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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Purpleyin
    But surely he could get one anyway from the military/expedition budget and just blag it as necessary?
    Anyway, it'd have to be SATA 400GB....*drools at the thought of one hdd with that capacity* (I've already filled 280gigs myself)....and who knows what capacity or harddrive technology the military have anyway. There's that thing about them always being in theory 10 years ahead of consumers.
    280gb already?! And here I was thinking 60gb was alot! But then again I've got several cds with stuff on them. I think alltogether not even Rodneys compression algorithms can make my stuff fit all in one hard drive!

    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


      Originally posted by Purpleyin
      But surely he could get one anyway from the military/expedition budget and just blag it as necessary?
      Anyway, it'd have to be SATA 400GB....*drools at the thought of one hdd with that capacity* (I've already filled 280gigs myself)....and who knows what capacity or harddrive technology the military have anyway. There's that thing about them always being in theory 10 years ahead of consumers.
      Oooph, I hear you!

      I have 200 gig but am filling it up fast...have to back a whole bunch of stuff to DVD.

      But personally, I'm waiting for Terabytes!


      Which leads me to wonder...what's Rodney's hard disk like?? (Ahem, possibly, this should go on the thunk thread lol!).

      Seriously tho...wonder what he has on there.

      And how big it is.

      And whether he's a Mac man or not?


        Terabyte drives are already here. Bruce Woloshyn said Rainmaker digital has five or six of them and my boss has a few, too (full of movies and whatnot).

        As for spoilers, I dunno what I'm allowed to say, except that TPTB have apparently been listening to us.


          Well, DH is a MAC guy.......

          "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

          My clone:
          Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
            As for spoilers, I dunno what I'm allowed to say, except that TPTB have apparently been listening to us.
            Okay, this - if possible - just makes me even more curious.
            Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat

              As for spoilers, I dunno what I'm allowed to say, except that TPTB have apparently been listening to us.
              Ok, If you can't say exactly..... Which "us" have they been listening to? Which Topics? Who else do his stories involve? When will these spoilers be revealed?
              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                Terabyte drives are already here. Bruce Woloshyn said Rainmaker digital has five or six of them and my boss has a few, too (full of movies and whatnot).

                As for spoilers, I dunno what I'm allowed to say, except that TPTB have apparently been listening to us.
                I'd heard they were but right now consumer websites (for UK at least) have a max of 400Gb sadly. But then if 400GB is £200 then I'd hate to think what a 1TB drive costs. £1000 or... more?


                  Originally posted by McKay's girl
                  280gb already?! And here I was thinking 60gb was alot! But then again I've got several cds with stuff on them. I think alltogether not even Rodneys compression algorithms can make my stuff fit all in one hard drive!
                  Well several cd's doesn't sound too bad...I've got about 2 x 240 capacity cd wallets, 1/4 of them filled with DVD rewritables and most of the rest with cd's from before I discovered DVD rewriters. Oh that algorithim would come in handy at my house...
                  Originally posted by SaharaGate
                  Oooph, I hear you!
                  I have 200 gig but am filling it up fast...have to back a whole bunch of stuff to DVD. But personally, I'm waiting for Terabytes! *drools*

                  Which leads me to wonder...what's Rodney's hard disk like?? (Ahem, possibly, this should go on the thunk thread lol!).
                  Seriously tho...wonder what he has on there.
                  And how big it is.
                  And whether he's a Mac man or not?
                  Well I have 200 and an 80 - I'm betting at least 80gigs of it all could be cleared out and there's probably wasted space on my linux partition too. I don't tend to be good as cleaning up after building a new pc (which happens far too often really. Went through 3 oc's last year up to this one I'm on now ) and backing up stuff - gets pretty cluttered on my pc and that's even with me backing up tons of stuff to DVD too.

                  As for Rodney's harddrive - would be interesting if it was packed with mp3's (or would he use ogg? ) and films - after all you don't want to run out if you're going to be stuck in another galaxy. Capacity? I suppose as good as he can get.

                  Mac man? It doesn't look like he has much choice since the laptops are Dell and somehow interfacing Mac's with Ancient systems sounds more difficult. Now the better quesiton is is he a linux/unix guy? It would make sense - I'm sure Rodney could handle kernel hacking etc and it would quite possibly allow more flexibility and therefore easier to integrate. In fact this makes me think that's probably what they're using - probably a custom version (Maybe Grodin etc helped on it? I've always hoped that was Peter's specialism )


                    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                    Terabyte drives are already here. Bruce Woloshyn said Rainmaker digital has five or six of them and my boss has a few, too (full of movies and whatnot).

                    As for spoilers, I dunno what I'm allowed to say, except that TPTB have apparently been listening to us.
                    6TB?! *thunk* (is it possible to thunk over gadgets? )

                    TPTB have been listening? To who? And more importantly what!?
                    Nothing involving a certain question about a humourous lack of it?


                      Thank you for the virtual hugs and best wishes and for the gorgeous screen caps! They really made me feel better. Today wasn't as bad though I had an accident with some metal beading and sliced my fingers open a little and I have a migraine. Me accident prone? never! lol.

                      Lucy xxx


                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                        Terabyte drives are already here. Bruce Woloshyn said Rainmaker digital has five or six of them and my boss has a few, too (full of movies and whatnot).

                        As for spoilers, I dunno what I'm allowed to say, except that TPTB have apparently been listening to us.
                        I am so intrigued right now! Rodney is most definately my favourite character on Atlantis. I love that he's so outgoing and whiny, egotistical and sarcastic and yet you can so easily see that underneath it all there is an insecure man with so much going on behind those gorgeous blue eyes and who cares deeply for the people he works with.

                        Can't wait to see what season 2 has in store!

                        Luce x


                          Made more caps for Siege Part 1 and 2. Didn't even get through all of the episodes and I'm exhausted from making them, uploading them (and some previous part 1 caps) and posting them all over; disseminating cappy goodness across GW.

                          Albums are here - I'm only posting a choice few because I don't want to clog down the thread too much.

                          This one from Part 1 I love but is spoilerish

                          This look amuses me.

                          This has been posted before but it's a great one.

                          Another slight spoilery one from part 1 (is right before a certain incident)

                          These next two tear at my heart. (Great acting there )

                          There's more in the albums anyway. Enjoy.


                            Originally posted by Purpleyin
                            Mac man? It doesn't look like he has much choice since the laptops are Dell
                            They may have Dells on the set for Rodney, but in one of the linked interviews from earlier in this thread, DH said he's a MAC guy now.

                            Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                              Oh and for those hands/arms people (I was watchnig out for the best caps for it )


                              Slightly spoilery hands


                                Originally posted by Fanwoman
                                They may have Dells on the set for Rodney, but in one of the linked interviews from earlier in this thread, DH said he's a MAC guy now.

                                I read that interivew, very cool to see he's into Mac (I wish I could afford one...mmm 12" powerbook) but I was talknig about Rodney not having a choice. They've never shown the labs etc as having any other computers apart from the laptops (though they have some pretty nice flat screens hanging about) so I guess its all pc's on Atlantis.

