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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    If David's proposed show, Starcrossed doesn't get made, I think I may just lose all faith in the syfy channel. Shouldn't a draft of the script be leaked by now? Come on, internet. I wonder if he plans to cast his sister. Hell, as much trouble as he seems to have writing, he should get Kate to help him. She's just as brill and funny as he is.

    I just really hope we don't get screwed out of another could-be awesomeballs show.

    Oh, and here's some random Rodney love to go with my random Starcrossed rant..

    ^They're so cute.
    "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


      If SyFy doesn't accept Starcrossed, then they are definitely the biggest idiots that exist on Earth! Although, they are already idiots, but...

      I also hope that Kate will be on the show. At the same time she can help him on everything.
      She's just as brill and funny as he is - agree with this.

      Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
      Of course.

      Last edited by Nenyc; 01 May 2011, 04:44 AM.


        I bought some of her songs off her site. They're pretty clever,, just wish they were longer, or there were more of them. I feel kinda like a sucker for paying $10 for 6 songs, but whatever. I really wish that pilot she did, Fancy, would have gotten picked up. I can't imagine what sort of amazing Canadian comedy could have appeared more promising than that one.

        "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


          $10 for 6 songs? Not bad.

          I agree with that. What kind of nonsense get a chance to be shown at least for one season, Fancy should get a chance for sure. That Pilot was excellent.



            I really do hope Syfy picks up Starcrossed..if they don't I may just stop watching the stupid channel altogether! and just catch the shows I like such as Eureka and Warehouse 13 online..


              Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
              I really do hope Syfy picks up Starcrossed..if they don't I may just stop watching the stupid channel altogether! and just catch the shows I like such as Eureka and Warehouse 13 online..

              Yeah, (don't forget Sanctuary!) but then the syfy profit-whores will prolly pull their online viewing. :/

              David: Wait... I have an idea... Why not give the viewers what they want?
              -Syfy: Yeah, like that ever works. *sticks finger up own bum then sniffs it*
              "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                I really do hope Syfy picks up Starcrossed..if they don't I may just stop watching the stupid channel altogether! and just catch the shows I like such as Eureka and Warehouse 13 online..
                They should. Many people would watch that show, that's for sure.



                  Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
                  Yeah, (don't forget Sanctuary!) but then the syfy profit-whores will prolly pull their online viewing. :/
                  Can't forget Sanctuary! Even though it seems Syfy wants to kill that show too moving it to Mondays

                  David: Wait... I have an idea... Why not give the viewers what they want?
                  -Syfy: Yeah, like that ever works. *sticks finger up own bum then sniffs it*


                    I just wish shlt didn't need to be so bloody corporate. If Syfy would have just been like, "Blah blah blah, this is what YOU fans need to do to save your show. If you can't do that, it's gone.",, instead of just ignoring us and not giving a frack.
                    "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay


                      Originally posted by Geoi McKay View Post
                      I just wish shlt didn't need to be so bloody corporate. If Syfy would have just been like, "Blah blah blah, this is what YOU fans need to do to save your show. If you can't do that, it's gone.",, instead of just ignoring us and not giving a frack.
                      In a perfect world that would happen.. but this aint a perfect world.. sadly.. it would be nice if they let us know what we the viewer could do to save our favorite shows..


                        Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                        In a perfect world that would happen.. but this aint a perfect world.. sadly.. it would be nice if they let us know what we the viewer could do to save our favorite shows..
                        Yeah... thus the word "wish". I hate it that we can't stop a grave injustice when we see it happening. Oh, but then, that explains the national debt (america,, grrr).
                        "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay




                            ^ Such a nerd he looks so happy looking at all that Ancient tech heck I would be happy too!


                              ^ Haha!

                              This one is so beautiful... I think, anyway. D'aww.

                              "It's all in the Algorithm." -Rodney McKay



