching flawed characters to see how they deal with and compensate for their flaws. If I want to watch a perfect scientist, I know where my SG-1 DVDs are.



      Originally posted by KUtrekkie
      I agree that Rodney shouldn't become Mr. Know-it-All or Mr. Fix-it-All. I like watching flawed characters to see how they deal with and compensate for their flaws. If I want to watch a perfect scientist, I know where my SG-1 DVDs are.
      Me too, 1 reason I could never like Carter THAT much, but she did have her moments

      Seems TPTB agree with us, McKay becoming too much of the Answer Man is the reason they give for "Trinity"


        I think the slap is something the writers penned in to show that their relationship is getting back on track. I doubt they thought it would get anylized this much.
        Erm...semi-spoiers for "Trinity" and "Instinct"

        Something that has been mentiones on the "Instinct" board is that McKay seemed a little out of sorts during the epi. Probably still recovering from "Trinity" and such. I have to say I'm glad they aren't just flipping back to normal McKay. I was worried they might just forget continuity and pretend it didn't happen.

        So, whether it was intentional or not, I thought subdued!Rodney was fitting. He's trying to see where he stands with everyone again.

        Oh! And I liked seeing McKay chatting with Teyla a bit. You don't relly see a lot of that.

        *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

        "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


          Originally posted by strivaria
          Well, I'll do you one better than a pic or two... how about
          an animated gif? It's kinda small... but:
          Psssh! Who care's if it's small. It's still funny.

          *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

          "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


            Hehe...that is funny strivaria! I love it


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              If I remember correctly,
              Rodney was talking with Shep about hunting the wraith and Shep said that Ronan could do it and Rodney got all snarky about Ronan and his seven years experience and blah blah. Ronan spoke up from the background adding that he also had great hearing, Rodney looked embarrassed and Shep smacked Rodney on the back of the head before moving away.

              Now it wasn't a huge smack, Rodney didn't seem hurt by it or mad at Shep for hitting him, but I thought it was OOC for Shep. While the Shep/McKay relationship has been full of snark and arguing and yelling, they've never resorted to physical attacks before. (and yes it was just a little smack, but it was still physical) They even never resorted to it during the tense moments at the end of Trinity, when even I was sure Shep would punch Rodney and grab him to force him to leave when the test went bad. So why start now? It wasn't like Rodney said something that was that insulting.

              Were TPTB trying to show that the Shep/McKay relationship is so "comfortable" that Shep can smack Rodney when he screws up? (In contrast, if Shep had tried to smack Ronan like that he probably would be missing an arm ) Or did Shep smack him because he's just so fed up with Rodney that now he has to "resort" to that?

              Either way it was glaringly OOC for me and felt like a jock smacking a geek in high school. A stern look or comment would have been much better.
              Aww, really? I liked it.
              It felt like a friendshippy smack to me. As if, despite the shaken trust issues of last week, they went through some scary stuff together and it's deepened, not weakened, the friendship growing between them. I felt if Sheppard was really still upset and feeling distanced from Rodney after last week, he wouldn't have playfully smacked him on the head that way. It was more of a swipe, not really a hit. Just a physically expressed, "you goofball" thing. There was nothing mean behind it. In a way I thought it was almost sweet. Guys are like that with each other. It's a bonding/affection thing for some guys. At least, the guys I know. I interpreted it as John letting Rodney know that the friendship was still intact.


                Originally posted by strivaria
                Well, I'll do you one better than a pic or two... how about
                an animated gif? It's kinda small... but:
                Thank you! Yea! Aw, poor Rodney.
                Thanks to mcalex22 as well for the pics you PM'd much appreciated.

                Also why I am here the thing on DH I posted/asked I have absolutely no idea if it is true, I was merely wondering because of a reference someone made on another thread. So I apologise to DH and to anyone who may have gotten the wrong idea. It won't happen again. Sorry. PLEASE stop PMing me!


                  Yes, more from Instinct.

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    Oh, sorry, I forgot this one.

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Originally posted by Arlessiar
                      So Rodney said he studied biology as an undergraduate, did I get that right? Is there anything this man didn't do? I mean, I like it that they allude to his hypochondria on the show, but they really have to be careful not to overdo it with his character. He may be a genius and he might have done a lot of things in his life, but as we already said when we were discussing the diploma in his room - he's not superman!
                      I'd hate it if his character became totally unbelievable, genius or not.
                      One plausibility:

                      He referred to mechanical engineering in "Duet". Now, I know when I was in school engineering majors were required to take at least one semester each of biology and chemistry, as well as the expected three of physics and three or four of calculus.

                      Anyone care to look up what science courses *physics* majors were required to take in the U.S. and Canada in the mid- to late-80s?

                      It's very odd, though, that biology should be associated with hypochondria. At that level it's just the basics of life, nothing whatever to do with disease.

                      Now, if he was dating a pre-med student or had a pre-med roommate...
                      Last edited by Wordsmit2; 29 August 2005, 02:01 AM.

                      The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                      Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                        Has anyone else noticed whilst watching season 2 that he gets better looking by the episode? At this rate I'll be dead of cute by episode 20!
                        by Kaaatie


                          Originally posted by doylefan22
                          Has anyone else noticed whilst watching season 2 that he gets better looking by the episode? At this rate I'll be dead of cute by episode 20!
                          Like a fine Wine (or snark ) he gets better with age.



                            So I (being in the UK without Sky) have something to look forward to then?



                              Originally posted by 11nine73

                              So I (being in the UK without Sky) have something to look forward to then?

                              Oh yes he has very nice hair in Season two. And other things are very good.

                              Your first post, Aw and you came here. Rodney would be touched. Please come back anytime 11nine73.


                                Originally posted by 11nine73

                                So I (being in the UK without Sky) have something to look forward to then?

                                Yay! You're here

                                Don't worry I will keep you supplied with any nice pictures I think you might appreciate!
                                by Kaaatie

