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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
    I really can't choose between the characters, and the actors are both very good, so I'm happy to call it a draw. Dean was very charming in the first season though. And Jensen is a Texas boy too. I really do favour the support cast heavily. Mark, Misha, and Jim. I liked Jared's wife when she played Ruby. I thought she was definitely the best one. She's got a funny mouth, it's kinda cute. I was happy to hear that they are new parents too.
    Same here. And what about Lucifer? He's kinda cool, and funny.

    Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
    Gawd! I miss Crowley too much. He needs to be in every episode, just for me to look at him. *sigh* I'm very excited about it though, I read the description of the ep, and it sounds hilarious!
    Same here, again.

    Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
    I will ask him then, and I'll tell him that you told me I should ask him. That way if it's a stupid question, it's half your fault!
    I agree and accept the responsibility.

    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    IYes, I agree. Totally

    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    I too miss Balthazar! Was so when Crowley ganked him.
    Crowley or Cas?

    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    You really do and that is a good one! My favorite part of the first one is Dean fixing his baby...again. He just looks so damn sexy when he's working on her. Specially in the PURPLE FLANNEL. Oh, and those coveralls...he looked so CUTE in them.
    I'll watch it today. I agree about that. But the whole first episode was excellent. And, I miss the Impala too.



      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney
      Is Geoi gonna meet David???
      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

      WAIT!'re going to meet David??? Like, seriously???
      Haha, yeah! Seriously! I'm going to the Vancouver con in 25 days! And I won the auction for a meet and greet with him. So I get to be in a room with him and only 9 other fans for an hour! Oh, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. Butterflies!


      And, OMG...
      I originally typed RODNEY'S NADS. Stupid band-aids on my left ring finger! 3 band-aids! Makes typing hell! If only I hadn't cut my finger on a CARDBOARD BOX. Of all things.
      ROFL! Hope it gets better soon!

      Originally posted by Nenyc
      Same here. And what about Lucifer? He's kinda cool, and funny.
      Yeah, the guy who plays him is really good. I don't know his name though, and don't have the time to look it up. Gotta get to work now!

      I agree and accept the responsibility.

      "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


        Originally posted by Nenyc View Post
        Same here. And what about Lucifer? He's kinda cool, and funny. Not really a fan of him. Sorry. He's not my cuppa tea. I hate what he did (and continued to do) to Sam. And what he's now doing to poor Cas.

        Crowley or Cas?
        I'm sorry, I haven't watched that episode enough to remember who ganked Balthazar. It was Cas. My bad.

        I'll watch it today. I agree about that. But the whole first episode was excellent. And, I miss the Impala too.
        Oh, Baby is sorely missed by me too.

        Oh, The Crazy Hewlett Hair! I love it so!

        Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
        Haha, yeah! Seriously! I'm going to the Vancouver con in 25 days! And I won the auction for a meet and greet with him. So I get to be in a room with him and only 9 other fans for an hour! Oh, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. Butterflies!
        *is sooooo jealous* But, that sounds awesome! Say "Hi" from us...if you can.
        And, if it's not too much trouble (and I completely understand if it is) if you tell him my name he might remember it (me) from that GeekDad webchat/interview he did a year or so ago because he said "Hi" to me. See there was a bunch of us in a chat room thing posting our questions for the guy interviewing David to ask him, I just wanted him to say Hi to David for me and...he did. They even commented on my name too. I squeed like the fangirl I am. David is aware of my GW name.

        Bet you already knew about this though. Hard to remember who knows and who doesn't. Sorry.

        Seriously though, you don't have to do it. Completely understand if you're too nervous to say one word to him. I would be.

        ROFL! Hope it gets better soon!
        Me too. It doesn't hurt at all. Just gotta keep it covered while it heals. It's small but in the worst spot...tip of my finger so that's why the 3 band-aids. It's very awkward.

        Yeah, the guy who plays him is really good. I don't know his name though, and don't have the time to look it up. Gotta get to work now!
        That would be Mark Pellegrino.

        Oh, nice profile.
        Sig by ME.


          Yeah, RiG, I'll try to say hi from you and Nenyc both. It's been only Nenyc and I here for so long now, I feel like we own this mofo. LOL! Kidding. It's so awesome to have you back, for realz!

          And yes, David has the greatest profile in show business.

          Oh, guess what! I just got made a moderator over at dgeek! So stoked. Now I get to delete spam posts, and stuff. lol

          "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


            Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
            Can't wait to hear the answer.

            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
   Not really a fan of him. Sorry. He's not my cuppa tea. I hate what he did (and continued to do) to Sam. And what he's now doing to poor Cas.
            He's interesting in this season, much more than before. Of course, as long as he doesn't hurt the boys. However, I'm always on their side.

            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            I'm sorry, I haven't watched that episode enough to remember who ganked Balthazar. It was Cas. My bad.
            It's okay.
            And I loved the last episode, especially the end.

            Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
            Yeah, RiG, I'll try to say hi from you and Nenyc both. It's been only Nenyc and I here for so long now, I feel like we own this mofo. LOL! Kidding. It's so awesome to have you back, for realz!
            Wait! What? We don't?



              Originally posted by Nenyc View Post

              Wait! What? We don't?

              Oh, do we? Maybe we do.

              I <3 David's little ears. They're so cute.
              "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
                Yeah, RiG, I'll try to say hi from you and Nenyc both.
                Thank you.

                It's been only Nenyc and I here for so long now, I feel like we own this mofo. LOL! Kidding. It's so awesome to have you back, for realz!
                WOW! Just the two of usyou? Now I feel bad I wasn't here for so long. Sorry.

                And you so own it!

                And yes, David has the greatest profile in show business.
                Well, one of two IMHO. Sorry, but Jensen has the other one.

                Oh, guess what! I just got made a moderator over at dgeek! So stoked. Now I get to delete spam posts, and stuff. lol
                That is awesomesauce! You can channel Rodney, snark at all the spammers!

                There's my favorite astrophysicist! Yes, you Rodney, with the cute ears.

                I need to post a pic now don't I?

                And here it is...
                Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 03 April 2012, 04:48 PM.
                Sig by ME.


                  Hehe, you don't have to post a pic. That's just something we got into, isn't it? We can just chat... I mean, it's not like we have moderators breathing down our neck in this thread, is it?

                  Oh! Okay, I have a story about today, but I'll just copy/paste what I posted at dgeek, which is the first half.

                  Okay so... At work, we open the bar at 7am, and this oil field guy who I think is really cute and cool came in. He usually comes in when I'm working mornings. Anyway, he and I have been talking, just BSing around, a lot. Today, he tucked $100 into my pack of smokes while I wasn't looking, and then when I discovered it, he said it was for my Vancouver trip. I didn't want to take the money, but he insisted. Then he goes, "I hope this doesn't sound creepy, but I wasn't even gonna come in this morning. I was just exhausted. But I knew you'd be working, and I wanted to see you. I like you. We have a good time together, you're really smart and funny, and your face turns all red when you laugh.". Okay. I never would have thought that last part could be a compliment, but I guess he thinks it's cute when I blush.

                  Anyway, it's been a while since I've dealt with any sort of social situation like that, and I wasn't sure how to react. I was just like, "I like you too. Excuse me.", and walked away. Later we exchanged phone numbers, and he texted me a couple of times already. I feel weird and awkward now, and I keep giggling and stuttering when I talk to him. Every bit of "cool" I had just went right out the window. Oh well.

                  THEN when he woke up for work just before 6PM, he texted me again, and we had this huge txt convo that ate up all the memory in my phone and I had to delete messages. He is SO funny. He had me genuinely LOLing with just text messages!

                  Anyway, after a couple of hours of this, it had turned into this... I am cooking him a full steak dinner that I'll have ready for him at 6AM when he gets off work, AND apparently I need to shave.

                  I mean.. Wow. That really progressed.

                  And here's some Rodney just to make this post a bit more David-centric!

                  "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                    ^ Geoi, that is so nice and cute. Hope that you'll have a great time together.

                    Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
                    Oh, do we? Maybe we do.

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    WOW! Just the two of usyou? Now I feel bad I wasn't here for so long. Sorry.

                    And you so own it!
                    See, RiG thinks the same. So it's true.

                    Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post

                    I <3 David's little ears. They're so cute.
                    Me too. And they are.



                      @Geoi: WOW!!! Hope all goes well with that steak dinner!

                      He's not cuter than David is he?

                      Originally posted by Nenyc View Post
                      See, RiG thinks the same. So it's true.
                      It's so true.

                      Me too. And they are.
                      So totally are.

                      Oh Rodney, how I've missed you!

                      Sig by ME.






