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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Wordsmit2
    Better not see The Abyss, then.
    Too late. Seen it, loved it and hated it at the same time.

    Are you *sure* there was a shot like that? The version I saw didn't have it. If there was one, then I'm terribly sorry and I take back my comment about "Before I Sleep". What I saw was a...a...*non* moment, because all that's there is
    McKay near the railing watching the room fill up. He and Grodin should have been at their computers, typing madly and trying *not* to watch.

    If there is a shot like that, could someone make a copy of the intact scene and send me a link so I can see it?
    Here's a pic anyway:
    I don't think we saw Grodin in this last shot, but Rodney here is typing away on that handheld thing while the water rises. I don't have the whole scene so it's certainly possible that there was some pause while the water rose, but he at least wasn't completely inactive during that time.

    Actually, considering Rodney's background, I think it's quite impressive he wasn't hysterical like what we saw in 38 minutes. Wonder why that was or if that was a writer overlook.


      Originally posted by Cheveron7Locked
      OMGoodness! 199 pages of Rodney love?! I didn't know there was such a thing! I'm so happy lol! I'm new here and this is my first time posting so I thought I'd go search out somewhere good to post & this is most deff. the place for me!
      to the thread where you can thunk and drool about the one and only Rodney McKay as much as you want! Make yourself comfortable in our living room of geeky bliss and join us Hewlettists in watching the "Squee channel" all night and day!

      Bye, A.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
        Actually, considering Rodney's background, I think it's quite impressive he wasn't hysterical like what we saw in 38 minutes. Wonder why that was or if that was a writer overlook.
        He had a goal and a pretty good idea of where the solution ought to lie, no doubts that this was the one and only thing to be working on, and he was in charge.

        In "Thirty-eight Minutes" he hadn't been recently studying the puddlejumper systems, didn't know where the problem lay, and was still in the mission mindset where Sheppard, Ford, and Teyla can stop him from doing things they think are too risky.

        He had the same sort of clarity in the scene in "The Siege Part III" that we've been talking about, albeit jumped up on amphetamines and exhaustion.
        Last edited by Wordsmit2; 20 July 2005, 08:18 AM.

        The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

        Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


          Originally posted by Purpleyin

          EDIT: Surprised not to see any Comic Con pics links so here's one I found earlier.

          Oh look David's wearing a stripy shirt again This is a pretty cool one of him from the con (and doesn't that watch look familiar?)

          Love those ComicCon photos. Thanks for sharing them.

          Joe with a beard? Didn't expect that. It suits him, though. Rachel looked like she'd been partying a bit. Actually Paul did too.

          And David? Is just fabulous. As always. And he wears it so well. Like he doesn't know at all how adorable he is. That's so appealling.

          And to all my Thunk Sisters - Hello! Miss me? Back from an out of town trip. So tired. Ankle is wonky. MUCH more to say about Siege 3, and playing darling Gate Trippin's game later. Must clean house for showing. SO tired of that.
          not so ancient


          PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group


            Originally posted by strivaria
            oooh, that so needs to be an icon. Will have to go back through Storm/Eye caps and see if anything will fit the sentiment.
            Hehe, a McWet icon?
            I tried to make some caps from The Storm/The Eye, but it's hard because it's always so dark when they're out in the rain:

            Let's give the poor woobie a hug:

            Bye, A.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Originally posted by not so ancient
              Love those ComicCon photos. Thanks for sharing them.
              And to all my Thunk Sisters - Hello! Miss me? Back from an out of town trip.
              Hi, welcome back! I already wondered where you were.

              Concerning Comic Con pics: There are very many and very cool ones, especially of David, over at

              We even get to know that DH isn't very much into Harry Potter!
              Bye, A.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                EDIT: Surprised not to see any Comic Con pics links so here's one I found earlier.
                Oh look David's wearing a stripy shirt again
                oooooh, stripy shirt and jeans! A be-denim'ed Hewlett

                Yeah, so I've only had 6 hours sleep in the last 48..... how ever could you tell?


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  I love those caps Strivaria, though I was looking at the pics and since he's still in them I was thinking something is different, does he look shorter before I realised it was probably the hair... I love the goggles pic. And this one
                  Hans! That one is perfect as a minipic for a certain story category on the archive! You know which category I'm talking about! *cough*

                  Time to make more Rodney icons!


                    Hey, I just noticed: We're on page 200!
                    *throws confetti*
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                      Hey! That's enough, now!! He has very fine hair, that's all.

