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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by pavaneofstars
    smushybird asked about the ending to "why are you here?"

    Um, not really. Hence, my recommending having a tissue handy. The thing I remembered most about it is it was one of those stories that starts in where something major has happened and all of the characters know about it without actually referrring to it and the reader doesn't know what has happened (it is something bad that has happened to Rodney) until the big reveal at the end.
    Thanks for letting me know! I can't read that stuff. Death fics and similar horrors with tragic endings--nooo thanks.

    Originally posted by pavaneofstars
    Saw Common Ground tonight.
    I loved Rodney going all "Colonel Sheppard" on the team before they went through the gate to find him. And even though it was a difficult thing to watch I'm glad we had that scene where Weir and everyone are watching the wraith feed on Sheppard. Poor John. And wow! The wraith can give back life!
    Wasn't that a good ep?
    Rodney's concern for Shep seemed greater than anyone else's. Maybe cuz DH is such a terrific actor--I just felt his concern more. He was sweet. I loved his Col. Sheppard act too. Really made me feel his personal, unspoken admiration for Sheppard...I think it's much greater than Rodney will ever let on. I could've done w/o the Rodney shooting the mouse thing, as amusing as it was. I think Rodney's past that stage with the use of firearms. And it would have been an interesting episode if Rodney had been the one captured instead of Sheppard, I thought--especially after Kolya's remark that he'd wanted to get Rodney. Although I really liked it with Sheppard, too...with his antagonism toward the wraith, the uneasy alliance was interesting.

    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Anyway, just a quick question before I have to leave again for a short while: Has there been a trailer/preview for M&MM last night after "Common Ground" aired? I know the next new ep is still two weeks away, but I'm soooo looking forward to it! "M&MM" is this year's "Duet" for me, remember how we had a countdown for that last year???
    There was a tantalizing preview
    with a glimpse of Jeannie and a glimpse of the AU Rodney, who was noticeably different and relaxed compared to our own little live wire. It looks like a very lively, interesting episode. Two weeks away. :sigh:


      Completely non-related to the current discussion, just something I've noticed before that came up in tonight's ep; apologies if it's been mentioned before.

      Rodney's voice. He's all polished and perfect pronunciation most of the time. And then he gets upset and it all goes to hell. Which is interesting to me, as the only other person on the show who I've noticed do the different-accent-when-angry thing is John. Do we want to take this as a view into his character and background (as most of the people I know who lose accent control when upset have different backgrounds than those who don't), or are we looking at it as just another Hewlett-ism? I overanalyze these characters like it's my job, so I lean towards the former, but I'd like to know what y'all think.
      They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

      Rodney/ could happen

      spoilers for "200"
      Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

      Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

      Cam: My daddy?


        I'm wondering how long it's going to be before someone's downloaded and screencapped that trailer.

        For those of you die-hard spoilerphobes, I'll put this behind a tag

        He's slouching. In leather. I have the feeling that this is an episode I shall be watching many times over.
        They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

        Rodney/ could happen

        spoilers for "200"
        Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

        Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

        Cam: My daddy?


          Originally posted by smushybird
          There was a tantalizing preview
          with a glimpse of Jeannie and a glimpse of the AU Rodney, who was noticeably different and relaxed compared to our own little live wire. It looks like a very lively, interesting episode. Two weeks away. :sigh:
          Oh thanks, after I read your post I went to the SciFi site and they have the preview online! Just watched it four times! Oh so good!!!

          Beautiful Jeanie! AU Rodney! Oh I can't wait!
          And did you see the position in which AU Rodney materialises? Terminator!!!

          And, eh, an AU Rodney, relaxed, wearing a leather jacket --> "General and Doctor Sheppard" anyone? Wonder what xanthe on LJ thinks of this ep!

          Bye, A., off for while, breakfast and housework and a new SGA ep... ah, screw housework, SGA eps come first!
          Last edited by Arlessiar; 26 August 2006, 12:10 AM.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            Oh thanks, after I read your post I went to the SciFi site and they have the preview online! Just watched it four times! Oh so good!!!

            Beautiful Jeanie! AU Rodney! Oh I can't wait!
            I am a little...
            concerned that the Jeannie thing is a C plot, I know it would bore most non McKay fans (hey still haven't watched TRW here) but if we only get them together in a quite moment on the Daedalus (?)coming to Atlantis... that is not long enough.

            Lol! Does Zelenka screw up this time!

            And, eh, an AU Rodney, relaxed, wearing a leather jacket --> "General and Doctor Sheppard" anyone? Wonder what xanthe on LJ thinks of this ep!

            Bye, A., off for while, breakfast and housework and a new SGA ep... ah, screw housework, SGA eps come first!
            Stop that!
            You want to talk like that go to the slash thread... you missed the fun. Although that was the first thing I thought of!


              OMG OMG OMG OMG*double thunk*
              i just saw the scifi trailer, like 200 times (a little obsessed)*shame of myself*
              2 rodneys are two many to handle
              i just had a goddness overload (and is just the trailer)can't wait that long, i'm going to die first.

              big spoiler
              Last edited by simona; 26 August 2006, 04:02 AM.
              Click me, help me grow!
              WEIR: I'm still trying to understand, how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony
              MCKAY: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
              SHEPPARD: I shot him. In the leg.
              MCKAY: I'm invulnerable.


