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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
    Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. It does seem like:
    If anyone else on Atlantis is in some sort of trouble, there's a massive undertaking to make it right. Evidently McKay doesn't deserve that.

    Or maybe I'm really cranky & under-caffeinated. Meh.
    No I think when the dust settles *you get over the hawtness* you are left wondering
    why Rodney doesn't get the same *dare I say* respect from his TEAM mates. I understand he is not meant to be Mr Happy go lucky and as such he is often used to by tptb to make the wrong choices and make the bad/insulting comments, but I actually *foolish person I am* thought they (meaning the TEAM) got him, got that he just doesn't know any better and that they cut him some slack, unlike say in SG-1.

    But alas, no, he still must pay a much higher price then the others before they rally around him. When they do rally it seems stifled by the lack of past "rallying". Even in GUP, it seemed John had to convince Elizabeth that the risk of saving Rodney was over all worth it *only* 'cause they could test the Jumper's shielding underwater at the same time!!! No man left behind, my ass.

    I hope with Joe Mallozzi saying there is more TEAM interaction in season 4 that this will change, I am not one of those who thinks SGA needs to be an ensemble I can be quite happy with just the four TEAM members being the centre of eps, especially if they really are going to try and give us some background on the characters.


      Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
      Something one can major in.
      Believe me, I'm working on it.
      If I could live off Thunking *yes I did say thunking* the Davids I would.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        No I think when the dust settles *you get over the hawtness* you are left wondering

        I hope with Joe Mallozzi saying there is more TEAM interaction in season 4 that this will change, I am not one of those who thinks SGA needs to be an ensemble I can be quite happy with just the four TEAM members being the centre of eps, especially if they really are going to try and give us some background on the characters.

        I agree there
        I'm also not one of those who think SGA needs to be an ensemble. Personally I would be very happy if the show centered around the 4Team members of SGA1 from now on in season 4 and on. I think thats what I loved about SG-1 so much(not now- because I just haven't liked that show much since season 7, but the group in seasons 1-7). I want that close nit group of the team.

        By Kidwizz

        By JessM


          Hmm, I kinda gave up on SG-1 around season 7. I liked Daniel,

          then I didn't mind Jonas *not at all* but then it just went, well silly, and also here in Australia they messed around the times they were showing it and I didn't see the point chasing it around the schedule I do think there were a few good eps but as for seasons? Well imho the last really good one was season 6. Which is why I don't morn its passing, and will probably not bother with the movies *well unless the peeps who's opinions I trust say they are worth it*

          SGA I still have some love for but it wains so easily with each new spoiler, that never use to happen.


          I am hanging in there for at least one reason.

          Maybe two.

          random cap.


            Sorry for jumping to this discussion but my OT happiness. I got a job! Part-time, summer job but very well paid. It´s in Prague and I will get there more than I could imagine here in my city.. I could really make a money during summer. And so I will, hopefully, have great time in London.
            Um, sorry

            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


              Apparently "A Dog's Breakfast" has been nominated for a Leo Award, but it is in the Make-up category. Oh well have to start somewhere.


              *I can't wait for David's reaction*
              Last edited by Willow'sCat; 05 May 2007, 02:39 AM.


                Originally posted by gravelgerdie View Post
                I do have to agree about the bad team interaction.
                One what was up with
                Them all sitting together in the mess hall talking about him and Rodney eating alone... also two, why were they not ralling around Rodney to fix this problem.. doing what ever they could to fix this problem.... and I wanted more of Shep and Rodney interaction then what we got.. I'm greedy that way..

                but it wasn't as bad as last weeks episode to me...

                Also Love Love Love the pic you have here
                Hello, I am not a participant, but a frequent lurker. I often read your comments about DH, big fan of Mr. Hewlett, and I usually never comment on stuff that I read but I had too on the one regarding Tao.
                This episode is about Rodney and his social skills, since McKay & Mrs. Miller he has been working on interacting with people. Deep down, McKay is a true and loyal friend, but showing emotions are not his thing. This episode truly demonstrated how deep is Rodney loyalty, when he went to search for something to do for Teyla and Ronon, he really concentrated on truly emotional things, come on, the sharing tea ceremony with Teyla, my god, that was so sweet and he took the time to talk to Halling to really find something important to Teyla. The thing with Ronon, healing his scars from his years of running from the Wraith, to me that was the most human and kind gesture someone could do, so it did not suprise me when Ronon hugged McKay at the end, Rodney had walked away so quickly after the healing, I believe Ronon was truly shock and did not have a chance to thank him. And the whole it would have been nice to see more interaction with Sheppard, well there was, both men harbour deep sense of friendship but suck at showing them. The whole "we're good right" from Rodney those words really showed that despite everything, Rodney still feels the shadow of Doranda from Trinity, and still wasn't sure that things were o.k. but the fact that he wanted John to do his eulogy, demonstrated his trust in John. And the whole Elizabeth thing, that was nice to see. She was not the leader of Atlantis in this episode but a concern friend and I though they did a great job with that. You know, I love SGA and it breaks my heart sometimes to see that people try to look to deep into the meaning of this or the meaning of that, it's hard to convey everything you want to show in 45 minutes, so sometimes it nice to just sit and enjoy a good friendship story, well played by talented actors. Thanks for listening (I mean reading) I might come back sometimes.


                  Originally posted by gebtkd View Post
                  Hello, I am not a participant, but a frequent lurker. I often read your comments about DH, big fan of Mr. Hewlett, and I usually never comment on stuff that I read but I had too on the one regarding Tao.
                  This episode is about Rodney and his social skills, since McKay & Mrs. Miller he has been working on interacting with people. Deep down, McKay is a true and loyal friend, but showing emotions are not his thing. This episode truly demonstrated how deep is Rodney loyalty, when he went to search for something to do for Teyla and Ronon, he really concentrated on truly emotional things, come on, the sharing tea ceremony with Teyla, my god, that was so sweet and he took the time to talk to Halling to really find something important to Teyla. The thing with Ronon, healing his scars from his years of running from the Wraith, to me that was the most human and kind gesture someone could do, so it did not suprise me when Ronon hugged McKay at the end, Rodney had walked away so quickly after the healing, I believe Ronon was truly shock and did not have a chance to thank him. And the whole it would have been nice to see more interaction with Sheppard, well there was, both men harbour deep sense of friendship but suck at showing them. The whole "we're good right" from Rodney those words really showed that despite everything, Rodney still feels the shadow of Doranda from Trinity, and still wasn't sure that things were o.k. but the fact that he wanted John to do his eulogy, demonstrated his trust in John. And the whole Elizabeth thing, that was nice to see. She was not the leader of Atlantis in this episode but a concern friend and I though they did a great job with that. You know, I love SGA and it breaks my heart sometimes to see that people try to look to deep into the meaning of this or the meaning of that, it's hard to convey everything you want to show in 45 minutes, so sometimes it nice to just sit and enjoy a good friendship story, well played by talented actors. Thanks for listening (I mean reading) I might come back sometimes.

                  I don't disagree with what you are saying but...
                  I just guess for me 3 years is long enough for them to be over the whole "keeping their guards up" thing, I just feel in the time they had it would have been better to drop some stuff, especially with highnsight... Weir is practically gone now, so why bother with the McWeir stuff at all *come on that is what it was* also the one relationship we know he has is with Carson and that was barely touched on, as a slasher I hated that the McKay/Sheppard stuff was so forced (isn't John over the events of Trinity yet? God give Rodney a break already!) as for Teyla, well really she was barely there, so the interaction was lost on me. The only thing that really stood out was Zelenka, now that made 100% sense.

                  I guess I expect a heck of a lot more from three years of this show where the character interactions are concerned, that is why the show has almost lost me as a fan, and why imho it is hemorrhaging in the ratings. People are just sick of waiting for background and growth, and are sick of the big reset button...

                  He was going to DIE and all his so-called friends could do is stand around a hospital bed looking constipated. Sorry but that is how it looked to me.

                  Oh and of all the characters Rodney is the one who wears his heart on his sleeve. Well that is how I see him anyway.

                  Just my opinion folks.


                    I still haven't seen Tao or any of Season 3, but I do agree that Rodney seems to get less love and worry when something goes wrong with him, then say, Sheppard does.
                    Is that because the others only put up with him and really don't like him all that much? Is it just the writers' way of handling Rodney and his crises?
                    Rodney is pretty hard on the others sometimes (insults and sarcasm wise). But I think he's more than proven that he truly does care for all of his team members and would do anything for them if they need it.

                    It breaks my heart to think of Rodney as a sort of outsider while Sheppard, Teyla and Ronan are part of an exclusive club.

