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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Nice PicSpam iolanda!

    *in trance*



    How does one get pics off of DVD/player's?
    Sig by ME.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      How does one get pics off of DVD/player's?
      I use the DVD-player in my computer, but the program is 8 years old, one could call it outdated, but it was free with my former laptop. I haven't figure out, how to make screenshots with my MacBook, but writing about it I get an idea...
      The cake is a lie!


        Originally posted by iolanda View Post
        Trinity PicSpam! Click on the Pic for a larger version (pity my DVD Player doesnt provide sharper pictures)

        If you have a DVD player on your comp you can play DVDs with any programme... that plays media. I use VLC a lot for capping, and I still love IrfanView for capping and cropping and editing my caps, and GIMP of course. All are free! Free! Not sure how compatible they are with Mac.


          Gorgeously yummy pictures you guys.....greening EVERYBODY!!

          Originally posted by iolanda View Post
          Trinity PicSpam! Click on the Pic for a larger version (pity my DVD Player doesnt provide sharper pictures)

          You know what I love? The tiny bit of dark shady along DH's jawline that hints at stubble. So sexy!


            Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
            Thanks, sweetie. You're always so positive and manage to cheer me up --> *hugs*
            *squeezeback* You're welcome!

            Originally posted by ERoyalty View Post
            Hey there, I'm kind of new! I got my ticket the other day and have only just got around to looking at the details of the thing! Impulse buying! ...
            Also! Will I meet people there? I'm coming down on my own! Eeeek.
            Welcome to the thread! Lucky you, going to Audience w/the Hewletts! Arlessiar, Squonk, and McKayRocks will be going. Wish I were going but I live across the pond. I have also traveled solo to go to cons, so I know how you feel. It's a little scary, plus it's not much fun traveling alone. But once you get there, there will be so many Hewlett fans to meet and chat with, not to mention the Hewletts themselves!


            sig by Pandora's_Box



                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                (deliberately reposted so as not to cause confusion)

                That movie is easily one of the worst I've ever seen, but David is so hot in it.


                  Oooohh, I didn't know the second picture! Lovely! The Boys
                  The cake is a lie!


                    That movie is easily one of the worst I've ever seen, but David is so hot in it.
                    Yeah he does have a tendency to be a high point in bad movies.

                    Here's a pic from Clutch, which is actually a good movie, and has the added bonus of David being hot:

                    I've been trying like hell to put this onto DVD so I can put some clips onto Youtube, especially since as far as I'm aware you can't buy it any more, from anywhere. But because I live in the UK there are region issues, and it's looking like I'll actually have to wait until I move to Canada in september.
                    Last edited by hannahboots; 14 April 2008, 08:15 AM.
                    Do you feel depressed?
                    If so, stay away from The Rodneybot


                      Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                      Oooohh, I didn't know the second picture! Lovely! The Boys
                      It really is a lovely picture - I like their matching smirks! I think this one is from the San Diego ComicCon 2004. It's actually The Boys and The Girl, but The Girl has been photo-manipped out. The original pic had Rachel in between David and Joe. If you look closely at where their jackets come together, you can see the hand of the artist at work! I like the result, though!


                        Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
                        It really is a lovely picture - I like their matching smirks! I think this one is from the San Diego ComicCon 2004. It's actually The Boys and The Girl, but The Girl has been photo-manipped out. The original pic had Rachel in between David and Joe. If you look closely at where their jackets come together, you can see the hand of the artist at work! I like the result, though!
                        lol I didn't do the manip! That was someone else.

                        The original:


                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post

                          Heehee...the top pic is on my desktop.

                          Love the bottom pic too! David's so cute in it! *sighs dreamily at Hewlett's smile*
                          Sig by ME.


                            And David's been blogging again - website update about SGA ("The Shrine"), Starcrossed, action figures, Baz and ADB.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                              And David's been blogging again - website update about SGA ("The Shrine"), Starcrossed, action figures, Baz and ADB.

                              Bye, A.
                              That is so weird, did I read that right, BBC asked him? I assume it was for SciFi's site, or something as the first ep will air soon on SciFi (Friday I think). The first ep aired two weeks ago in the UK.

                              I am incredibly lame, everytime he mentions Doctor Who I squee.

                              And he mentioned a PHOTO shoot!!!! New pics! Yay! Hope they are better then last seasons.


                                Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                                Well - maybe it's just my odd perspective, but we haven't seen BlatantJerk!Rodney for a long time. I mean....he is who he is with the arrogance and snappy dialog, but he seems to also be portrayed as one of the most genuinely nice, good-hearted people on Atlantis. I have hope
                                I guess I agree to some extent, but I think tptb need to keep Rodney in the jerk mode at times.

                                He is the only one on the show that is allowed to be that way, and although true, in most eps last season I would have said he was shown less jerky... fact remains if they want a jerk, McKay is where they go, never Sheppard, Ronon or Teyla... like somehow 'normal' peeps are never jerks.

                                Come live in my world! Peeps have bad days and they do act like jerks sometimes. A little sharing out of the jerkdom (I love making up words) in season 5 wouldn't go astray.

                                Personally I think Jeannie has been a jerk in the past, but you know family tree.

