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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    my 2cents about who I'd want to see Mckay invloved with? Shep.

    **runs from thread**


      Originally posted by cindyz View Post
      my 2cents about who I'd want to see Mckay invloved with? Shep.

      **runs from thread**
      You don´t have to run anywhere. I am afraid that there are lots of slashers in here. I am not. So it´s hard sometimes to say that I like friendship between Rodney and Shepp and that I want a woman for Rodney

      "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
        I personally really liked Allina from Brotherhood. I think she suits to the definition you wrote
        Well, she was a bit too superficial for me, at first she liked him, but when he wasn't what she believed he was she wouldn't have had a problem killing him!

        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        God well at least you all know how to use the spoil tags, I remember the days when we didn't have them and it was murder, still digging up the bodies in some threads.
        Those were difficult times, yes!

        I do know these writers *well not personally* and they will barely have time to have McKay on screen this season *caving into the "too much McKay in Season 1/2/3" mob*
        I seriously hope that won't happen, but I know that the "too-much-McKay" mob is very vocal and outspoken, while the 'Mcfans' (witnessed that in many threads and discussions) are rather quiet. And from what I heard from JM so far, season 4 will be mainly about Teyla and about Sheppard (no problem with the former...), and we also have three new characters, so I can imagine that we'll get a little less McKay this time. And what we might get concerns me too. Well, let's see....

        Huh, wonder how DH feels about his on screen love interest having virtually the same name as his sister (and Joe Flanigan's wife)? The powers that be really need to branch out on the name thing.
        They're definitely not creative (Heightmeyer and Brown - Hewlett sister and Flanigan wife). But I don't think David has a problem with that, he's a pro...

        But *happy dance* it really does seem that...
        Kate Hewlett will be in season 4, or at least; that is how I interpreted Joe M poem and his more recent response/s in his blog to questions.
        Think so too and I'm happy about it!

        Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
        You don´t have to run anywhere. I am afraid that there are lots of slashers in here. I am not. So it´s hard sometimes to say that I like friendship between Rodney and Shepp and that I want a woman for Rodney
        No-one in this thread should feel the need to run away, I hope everyone here knows that he's welcome, may he be a f-shipper, r-shipper, slasher, all or nothing of that, doesn't matter, this here is about McKay, and that's important. Everyone has his own way in which he thinks and feels about the characters on the show. I know that probably the majority of people here are McShep slasher (I'm too, although I'm a f-shipper when it comes to the show/canon), and since that is the most popular pairing I'm not surprised about that. I just hope no-one here felt mistreated, left-out, suppressed, unsure or scared because of that. In the end all people in this thread here are McKay fans, that's our common denominator.

        Bye, A.
        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          I have said it before McKay is tptb punching bag, if they want to have someone shot at it is McKay. If they want you to hate someone for a while it is McKay. If they need you to laugh at someone it is McKay. I guess for this McKay fan that is getting boring/annoying and painful to watch. I just hate him being used as comic relief!
          No put him with Sam and he is an SOB again. Put him with "aliens" and he's arrogance comes shinning through. Put him in harms way and well you either get a "coward" or a hero. [...]
          He is not the only one to screw up, but he is the only one getting yelled at and being made to pay.
          Ack! Ack! ACK! (I could go on, because I agree 100% and the whole thing is such a pet peeve of mine...)

          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
          But I have to ask-why would someone stop watching SGA after M&MM? I think it was perfect episode.
          I guess the reason for that is exactly this:
          Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
          though I do remember thinking to myself
          'geez, give the guy at least a little break'. Rodney as perpetual
          punching bag gets old, for sure
          Originally posted by Squonk
          My only real problem with that episode was
          again how McKay was treated. I can understand his sister being a bit vindictive cos of their past. But the way the others joined in and made fun of him and especially laughing at how he was bullied at school was just spiteful and not how i'd expect a close-knit team should act.
          I also didn't stop watching after M&MM, but I have to say that this what LadyLord and Squonk mentioned annoyed me too, and I guess it annoyed some people so much that they stopped watching.

          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          And i agree, why is it McKay takes all the flack when others have made mistakes too? (admittedly 5/6 of a solar system was impressive though!)
          After Trinity, i really felt for him, the way Shep was treating him. After all Shep WOKE UP THE WRAITH!!
          I can only agree, but you know, Shep woke up the Wraith when he was doing something heroic, something brave and good - he wanted to rescue his people, especially Sumner, and even if he didn't succeed 100%, and even if he might be someone who doesn't always follow orders, he's still the good guy (a common pattern in films and TV shows!), he's nice and friendly, and because of all of that people can of course forgive (and forget about) him waking up the freakin' enemy!

          Rodney? Rodney is arrogant, petty and bad with people (...), he constantly claims to be a genius and has an ego which has the size of Atlantis. He's not nice and deserves it to get slapped on the head from time to time. No need to be considerate of his feelings, it's ok to bash such people when they actually fail (no matter how many times they saved someone's ass before (without praise of course, that might blow up the ego even more!)). After all they were annoying enough to say that they can do anything!

          *end of sarcasm*

          Bye, A., bitter
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Arlessiar, it was weak try for a joke I don´t have very good day today-family problems. So I am full of sarkasm and bitterness today It´s just that I saw three reactions against Katie somewhere in another forum and I started to think it´s little a witch hunt already. But I have a bad day, nothing else. Family is arguing about crazy uncle, one house, ill grandmum...too many problems at once.

            I also don´t mind that they will focus at Sheppard and Teyla more. They need it. But I think sometimes that even Rodney is doing all "hard work" that Shepp is always the hero. But he is meant to be, I think.

            I seriously hope that won't happen, but I know that the "too-much-McKay" mob is very vocal and outspoken, while the 'Mcfans' (witnessed that in many threads and discussions) are rather quiet
            It´s hard to go against the majority. I am trying to write sometimes but it is lost quickly in discussion. I got lesson in Czech forums where people are experts for everything and hate everything, love only SG1 and think that I am "weird" when I prefer SGA. Yeah, I don´t like Czech fans. They are soooo...Czech (moody, critical, cynical )

            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


              Oh, I dont feel left out or anything. But McShep will never be written by feel very welcome in this thread.

              Did I tell you all of my recent fixation of getting and viewing any/all DH movies? so far...I've seen recently...Nothing...Century Hotel...Where the Heart Is...The Boy's of ST. Vincents ( netflix had both on the same dvd...the origional and the 15 years later one...very sad movies)...and last night I watched Cypher. can't wait for the next couple...Boa vs. Python and one called Black Death.


                Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                Arlessiar, it was weak try for a joke
                Oh, ok.
                I don´t have very good day today-family problems.
                Oh no, this is bad. I can relate to that atm. *big HUG*

                It´s hard to go against the majority. I am trying to write sometimes but it is lost quickly in discussion.
                Same here. And unfortunately I also don't have that much time anymore, I'd write/discuss/argue more, but often I barely have time to do the things I really want to do on the net, like posting in this thread here.

                I got lesson in Czech forums where people are experts for everything and hate everything, love only SG1 and think that I am "weird" when I prefer SGA. Yeah, I don´t like Czech fans. They are soooo...Czech (moody, critical, cynical )
                That's not solely a Czech problem it seems. Germans are similar, especially male Germans! I write in the German SG newsgroup, 2 women, about 30 men. And boy, can that be annoying. SG1, SG1, SG1, technical stuff, and 'wait, whom do you like?' and 'what the heck is thunking anyway?'...

                Originally posted by cindyz View Post
                can't wait for the next couple...Boa vs. Python and one called Black Death.
                Black Death is not really what I'd call a good movie (too clichéd...), but David looks very sweet in it. Here's a (non-spoilerish) teaser:

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                  I can only agree, but you know, Shep woke up the Wraith when he was doing something heroic, something brave and good - he wanted to rescue his people, especially Sumner, and even if he didn't succeed 100%, and even if he might be someone who doesn't always follow orders, he's still the good guy (a common pattern in films and TV shows!), he's nice and friendly, and because of all of that people can of course forgive (and forget about) him waking up the freakin' enemy!

                  Rodney? Rodney is arrogant, petty and bad with people (...), he constantly claims to be a genius and has an ego which has the size of Atlantis. He's not nice and deserves it to get slapped on the head from time to time. No need to be considerate of his feelings, it's ok to bash such people when they actually fail (no matter how many times they saved someone's ass before (without praise of course, that might blow up the ego even more!)). After all they were annoying enough to say that they can do anything!