                Originally posted by simona
                OMG OMG OMG OMG*double thunk*
                i just saw the scifi trailer, like 200 times (a little obsessed)*shame of myself*

                2 rodneys are two many to handle i just had a goddness overload (and is just the trailer) can't wait that long, i'm going to die first.

                big spoiler
                Can you please edit your post... the part about Rodney is a spoiler!


                  Originally posted by simona
                  OMG OMG OMG OMG*double thunk*
                  i just saw the scifi trailer, like 200 times (a little obsessed
                  )*shame of myself*
                  2 rodneys are two many to handle i just had a goddness overload (and is just the trailer) can't wait that long, i'm going to die first.
                  big spoiler
                  Be careful, as there was another big spoiler in your text you didn't put in tags, could you please change that?

                  Bye, A.

                  ETA: Ooops, Willow, I just saw that you just said the same thing.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    So I just watched "Common Ground" - good episode, although

                    there had the be the usual and obligatory "let's make fun of Rodney" scene in it, too. He gets startled and shoots a mouse (which he seemed to regret). Well, I can understand this, I might have reacted the same way. But I bet others will just laugh at him or ask themselves "why was Rodney on the strike team at all".

                    Ah well, or maybe I'm just over-sensitive by now....

                    But did you see how well our geekboy flew the PJ? *is proud* Guess he had more lessons now.

                    One thing that bugged me a little bit was that there was a German soldier again in this ep and the flag he wore was wrong, the flag patch on his uniform was upside down the whole episode through!
                    Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly upset or outraged by that, but really, people, how hard can it be... and it destroys the illusion a bit.

                    Anyway, piccie time:

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      clip from M&MM trailer

                      couldn't get more without them being REALLY poor


                      Sig made by Suekay.


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        Can you please edit your post... the part about Rodney is a spoiler!
                        i'm so sorry! i didn't check the preview before post it, it'll never happen again, i promise.
                        btw thank you to make me notice my mistake.
                        Click me, help me grow!
                        WEIR: I'm still trying to understand, how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony
                        MCKAY: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                        SHEPPARD: I shot him. In the leg.
                        MCKAY: I'm invulnerable.


                          simona, thank you.

                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          So I just watched "Common Ground" - good episode, although

                          there had the be the usual and obligatory "let's make fun of Rodney" scene in it, too. He gets startled and shoots a mouse (which he seemed to regret). Well, I can understand this, I might have reacted the same way. But I bet others will just laugh at him or ask themselves "why was Rodney on the strike team at all".

                          Ah well, or maybe I'm just over-sensitive by now....

                          But did you see how well our geekboy flew the PJ? *is proud* Guess he had more lessons now.
                          Yes we are over sensitive but in a good way! We love McKay and we don't want him belittled and especially when it is for cheap laughs.
                          I must say a *squee* may have come out of my mouth when I saw him so in control with the PJ. *was happy*

                          One thing that bugged me a little bit was that there was a German soldier again in this ep and the flag he wore was wrong, the flag patch on his uniform was upside down the whole episode through!
                          Don't get me wrong, I'm not overly upset or outraged by that, but really, people, how hard can it be... and it destroys the illusion a bit.
                          Oh I would be, how hard is to get the dam flag the right way up?! And lets face it; that would NEVER happen with the US one... or the Canadian one.

                          Originally posted by Red Phoniex
                          *is over-excited about M&MM*


                            Wow, lots of posts last night. I went to bed at 2 am, mind you, but I had guests so I couldn't be here.
                            I still have to watch Common Ground so I avoided the spoilers like the plague. But not the ones from M&MM. I'm getting really exited. I've lost the count of the times I've watched that (way too short) preview at Sci-Fi.

                            Originally posted by Arlessiar

                            Beautiful Jeanie! AU Rodney! Oh I can't wait!
                            And did you see the position in which AU Rodney materialises? Terminator!!!
                            Great minds think alike! The very first time I saw that snippet I thought: "That's stolen from Terminator! But of course Rodney's not naked. Damn them "
                            I'm getting a better idea of the ep plot (well, I think). It seems that Jeannie is already there and that her and Rodney use an Ancient device and (accidentally?) bring AU Rodney to Atlantis, causing a big problem for the structure of the universe!
                            I CAN'T WAIT. And of course M&MM is in 2 weeks instead of only one. Drat.

                            Originally posted by Arlessiar
                            Oh no, hard drive problems! I know how bad this feels, and I'm glad that your husband could fix the problem so that you didn't lose anything! Yay for geeky men! I'd be lost without my personal geek sometimes.
                            I'm the only one who knows how to use a computer at home and I don't have my own personal geek () so I often feel very lost when I have a problem.
                            Btw, is there a web tutorial for making screencaps? I'm starting to feel the need to make my own.

                            I had no idea things had been that hard for you lately. I'm glad that you are finally seeing the end of the

                            Willow, can I use that Rodney-milking-the-DHD cap for something?


                              Originally posted by Aurore
                              Willow, can I use that Rodney-milking-the-DHD cap for something?
                              Yep, anyone can use any of my caps I don't mind.

                              I capped these from CG...




                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                                Yep, anyone can use any of my caps I don't mind.
                                Thank you

                                *off to watch CG*

