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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    More nonspoilery generic responses:



    And regarding that second pic...

    I'm fairly sure the event takes place in his head. Look at the other pic where they're on the ground unconscious. He has a white shirt underneath his...jacket?...while she's wearing full military gear. Later when they kiss they're both wearing the white shirt. His head, his white shirt. What do you think?


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

      I concur!

      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

      And regarding that second pic...

      I'm fairly sure the event takes place in his head. Look at the other pic where they're on the ground unconscious. He has a white shirt underneath his...jacket?...while she's wearing full military gear. Later when they kiss they're both wearing the white shirt. His head, his white shirt. What do you think?
      quite possibly.... still doesn't stop it from being funny (or me being this rather unattractive shade of green)


        Just a sloganizer result that I couldn't help but posting...

        Mckay makes me hot


        .... I haven't slept in over 24hrs...what are u lookin' at?


          Originally posted by McKay's girl
          Heh, I can't keep from staring at this one... he looks a little shellshocked. And yes, there is a bit of envy on my part...

          Anyway... managed to do a little Darklight capping. I finally broke down and got the upgrade to PowerDVD to get the capture ability. I was hoping to get better quality caps, but apparently that was not to be. I don't know if it's how I recorded the movie or what... but there were very few sharp pictures to be had. now without further ado...

          Anders in profile:

          Parts of the body, #2 - The Shoulder

          Hand Porn

          Parts of the body, #2a - The Other Shoulder

          Anders as Goa'uld

          The rest are here:


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            Nice wallpaper, though it could do with some kind of snarky caption.
            I'm not good with caps, someone think one up

            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            In shock!!! Starting to get to the point where Imaybe don't want to see new pics incase they spoil too much... Of course aren't they the set photographers ones, just the same as the ones that included the Weir and Sumner kiss... and there's also another new but similar intruder pic with McKay in.
            loooks like she's Cadman to me and kissing McKay after they're both set right possibly, considering she's back in her own body. Well hopefully.... could you imagine if Mckay ended up in hers and her in his (could explain the McKay/Beckett kiss another way...)

            There's also a McKay and Cadman on the floor pic with Carson and others standing around them.

            Oh and there's a McKay in the field pics too for Duet, quite nice and even a few of him in Trinity. Overload of McKay pics here
            How can you not want to see pics like the second one? Its the only reason I havent broken down completely from impatence!
            Is it just me or does she look half-blonde?!!!! I think I'm colourblind


            About the event taking place in his head (very weird btw) he seems very shocked! So it's either the girl in his head making him think about that, or its not in his head and she actually kisses him. This eps got me very confused

            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


              Oooh! Such strong and manly hands. *floats*


                Originally posted by strivaria
                Anders as Goa'uld
                *drools* Evil!David
                Anybody know if evil McKay will ever happen?

                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                  Originally posted by McKay's girl
                  Anybody know if evil McKay will ever happen?
                  I don't know but the words 'Evil Genius' spring to mind...


                    Originally posted by strivaria
                    *thunk* *drools* *thunk again * Thats a great cap strivaria!!

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      Oooh! That is a cool cap

                      I've been thunking for 6hrs straight... yay!



                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        Anybody know if evil McKay will ever happen?
                        We can only hope. Actually I noticed something as I was watching the 5 minutes of David's screen time looking for capping material. It's been mentioned about how David plays McKay with a bit of a slouch; I don't think I saw that on Darklight. And to add to the curiousness... I think he even has the two characters walk differently. Anders had a bit of a confidently sedate strut whereas McKay... if I remember correctly, always seems to move about like he really hasn't got time to waste getting from point A to point B.

                        Just.. uh.. things you notice when watching the same 5 mintues of footage for about 4 hours.


                          Originally posted by strivaria
                          We can only hope. Actually I noticed something as I was watching the 5 minutes of David's screen time looking for capping material. It's been mentioned about how David plays McKay with a bit of a slouch; I don't think I saw that on Darklight. And to add to the curiousness... I think he even has the two characters walk differently. Anders had a bit of a confidently sedate strut whereas McKay... if I remember correctly, always seems to move about like he really hasn't got time to waste getting from point A to point B.

                          Just.. uh.. things you notice when watching the same 5 mintues of footage for about 4 hours.
                          Good characterisation skill then Go DH!


                            Originally posted by Ashta
                            Oooh! That is a cool cap

                            I've been thunking for 6hrs straight... yay!

                            Only six!

                            I love your sig vv cool, oh and your location but how do you get the computer in their .

                            Can someone again explain to the slow girl , why we call it Thunking? and Whumping? Have I missed something else? I get the concept and how!

                            When I finally get my (bleep) together I will contribute some pics but until then thanks to everyone for the *Drools* fab Dave pics *Drools again* like the ones when he smiles aw, he is so cute. Oh and the ones with the not so rippling muscles

                            Oh heck! I love 'em all


                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              Only six!

                              I love your sig vv cool, oh and your location but how do you get the computer in their .
                              well... since two in the morning... it's about 8hrs now...

                              I squish myself into the 4ft Dalek, and I.... have a laptop!

                              Damn, I have to meet a friend in a couple of hours!! which means dragging myself away from my laptop... NO!!!!!

                              And I have had no sleep. Joy. And I'm trying to multi task while Thunking and watching Anime.... Mckay or Anime.... why am I not surprised that Mckay is wining? lol.

                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              Can someone again explain to the slow girl , why we call it Thunking? and Whumping? Have I missed something else? I get the concept and how!
                              Thunking is like when you find someone incredibly attractive the noise you make is 'thunk'. Whumping is when a character gets hurt. (Ashta's overtired colloquial explination...hmmm *wonders what her exams must have been like*)

                              lol, and

                              Tongue! Huzzuh! Just for u! *grugs*


                                Originally posted by Ashta
                                Tongue! Huzzuh! Just for u! *grugs*
                                Did someone ask for...

                                No, I'm not going to say it.

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