                      But your caption was majorly funny so I'll overlook this

                      I`m making only a joke for the word trimmed, that`s by us for dogs using. I love all looks from David, and the hair too. He`s absolutly nice looking so.
                      At this man is all very fine.

                      The caps of the Convention are good looking. They are all so funny at this Cons, yes?




                        Great link to the comic con pics. I just enjoy looking at David and the others!

                        Wow you must have sat right at the front since you got to take so many great shots of Dave! I love his smile - does he look as good in real life as he does in these pics?

                        Take care,


                          Originally posted by mcalex22


                          Great link to the comic con pics. I just enjoy looking at David and the others!

                          Wow you must have sat right at the front since you got to take so many great shots of Dave! I love his smile - does he look as good in real life as he does in these pics?
                          Um I am pretty sure Arlessiar did not attend the con, I think she is still in Germany.
                          They were posted I believe? by somone else and she was kind enough to gives us a heads up and a link.

                          Yes real life, very yummy pics. Even Joe with a beard, wow and nice. Paul as always cute as a button.

                          I love the way David Hewlett, in real life,hehe, talks with his hands. Haha,

                          Anyho, speaking of Germany as I was, have I been remiss, did I welcome you to the *Thunk* angie?

                          Hi and Welcome


                          Rodney: Ah, thank you, more fangirls.
                          Last edited by Willow'sCat; 20 July 2005, 08:41 PM.


                            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                            Um I am pretty sure Arlessiar did not attend the con, I think she is still in Germany.
                            Right, I'm still in Germany, in the land that finally has some rain, but still no SGA and of course no ComicCon. *sobs*
                            I found the link and thought I post it here because the pics were so great! How I envy the people who had the chance to go there! Wasn't this pic of David looking at this child mega cute? And how he was asked to sign a Harry Potter book?
                            But, thinking about it, I guess I'm glad I wasn't there. I wouldn't have been able to speak one single word! And my, would that have been embarrassing!
                            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                            I love the way David Hewlett, in real life,hehe, talks with his hands. Haha,
                            Yes, definitely a DH thing! Love it, too!

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              It's time to celebrate Purpleyin's birthday!!!

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                                I'm gonna make us play a silly game again...something I play at work when bored. (Imagine all those bored check out clerks at the puclic libraray: that's me and I need some amusement!!!!). Pick a person....duh, Rodney McKay. I ask 3 questions and you answer them...easy

                                1) If McKay was yours for a day, where would you take him and what would you do?

                                2) What sort of outfit would you most like to see Mckay dressed in?

                                3) What cliche storyline would you most like to see McKay stuck in with YOU? (eg. enclosed spaces, accidentally married at alien ceremony, etc.)

                                Seriously, I need something to keeep myself awake and I'd love to hear your answers!
                                Well since things are slow here and I am waiting for the cricket to get under way. I thought I would add my 5 cents.

                                1) I would take him to Cradle Mountain, small holiday spot with log cabins that have open fires, we could just lay back in front of the fire, clothes would be optional, and have dinner brought to us, he would probably have it eaten before I even start but hey, I would be so excited about being with him I probably couldn't eat anyway.

                                At night we could look up at the stars maybe wearing clothes for this, and he could tell me, because I am sure he would know, all the names of the constellations in the Southern hemisphereand about the Blackholes, Supernovas (Since I heard Carl Sagan talk about Supernovas, I have loved Supernovas ) and theories of time travel and well you get the picture.

                                After that, well I am too much of a lady to add anymore.

                                2) A Suit and tie, he would have to be wearing glasses or just wearing glasses. I am easily pleased.

                                3) Oh, this one is easy, cliche, well two combined and stolen from Buffy!

                                Part one: Mckay has feelings for me but instead of just being upfront he gets some Ancient tech thingy that he thinks will cast a love spell on me but it backfires and I turn out to be the only one that doesn't fall madly in love with him due to the Ancient tech thingy. *Wait, it will make sense in a minute*

                                Part two: I find some other Ancient tech thingy and it makes everyone including Rodney believe that I am some kind of god or hero or superstar, and Rodney who is already in love with me falls even more madly in love with me.

                                Of course, we were already in love without the aid of Ancient tech thingys, so when the spells are broken *which in these cliche stories they always are* we are still both madly in love with each other, but now we know it and can be open with one and other. Aw, *leaving to throw up now*

