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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ah the image that brings to mind...I remember once that a football commentator and his wife came into my work (I was in a soft furnishings place at the time). His face was sad and he had this look of quiet resignation on his face as his wife dragged him round the shop lol
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
      Twitter Update:

      "Saturday! And Jane was born to shop...lucky for me we're off to a slow start ;-)"

      Hmmm, something tells me David is Jane's bag-holder . How cool would it be to be shopping in the mall and who walks by but Dave and Jane!?! Err... I don't suppose you need another bag-holder person eh David? 'Cause i could always fly up on short notice.

      So who wants to bet that David checks out all the gadget and computer stores along the way when they're shopping?
      I can see him trailing round after her while she goes "ooo, look at this!"

      But yes, i'm guessing he gets his own back in the gadget shops!
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Twitter Update:

        "How can you lose when you order the "awesome" omlette?"

        Isn't it a little late for breakfast D? I wonder if that "awesome" omlette comes with a side of "tremendous" toast or "marvelous" muffins?
        Last edited by LogicSequence; 16 June 2007, 01:11 PM.


          Hey all,

          I've been so discouraged about SGA lately and I've noticed that I've been doing nothing but complaining the last few months. (rightly so, but still) So I felt I needed to remind myself of exactly why I watch SGA, which is for the wonderful, funny, georgous David Hewlett. And to try and get myself excited about watching the show again. I've sadly noticed my ethusiams waning, but that could just be because of the company I've been keeping.....if you know what I mean. So anyways, time to pick my head up off the ground and start trying to be positive. Things could go for the better.....right?

          So anyways, here is a little David to raise the spirits.

          And to remember the happier times....last but not least.
          Last edited by Koshi700; 16 June 2007, 01:59 PM.


            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
            Twitter Update:

            "How can you lose when you order the "awesome" omlette?"

            Isn't it a little late for breakfast D? I wonder if that "awesome" omlette comes with a side of "tremendous" toast or "marvelous" muffins?
            Breakfast? You can have omelettes (awesome or otherwise) anytime of the day, mind you I think that is true of most foods judging by the kids that walk past my house in the morning eating a big Mac exscuse me while I throw up.

            So was he using awesome 'cause fandom uses it or was that the name on the menu I wonder? I hope it was fandom related.

            And hell yeah I want to go shopping with David I would even hold his shopping bags.


              I think it's the name of the omlette. I forget where, but i've seen a few places that have "awesome" omlett on their menu. Usually it's a deluxe variety omlett, with your hams, bacons, sausages, green peppers, onions, and cheeses. But he may have twittered about it BECAUSE of the fandom thing AND the fact it was named "awesome".

              So how did the whole awesome thing get started anyway? Did someone just ask him one day "how'd you get to be so awesome?" and it stuck?

              And congrats to McKayChick for beating me to the 22,222nd post, grrrr!


                Martin Gero said "David Hewlett, how are you so awesome?" in the Duet commentary...It was known from an early Atlantis interview that his least favourite word is awesome (his favourite word is thesaurus btw) and I guess the fans put two and two together!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  David being dragged out shopping. I can just picture it. But I think he'll tolerate anything for Jane. Besides, she'll be away from him for a few days soon, so he'd better spend all the time he can with her now.

                  Yum to the omlette. I love them.


                    A missing moment from "Rising..."




                      From Joe M.'s blog:

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “Will the character of Katie Brown be making an appearance in season 4?”

                      Answer: Several.

                      My response:

                      Ewww... No no no... I don't know what it is about Ms. Brown, but seeing her with McKay just makes me... Ewww. He can do so much better.

                      On that note, I have an idea for an episode. The team brings back a weird alien plant for Katie to study, and it eats her. Then it tries to take over the city.

                      Hilarity ensues as McKay cracks witty jokes about killing plants. I know, I know, too much like that SG-1 episode, but I’ll leave the details up to you, as long as the plant eats Katie Brown. Too bad, so sad, bye bye.

                      So... We can count on that being ep. 418? 419? 8^)


                        Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                        Martin Gero said "David Hewlett, how are you so awesome?" in the Duet commentary...It was known from an early Atlantis interview that his least favourite word is awesome (his favourite word is thesaurus btw) and I guess the fans put two and two together!
                        Ah! I thought it went back further than the Duet commentary. I think it's ironically funny that David hates the word awesome, yet clearly he is the epitome of the word . *Note to self* make David Hewlett poster to put on wall, and stare at it in awe...


                          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                          All you need to do is find yourself a pic of what you want (don't worry, he can change depending on his/your mood ) and hey presto!!!

                          Mine just sorta appeared after that!

                          Doctor just appeared to.

                          Shep and Wash were hunted down for me by Mayo (she also did a marvelous job of re-training Shep too )
                          Is it that easy, really?
                          I thought you have to have 300 posts? Or is that just for a shepclone? Why that?
                          Cause the McKay clones are slower and therefore easier to catch?
                          If I just pick a McKay clone, where am I supposed to bring him for training?


                            I am more mad about this:

                            What character in SGA do you enjoy the most writing ?

                            They’re all a lot of fun to write for. That said, torturing David - I mean McKay - is always fun.

                            I like Katie *runs*...and if she the border between Rodney and Carter, I say, good for her. And I don´t know her, I will wait with my judgement until I see her. And there is chance that we will see more of these:

                            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                              Originally posted by Cookiemaster View Post
                              Is it that easy, really?
                              I thought you have to have 300 posts? Or is that just for a shepclone? Why that?
                              Cause the McKay clones are slower and therefore easier to catch?
                              If I just pick a McKay clone, where am I supposed to bring him for training?
                              It works differently for each type of clone.
                              My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                              Sig and avi by me


                                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                                It works differently for each type of clone.

                                Ah, ok.
                                I just caught a McKay clone at my refridgerator... so I decided to keep him.


