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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ok yes there is an Australian connection... Russel Mulcahy (?) who is Australian directed most of Duran Duran's videos. We are incredibly embarrassed about that.

    He did direct some Queer as Folk so I forgive him.


      Twitter Update:

      "Can't put it off any's time to run. Don't see Mars complaining.

      Davey Davey, you don't have to run every day! You're gonna wear yourself out! Then who will save the universe? Flanigan?!


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        You are kidding right? Duran Duran had an album *yes vinyl* in the '80s called Rio... I don't know whether to take his post seriously or not. I really hate to think David is a Duran Duran fan still... *I mean we all were but we usually grew out of it* he is the Princess Diana of Stargate!

        I gave up my copy eventually after realising it was crap! I got $1 for it.

        Now Nevermind that was an album.

        Aww, I liked Duran Duran. They were fun in the '80's. Especially their silly vids on MTV. Vids were cool in the '80's. Now they suck.
        I think it's sweet if David really does like them. You get memories twined around the music you grew up with and it's hard to shake, no matter how dorky the music might have been. I will be a Go-Go's fan until I'm 100!


          Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
          Twitter Update:

          "Can't put it off any's time to run. Don't see Mars complaining.

          Davey Davey, you don't have to run every day! You're gonna wear yourself out! Then who will save the universe? Flanigan?!
          Hope he doesn't run every day. You're supposed to take at least one day off a week to allow your muscles to adjust to the changes exercise causes.


            I'm all for David exercising and staying fit. But what bothers me is the idea he may be doing it because he's at least partially buying into the he's too chubby thing. ICK. Which totally isn't true. I mean we all know he hates exercise like McKay hates lemons.


              I see that Zoniduck gave me a shout out in the comments on the Digital Production Buzz archive post on David's blog. Turns out Zoni posted the archive link in David's editing blog entry and that's where he saw it. Zoni didn't see my posts on the previous entry. That was nice of Zoni to credit me, and it was right after my comment about Mars' listening habits.

              I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy. Like a squirrel!

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Heh, and i was the first one to post it period . Granted it was just David's section, but still. Oh well, it matters not. David will notice me some day. If not, well d@mnit i'll just have to break up with him via email. LOL



                  For those of you who are Babylon 5 fans, check out the trailer for Babylon 5: The Lost Tales.


                  And an incomplete teaser, which the dearly departed Andreas Katsulas does such a wonderful job narrating, that cuts off at the end (can anyone find the full version?):


                  I have to quote Andreas, he has the most amazing narrative voice, i can still barely believe he's gone.

                  "I believe that when we leave a place part of it goes with us, and part of us remains. Go anywhere in the station when it is quiet, and just listen. After a while, you will hear the echoes of all our conversations, every thought and word we've exchanged. Long after we are gone, our voices will linger in these walls..."

                  Hearing him again brought a tear to me eye.
                  Last edited by LogicSequence; 29 June 2007, 11:16 PM.


                    Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                    OK, so who broke up with david via email? Was it one of you guys? *glares*
                    Not me. Who ever it is needs some serious shrink help. If I were a celeb and I received something like that from a fan I'd actually be a little spooked considering some of the crazy stalker stuff that has happened in the past. The one that always comes to mind is Seles getting stabbed during a tennis match *shudders*

                    That was a great video though. Too bad we didn't get to see more of Mars.


                      I have to be more exhausted than I thought. Went to bed around midnight and wanted to get up at eight, so that I could spend a nice day on the internet today to catch up with everything (I'm way behind with answering mails and LJ comments). Well, I must have switched off the alarm in my sleep, because I only just woke up - at 10:15am. And I have a headache now. Wonderful.
                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      Um A, I am pretty sure she calls him a B******! LOL! I would too!
                      Hu? Really? When? After the shut up thing or before?

                      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                      Twitter Update:
                      "Trying to pick 15 tunes for a promotion...I instantly revert to 80's mode and end up with half of Duran Duran's Rio!?"

