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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    OH MAN! I FOUND MY WALLET!!!! It was behind the headboard of my bed! I have NO idea how it got there! YES YES YES! There is a God and He totally helped me find it literally 5 minutes after I prayed for help! I had no reason to even look there at all, but I did, and BLAM! Oh thank God. Seriously. SOO relieved! Phew.

    Damn, M.R., that must've been one heck of a bike crash! Hope your painkillers kick in soon. I have tendinitis in my right elbow and right knee too, from wrestling. So I know the feeling, and it isn't pleasant.

    Sexy Hewlett bum pic cos I'm so happy about finding my wallet!
    "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


      So please Geoi, glad you found it

      I will swear blind even now that I had right of way, not the car that actually hit me! The were broken bones and torn ligiments, it wasn't pleasant.... makes my job hard at times too, when it gets really bad I have no strength in my wrist to hold anything, not fun.

      Whoa... painkillers are kicking in I think
      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


        Good lord, M.R.! That's terrible!

        Not to make light of it, but that totally makes me think of this clip from Spaced, with Nick Frost and Simon Pegg...

        Damn, the embedding is disabled...
        "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


          Sorry Geoi I can't see it cos channel 4 have blocked it in my (their!!) country..... I will get around to watching Spaced at some point

          It certainly wasn't fun, 3 weeks in hospital, 8 weeks in cast and almost 14 month of physio. That was over 12 years ago They think I'll eventually need a hip and knee replacement - but I'm only 32 so hopefully that's a little way off yet

          Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


            Wow. That sucks big time, mate. I'm sorry.

            Sorry bout that clip being banned too. I'll try the official Channel 4 clip.

            Or just look up Spaced, cyclist on I can't get to the uk site anymore.

            "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


              Fantastic.... yeah I think my language was a little stronger than that when I eventually came round!! You should hear me now when I'm out on my bike, I have serious road rage

              Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                Oh yeah, I can imagine. Did your accident happen around where you are? Do you pass the location and have flashbacks? Sorry, I'm usually not this morbid.

                I love him in this shirt.
                "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                  That shirt does look good on him

                  No not around here, we moved just before my daughter was born to where we are now, so luckily I don't see where it happened very often any more

                  Damn, it's gone midnight, guess I should go to bed........ painkillers are making it hard to type without my mind wandering off without me and I've got work in the morning!!

                  see you guys tomorrow

                  Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                    Goodnight, M.R.

                    "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                      Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
                      Where is that from, Sklerka??
                      Honestly? I have no idea. But in the background is Andrew Miller I think so it can be behind the scene from "Nothing". Although he has different hair... I don't know ...
                      And I'm glad that you found your wallet


                        Morning Sklerka Must admit I don't recognise that pic either....... but then I have the memory of a slug so.........

                        Rough night's sleep, feel a bit..........

                        Gonna be a long day
                        Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                          Originally posted by sklerka25 View Post
                          Honestly? I have no idea. But in the background is Andrew Miller I think so it can be behind the scene from "Nothing". Although he has different hair... I don't know ...
                          And I'm glad that you found your wallet
                          Oh, right. There are really just very quick snippets from some of David and Andrew's other projects on the behind the scenes of Nothing. And I love Vincenzo Natali as a director, but he's the most boring person in the world to listen to talk... I kept falling asleep during the bonus features. The commentary was worse than listening to someone describe taking a dump. That sounds so rude, but he's really just not very entertaining to listen to. Thank God David and Jane and John are entertaining in the A Dog's Breakfast commentary. And David's mum.

                          Last edited by Geoi McKay; 11 September 2011, 11:46 PM.
                          "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                            Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                            Morning Sklerka Must admit I don't recognise that pic either....... but then I have the memory of a slug so.........

                            Rough night's sleep, feel a bit..........

                            Gonna be a long day
                            Morning, M.R... I didn't sleep well either. Maybe we've formed a psychic link over da internetz. Hope your day goes better.

                            "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                              It's better already, had a call from work to say the boiler's not working (so no machinery works!!) and not to bother going in until they call me - considering I'm only supposed to be working 6 hours today, it could be a very short day!!

                              Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                                Hi, girls.


