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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
    Well, if you make it on Atlantis, you have to remeber the little people who chatted with you during your addition!

    IE, us. Make sure to swing by with some nice candid set shots of DH's hands!
    And don't forget the eyes! Not everyone has a hand fetish
    Or at least it ain't the only fetish...


      Originally posted by watcher652
      Good grief, somebody actually asked Martin Gero about that above cap.
      I know. quite interested to see what he says, if he even has a clue...


        Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
        I still think he's TOO oblivious to their odd stares. Does anyone remeber the epi that cap is from so I can try to figure out what Shep and Ford are so engrossed by?
        Pretty sure it was from The Gift. Could be mistaken though but is my best guess without rewatching anything.


          Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
          *right there on the floor next to ya*

 was a rumor going around and someone (Purpleyin I think) asked Martin Gero and he affirmed it. I only hope
          we get at least a shirtless Mckay...can you really see them going further? Course they could always put him behind a prop....
          Rumour provided by ShadowMaat and question asked by me.

          How could I not ask

          And, yes, we don't know exactly what there will be.
          I'm figuring it might be shirtless, not necessarily more but we'll see. Everyone needs to be patient!

          On July 15th torture, just think of the poor UK people who have to wait until September...
          Thankfully I'm not too anxious for it yet, satisfied with fanfic, vids etc but maybe when July comes I'll start feeling the pain.

          On a slightly related note, anyone know when new BSG comes out, is it at the same time?

          Anyway, yay for the forum being back up. I couldn't get on it last night and was rather bored and would have liked some thunkage and discussion.
          The poor GW people. Seems like they get more than their fair share of unexpected problems. But great to see most of the hosting problems ironed out.


            ~Thunking of Shirtless McKay!~
            double thunk S2rumor:
            possible partial nekkid McKay!
            *headdesk* {groan}
            I McKay!
            "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
            "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
            Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
            Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
            "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
            Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
            Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
            (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


              Originally posted by GatetheWay
              Now that you mention it I think they were all way too chipper at the end
              Originally posted by LadyNRA
              I haven't seen the episode yet and am looking forward to it, but as to why people are chipper, I think it's something in human nature that we don't want to be down too much, especially after a harrowing adventure. And as someone who ran into burning buildings for nearly 3 years, I can tell you that no matter how serious things got (unless someone was found dead inside), you got the job done, went back to the firehouse, and you were so pumped up by adrenaline that you felt high for hours and that meant that there was always some humor flowing freely (even if it was occasionally dark humor). I think it's a way of de-stressing, but also enjoying the companionship of a group of people who did a tough job and could finally relax.

              Same here. I'm medical and I have to say that the worse the situation we'd just come from the more hyped we were and the darker and more offbeat the humour. It's that or go steadily insane! I get less of those situations now than when I was doing 'crash teams' or I guess USA/Canada would say 'code blues' but even now if there's tension it's usually countered with the same kind of response.

              So to get back on topic that part of it didn't seem strange at all.

              But despite being a doctor it was only when I saw 'the Eye' the second time through that I er ahem actually realised how strange that the bandage was over his sleeve... *cough* how dumb am I huh?! I'm sure it WAS done for effect/sympathy, I just can't believe it didn't seem odd to me!!! Maybe 'cause nurses usually bandage things...???
              McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
              Grodin, "You can fix anything."
              McKay, "Who told you that?"
              Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                On the 'blonde thing' - I was watching Poisoning the Well yesterday/Friday whilst making a vid and noticed that not only is there that bit with Perna but also when back on Atlantis at a briefing. A blonde med tech comes to give Carson a report and Rodney seems to watch her approach and then retreat, sitting rather lazily in his chair at just the right angle to be able to do so casually, before turning back when the meeting starts properly. He really does notice the blondes...

                I thought it was the same med tech as in 38 minutes. Am I remembering wrong or does Rodney check his pulse again when she goes by, just like he did in 38 minutes...? Will have to watch that episode again...
                McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
                Grodin, "You can fix anything."
                McKay, "Who told you that?"
                Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                  Oh I have SO missed all the thunking recently and now I've got to go to some conference from tomorrow for 3 days so I'll be without computer access ALL WEEK! Argh, how am I gonna cope???!!!!

                  *tries very hard to completely memorise all the very thunkable pictures that have been posted in the past dozen pages*

                  Argh. The stress. The deprivation. The lack of thunkable McKay.