                      Who is "Duran Duran's Rio"?
                      Originally posted by LogicSequence
                      I'm 24, had no idea what a Duran Duran was
                      I'm 28 and saying "how can you not know Duran Duran?"
                      Didn't own an album, but I knew a lot of their songs in the 80's, have some on my iPod today.

                      I knew David liked them (and dressed like them *g*), but not that he still likes them that much today!

                      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                      Twitter Update:
                      "Can't put it off any's time to run. Don't see Mars complaining.
                      My, my, he's really wanting to stay fit at all costs, not? Don't overdo it, Hewlett! I can see that your heart isn't into it.
                      At least Mars has fun! *g*

                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        Mars has fun whenever he's with his daddy. I'd bet he'd be just as happy watching David play internet on the macbook.


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                          Hu? Really? When? After the shut up thing or before?
                          Oh sorry it is after that at around minute 26.24. I actually missed the shut up bit. I heard the B... bit go figure! LOL

                          Originally posted by smushybird View Post
                          Aww, I liked Duran Duran. They were fun in the '80's. Especially their silly vids on MTV. Vids were cool in the '80's. Now they suck.
                          I think it's sweet if David really does like them. You get memories twined around the music you grew up with and it's hard to shake, no matter how dorky the music might have been. I will be a Go-Go's fan until I'm 100!
                          I know but you don't usally admit it... well I don't! LOL! The Go Go's? Alex the seal?


                            Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                            Atlantis Panel vids are up!

                            beware of SPOILERS


                            David and Mars are both vids
                            Thanks for the links!! I'll have to watch them later cos i'm helping boyfy with some computer stuff (blind leading the blind much?!). But they sound great from some of the comments - can't wait!

                            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                            Twitter Update:

                            "Trying to pick 15 tunes for a promotion...I instantly revert to 80's mode and end up with half of Duran Duran's Rio!?"

                            Who is "Duran Duran's Rio"?

                            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                            Err, nope. I'm 24, had no idea what a Duran Duran was . Sounded Aussie to me!
                            My god!! I'm only 27!! Where have you been!?! Duran Duran were/are (sorta) huge!! They did a Bond theme too (now i always get theirs mixed up with the A-HA one so it's either Lving Daylights or View to a Kill - whatever, it was cool!)

                            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                            I'm all for David exercising and staying fit. But what bothers me is the idea he may be doing it because he's at least partially buying into the he's too chubby thing. ICK. Which totally isn't true. I mean we all know he hates exercise like McKay hates lemons.
                            I really don't think David is the type of person to give a flying.......about what other people think and even whether he thinks he's "chubby" or not. If he's execising, it'llbe cos he's feeling health conscious rather than self conscious - if that makes sense..........
                            Sorry, i've had coffee, which i'm allergic too (but god i love it!), and i'm feeling kinda woozy and hyper at the same time!

                            Ugh the "chubby" word - the one way my workmates know is guarenteed to get a rise from me is to call DH "chubby". EVen though i know what they're doing, i still can't resist arguing with them.

                            At least we know he's perfect as he is - and that he is NOT chubby!
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Just watched the first vid
                              How cute was Mars!! Loved that when he was introduced, he had his back to them all.

                              YES Rachel called David a b******!! But then he had just said the floor needed re-inforcing cos of her pregnancy.

                              So he really did host kare-oke parties!!

                              I didn't mind the AT question so much tbh, mostly cos it was gonna be brought up and at least they got it out the way early. Sure they brought her up later about Rodney being smitten, but JM stated again that the relationship would be dealt with early in the season.

                              Oh, so much more i had to say but my short term memory has failed me again!

                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l


                                Hey all

                                Just back from Glasgow to find out there was a terrorist attack at Glasgow Airport. (nobody hurt other than the Terrorists themselves thankfully)

                                Trying to get in touch with the folks I know that work's in security so well yeah...
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

