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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Yet more caps from The Last Man. Part of this was seen in the promo.


    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      I liked most of the atlantis books
      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
        Did anyone else have to think of the famous fanfic "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" when he watched "Last Man"?
        Oh, I so did!! I absolutely loved TLM! And like everyone else here, fell in love with David all over again.

        sig by Pandora's_Box


          Wow, LM really sounds like a great McKay ep!

          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
          I loved The Last Man!!! The ending was...well...wicked!

          And we got to see Rodney in...wait for it...
          JEANS!!!!!!!!! And he looked mighty thunkable in them!

          He has got to wear them more often.
          I'd like to see him in casual clothes or another uniform. I don't think the uniform - except the black one - is very nice at all.

          Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
          Where The Heart Is
          Uh, almost haven't recognized him. So young.

          Originally posted by iolanda View Post
          He would deserve it. OMG - he would.

          I am not sure, but at the moment I would say best actor in Stargate. Ever. But I am not sure wether I am under the influence of TLM.
          Yes, even as a Shep/Flanigan fan first I have to admit David is the best actor. Nobody is able to do things like he can. It's always great to watch him.

          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
          I come bearing gifts...

          Spoiler'ed for size and cause they're from TLM...

          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
          I didn´t like Chosen too much. For me, non-native English speaker, who isn´t that good in English, it was hard reading. There were lots of places and people and it was very confusing.
          I had the same problem with this one. I also read Reliquary and Casualties of War. I'll buy the other ones, too. Although in my opinion there are a lot of fanfic that is even better than the books!



            Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
            The Last Man:

            I loved Rodney in this one! First, he wore his civvies, which was cool. But I loved him and Jennifer. I wasn´t sure about Keller for whole season but they were amazing together. And I am talking mainly about actors because they sold the episode for me.
            Broken Rodney, standing in the corridor, determined to save eveyone was fantastic scene and very well done by David.
            Seriously, what can be more romantic than change the past bc of beloved woman?
            I knew he can´t just lie down and give up. It´s not his style. He sacrificed his whole life for saving the others. I hope people will remember that. Of course, from characters only Sheppard knows, and he won´t say anyone but I hope that fans will remember this. It is very similar to what Elizabeth did.

            I couldn't imagine
            McKay and Keller together. But it seems that their relationship could work. Maybe we'll see more in season 5. I'd like that. That makes the Keller character more likable for me, because I still don't like her.

            I hope Shep will tell the people what McKay had done! If there's a right situation for it. McKay really deserves that! I'm sure the people in Atlantis know how value he is but it won't hurt to speak that out loud.

            And of course the fans remember that.

            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
            Finally saw the episode and it was a doozy. But in such a good way!

            I don't know how DH does it, but he truly immerses himself completely in every character he plays. Incredible. I never cease to be amazed by his abilitites.
            It really sounds like TLM is a great McKay ep!

            How he does it? He is an outstanding actor. There aren't many of that kind. I hope the people can see that - not only his funny side - and he'll get many parts in which he can show what he is capable of doing.

            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
            So then I'm not worried. But then it's not really that much of a cliffhanger is it?
            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            I think the finale, the ending of the finale was the weakest I have ever seen from a franchise that does life or death finales as par for the course.
            Yes, I agree, there have been better ones. Or are we just too much spoiled?


              There have been better cliffhangers, but the the other last episodes weren't that much better, if at all.

              I am still not sure wheter the Epilogue of this episode really was what we have seen. Somwhere in this forums (no, I wan't search, have no idea where that was) someone mentioned thebasics for the following possibility:

              In "The Kindred"
              Rodney wanted to implant some dream for Carson. What if he implanted some possibilities Sheppard should avoid when he comes back, and this was what would happen if they visit that planet too soon..
              Then the last minutes didn't happen at all, they were just imaginations.

              I saw "where the heart is" yesterday. Gosh, was David young. 22. And he already had his smirk
              The film was nice, a little bit too 80's, but nice nevertheless. Christopher Plummer was great as S hity
              The cake is a lie!


                Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                Yet more caps from The Last Man. Part of this was seen in the promo.



                I wanna switch places with her!!!
                Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 10 March 2008, 02:33 PM.
                Sig by ME.


                  I wouldn't be looking at this being a
                  dream/AU timeline... I think the fact folks are speculating about the ending like that is due solely to how weak it was.

                  I have yet to read anything that counters the spoilers for Rodney and Lorne being left trapped in the rubble... if it is a dream/AU timeline continuation... then it must go on a while.

                  "Where the heart is..." one of my fave movies from David; as I was a teen in the 80s it brought back loads of memories and David is so cute. I only wish I had watched it in the 80s but I had no idea who he was!

                  "Joe's Wedding" is a similar *crazy* film, and David is shirtless! lol


                    Originally posted by silvercomet View Post
                    Although in my opinion there are a lot of fanfic that is even better than the books!
                    Lots of fanfic are better than some of the episodes

                    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                      A reminder to all that Gateworld rules state that spoiler tags should be used for information about the current and future seasons. Although not explicitly stated, "information" would include screen caps. If something is in spoiler tags when you quote it, leave it in spoiler tags. Better to be safe than sorry. Be kind to your fellow thunkers who may not have seen the episode yet. Thanks.

                      My kind of guy:
                      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                        Yeah...I don't know what TPTB were thinking with the last 3 episodes. Did they really think they were making amazing television 'cause to tell you the truth I was simply not that impressed.

                        Kindred I, I thought was the best plot wise. Kindred II was just kind of there. It was memorable because we saw a newer 'side' to Rodney (I still maintain he was OOC) and because of Carson's 'storyline'....I guess it was memorable...I didn't really like it.

                        TLM I enjoyed the most because DH played such a large role and I can't not love that man. That and I am a big fan of Rodney/Jen, but leaving my ingrained biases aside, even TLM wasn't a fantastic epi. The cliffhanger was non-existent simply because we know they all survive. And it all felt too much like, to steal a page from DH's book, Stargate:Mckay. Far be it from me to begrudge TPTB their love for all things Rodney but last I checked this show was still called Stargate Atlantis.

                        Just my 2 cents.


                          Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                          A reminder to all that Gateworld rules state that spoiler tags should be used for information about the current and future seasons. Although not explicitly stated, "information" would include screen caps. If something is in spoiler tags when you quote it, leave it in spoiler tags. Better to be safe than sorry. Be kind to your fellow thunkers who may not have seen the episode yet. Thanks.
                          I know to do that, I just forgot is all, sheesh!
                          (I have fixed it)
                          Sig by ME.


                            I agree with most of what has been said here

                            Spoilers for TLM
                            David was outstanding in this episode - as the older Rodney everything about him seemed gentler and softer. It was McKay but you truly believed that the experiences that had happened to him would make him turn out in exactly that way. That struck me most of all in David's portrayal of old Rodney. I agree that devoting the remainder of his life to solving the problem was heroic - infact I used that exact word in the whump thread (and I hadn't even been here to read the comments!) but I absolutely agree that he was a hero. A modest and quiet hero and now that Sheppard is back in the original timeline no one but him knows that Rodney is capable of such a sacrifice. I totally agree that it would be very nice indeed to see this aspect of Rodney's personality appear from time to time in Season 5. Keep the snark but this softer Rodney could sneak in from time to time.

                            Now to his relationship with Keller. I have to say that I do not ship on Atlantis at all. I didn't mind Katie Brown (although I could never see it lasting!) but I have to say I am completely comfortable with a Rodney/Jennifer relationship. I have surprised myself at how much I liked it! I think it fair to say that dreadful circumstances had thrown them together but clearly that could not be the only reason as we were shown a relationship that appeared to be strong and only ended with Jennifer's death. It must have had a firmer foundation than just shared grief and loss. I thought the kiss on the ship was so tender and beautiful. I have no problem at all with Jennifer's death being the catalyst to try to save Sheppard (and the universe!) - I know Shep is a dear friend but Jennifer was his partner and that would clearly take precedence over a friendship. Jennifer's death made Rodney realise that in order to save the woman he loved he had to turn back time and sacrifice his relationship with her. Now that is love! When he had put the timeline back then not even he would know he had once loved her and been loved in return. However as much as I like this ship I do not think we will see it in Season 5. We were teased with it in this 'AU' situation but it was Joe Flanigan (I think!) who said at a con that you cannot have two main cast members in a relationship as it changes the dynamic within the team. Now I know Jennifer does not go off world but I believe Jewel is now upgraded to regular cast member so I just can't see them letting a relationship between Rodney and Jennifer develop in Season 5. Mind you it would add a whole new dimension to the comfort given in the infirmary after Rodney suffers some whump, what with the doctor being his partner (ooops sorry wrong thread!)

                            I have to say that I wasn't in tears over the deaths either - it all happened so quickly and one after the other that it almost became a bit comical for me!

                            As to the ending - total pants and so disjointed from the rest of the episode that for a moment I thought they had accidently spliced some footage from a different episode into the season ender! I do hope there is a proper explanation of how they get out of it - there may be some speculation out there about it but as I am staying strictly spoiler free I will have to stew on that one for a few months!

                            Roll on July I say!


                            sig by SheppyD
                            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                            So he just looks crazy


                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              Yeah...I don't know what TPTB were thinking with the last 3 episodes. Did they really think they were making amazing television 'cause to tell you the truth I was simply not that impressed.

                              Kindred II was just kind of there. It was memorable because we saw a newer 'side' to Rodney (I still maintain he was OOC) and because of Carson's 'storyline'....I guess it was memorable...I didn't really like it.
                              Well it was memorable
                              as one of the worst examples of bringing back a character that should never have been brought back! lol

                              TLM I enjoyed the most because DH played such a large role and I can't not love that man.
                              <> The cliffhanger was non-existent simply because we know they all survive. And it all felt too much like, to steal a page from DH's book, Stargate:Mckay. Far be it from me to begrudge TPTB their love for all things Rodney but last I checked this show was still called Stargate Atlantis.
                              I have no problem with the show centering on the only interesting character, well lets be honest even Sheppard is now more one dimensional and a bad copy... clone of Jack, why work to your bad points much better to go with the stronger one, stronger actor.

                              Sorry but I am not the least bit interested in the other characters these days, I hated Weir (with a passion) Carson is literally dead to me, Teyla is a cliche, Ronon grunts, he never talks and as I said even Sheppard has lost what little he had that made him different from Jack.

                              The show does centre on McKay because he is so different and David plays him so well.

                              I say if they get a third series... YES call it Stargate: Doctor McKay and put DH in the lead role. I am NOT joking.

                              On TLM and why Rodney did what he did; Joe M has already stated it was not just because of
                              Jennifer. Personally I think he only went with Jennifer because he couldn't have Sheppard.

                              Rza writes: “That it was Jennifer’s death that was too much for Rodney to bear and not… say, losing John?”
                              Answer: As someone has already pointed out, Jennifer’s death isn’t the only reason Rodney decides to try to undo the timeline. But it is the final straw. Prior to that, he considered the possibility that he could actually come up with a solution next to impossible. But, with Jennifer dead, the last positive thing in his life died with her and he was finally able to wholly commit himself to the seemingly impossible task.
                              I am cool with that, I am not so cool with all these "shipping" episodes...


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                                Well it was memorable
                                as one of the worst examples of bringing back a character that should never have been brought back! lol

                                I have no problem with the show centering on the only interesting character, well lets be honest even Sheppard is now more one dimensional and a bad copy... clone of Jack, why work to your bad points much better to go with the stronger one, stronger actor.

                                Sorry but I am not the least bit interested in the other characters these days, I hated Weir (with a passion) Carson is literally dead to me, Teyla is a cliche, Ronon grunts, he never talks and as I said even Sheppard has lost what little he had that made him different from Jack.

                                The show does centre on McKay because he is so different and David plays him so well.

                                I say if they get a third series... YES call it Stargate: Doctor McKay and put DH in the lead role. I am NOT joking.

                                On TLM and why Rodney did what he did; Joe M has already stated it was not just because of
                                Jennifer. Personally I think he only went with Jennifer because he couldn't have Sheppard.

                                Rza writes: “That it was Jennifer’s death that was too much for Rodney to bear and not… say, losing John?”
                                Answer: As someone has already pointed out, Jennifer’s death isn’t the only reason Rodney decides to try to undo the timeline. But it is the final straw. Prior to that, he considered the possibility that he could actually come up with a solution next to impossible. But, with Jennifer dead, the last positive thing in his life died with her and he was finally able to wholly commit himself to the seemingly impossible task.
                                I am cool with that, I am not so cool with all these "shipping" episodes...
                                LOL!!! Are we the same person or are you just taking up residence in my brain?

                                If TPTB are willing to do Stargate:Mckay, I am willing to watch.

                                I agree vehemently with everything you said. I couldn't stand the characterizations of the mains this past season. Or since season 1 really. John is a caricature. Teyla is a plot device. And Ronan is Chewie (doesn't help my opinion of him when the writer's keep calling him that either).

                                I say TPTB over at SGA should fully embrace what the show has become and just change the name to 'Starcrossed' (think sci-fi show from ADB). At least then all the superficial and vapid plotlines would make some sort of contextual sense.

                                Either that or just give DH the script and make it his very own production of 'The One Man SGA : A T.V. show in one act'. Maybe then the other characters will have some depth.