                    Or are we just too sensitive about how he's treated because we're such big Rodney fans?
                    Last edited by MmmmMcKAy; 05 May 2007, 06:09 AM.


                      Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                      I still haven't seen Tao or any of Season 3, but I do agree that Rodney seems to get less love and worry when something goes wrong with him, then say, Sheppard does.
                      Is that because the others only put up with him and really don't like him all that much? Is it just the writers' way of handling Rodney and his crises?
                      Rodney is pretty hard on the others sometimes (insults and sarcasm wise). But I think he's more than proven that he truly does care for all of his team members and would do anything for them if they need it.

                      It breaks my heart to think of Rodney as a sort of outsider while Sheppard, Teyla and Ronan are part of an exclusive club.

                      Or are we just too sensitive about how he's treated because we're such big Rodney fans?
                      I dont know if we are tooo sensitive but i do agree with you that they do somewhat treat him as an outsider.
                      The Tao of Rodney was a great episode!!
                      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                        Phew!! Just had issues with my laptop - suddenly every time i tried to move the cursor, it highlighted everything. I couldn't get caplock off and i lost all numbers!! Damned technology!!
                        Only one way to deal with it - turned it off and back on again, works a charm.

                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        That one hysterical shot of Rodney - couldn't help but turn it into a 'motivational poster'....


                        Originally posted by gravelgerdie View Post
                        I do have to agree about the bad team interaction.
                        One what was up with
                        Them all sitting together in the mess hall talking about him and Rodney eating alone... also two, why were they not ralling around Rodney to fix this problem.. doing what ever they could to fix this problem.... and I wanted more of Shep and Rodney interaction then what we got.. I'm greedy that way..

                        but it wasn't as bad as last weeks episode to me...

                        Also Love Love Love the pic you have here
                        I love Tao but i have a problem with the mess hall scene too
                        they just sat there almost *****ing behind his back when i struck me, if they were real friends they'd be saying it to his face in concern. Asking if he was ok, if anything was bothering him. Know what i mean?

                        I think we all feel the same that McKay probably isn't treated with the respect he deserves by the rest of the team. Sure they respect his intellect and i've no doubt they like him (heck even love him) but he always seems to be the one that gets treated badly, *****ed about, laughed at.
                        *huggles McClone*
                        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                        l My LJ l


                          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                          Made an icon with that pic Wasn't sure if it was a spoiler or not so I played it safe

                          I love it
                          Jacta Alea Est

                          My Space

                          My art



                            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                            Phew!! Just had issues with my laptop - suddenly every time i tried to move the cursor, it highlighted everything. I couldn't get caplock off and i lost all numbers!! Damned technology!!
                            Only one way to deal with it - turned it off and back on again, works a charm.


                            I love Tao but i have a problem with the mess hall scene too
                            they just sat there almost *****ing behind his back when i struck me, if they were real friends they'd be saying it to his face in concern. Asking if he was ok, if anything was bothering him. Know what i mean?

                            I think we all feel the same that McKay probably isn't treated with the respect he deserves by the rest of the team. Sure they respect his intellect and i've no doubt they like him (heck even love him) but he always seems to be the one that gets treated badly, *****ed about, laughed at.
                            *huggles McClone*
                            yeah poor Rodney he always seems treated badly, you think if they loved him they would be a tad nicer too him >_> , although I did like it when
                            Ronan hugged him at the end of tao.

                            "Only one way to deal with it - turned it off and back on again, works a charm. " Yep I have to do that alll the time with my computer
                            Xx Atlantis Fan xX


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              That one hysterical shot of Rodney - couldn't help but turn it into a 'motivational poster'....


                              I love motivational posters
                              Jacta Alea Est

                              My Space

                              My art



                                Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
                                So I have a question for you experts:
                                where should a budding DH fangirl start? I actually have a free weekend,
                       me, please!

                                This is the site that got me started. and the rest, as they say, is history

                                As for "Tao"

                                I loved it. I really thought it was a well written episode. My favorite moments were Rodney healing Zelenka and Ronon, and Ronon carrying him to the platform at the end. Carrying! awesome. I wish there was a little more McKay/Sheppard time, but Sheppard was crying for him in the infirmary (well, tearing up, at least)! For someone that tries to contain their emotions, I thought that was a pretty solid show of affection for Sheppard. Nice writing job, Damien Kindler. Just my 2 cents

                                cheers, all! JB
                                "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural

