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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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new posts much to catch up on in a week. (Back from Italy, had a great time, accidentally OD'd on Atlantis which I was able to watch on my laptop. Oops.)

    1) RiD has a new signature! Cool, except...I liked the old one.

    2) I hated Rodney in his first appearence in SG-1.
    "I've always had a thing for dumb blondes..." Ick. Great line, but...ick. Then'new person whose name I can't remember' said, the bit in I think his second appearence, about wanting to be a concert pianist, and his teacher telling him to give it up, 'cause he was technically brilliant, but had no...soul, or whatever. Then I warmed to him a bit more.
    Partly 'cause I'm a piano teacher and I wanted to track that one down and give them a piece of my mind!! Rodney could've studied Baroque...

    Anyway, in Atlantis I unexpectedly liked him. And rewatching it I really like him. Partly 'cause I'm slightly eccentric, with various allergies, and the world's lowest pain threshold, so I identify, I think...
    Also this:
    Originally posted by Blue Shadowdancer View Post
    The same as Ravenheart, I like intelligent characters, particularly when they're snarky and funny as well, and properly intelligent, rather than just moderately.
    3) I'm having a great time at the moment, 'cause a pal is telling me all about an epic Atlantis dream she had last night (would make an excellent sixth season so far) and it has large amounts of Rodney. Fun.


      Originally posted by Alder View Post
      Anyway, in Atlantis I unexpectedly liked him. And rewatching it I really like him. Partly 'cause I'm slightly eccentric, with various allergies, and the world's lowest pain threshold, so I identify, I think...
      I've always felt like an outsider so I identified with him quite a lot.
      3) I'm having a great time at the moment, 'cause a pal is telling me all about an epic Atlantis dream she had last night (would make an excellent sixth season so far) and it has large amounts of Rodney. Fun.
      That sounds like fun! I have this idea in the back of my mind that I could try and write a full season's worth of fanfic episodes with an arc and everything. It would probably end up as a twenty Rodney centric fics, but I enjoy that so I'll inflict them on my readers

      When did I realise I liked McKay? Hmm, well, embarrassing as it is for me to admit it, but it was Sheppard who drew me to SGA initially as I hadn't seen any episodes. But then I saw Rodney and I said, "Well, helloooo, what do we have here?"

      Of course he then got whumped a bit and that just made me even more weak in the knees His comments are also very funny. He was little bit annoying in some of the earlier episodes (Sanctuary being the main one) but always justifiably so
      McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


        It was actually Shepard that I liked more when i first started watching Atlantis as well. I always liked the character of Rodney but didn't really think about him much more than that. As time went on though and his character really developed I found myself liking him more and more till he beat out Shepard in why I was watching. Plus, like Varda, the fact that he got whumped fairly often didn't hurt to help my enjoyment of the character along. I think Rodnet is very complex and DH did a fabulous job of portraying that.
        My Photos


          Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
          It was actually Shepard that I liked more when i first started watching Atlantis as well. I always liked the character of Rodney but didn't really think about him much more than that. As time went on though and his character really developed I found myself liking him more and more till he beat out Shepard in why I was watching. Plus, like Varda, the fact that he got whumped fairly often didn't hurt to help my enjoyment of the character along. I think Rodnet is very complex and DH did a fabulous job of portraying that.
          Good old Rondey, huh? Rodeny?

          My most frequent typos when I'm typing my fics out
          McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


            Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
            That sounds like fun! I have this idea in the back of my mind that I could try and write a full season's worth of fanfic episodes with an arc and everything. It would probably end up as a twenty Rodney centric fics, but I enjoy that so I'll inflict them on my readers
            Heh...I'm not usually a fanfic person, but the last week when I was in Italy and had nothing to do in the afternoons when everything shut for siesta...there's nothing quite like having a snooze and dreaming up a few episodes. And yup, I've got various Rodney-eske episodes that would slip nicely into a full season.

            Oh, also, my evil pal keeps breaking off to nip away and do stuff. She's killing me hereeeeeeeee...!


              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
              *faints dead away*

              This pic was on there too, RiG!

              The full size one is here
              Heh. Kewl.

              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
              No... I have a week off! Yay! I've only had two days off since Christmas Don't know what I'm doing yet, probably just a bit of walking, a lot of sleeping and stacks of writing
              ...and visiting GW... for a little bit?

              Originally posted by TinaJ View Post
              Just because I'm bored...

              I'd be interested to know when you first realized you liked/loved Rodney?
              Well, The feelings I had about Rodney during 48 Hours and Redemption's 1 and 2 are a blur. I really don't remember what I thought of him then or how I felt about him. But, when I heard about this knew spin-off (SGA) and learned that Rodney would be a part of that show I thought it was cool that someone from SG1 was going over to SGA, even if he was a just a guest star on SG1. I wouldn't be going into this new show not knowing any of the players, I knew Rodney so I kept my I on him.

              However, Carson was the first guy I "noticed" thanx to Rising and Poisoning the Well. I thought he was sweet, cute and had an adorable scottish accent. Still does IMHO. Then, I don't know when it happened (sometime during season 1) but... Rodney took center stage! And boy am I ever glad he did! I never looked back. Nope. I was all about the Rodney... and in turn Teh Hewlett.

              So, in essence...

              Originally posted by TinaJ View Post
              He's sure grown a lot during the series ( and I haven't even watched season 5 yet ).
              That he has. And as far as season 5 goes... youdon;t know what you're missing!

              Originally posted by TinaJ View Post
              Hm, sounds like me:

              Swedish - native tongue
              English - pretty good, I'd say
              German - could probably still read it with a bit of effort
              French - forgot very quickly
              Latin - see above

              Meh, so much time wasted. I used to be pretty good with languages, but if you don't use them, you lose them...
              I never had to learn a language in school... tho if I did it would have to be Spanish, I just love it!

              Originally posted by Blue Shadowdancer View Post
              And now I'm unconditionally in love with him Checking my new 'Rodney Pictures' folder, I see that I now have 124 pictures of him in the short time that I've been on GW... Thanks for posting all the pictures, guys!
              You're welcome for my part.

              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
              I've always felt like an outsider so I identified with him quite a lot.
              That sounds like fun! I have this idea in the back of my mind that I could try and write a full season's worth of fanfic episodes with an arc and everything. It would probably end up as a twenty Rodney centric fics, but I enjoy that so I'll inflict them on my readers
              Oooh, a virtual season 6!

              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
              Good old Rondey, huh? Rodeny?

              My most frequent typos when I'm typing my fics out
              Mine too. Always type Rondey.

              Alder wrote:1) RiD has a new signature! Cool, except...I liked the old one.
              Who's RID? :-P

              Which old one? You might not have see my last sig as it was for David's b-day and was only up for that week. And I can't... WAIT... was it the Hewlett fangirl one?

              David's latest from Twitter

              Poor Mars. He was more pest than pet today. Nice walk now will sort us both out!-about 18 hours ago from TwitterBerry

              Poor David, Naughty Mars!
              Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 25 April 2009, 04:04 PM.
              Sig by ME.


                ^__^ I sorta liked rodney in 48 hours because there aren't many characters that are actually rude and snappy, so his attitude i liked. McKay is actually the main reason i started watching the show. I rented "Grace under pressure" to see amanda tapping but as you all know GUP is practically the Mckay show. After that...i was 100% sold on loving Mckay ^_^ 48 hours had me at about 80% but it my GUP to push me the other 20 ^_^ Yeah haha i love rodney!


                MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                  Another twitter update:

                  Jane's slightly late birthday pressie to me - a Blu ray DVD player! Set up and Drooling...So many films to see little many films.~about 1 hour ago from web

                  He must be in geek heaven! I can just see the big smile on his face!
                  Sig by ME.


                    Oooo I love Blu-ray. Wonder what kind of player he got. We have a PS3 but don't play games on it, just watch DVDs.

                    Wish Atlantis (all of it) would come out on Blu-ray. <SIGH> Rodney is HD is quite lovely.
                    My Photos


                      The moment of loving him which stands out for me from Rising was when Grodin was demonstrating the shield, and Rodney was standing there saying in a sing-song voice "Using power, using power, using power" until they turned it off.
                      Oh yeah, loved that!

                      Checking my new 'Rodney Pictures' folder, I see that I now have 124 pictures of him in the short time that I've been on GW...
                      As of today, I have 193 files in my "Stargate Misc" folder, and probably 90% of them are Rodney/David. I should really get it organized before it gets out of hand...

                      Then'new person whose name I can't remember' said, the bit in I think his second appearence, about wanting to be a concert pianist, and his teacher telling him to give it up, 'cause he was technically brilliant, but had no...soul, or whatever. Then I warmed to him a bit more.
                      *points to username*

                      I have to wonder, though, after all he's been through and how he's grown as a person, especially after "Tao of Rodney", would this have changed?

                      Partly 'cause I'm slightly eccentric, with various allergies, and the world's lowest pain threshold, so I identify, I think...
                      Replacing "allergies" with "psychosomatic problems", yes, me too! Not to mention I'm not very socially skilled ( in person ) and afraid of pretty much everything. And kinda clumsy when it comes to physical stuff ( compare, for example, how quickly and proficiently Daniel learned to use firearms compared to Rodney, for those of you who have seen SG-1 ).

                      So to me Rodney is a much more realistic "role model" than, for example, Sam. He shows that you can be a fallible human with lots of issues and still grow to become useful and liked and even find love. I can feel a connection to him, he can give me hope, whereas Sam is just the kind of person who's so far above everything I can even dream of being, so while I love her as a character, she doesn't inspire me in my own life. Or maybe, "role model" isn't exactly what Rodney is to me, we're very different in many ways, and some of his attitude I don't agree with *hugs Zelenka protectively* but maybe as I said what I feel about him is an emotional connection, admiration for how far he's come based on where he started.

                      That sounds like fun! I have this idea in the back of my mind that I could try and write a full season's worth of fanfic episodes with an arc and everything. It would probably end up as a twenty Rodney centric fics, but I enjoy that so I'll inflict them on my readers.
                      Sounds great! Several people/groups are doing this, but I haven't been interested in reading their stories so far. But knowing what you're likely to focus on, Rodney and whumping, I'd probably give your stories a try ( even though I don't really want to read fanfic now because I want to try and make myself write to get over my phobia ).

                      Hmm, well, embarrassing as it is for me to admit it, but it was Sheppard who drew me to SGA initially as I hadn't seen any episodes.
                      When I'd just seen pictures of the characters, I thought Shep was going to be my favourite. But, while he's very gorgeous and charming, I can't really connect with him to the point of identifying with him.

                      Of course he then got whumped a bit and that just made me even more weak in the knees
                      *nodnod* And then, as I've said before, to a hurt/comfort fangirl like me, the fact that he admits to pain and enjoys being the focus of attention gives you so much to work with. I mean, try h/c with somebody like Ronon..!

                      Good old Rondey, huh? Rodeny?

                      My most frequent typos when I'm typing my fics out.
                      *gigglesnort* I've noticed an annoying tendency to type "Rodeny" too...

                      However, Carson was the first guy I "noticed" thanx to Rising and Poisoning the Well. I thought he was sweet, cute and had an adorable scottish accent.
                      Yes, he's adorable! And there were a couple of scenes with him and Rodney that were just... *melts* And Rodney actually refers to Carson as "my best friend" which is... OMGCUUUTE!!1!11

                      And as far as season 5 goes... you don't know what you're missing!
                      Well, I know I'm missing "McKeller"... which I'm so not "missing"..! Sorry to the McKeller fans, I respect your liking it, but I'm just a bit too selfish to enjoy seeing the man I'm attracted to with another woman... ( At least when it comes to fictional characters, the actors of course I want to be happy with whomever they choose, and I think family/kid pictures are so cute. David has a little son, doesn't he? )

                      Blu-Ray. Meh. Technology changes way too fast for my bank account to keep up. I mean, I have hundreds of movies and episodes on DVD ( not to mention five seasons of Babylon 5 and much of Star Trek: TOS on VHS ) and now they're changing to a new format again?! How much money am I supposed to spend on converting all those DVDs into this new format? ( Yes, I'm a sci-fi/fantasy geek, but not a computer/technology geek. Mostly due to lack of money. I have a 20-year-old TV and a 5-year-old laptop... ) But yes, getting new "toys" is fun!


                        Connecting to that guy was quite easy for me as well. I mean, SCIENCE. And I have a potentially deadly food allergy as well, and I know how annoying that can be. I also had some social problems (like hiding shyness in rudeness), but my job really helped me to be much more open and that's gone to a great deal.

                        Not that my personal changes helped me to finally find a partner, but can't force it, can't you?

                        Blue-ray sounds good, but I first have to get rid of my aged TV, which just does not want to stop functioning 100% fine. And then I am honestly quite content with the DVD quality. I'll get Blue Ray no sooner than I'll get a new TV. Or a beamer
                        The cake is a lie!


                          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                          Who's RID? :-P
                          What the? Did I do that again? For goodness sake...
                          RiGRiGRiGRiGRiGRiGRiG...right, I've got it now. Maybe.
                          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                          Which old one? You might not have see my last sig as it was for David's b-day and was only up for that week. And I can't... WAIT... was it the Hewlett fangirl one?
                          Um...mighta been. Asleep on the sofa? Sort of soft brown colours? Cute?


                            Originally posted by TinaJ View Post

                            As of today, I have 193 files in my "Stargate Misc" folder, and probably 90% of them are Rodney/David. I should really get it organized before it gets out of hand...
                            I haven't counted all of mine.

                            I have all my pictures in a folder marked "Rodney." Then divided under movies and seasons of Atlantis. Under each season, I seperated them again under episodes.


                              Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
                              <SIGH> Rodney is HD is quite lovely.
                              Oh, I bet he is! Can't wait until I can get an HD TV.

                              Originally posted by TinaJ View Post
                              Oh yeah, loved that!
                              Me too!

                              Yes, he's adorable! And there were a couple of scenes with him and Rodney that were just... *melts* And Rodney actually refers to Carson as "my best friend" which is... OMGCUUUTE!!1!11
                              I agree... loved the scene with them and the chair in Rising. And of course their last scene together in Sunday. Sooo sad but sooo good.

                              ...and I think family/kid pictures are so cute. David has a little son, doesn't he? )
                              Me too. Yes he has a 1yr old son... Sebastian Flynn Loughman Hewlett... BAZ!
                              Sig by ME.


                                Do you think that the poor boys name is still that long after the marriage?
                                The cake is a lie!

