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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    LMAO ! We're going to be here for a long while yet,as long as Atlantis runs,I hope .(Not that I'm trying to jinx McKay or anything ! )
    *Chucks Virtual Cookie at Ancient 1 *
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      Ancient, do you have anything that's actually ON TOPIC which you wish to discuss, or are we just a convenient stop on your way to a higher post count? If you're just gonna keep posting that you're checking to see if we're still drooling over DH and that's all, then you're going to have a long wait.

      If you have any actual comments to make or any possible topics for discussion you're better off just posting them rather than "waiting". We can't very well discuss something if someone doesn't start us off on the subject.

      Still working on my McKayfic. Other than a Sam/McKay tie-in to Rising, is there anything in particular anyone wants to see? I don't think I'm gonna work his cat into this one and any alien pets are gonna have to wait. No guarantees on getting anything else in, either, but now I'm kinda curious about what people are interested in. Other than his sarcasm and good looks, what is it you love best about him? What quirks do you think he has that we haven't seen yet? What impossible situations do you want to see him get in to/out of? Not necessarily for fics, but just in general...


        This is more like it !
        Ok,I love McKay for his insecurities,his wit,sarcasm and his intelligence .
        He's incapable of the usual guile and BS I see in other Science geeks on the shows (Felger in SG-1 ,for example !).
        He isn't afraid to admit when he's wrong,but he doesn't like his apologies to be too public.(Redemption:Infirmary scene is a good example,IMO.)
        Unlike most of Sam's conquests ,he's not afraid to argue with her on equal,if not better terms.I say "good for him" .
        He made an Ass of himself with Luke(V.Bad idea ! ),but the citrus allergy itself is something I identify with.
        I liked the "Pianist" exchange,but the impression I got, was that he had a fairly loveless childhood,and he'd had his dreams dashed enough, to develop the snark as a defence against attacks....whether due to overbearing target-obsessed parents/teachers/bullying at school. Take your pick !
        The main thing is he's very human,complex and certainly not a wimp ,IMO !

        Now Atlantis:
        Perfect casting in his own right.He seems to have quickly developed into quite a foil for the others, isn't afraid to speak his mind,and also appears to have a non-diabetic sugar intolerance.If this is actually in the show as canon,I'll edit in a spoiler tag .Let me know !
        I've only seen the premiere,but from all the stuff I've read here, and around the forum,I adore McKay even more,as he's rather a reluctant and grumpy hero .I'm so looking forward to seeing the rest of the eps !

        What I'd like to see:
        I want him to continue to get closer to the others.Not so much that he loses his edge,but enough for him to know he doesn't have to be alone in the crowd,or overcompensate by being too superior,or just aloof.

        Maybe I'm projecting here,as I'm a loner myself in some ways, but I think McKay's biggest struggle, is to understand he's a totally valid guy in his own right,and that he'll able to relax a bit,knowing he's appreciated and liked.
        I don't want him to go soft and fluffy though.

        I have to say,I trust David Hewlett to keep him real in the Show.Hopefully he'll have enough leeway from PTB to expand McKay progressively.I like the way the writers have developed McKay ,so long may they continue in that vein,IMO.

        As for fan-fics.....
        Last edited by Bagpuss; 23 August 2004, 12:13 PM. Reason: Additional piece.
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          The actor that plays McKay has shown some of the finest acting there is on television. Combined with the writing on the show, this character appears to be limitless in future development.


            I think it's kinda funny how McKay has had more character development than anyone else, even the so-called star of the show, Sheppard. I guess the writers are just giving the audiences what they want.
            Last edited by april_flower75; 24 August 2004, 07:27 AM. Reason: spelling error
            I'm so out of all the rest of the scripts now. McKay's going to go looking for a file and never come back now. "Yeah, I thought I saw it in the other room." Cut to Season Eight: "Yeah, he died! That McKay guy ..."

            April (obsessed with David Hewlett)


              This man gets the most amazing words placed in the story. Perfect character writing.


                Morjana's Posted a Thread all about the release on DVD of "Boa V Python".
                This film ,features DH ,and was released yesterday.(Region 1)

                Follow the link to view the clips on the site Morjana's put links to,if you fancy checking it out.


                My thanks to Morjana !
                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                  I have to say, old Rodney is becoming my favorite character on Atlantis.
                  As preverse as it may sound, having a character who is inherently a jerk is refreshing. Without the tiresome limitation to maintain a constant noble, self sacrificing or heroic stance, Rodney gets far more range than the other characters - he gets to act up and say things the other characters can't. He also proves that there is room for dirt smudges on White Hats.
                  He almost makes jerks look cool, and that is a pretty neat trick.


                    Originally posted by crowhop
                    I have to say, old Rodney is becoming my favorite character on Atlantis.
                    As preverse as it may sound, having a character who is inherently a jerk is refreshing.
                    I really don't think of McKay as a jerk anymore. Certainly on SG1 I often did, but not on Atlantis. Sure he's sarcastic, but I think he's developed quite nicely from the mold of 'jerk-type'-person. Which is not to say that he won't act as jerk in the future, again, but so far - no jerk in sight. IMO, only.
                    Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.




                      He built a model on an atom bomb in HIGH SCHOOL?! O.O This guy's cool points (high as they already were) just skyrocketed. Again.

                      This is OTAKUDOM-
                      I mean.... This is STARGATEDOM!

                      IMPORTANT! Lucia Tanaka will be AWOL for about 1-2 months due to school. See you soon!


                        Spoilers for Underground and my McKay fic
                        HA! I SO called the food hoarding thing. hehe. Was semi-right about the doors on Wraith ships, too. Well, OK, I had them in a zigurrat/temple originally, but now they're in a hiveship where they belong.

                        Great ep. But I'm easily pleased when there's lots of McKay goodness to be had. Great snarkage and yeah, WOW on the atomic bomb thing. Loved Ford's reply, too. "They let you do that in Canada??" LOL!

                        Few more tweaks and beta tests and my fic should be ready to upload to GW. Finally!


                          I'm really looking forward to reading this,Shadow. I know I mess about on the Sulky thread and tend towards "over-cheer" in my posts,but I'd never mock your writing skills.(Or "you" as a person. )
                          I think I'm safe in assuming you've captured the "true" McKay personality.
                          Then added some very clever twists.Bravo on the "Call" too ....

                          Back to "screen" Rodney,I think I'll enjoy this episode all the more, after reading your little bit in the spoiler tag !

                          Waves to Lucia :Keep up your writing too.School permitting !
                          Last edited by Bagpuss; 28 August 2004, 06:43 AM. Reason: Missed Lucia's post before Shadow's, first time.
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            My faith in Atlantis has been restored. Rodney and food. Twice. And...

                            I love how Rodney wants to share all his knowledge without thinking that discretion may be better. The know it all wants everybody to know he knows it all!

                            Also, I loved that line about his sense of humor! That was actually kind of a buddy line.

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              Once again, Dr. "Look at me, I'm so smart" proves he deserves to be spaced. I've seen bulemics eat less and slower. And then to just spew out uranium enrichment advice to a civilization they just met. "Here, let me show you how to make a big boom AND pollute your world at the same time."

                              Put him on a leash and have Weir discipline his a**.


                                I'm sorry, Stephen, perhaps you missed the fact that this thread is here to DISCUSS the character, not to mercilessly bash him.

                                Personally, I think McKay is the best thing to happen to Atlantis and that he's the show's saving grace. I've said it before, but it's really nice to have a character who isn't perfect. McKay is the most realistic person on the show, IMO. Everyone else was cut from the Hero mold. *rolls eyes* How boring is that?