                  *collapses in sobbing heap and peeks hopefully from red, tear-stained eyes to see if there's any sign of Rodney on the horizon to offer comfort...* B&gger, so much for that idea then...

                  Reckon they'd notice if I sneak in all my Stargate mags and keep drooling and quietly thunking over the McKay pics....?
                  McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
                  Grodin, "You can fix anything."
                  McKay, "Who told you that?"
                  Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                    Originally posted by Fanwoman
                    Also, it's interesting that, with the number of blond scientists in Atlantis, he's almost never in the same room as any of them. Think they all know to avoid him?
                    I remember there was a blond scientist in the room with him and Kusanagi when he was eating that sandwich in LFP...poor woman...

                    Originally posted by aaobuttons
                    Just for info: In the US, they are skipping Childhood's End and Poisoning the Well and going straight to Underground. I'm very not happy about this as I was looking forward to Childhood's End. It's one of my favorite Rodney episodes... him and the kids are great!
                    I haven't seen PTW but I read the transcript so I think I'll make it until November. Bummer on Childhood's End though, it had some great Rodney moments. Oh well, at least they're rerunning Home.


                      Originally posted by watcher652
                      Here's the cap from The Gift that I used as my example. You can't pose like Rodney and Ford in Trek uniforms. John has his hands on his hips but I don't think he looks effeminate at all.

                      The joke made about this photo is that while Rodney is looking directly at Elizabeth, John and Ford seem to be looking elsewhere.

                      Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
                      I still think he's TOO oblivious to their odd stares. Does anyone remeber the epi that cap is from so I can try to figure out what Shep and Ford are so engrossed by?
                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Pretty sure it was from The Gift. Could be mistaken though but is my best guess without rewatching anything.
                      I see Rodney is so distracting, you don't read what I write, you only look at the pretty pictures.

                      My kind of guy:
                      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                        Originally posted by watcher652
                        I see Rodney is so distracting, you don't read what I write, you only look at the pretty pictures.
                        I wasn't the only one who did that. And I was sleepy when I replied (run out of milk for my tea! and no coffee either), there were quite a few posts too since I couldn't get on the forums last night.. I'm sorry, headdesk moment here.


                          Originally posted by watcher652
                          The joke made about this photo is that while Rodney is looking directly at Elizabeth, John and Ford seem to be looking elsewhere.

                          Well, of course Rodney isn't distracted by whatever Sheppard and Ford are looking at. He's seen it all already. *runs off laughing hysterically*

                          Good grief, somebody actually asked Martin Gero about that above cap.
                          HA HA HA! Apparently no question is too crazy to ask! *cough* boxers *cough*


                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            And don't forget the eyes! Not everyone has a hand fetish
                            Or at least it ain't the only fetish...
                            As you can see from The Brotherhood, there's his expressive face...

                            ...that can change from one moment to the next.

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

                              I haven't seen PTW but I read the transcript so I think I'll make it until November. Bummer on Childhood's End though, it had some great Rodney moments. Oh well, at least they're rerunning Home.
                              I enjoyed PTW because it was a good Beckett episode, but in my opinion it was the episode that had the least McKay out of the whole of season 1.

                              Watched Childhood's End again last night as a matter of fact, on DVD. I love all the McKay bits in that.
                              Couldn't help but notice how hard he is on the religion thing. True enough it IS a dumb idea if it's their religion to commit suicide, not quite so dumb (though nevertheless severe) if the suicide thing acts as population control. McKay seems to understand that more although he doesn't like the idea any the better. It almost reminded me a bit of Sanctuary on re-watching it, only of course then it's the fact that a supposed religion is leaving people at risk from the Wraith and deprived of a potential sanctuary.

                              Maybe it's his strong scientific background? Rodney seems to deal in facts and science, but still seems to have considerable tolerance for the extraordinary eg Atlantis, ascension, Teyla's psychic connections etc. Not being at all religious myself I find that mind-set pretty easy to understand as I'm very open-minded to anything 'paranormal' and get very upset over killings/injustices that use religion as their basis or explanation, but I wonder if many scientists share the same attitude or if it's something else in Rodney's past specifically?
                              McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
                              Grodin, "You can fix anything."
                              McKay, "Who told you that?"
                              Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                                Is it me or do his eyebrows look like someone took a comb and pencil to them....

                                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                                My clone:
                                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread

