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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post

    please use that to *squee* or *groan* about any and all developments to do with McKay, as alluded to by PuddleJumper42 this is a Thunk thread; gorgeous, sexy and down right lurid *I mean nice pics* of Mr Hewlett are fine (or anything to do with Cypher... OK that is just me I found him interestingly sexy in that... )
    You mean something like that?

    (Spoilers for size)

    The cake is a lie!


      Oh yeah! That's the stuff! lol

      I just loved him in that so much! Small part but he made it work, he hit it out of the ball park!

      I mean he was just so.... mmhmm... *drools*

      *can you tell I really liked him in Cypher?*


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        Oh yeah! That's the stuff! lol

        I just loved him in that so much! Small part but he made it work, he hit it out of the ball park!

        I mean he was just so.... mmhmm... *drools*

        *can you tell I really liked him in Cypher?*
        Oh, I did as well

        And if you watch the scene and know that he was most of the time without his pants (because this rubber-trousers made him sweat. a lot) it's getting even better.
        The cake is a lie!


          Originally posted by iolanda View Post
          Oh, I did as well

          And if you watch the scene and know that he was most of the time without his pants (because this rubber-trousers made him sweat. a lot) it's getting even better.
          I KNOW! LOL! *ooh sorry for yelling*

          It just makes me so happy to know he was being like that *cough* while wearing no trousers! I have no shame! lol

          Also that he was trying to be like that... that Vincenzo wanted that to be how we saw the scene between the two men!

          Well that is what I saw anyway. LOL!

          Hmm, it was the hands (and the predatory circling *grrll*) that gave it away for me. Totally a coming onto moment.


            Well since I have them opened, and you can never have enough Vincenzo and David together *not in my book*

            From the Cypher DVD.

            David and (in David's own words... his best friend) Vincenzo.


              Now I am envious. My RC2 DVD came without any specials at all. Thanks for the pictures!
              The cake is a lie!


                Brain Storm! I loved it!

                Rodney has finally a nice, smart woman, who can accept him but also help him to get from his "geekiness" a little. She has a good influence to him and he to her. I loved how he dropped everything and ran to save her. Not the best episode (it was still The Shrine) but a really good one.
                I honestly don´t know what girl should want for Rodney but for me personally, is Jennifer an excellent choice.
                The "McKay, doctor Rodney McKay" line and!

                "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                  Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                  Now I am envious. My RC2 DVD came without any specials at all. Thanks for the pictures!
                  Oh that's right, I forgot about that. I think someone else mentioned that when I posted these before. I thought you must have seen it to have known about the no trousers because that (the DVD extra) is where that bit of info came from.

                  I hate it when they do that. Just 'cause you don't live in a certain part of the world you miss out on things or get completely different things on a DVD extra. Stupid doesn't even cover it.

                  I have the R4 version btw it is actually an ex-rental DVD that I almost missed in a throw out bin *that's a bit sad that they were throwing it out... but my win!*

                  Also David does the commentary on it too! EDIT: It was in the comms wasn't it? So you have them on your DVD?
                  Last edited by Willow'sCat; 22 November 2008, 04:59 AM.


                    Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                    Brain Storm! I loved it!
                    I didn't. First I can't believe they wasted a whole ep on that

                    and there was no TEAM at all. In fact this season is going down as the worst for TEAM eps, even taking out the fact I hate the shipping of McKay with anyone who isn't John (yeah I know but I see it... ) I just found this to be a waste of a perfectly good episode to explore Rodney in this kind of environment.

                    Total waste and we only have a handful of eps left now.

                    To say I will never watch this again is an understatement.


                      I guess it was in the commentary, because that is on the DVD. It's been a while since I saw Cypher. Mh. Maybe I should do a rerun in the evening ;D
                      The cake is a lie!


                        Well I have the week off work *'bout time* so I am planning on re-watching all my fave DH movies/moments.

                        I think I will start with Cypher now then move onto Nothing.

                        Then a bit of Where the heart is mix in a sprinkling of Century Hotel


                        then add a touch of The Life before this

                        ('cause he looks fabo in that one! I am gloriously shallow at this point )

                        stir in Joe's Wedding (teapot! Which I will never be posting in this thread *again* ) then whatever takes my fancy from there on in.

                        Maybe A Dog's Breakfast for the 5th time!

                        Oh and to make it a total lust_fest.... re-watch David in And never let her go with Mark Harmon yes I know it is a sad subject but David and Mark together? It doesn't get much better then that in my book.

                        Also David's character cries and that is so good.


                          Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                          I, for one, am glad McKay has finally gotten the girl... and a pretty freakin hot girl at that^.^

                          I'm happy that Rodney has finally found someone that is compatible with him. I thought the whole humble thing was just too adorable. McKay was hot and amazing in this episode. He's improving on himself, but while still holding his ground with Jeniffer that he just is not perfect and I think she can handle that. I only love McKay more and more with every episode, and this was no exception
                          Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
                          I am right there with you on that. I thought Brainstorm was an excellent Rodney episode.
                          There was the expected Rodney-bashing going on initially, but it was followed by some really triumphant moments for Rodney. What can ever match the bit about, "I'm Dr. Rodney McKay, I do the difficult in seconds, and the impossible in minutes."(paraphrase). I cheered. Finally! Also, Rodney's major professional rival, a man much more financially and publicly successful than him, admits to him in front of another professional that Rodney is smarter than him, and that he needs him! Wow! It became pretty clear, pretty quickly, that the socially awkward, "recluse", unpublished Rodney McKay would be saving all their bottoms.

                          In this episode Rodney succeeded professionally, physically (with the axe, what were you thinking! ), intellectually and romantically.

                          I completely agree with you on Jennifer's role in this. I originally thought that she would be coming to Rodney's verbal defense when the others would pick on him. I actually much prefer the way they played it out - with her talking quietly to Rodney, being straight with him when his behavior was getting out of line, but not fighting his battles for him. Instead she was unwaveringly supportive of him - to him - she didn't need to defend him to anyone else. It was lovely. I also loved how, as you said, Rodney was honest about who he was, but willing to concede there could be some advantages to trying to be a better boy on occasion.
                          I agree with both you guys on that!!!

                          On another note-
                          Does anyone know where i can find clips of david in that movie, Never Let her go?


                          MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                          Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                          Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                            I really don't understand some people get upset after Rodney finally get romance with Jennifer. It sound like they protested over Dr. Beckett's "death" as they did "Save Carson" campagin as Carson's back in SA.

                            Will they have new campagin called "Break up McKeller"?


                              Originally posted by Earthgate Ricky View Post
                              I really don't understand some people get upset after Rodney finally get romance with Jennifer. It sound like they protested over Dr. Beckett's "death" as they did "Save Carson" campagin as Carson's back in SA.

                              Will they have new campagin called "Break up McKeller"?
                              God I hope not!
                              Sig by ME.


                                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                                God I hope not!
                                Same here! I'm just starting to become a Mckeller fan. Just don't tell the ones over at the Mcsheppy forum. I still love Mcshep lol.


                                MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                                Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                                Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3

