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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I saw Cube in the cinema! 't was the tiniest little cinema in the whole wide world, but still
    I think the movie is a must-have-seen, even if you have no clue who DH and Nicole are.
    The cake is a lie!


      Cube is awesome! So are those caps x Varda x!

      Hey, know what song I am dying to see put to a Rodney fan video?
      I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred

      There's a line that goes... "I do my little turn on the catwalk" and everytime I hear that I think of the scene from Duet where Rodney is walking down the hallway(after his date with Katie, and his fight with Cadman{in his head} when he gets paged to a lab and says "Hello! That's us!" and spins around and walks back the way he came. It's actually Cadman controlling his body at the time but still...
      Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 09 November 2008, 03:56 PM.
      Sig by ME.


        ADB website is BACK!

        from Twitter:

        The Zoo kind of Australia...with all the deadly things labeled and safely behind glass!
        about 1 hour ago from web

        David, you mean snakes as you did in "Boa vs. Python"?



          Back to my vid idea...
          I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred...

 sexy for my hat. Could be Rodney in a hazmat suit, space suit etc... Scene from Runner where Rodney takes off his Hazmat helmet.

 sexy for my cat. Rodney saying goodbye to his cat in Rising, leaving him with a neighbor.

 sexy for my shirt. Rodney waking up in Cadman's quarters NEKKID in Duet.

 sexy for my car. Rodney flying puddlejumper or getting out of car in Miller's Crossing.

 sexy for your party. Um, upcoming ep Brainstorm! Perhaps the celebration at the end of Rising?

 sexy for my love. Um... no clue... YET!

          Yeah, tooooooo much time on my hands.
          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

            Back to my vid idea...
            I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred...

   sexy for my hat. Could be Rodney in a hazmat suit, space suit etc... Scene from Runner where Rodney takes off his Hazmat helmet.

   sexy for my cat. Rodney saying goodbye to his cat in Rising, leaving him with a neighbor.

   sexy for my shirt. Rodney waking up in Cadman's quarters NEKKID in Duet.

   sexy for my car. Rodney flying puddlejumper or getting out of car in Miller's Crossing.

   sexy for your party. Um, upcoming ep Brainstorm! Perhaps the celebration at the end of Rising?

   sexy for my love. Um... no clue... YET!

            Yeah, tooooooo much time on my hands.
            To sexy for my love......Rodneys kiss with carson and katie? ^^ just a suggestion ^^


            MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
            Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
            Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


              Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
              To sexy for my love......Rodneys kiss with carson and katie? ^^ just a suggestion ^^
              Nice suggestion.

              How about Rodney's kiss with Jennifer? (in The Last Man)
              Sig by ME.


                I'm back!

                I hugged David again!

                *runs away*

                *don't hit me*

                I had the best time at Conquest and David was funny, brilliant, sweet (oh so sweet) and just dam fantastic! If I wasn't a fan before (which I most certainly was!) I am now!

                Ooh I see he twittered, so that is where he headed off to....

                His "An Audience with David Hewlett" on Saturday was so funny and entertaining, he was basically interviewed by Katy Manning (actress extraordinaire) and he talked about everything from his family to a hint at political leanings... or at the very least that he was so happy Obama was elected and not McCain. I may get redded but *here here on that*

                A lot of what he talked about we already knew, or you would if you read this thread some was just fun interaction with Katy, they really seemed to hit it off and David was laughing hard many times.... which I love to see, nothing makes me happier then a happy, smiling Hewlett boy.

                He has also asked his fans to back his run at becoming the next Doctor (Who)... Vortex will be putting up a petition on line for fans to sign in support. I told him he would make a great Doctor, he said to write to The BBC and tell them that... which I will be doing.

                The meet and greet yesterday was fantastic, that is where I hugged him again. I mean I really hugged him this time! LOL Jane and Baz were also there. Have to say Baz is a real cutie, now I am not a baby kind of gal, not maternal at all but he is just so tiny and cute and he is just like his father... moves a lot! He is also walking, running... Jane got up at one stage from where she was sitting out of the way of the mad Hewlett fans *g* and took Baz for a little stroll up and down the carpet in the restaurant. Baz is so cute. Of course I was respectful and didn't take a pic but I really wanted to... I did get a couple of pics of all three when David/Jane & Baz introduced the movie but otherwise my camera stayed off the whole time of the meet and greet as was David's wish.

                I really will post my pics as soon as I have them ready, time is short at the moment, I have only been home for about two hours and I still have my work stuff to do for tomorrow and clothes to wash and iron and arh! Time! I need time!

                David was so worth it, honestly if you haven't met him you really need to make that happen, he is truly one of the nicest men I have ever met.... and he gives the best hugs! *he also feels warm and solid and grrllll* *woof!* LOL!



                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                  I'm back!
                  Hmmm . . . not completely sure, but I'm thinking Willow must have had a great time .

                  Thanks for the info about Dr. Who. Glad to see he's going to take a run at it. He would be wonderful. I would so watch David as The Doctor. I don't know a whole lot about Vortex or on-line petitions, if you get a chance to give more specific information on how to support him, I'd appreciate it. I'm not ready to give up seeing lots of Hewlett on my TV any time soon.

                  Did he happen to mention any plans/information regarding his site?

                  Thanks for sharing your experience!


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post

                    He has also asked his fans to back his run at becoming the next Doctor (Who)... Vortex will be putting up a petition on line for fans to sign in support. I told him he would make a great Doctor, he said to write to The BBC and tell them that... which I will be doing.


                    Let's Campaign begin!!!!
                    We would write to BBC to tell them that DH is next Doctor Who!


                      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                      There aint nothing about him that don't do something for me.
                      I totally agree!!!!! Oh yeah I got it bad!

                      I have to post this pic even though I have no time!

                      This is how Peter from Conquest sees David's Doctor (Who)....

                      As for Well he is on holiday really, these cons are just things he did while he was here the whole point was to be on holiday so... yeah I wouldn't hold my breath on things being fixed by David.... although I did see his laptop!


                        One more piccie, this is David with Katy trying to be his "companion" (remember Katy was Jo Grant in Doctor Who, she is an old hand at being The Doctor's companion *g*) she also made a joke about David's mobile phone which is why her hand is where it is and why he is holding his mobile phone! lol


                          a david siggy

                          feel free to snurch. If you could name me as the maker that would be lovely



                            Originally posted by Muh_tuttles View Post
                            a david siggy

                            feel free to snurch. If you could name me as the maker that would be lovely

                            Um, that's deep?
                            Not meaning to be facetious but is it like "to have loved and lost..." blah, blah, blah.... is that what your getting at? 'Cause I don't understand it.

                            Well after screaming at my computer for two hour I bring you David and a knitted Dalek.

                            Oh; it got weirder.


                              Yeah, that's sort of what I am getting at - just a new and different spin on it. Plus it makes people think more about it.

                              I dunno, just some random quote I picked up from Cowpants and it helped me when I was down.


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                                He has also asked his fans to back his run at becoming the next Doctor (Who)... Vortex will be putting up a petition on line for fans to sign in support. I told him he would make a great Doctor, he said to write to The BBC and tell them that... which I will be doing.
                                This quote made my day. Alone the idea of having David Hewlett back as 11th doctor is my personal pure fangirl heaven.
                                The cake is a lie!

