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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
    P.S. I know that David mentioned hat he and Jane won't get married until early 2008 now, and not this autumn as they wanted to at first. I know I read that somewhere, but I can't remember where. Since someone asked me about that, does anyone here remember where this was mentioned? Interview? Twitter? Dgeek?
    It was related to the post where he canceled coming to Australia, it was at least around that time. I remembered wondering if he was canceling to get married but he said Feb or something next year... can't find it *haven't really looked* but I know it was on the ADB site.

    Originally posted by LogicSequence
    Yuck, it has DRM.
    So does iTunes.


      I dugg the Hollywood Reporter article as David requested. Since I was there, I checked out some of the stories David voted for. There was an interesting one about the concept of crowdsourcing as a means to market a movie. I think David has done a very good job at that himself, creating a sense of community and purpose among his fans.

      I don't do this for just anybody. 8-)

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        Soooo, we in the rest of the world have to wait till 2008 to own this puppy.

        That's ok, it's not that far away, i can be patient.............

        So i'll once again be wishing away whole chunks of my life!!

        So many twitters!! Really is hiatus time ain't it. Bless.

        Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
        David, just bring a video camera and strap it to Mars (is he going?) and let him film the whole trip for us . HEHE. You can charge 9.99 for it online, people will buy it.
        Why can i see him actually doing that?
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
          David, just bring a video camera and strap it to Mars (is he going?) and let him film the whole trip for us .
          I really doubt Mars is going to Hawaii. Hawaii is a no rabies state and has very strict quarantine rules. You aren't even allowed to bring in certain foods. Mars would have to be in quarantine for at least 5 days after meeting very strict rules.

          That's probably why David and Jane went to Kavan's place. They were dropping Mars off for some dog sitting. Mars probably would have more fun hanging out with Lucy, anyway.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
            That's probably why David and Jane went to Kavan's place. They were dropping Mars off for some dog sitting. Mars probably would have more fun hanging out with Lucy, anyway.

            That's probably true!

            Awww, those two are so cute together!
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              In the interest of free press, here's a rather nasty article about the internet release of A Dog's Breakfast. Guaranteed to make you see red, so I don't blame you if you don't want to be bothered. The author obviously doesn't research his own entertainment beat since a simple google search would have shown him that ADB has already been reported in more than just his little piece.

              My reaction to the writer?

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                In the interest of free press, here's a rather nasty article about the internet release of A Dog's Breakfast. Guaranteed to make you see red, so I don't blame you if you don't want to be bothered. The author obviously doesn't research his own entertainment beat since a simple google search would have shown him that ADB has already been reported in more than just his little piece.

                My reaction to the writer?

                Good reaction!

                What a peculiar little man!

                I am completely flummoxed as to what the hell his point was!

                Obviously he hates Stargate, i don't think he's seen the film (his comment about it might be good), so why does he care anyway, seeing as he thinks no-one else does?

                And then he advertises the ADB site and the trailer.

                Very very odd.
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Here's the full text of this VILE VILE article. WARNING, it's a really mean anti-stargate anti-Hewlett, anti-ADB article, so feel free to skip it. Or read it and spam this guy to death.

                  "MGM To Release Breakfast On The Net
                  By Josh Tyler: 2007-07-04 00:58:43

                  MGM has just signed a death warrant for their new film A Dog’s Breakfast by debuting it online instead of in movie theaters. Though it’s chic to release movies through alternative outlets like DVD or Cable television, or in this case on the internet, so far it hasn’t done a damn bit of good for anyone. Magnolia Pictures for instance, has been pursuing a day and date release pattern where they (theoretically) release their movies simultaneously online, on DVD, and on cable. As a reward for their innovation, just about everything they release is utterly and completely ignored by everyone. Anyone see Grey Matters? Anyone even heard of it? It opened last week.

                  For A Dog’s Breakfast MGM will try to get better results by going the online route. The movie will not be in theaters at all, but it will be available on iTunes and Amazon UnBox on Tuesday. The really interesting thing about what they’re doing is that it also won’t be on DVD, at least not until September 18. So unlike Magnolia, this isn’t a multiple media release, they’re actually substituting the internet for a theatrical release.

                  However, much like Magnolia, they’re only using this on a movie nobody cares about anyway. In fact, this is probably the only publicity the movie will get in the mainstream movie media. It’s entirely likely you’ll never hear its name again. So, while I’ve got you here’s the score: It’s a movie from David Hewlett, one of the stars of the crap TV show ‘Stargate Atlantis’. Crap TV show it may be, but the show’s fans are blissfully unaware of how much it sucks and eat that **** up like a dog who uh, likes to eat his own ****. They’ll probably eat this up too.

                  It makes sense for MGM to release the movie online then, since most of the film’s audience is rather nerdy and thus online savvy. Since it didn’t cost much to make it, a few thousand iTunes buys from the shows most obsessively devoted fans should be enough to nab them a profit.

                  For more information on A Dog’s Breakfast, which may well be absolutely wonderful even though no one outside of a few obsessive internet geeks will ever know about it, check out their website here, or watch the trailer via the embed below:"

                  He OBVIOUSLY doesn't know what's going on, and is making unwarranted assumptions all over the place. He surely hasn't checked his facts out. To me this screams of an stargate anti-fanboy who's really pissed at MGM and the spread of movies and film to the internet. And he's OBVIOUSLY not seen the movie, he's just pissed about online distribution. He's just using ADB as an excuse to make his little point about how "really really angry" he is about movies and film debuting online.

                  I really hope David doesn't come across the article, though i'm sure some fan who thinks he would want to see it has already sent him a link *sigh*.
                  Last edited by LogicSequence; 04 July 2007, 04:07 AM.


                    Back home after a day full of fun! And a few drinks too many...

                    Originally posted by pavaneofstars View Post
                    I saw your question, but I can't remember where I read it either. Was it one of the P2 con reports? Or maybe not, as you were there
                    No, at P2 Jane said that DH wanted to get married during the summer hiatus (the current one ), but she didn't want that, so they planned to get married this autumn instead, after they wrapped shooting s4. But then David said somewhere (and this is where I don't remember where I read that) that they delayed it and that they'll marry in early 2008 then.
                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                    It was related to the post where he canceled coming to Australia, it was at least around that time. I remembered wondering if he was canceling to get married but he said Feb or something next year... can't find it *haven't really looked* but I know it was on the ADB site.
                    Thanks, so I've got to read some of his older posts again, I guess. Ah well, could be worse.

                    Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                    In the interest of free press, here's a rather nasty article about the internet release of A Dog's Breakfast. Guaranteed to make you see red, so I don't blame you if you don't want to be bothered
                    Silly article, completely unnecessary. Could have been good as the topic's interesting and worth a second thought, but the article itself is bad and just there to bash the film/fans/filmmaker/distributors. It isn't based on facts, and it isn't neutral, instead it's full of rough language and assumptions.

                    Just ignore this, folks, it's just provocation! The author just waits (and even writes that in his article!) for fans to come and b*tch and rage. He'll probably just be amused by this. Ignore it, that's the best, don't give it the attention it wants. And don't waste your time on that, you could thunk for DH/RM instead.
                    If you answer, do it at least calm and wisely, so that he sees that the fans (which DH, SGA and ADB definitely have) are intelligent people.

                    Bye, A.
                    Last edited by Arlessiar; 04 July 2007, 11:18 AM.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                      That's probably why David and Jane went to Kavan's place. They were dropping Mars off for some dog sitting. Mars probably would have more fun hanging out with Lucy, anyway.
                      Cute couple.

                      Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                      In the interest of free press, here's a rather nasty article about the internet release of A Dog's Breakfast.

                      My reaction to the writer?

                      Appropriate response. Die stupid film critic who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about!! Well, there is bound to be negative reviews but I'm sure the good ones will far outweigh the bad ones.

                      Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                      But then David said somewhere (and this is where I don't remember where I read that) that they delayed it and that they'll marry in early 2008 then.
                      Thanks, so I've got to read some of his older posts again, I guess. Ah well, could be worse.
                      I think I found the link you're looking for. Save's and more!, a March entry. Check the last paragraph.

                      sig by Pandora's_Box


                        Okay...should I send this comment to the Media Blend troll (journalist)

                        "Wow jealous much?

                        Stargate is a hugely successful TV franchise, not a one-season wonder. Whether or not it's to your taste, you shouldn't belittle the achievements of the people involved in it. Even if it was a badly written "crap show, eaten up like ****" by rabid, nerdy fans, you should never let that view cloud your journalism, if this is what this piece of tripe is actually called.

                        And considering the DVD is a preorder and unbox best-seller at, you may have to rethink your view that the only people watching this are a handful of closet-dwelling nerds.

                        I suggest in the future you actually research your articles before you publish them."

                        I see Morjana's sticking up for us though, in her uniqely sarcastic way...that's if Mr Tyler can actually understand the implied insult

                        This may be a case of the dog [Josh Tyler] biting the geek's hand that...well, not necessarily FEEDing Josh, but the geek's hand has to click on a link to read Cinema Blend online.

                        Way to go, Josh!

                        I see a follow up career in politics for you!

                        Josh "Troll" Tyler obviously doesn't realise he's alienating his readers.
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                          Okay...should I send this comment to the Media Blend troll (journalist)

                          "Wow jealous much?

                          Stargate is a hugely successful TV franchise, not a one-season wonder. Whether or not it's to your taste, you shouldn't belittle the achievements of the people involved in it. Even if it was a badly written "crap show, eaten up like ****" by rabid, nerdy fans, you should never let that view cloud your journalism, if this is what this piece of tripe is actually called.

                          And considering the DVD is a preorder and unbox best-seller at, you may have to rethink your view that the only people watching this are a handful of closet-dwelling nerds.

                          I suggest in the future you actually research your articles before you publish them."

                          I see Morjana's sticking up for us though, in her uniqely sarcastic way...that's if Mr Tyler can actually understand the implied insult

                          This may be a case of the dog [Josh Tyler] biting the geek's hand that...well, not necessarily FEEDing Josh, but the geek's hand has to click on a link to read Cinema Blend online.

                          Way to go, Josh!

                          I see a follow up career in politics for you!

                          Josh "Troll" Tyler obviously doesn't realise he's alienating his readers.
                          Very good!

                          *applauds sueKay*
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                            Yes but he hasn't said where?
                            That still worries me too, who knows what "international" really means.
                            I have a DVD player (like most Australians) that plays multiregion, that is not the point. The waiting months after Americans have seen it, dl it and spoiled me for it, is the point.
                            I'm quite happy that we'll get an international release (as I said above, I hope that means we'll get the DVD here in G. too). Let's hope the movie sells well or MGM might still cancel the international release plans again!
                            But just like you I also fear that I might get spoiled. I try to avoid it, but it's still quite some time until 2008 (and DH didn't even say when in 2008 it will be released, could be late spring!), and it gets harder the more people have seen the film and talk about it.

                            Not kidding people will illegally dl it if it isn't released everywhere more or less the same time... *cough* See grace fly *cough*
                            Yeah, that will happen, and I cannot even say that I'm not tempted myself, as 2008 is still so far away, and I so want to see that movie. But I want David to earn money, so I will buy the DVD and try to stay strong until then, but other people might not do that...

                            Long wait, spoilers ahead... *sighs*
                            So on the one hand I'm glad that we might get the international release, but on the other hand I hoped it would be sooner. Don't want to be greedy, at least we get the int. rel. at all, but it has its disadvantages that it takes so long.

                            Originally posted by pavaneofstars View Post
                            I think I found the link you're looking for. Save's and more!, a March entry. Check the last paragraph.
                            That's it! Thanks so much!!

                            So maybe February 2008.

                            BTW, I noticed that I had completely forgotten about the wedding present - the donation for DWB. As far as I know it might be closed soon (wasn't July the deadline once?), so I finally donated now. It's the first thing ever that I paid online with my credit card. What could be better than a Hewlett related event to 'deflower' my very first and very new credit card?
                            Now, the second event might either be ADB or P3 (plane ticket) related...

                            In case anyone here hasn't donated yet because he's lost the link or wanted to but forgot about it (like me) or has never heard about it but is interested now, here's the link to the donation website. All money we donate in honour of David and Jane's wedding is given directly to "Doctors without borders":


                            I post the link here because it's not a secret/surprise anymore, David knows about the donation thingie and even posted about it on dgeek.

                            Bye, A.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by pavaneofstars View Post
                              I think I found the link you're looking for. Save's and more!, a March entry. Check the last paragraph.
                              That link reminded me: Since David and Jane are off to Hawaii, now would be a good time to mention again that there's a wedding gift fundraiser for David and Jane. All the money goes to David's charity, Doctors Without Borders (for those of you who don't know, David's father is a ob-gyn specializing in infertility). None of the money is touched by fans, it all goes directly to the charity.

                              edit: well, Arlessiar pressed her Enter key before I did, but I'm not changing my post! 8-)

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                Oh, those who asked about the wedding date:

                                While the fundraiser was still secret, Kate Hewlett helped out by finding out when the wedding was going to be, so the fundraiser could have a cut-off date in mind.

                                When David posted about the fundraiser (when he found out) he made a note of telling us when the wedding will be
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