                  *end of sarcasm*

                  Bye, A., bitter
                  (albeit tinged with bitterness)

                  Sorry i had to laugh because you are so right!!

                  They seem to forget how many times he's busted a gut, how many sleepness nights he's had to save all their collective asses!!
                  And as you said - they never praise him when he gets it right cos it's expected, but when he gets it wrong the knives are out.

                  One particular episode that springs to mind is The Hive. I think this has been mentioned before.
                  Spoilered just in case
                  he took all that enzyme and nearly died to save them and not one member of his team showed concern when they returned as heroes (and they were heroes, but so was Rodney and they could have spared a though for him!)

                  Yes Shep is heroic and i like him but it annoys me how much Rodney is taken for granted when he's just as big a hero, just in a different way.

                  Ooo look at me - all ranty!!
                  The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                  l My LJ l


                    oohhooohhh earrings. double earrings. like in St. Vincents.... THUNK!!


                      Ooo, if he had htem in two films, d'you think he had them for real?!
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                        That's not solely a Czech problem it seems. Germans are similar, especially male Germans! I write in the German SG newsgroup, 2 women, about 30 men. And boy, can that be annoying. SG1, SG1, SG1, technical stuff, and 'wait, whom do you like?' and 'what the heck is thunking anyway?'...
                        I'm glad I'm not the only one... Brazilian fans are exactly the same!
                        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                        Sig and avi by me


                          From this weeks TV Guide's "Hot List: 21 Shows You Must See":
                          A nice little pic of McKay with the following description:
                          (using sp tags because, well, I'm never quite sure about them)

                          Stargate Atlantis: Whoever said smart isn't sexy should check out how cool space nerd Dr. McKay is after an ancient gizmo amps up his already mad IQ.

                          Made the trip to the store worth it...
                          Bring on Tao of Rodney.
                          David Fangirldom Times Two...Potentially Dangerous, But I'm On It.
                          "You can't fly a Dalek! There's people in there..."--David Hewlett


                            As I see, fans are the same everywhere. My website about SGA is the biggest and the best in Czech internet (no, it´s not big ego, it´s a fact ) There are few others women in our forum but still, when I have started the topic about "Our boys in SG" I thought they would go mad. Reactions: "How can I look at *naked* man?". Why did they go there? They have their own topic about women in SG and sci-fi, but it is right. I think that men just can´t accept that women can look at photos of other men and speak about them exactly in the way how they speak about women. Um, OK, I got into OT but I tried to get my point.

                            Another OT: I wrote it into P3 thread, but...I just learnt that another Czech fan girl goes to P3. She is Samjack_girl (and has a LJ site) and I am glad that there will be three of us.

                            I am looking forward to our GW party. I think I could practise there my German a little, Arlessiar

                            LadyLord75: I think the person who wrote it was a woman...and big fan The best thing written about SGA and McKay after long time

                            OK, let´s go thunking again, I need few pictures after this day:

                            One sweet photo, but kind of private so spoiler But I love this one:
                            Jane is a happy woman

                            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                              I am looking forward to our GW party. I think I could practise there my German a little, Arlessiar
                              Hehe, of course! And you can teach me some Czech sentences!
                              One sweet photo, but kind of private so spoiler But I love this one:
                              Jane is a happy woman
                              I love this photo so much! Looked at it quite often since it was published after BOBW. Always makes me sigh happily - and envious like hell.

                              Bye, A.
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                                Ooo, if he had htem in two films, d'you think he had them for real?!
                                Hmmm, good question, but I think so. I mean, in the eighties the friends of his little sister thought that he was a girl...

                                Nah, seriously, I can imagine that he had these two earrings for real.

                                Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
                                From this weeks TV Guide's "Hot List: 21 Shows You Must See":
                                A nice little pic of McKay with the following description:
                                (using sp tags because, well, I'm never quite sure about them)

                                Stargate Atlantis: Whoever said smart isn't sexy should check out how cool space nerd Dr. McKay is after an ancient gizmo amps up his already mad IQ.
                                Hehe, what a great way to advertise this ep! So true! Smart IS sexy.

                                McKay's the real thing. *g*

                                Oh, and I have to ask, was the nice little pic one we already knew or maybe a new one?

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

