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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
    *grabs the oxygen*
    You know you can get high on this stuff.
    Wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen to me right now. *sweet oblivion*
    *hugs you back*
    I know it is bad form to talk about other members so I won't but seriously most people on my ignore are either trolls from the off-topic section or .... It always ends the same way...
    I'll never mention names, that's for sure, as that is really bad style (and forbidden IIRC), and I don't have an ignore list, but I still know what you mean, because I know the problems with certain groups of people.
    ...With me needing lots of Hewlett porn!
    Definitely a better ending than boiling with rage!

    Concerning the recently discussed ship we both don't like, I looked and there isn't an anti thread yet, but I found a
    general discussion thread about the Rodney/Katie pairing
    in which you already posted, Willow. Maybe we should revive it? It seems we can voice our discontent there.

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
      Maybe we should revive it? It seems we can voice our discontent there.
      Was I positive? I remember thinking if he got over Sam through Katie it would be good, but he hasn't so I am not interested. Um, I want to vent, I don't think that thread is vent material. EDIT: Heehee, I see I was Drwho'srose at the time, even I got confused reading that thread.

      More Porn

      Last edited by Willow'sCat; 29 December 2006, 11:45 PM. Reason: Being a responsible adult for a change


        So much anger in here But I agree with everything you said.
        Just be happy you don´t know Czech fans. They are horrible. They critizise everything and everyone and they would kick out all members of SGA cast and made from it Atlantis: SG1

        GW fans are very nice and cute fans I have to say. If you could come to some Czech forums, you would understand.

        Now,keep thunking, let´s show to all "toomuchmckay" people, that we will defend Rodney to our last breath

        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post

          I hear a lot about the "Starburst Yearbook" lately: Does anyone have it? Can anyone post scans or report what David says in his interview? Does anyone know if there's a transcription somewhere on the net or where to find scans? I don't get this magazine here and I'm so curious!

          Arlessiar, I'm sure I've got it, but it's already past my bedtime, so I'll have to dig it out tomorrow and tell you what it says. When the kids let me go on the computer, that is!

          I'm sad to hear that there are McKay-haters annoying you on other threads. I found that was what put me off all the other Stargate forums I tried before this one, but I haven't come across them too much on GateWorld yet. Mind you, I tend to stick to certain threads anyway, such as this one.
          Please... leave the touching to the experts.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            Oh was it really that bad, I could only read every second or third post for obvious reasons. *cackles*
            Misunderstandings, the usual complaints... you didn't miss a thing.
            Was I positive? I remember thinking if he got over Sam through Katie it would be good, but he hasn't so I am not interested. Um, I want to vent, I don't think that thread is vent material. EDIT: Heehee, I see I was Drwho'srose at the time, even I got confused reading that thread.
            Yeah, that were still your DWR times. Don't know if it's a good place to vent, I think it's still pretty open to both views.
            Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
            Just be happy you don´t know Czech fans. They are horrible. They critizise everything and everyone and they would kick out all members of SGA cast and made from it Atlantis: SG1
            Sounds bad!
            Most of the SG fans in the German SG newsgroup I write in are male, and I think in the long run they still prefer SG1 over SGA, but at least most of them like McKay.
            Now,keep thunking, let´s show to all "toomuchmckay" people, that we will defend Rodney to our last breath
            Yay for power thunking!
            Originally posted by Catsitter View Post
            Arlessiar, I'm sure I've got it, but it's already past my bedtime, so I'll have to dig it out tomorrow and tell you what it says. When the kids let me go on the computer, that is!
            You really have it and could write about the most important points? Oh that would be fantastic! Thanks in advance! It doesn't matter when you'll have time to look for the mag, tomorrow or in a few weeks, kids and family are more important after all, but if you find it one day then I'll be a very happy camper.

            I'm sad to hear that there are McKay-haters annoying you on other threads. I found that was what put me off all the other Stargate forums I tried before this one, but I haven't come across them too much on GateWorld yet. Mind you, I tend to stick to certain threads anyway, such as this one.
            After many bad experiences I mostly stick to my "happy place threads" too. But Darren always says that we all should participate in different kinds of discussions here on GW, and sometimes I think myself that there must be more out there than just my few fav and safe threads. So I go out and look for interesting things to talk about. I always come back here quickly, disappointed, depressed, sad or angry. Going 'out there' is mostly not a good idea. Unfortunately.

            Bye, A.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              So a question, remember when David posted this on his blog way back in August...

              Possible spoilers beware!
              (quote)"Meanwhile back in space...McKay is as talkative as ever...if not more so (hard to believe I know)! <> although I have to tell you all...there have been some pretty shocking developments on the story front...and some huge changes on the horizon...I can say no more...but be warned! Also it looks like I'm hopping over to do another SG1 and have yet more fun with poor Samantha Carter in another alternate if Rodney wasn't causing enough chaos on our side of the he gets to do it in some fancy threads...Hello Giorgio Armani McKay!"(end quote)

              Now am I daft? Yes but he said another alternative TPP was not set in an alternative universe, so is he saying he appears again in SG-1 this season but in an alternative universe? Every time people have referenced his words on this it seems we have assumed it is to do with SGA, but he seems to be talking about SG-1... I am confused *and yes I was incredibly bored* any thoughts?

              EDIT: I was reading the spoilers for the remaining SG-1 eps and there is mention of an alternative dimension in Line in the Sand... plot thickens or I just need to stop reading spoilers and jumping to conclusions.
              Last edited by Willow'sCat; 29 December 2006, 03:21 AM.



                I think it'll be this episode


                And he's also in 'Unending'
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay View Post

                  I think it'll be this episode


                  And he's also in 'Unending'
                  They have more then one ep with a you know what in it? And they say they aren't running out of ideas. Um, how do you know he is in Unending? Was there a memo?
                  I read that but wouldn't they have filmed that latter then his comments? I mean he seemed to be talking like he was about to film the ep, but that spoiler is from a week before, well I suppose it could be quick spoiler hunting, so I have to see another ep with then together, can she at least be married to him in this one? Just for the look on "our" Sam's face it would be worth the shippiness of it.

                  Also why hasn't anyone talked about this before? I would have thought we of all people would have brought this up. Did I miss that memo as well?


                    well...the alternate McKay could only be 'The Road not Taken'

           was filmed long before Unending, and David said he was filming SG1 on it's last day
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      In case anyone here needs more McKay.

                      (Includes pics from Echoes and Tao of Rodney, but I don't think they spoil any major plot points.)
                      Keep Carson. Keep Elizabeth.
                      Keep Atlantis.

                      Lemming #14
                      -Clueless Lemming Cretin-

                      Image by Cailliath



                        Alternate McKay was mentioned in the quote a few posts up...

                        the other was here
                        - And ehm...I think he's deleted it

                        He mentioned how in a bizarre twist of fate he was filming on SG1's last day, and how he couldn't believe SG1 was ending...

                        but it seems to have vanished, along with the rest of his stargate posts...
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                          He mentioned how in a bizarre twist of fate he was filming on SG1's last day, and how he couldn't believe SG1 was ending...
                          Were you looking for this?

                          He says he was there on the last day of shooting SG-1. Of course, last day of shooting doesn't necessarily mean they were shooting the last *episode*...
                          Keep Carson. Keep Elizabeth.
                          Keep Atlantis.

                          Lemming #14
                          -Clueless Lemming Cretin-

                          Image by Cailliath


                            Thanks guys I do remember that now, but it didn't seem to make as big an impression as him being sick at the time. Hmm, you think we will get a thread titled Is SG-1 season 10 too McKay centric!


                              Hey all. I haven't really been reading this thread because I've just started watching SGA season 3 and I don't want to be spoiled. Once I finish with The Return, Part 1, I'll come back and check things out here.

                              Just wanted to say that I do love DH and his wonderful portrayal of McKay. He was so irritating (but in a good way) when he first appeared on SG-1, I wasn't sure I'd like seeing him every single week - but I SOOOO do!

                              I just watched No Man's Land and Misbegotten. I am so thankful I wasn't drinking anything when McKay realized that the hive ship must have downloaded something like spyware, just like when he stupidly downloaded! That was just so perfect. There are many more instances of great lines and great delivery, but I'm sure I'll find most of them in previous posts...when I get around to reading them.

                              Anyway, I'll hopefully be back soon!
                              Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                                Great interview with Jane posted on the Dog's Breakfast thread. Spoilers!


                                It's Blue shirt day!
                                Last edited by Mercury973; 29 December 2006, 10:16 AM. Reason: List spoilers
                                Sig by im_meli
                                More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ

