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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
    Really nice. Well done.
    Thank you!

    Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
    And now she does. Oversight corrected.

    The second one's bg is a bit brighter and I kind of like that one better, but the first fits in more with the rest of the series, which has a more muted background.

    *squeals in delight* Love them both, thanks so much!
    Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
    View my projects on || AO3 || YouTube

    (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday!

      Erin87, those sig banners are gorgeous! Great job!

      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      I just had to share this. If I need to take it down, let me know. But it made me laugh.

      I was looking on Reddit for something about a ship from SG-1 in one of the Legacy books and someone made a comment about another ship from SGA...

      And I just died laughing at the cyanide line.
      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

      Even to this day... wait, a year ago.
      My thoughts exactly!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        I bring more Sparky ficlet. (Not fillet. Stupid auto-correct. )

        I got this prompt list off of Tumblr. It's entitled, "Friends or More?" I'm trying to challenge myself to write them as canon as I can, but a few AUs may slip in here or there. Here's the first one.

        “You’ve been pouting ever since I went out on that date. What's going on?”

        Elizabeth kept her eyes on her computer as John entered her office. She had uttered the words as soon as he was within audio range, and she could tell without looking that his eyebrows were raised in such a fashion that it almost matched her own look of shock.


        Elizabeth smiled and moved a stack of cards onto a jack, keeping her eyes intently fixed on the screen. "You've been pouting. And I must say, it's not very attractive on you."

        "I haven't been pouting," he insisted, taking a seat in front of her desk.

        Elizabeth looked up, just for a moment, and glared at him. "John. You've been pouting like a five year old who didn't get their way. And it started around the time I went on a date with Mike Branton."

        And then John started pouting again.

        "There! Don't you feel your face doing that?"

        He shook his head.

        "Don't make me get a mirror."

        John raised his hands. "Elizabeth, I swear, I'm not pouting, and I'm not jealous."

        That gave Elizabeth pause. She slowly looked up. ”I didn't say you were," she replied evenly, matching his gaze.

        John licked his lip, then stood up. "I gotta go write some personnel evaluations," he said as he walked out of her office.

        Elizabeth watched him for a moment, then chuckled. If he preferred doing his administrative duties over talking to her, she knew she had hit the nail on the head.

        Then she cocked her head and raised her eyebrow, frightened. “Oh, God.”

        I hit the nail on the head.


          And another one.

          “We always shared blankets on the couch. I was sure that sharing the bed for the night would be fine too.”

          Elizabeth chuckled softly as John continued his story. “So my brother and I are trying to sleep on my cousin’s twin bed without falling off. And I have never actually slept in the same bed as my brother, so I don’t realize that he’s a blanket hog. And a bedwetter.”

          McKay groaned, seemingly appalled by the notion. Teyla smiled sympathetically for John. And Ronon just smirked. Elizabeth got the feeling that he’d probably never wet the bed but had bullied the children his age who had.

          “Well, he’s a nervous bedwetter. And since we were at an unfamiliar house, it made him anxious. And just to make things worse, we’d challenged each other to drink as much Coke as we could.”

          They all groaned. Even Teyla and Ronon, who didn’t get most Earth references yet, understood enough to know that the worst was yet to come.

          “So I wake up at three in the morning, thinking I’m sweating,” John said, pausing dramatically, “and I’m not.”

          A collective shiver went through the crowd, then John nodded at Elizabeth. “Okay. Your turn. Embarrassing childhood story.”

          Elizabeth laughed softly. “I don’t think I have one that even remotely compares to yours.”

          “Well, just do your best,” he cajoles with a smile.

          “All right, then. When I was about nine years old, I competed in dressage events.” Mindful of her audience, she turned to Ronon and Teyla. “On Earth, they have athletic competitions where they ride horses in arenas and have to perform certain maneuvers, which they are then graded on.”

          The Pegasus natives seemed to accept the explanation, but she could almost feel Ronon rolling his eyes at the crazy Earth customs. It did seem a little crazy when she explained it that simply.

          “Towards the end of my event, my horse got spooked and threw me off.”

          Everyone’s eyes widened. John frowned. "That doesn't sound embarrassing, Elizabeth, that sounds dangerous."

          "Oh, I wasn't hurt. But it turns out that they hadn't completely cleaned the arena before my turn, and I..."

          Rodney leaned forwards. "What? You what?" he asked excitedly, scooping a handful of popcorn out of the bowl.

          John glared sideways at him, then turned his attention back to Elizabeth. "What happened?"

          Elizabeth smiled awkwardly. "My horse threw me and I landed in a pile of horse manure."

          Rodney almost spit out his popcorn. The look on Teyla's face was a mixture of shock and amusement. John covered his mouth with his hand but she knew was smiling behind it. And Ronon let out a hearty laugh.

          "Yeah. That's my embarrassing childhood memory."


            Love them both, SW!!!
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              I bring more Sparky ficlet. (Not fillet. Stupid auto-correct. )

              I got this prompt list off of Tumblr. It's entitled, "Friends or More?" I'm trying to challenge myself to write them as canon as I can, but a few AUs may slip in here or there. Here's the first one.

              “You’ve been pouting ever since I went out on that date. What's going on?”

              Elizabeth kept her eyes on her computer as John entered her office. She had uttered the words as soon as he was within audio range, and she could tell without looking that his eyebrows were raised in such a fashion that it almost matched her own look of shock.


              Elizabeth smiled and moved a stack of cards onto a jack, keeping her eyes intently fixed on the screen. "You've been pouting. And I must say, it's not very attractive on you."

              "I haven't been pouting," he insisted, taking a seat in front of her desk.

              Elizabeth looked up, just for a moment, and glared at him. "John. You've been pouting like a five year old who didn't get their way. And it started around the time I went on a date with Mike Branton."

              And then John started pouting again.

              "There! Don't you feel your face doing that?"

              He shook his head.

              "Don't make me get a mirror."

              John raised his hands. "Elizabeth, I swear, I'm not pouting, and I'm not jealous."

              That gave Elizabeth pause. She slowly looked up. ”I didn't say you were," she replied evenly, matching his gaze.

              John licked his lip, then stood up. "I gotta go write some personnel evaluations," he said as he walked out of her office.

              Elizabeth watched him for a moment, then chuckled. If he preferred doing his administrative duties over talking to her, she knew she had hit the nail on the head.

              Then she cocked her head and raised her eyebrow, frightened. “Oh, God.”

              I hit the nail on the head.
              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              And another one.

              “We always shared blankets on the couch. I was sure that sharing the bed for the night would be fine too.”

              Elizabeth chuckled softly as John continued his story. “So my brother and I are trying to sleep on my cousin’s twin bed without falling off. And I have never actually slept in the same bed as my brother, so I don’t realize that he’s a blanket hog. And a bedwetter.”

              McKay groaned, seemingly appalled by the notion. Teyla smiled sympathetically for John. And Ronon just smirked. Elizabeth got the feeling that he’d probably never wet the bed but had bullied the children his age who had.

              “Well, he’s a nervous bedwetter. And since we were at an unfamiliar house, it made him anxious. And just to make things worse, we’d challenged each other to drink as much Coke as we could.”

              They all groaned. Even Teyla and Ronon, who didn’t get most Earth references yet, understood enough to know that the worst was yet to come.

              “So I wake up at three in the morning, thinking I’m sweating,” John said, pausing dramatically, “and I’m not.”

              A collective shiver went through the crowd, then John nodded at Elizabeth. “Okay. Your turn. Embarrassing childhood story.”

              Elizabeth laughed softly. “I don’t think I have one that even remotely compares to yours.”

              “Well, just do your best,” he cajoles with a smile.

              “All right, then. When I was about nine years old, I competed in dressage events.” Mindful of her audience, she turned to Ronon and Teyla. “On Earth, they have athletic competitions where they ride horses in arenas and have to perform certain maneuvers, which they are then graded on.”

              The Pegasus natives seemed to accept the explanation, but she could almost feel Ronon rolling his eyes at the crazy Earth customs. It did seem a little crazy when she explained it that simply.

              “Towards the end of my event, my horse got spooked and threw me off.”

              Everyone’s eyes widened. John frowned. "That doesn't sound embarrassing, Elizabeth, that sounds dangerous."

              "Oh, I wasn't hurt. But it turns out that they hadn't completely cleaned the arena before my turn, and I..."

              Rodney leaned forwards. "What? You what?" he asked excitedly, scooping a handful of popcorn out of the bowl.

              John glared sideways at him, then turned his attention back to Elizabeth. "What happened?"

              Elizabeth smiled awkwardly. "My horse threw me and I landed in a pile of horse manure."

              Rodney almost spit out his popcorn. The look on Teyla's face was a mixture of shock and amusement. John covered his mouth with his hand but she knew was smiling behind it. And Ronon let out a hearty laugh.

              "Yeah. That's my embarrassing childhood memory."
              Both are absolutely hilarious.

              (I was on break at work today, and I was trying to read these ficlets on my phone, but apparently the "show" button underneath the spoiler tag doesn't work on smart phones. Kind of annoying when you're trying to get through an eight-hour shift and half depend on some Sparky goodness to fuel you through.)
              Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
              View my projects on || AO3 || YouTube

              (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                Ahhhhhh! Awesome job!
                Originally posted by Sequoia Hope View Post
                Thank you!

                *squeals in delight* Love them both, thanks so much!
                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

                Erin87, those sig banners are gorgeous! Great job!
                Thanks very much! I was trying to think and I may not have had my tablet yet when I did the rest in this series. This was so much nicer, lol! Cut-outs are so much easier.


                Nice ficlets, SW!
                Poor John! Poor Liz! Embarrassing indeed, lol.
                Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                  And here's a sneak peek to a large project that I've been working on that's about 75% finished. Hopefully, the whole story will be completed soon, and in the meantime, enjoy this sneak peek.

                  Nineteen days after Atlantis arrives on New Lantea

                  Up until now, John Sheppard had only engaged in discussions with members of the IOA through video transmissions between Atlantis and the SGC. The receiving party had been taking advantage of the brief nature of the transmissions to elude his questions, and John had attempted to smile and be civil in his words, barely suppressing the frustration building up like a volcano within him. Then Ronon’s debacle with his long-lost Satedan friends-turned-Wraith-worshippers happened, and the reality that he had nearly lost another member of his team – by Ronon's personal choice – hit him. Suddenly, he demanded to return to Earth. Now, it was the first time that he found himself going head-to-head with the IOA. And he already hated these damn bureaucrats.

                  “With all due respect, Atlantis willingly cooperated in the Apollo’s mission to nuke the Replicator ships, and in doing so, we saved your asses here on Earth.” John tapped his fingers on the table, frustration building within him. “Earth’s safety, however, came at the expense of Atlantis’, because that strike provoked the Replicators to attack our city, and we ended up having to evacuate our planet. During the evacuation, many people were injured, including Dr. Weir, and we were also losing power. In a last-ditch attempt to survive, we were forced to steal a ZPM from the Replicator planet, and it was only with Dr. Weir’s help that we escaped with our lives.” He leaned forward, his voice unrelenting. “Elizabeth’s the reason that you don’t have to worry about creepy alien robots blasting this planet to bits right now, and she’s the reason that we got off the Replicator planet and our people in Atlantis didn’t turn blue in the vacuum of space. If you think that we’re not going to try to go back for her after everything she did for us, then you’re sorely mistaken.”

                  “In your mission report, however, was it not stated that Dr. Weir sacrificed herself when you and your people attempted to upload the Wraith attack command code into the Replicator central data core, not when stealing the ZPM?” Ambassador Shen Xiaoyi interrogated, her eyes steely.

                  Crap. “Yes, but –”

                  “It would appear that your team could have left very quickly after stealing the ZPM, with Dr. Weir, with no trouble at all from the Replicators,” British Representative Russel Chapman interrupted. “Yet, your team chose to linger in order to complete a task that was not on the mission’s original agenda. It sounds a bit reckless, considering your foremost priority at the time was to save your city and the people in it, was it not?”

                  “We were in a position where we could turn the Wraith and the Replicators against each other, and as we are sitting here discussing this, the Wraith and the Replicators are kicking each others’ asses. We’re saving thousands, if not millions of lives in that galaxy. We knew the risks involved –”

                  “– And you paid dearly for them.” The Ambassador’s eyes were cold and unsympathetic. “Colonel, it was your people who made a decision that led to her capture, and we fail to see how the IOA should be held accountable for Dr. Weir’s loss. What is more, given that you have no viable plan, a recovery mission is out of the question."

                  “And we cannot forget that Dr. Weir is compromised, given that she is part Replicator,” Dr. Natasha Morozov added in a heavy Russian accent. “If her nanites are able to connect to the Replicator collective, even if you were able to find her, she would be a security threat to the city.”

                  “Elizabeth is able to control her nanites, and we can reprogram them to do only what we want,” John said, his words not sounding so convincing.

                  “That is of great reassurance to us.” Dr. Morozov retorted.

                  God, where’s Woolsey when you need him? “Leaving her behind is also a security threat to the city. They’ll probe her mind for intel, and the longer that we leave her there, the more information they’ll be able to gather about us.” John’s mind was in a frenzy. He was running out of arguments.

                  “But they don’t know the current location of Atlantis,” Representative Chapman countered. “If you return to the Replicator home world, and you are caught, the Replicators will be able to obtain more valuable information about Atlantis from you than they could with Dr. Weir. It is clearly of greater risk to the city to launch a recovery mission than it is to refrain from one.”

                  “Colonel, you stated in your report that you were against Dr. McKay reactivating Dr. Weir’s nanites for the very reasons that you are dismissing now,” Ambassador Shen said, her tone accusatory. “It sounds reckless that you would now choose to risk the security of Atlantis merely for one person.”

                  “Yet is it all that surprising?” Representative Chapman muttered. The Ambassador turned her head to glance at him briefly, then turned back to John, her eyes void of warmth.

                  “And all of this is based on the assumption that she is still alive.”

                  A dead silence fell over the room. A long moment passed before John slowly placed his hands on the edge of the table. His knuckles tightened, and when he spoke, his voice was low and menacing.

                  “Let me make something very clear. To all of you. Elizabeth is still out there, and there is no way in hell that we are leaving her behind. She is a member of my team, and with or without nanites, as far as I’m concerned, she is a live, human being who is now a prisoner of war.” John rose slowly, trying to control his breathing. His eyes burned with inexpressible emotions. “We don’t leave our people behind, and I will be damned if I don’t get her back.”

                  John shoved his chair away from the table and stormed out of the room, paying no attention to the looks of surprise and disapproval as he slammed the door behind him.
                  Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
                  View my projects on || AO3 || YouTube

                  (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


                    Originally posted by Sequoia Hope View Post
                    And here's a sneak peek to a large project that I've been working on that's about 75% finished. Hopefully, the whole story will be completed soon, and in the meantime, enjoy this sneak peek.

                    Nineteen days after Atlantis arrives on New Lantea

                    Up until now, John Sheppard had only engaged in discussions with members of the IOA through video transmissions between Atlantis and the SGC. The receiving party had been taking advantage of the brief nature of the transmissions to elude his questions, and John had attempted to smile and be civil in his words, barely suppressing the frustration building up like a volcano within him. Then Ronon’s debacle with his long-lost Satedan friends-turned-Wraith-worshippers happened, and the reality that he had nearly lost another member of his team – by Ronon's personal choice – hit him. Suddenly, he demanded to return to Earth. Now, it was the first time that he found himself going head-to-head with the IOA. And he already hated these damn bureaucrats.

                    “With all due respect, Atlantis willingly cooperated in the Apollo’s mission to nuke the Replicator ships, and in doing so, we saved your asses here on Earth.” John tapped his fingers on the table, frustration building within him. “Earth’s safety, however, came at the expense of Atlantis’, because that strike provoked the Replicators to attack our city, and we ended up having to evacuate our planet. During the evacuation, many people were injured, including Dr. Weir, and we were also losing power. In a last-ditch attempt to survive, we were forced to steal a ZPM from the Replicator planet, and it was only with Dr. Weir’s help that we escaped with our lives.” He leaned forward, his voice unrelenting. “Elizabeth’s the reason that you don’t have to worry about creepy alien robots blasting this planet to bits right now, and she’s the reason that we got off the Replicator planet and our people in Atlantis didn’t turn blue in the vacuum of space. If you think that we’re not going to try to go back for her after everything she did for us, then you’re sorely mistaken.”

                    “In your mission report, however, was it not stated that Dr. Weir sacrificed herself when you and your people attempted to upload the Wraith attack command code into the Replicator central data core, not when stealing the ZPM?” Ambassador Shen Xiaoyi interrogated, her eyes steely.

                    Crap. “Yes, but –”

                    “It would appear that your team could have left very quickly after stealing the ZPM, with Dr. Weir, with no trouble at all from the Replicators,” British Representative Russel Chapman interrupted. “Yet, your team chose to linger in order to complete a task that was not on the mission’s original agenda. It sounds a bit reckless, considering your foremost priority at the time was to save your city and the people in it, was it not?”

                    “We were in a position where we could turn the Wraith and the Replicators against each other, and as we are sitting here discussing this, the Wraith and the Replicators are kicking each others’ asses. We’re saving thousands, if not millions of lives in that galaxy. We knew the risks involved –”

                    “– And you paid dearly for them.” The Ambassador’s eyes were cold and unsympathetic. “Colonel, it was your people who made a decision that led to her capture, and we fail to see how the IOA should be held accountable for Dr. Weir’s loss. What is more, given that you have no viable plan, a recovery mission is out of the question."

                    “And we cannot forget that Dr. Weir is compromised, given that she is part Replicator,” Dr. Natasha Morozov added in a heavy Russian accent. “If her nanites are able to connect to the Replicator collective, even if you were able to find her, she would be a security threat to the city.”

                    “Elizabeth is able to control her nanites, and we can reprogram them to do only what we want,” John said, his words not sounding so convincing.

                    “That is of great reassurance to us.” Dr. Morozov retorted.

                    God, where’s Woolsey when you need him? “Leaving her behind is also a security threat to the city. They’ll probe her mind for intel, and the longer that we leave her there, the more information they’ll be able to gather about us.” John’s mind was in a frenzy. He was running out of arguments.

                    “But they don’t know the current location of Atlantis,” Representative Chapman countered. “If you return to the Replicator home world, and you are caught, the Replicators will be able to obtain more valuable information about Atlantis from you than they could with Dr. Weir. It is clearly of greater risk to the city to launch a recovery mission than it is to refrain from one.”

                    “Colonel, you stated in your report that you were against Dr. McKay reactivating Dr. Weir’s nanites for the very reasons that you are dismissing now,” Ambassador Shen said, her tone accusatory. “It sounds reckless that you would now choose to risk the security of Atlantis merely for one person.”

                    “Yet is it all that surprising?” Representative Chapman muttered. The Ambassador turned her head to glance at him briefly, then turned back to John, her eyes void of warmth.

                    “And all of this is based on the assumption that she is still alive.”

                    A dead silence fell over the room. A long moment passed before John slowly placed his hands on the edge of the table. His knuckles tightened, and when he spoke, his voice was low and menacing.

                    “Let me make something very clear. To all of you. Elizabeth is still out there, and there is no way in hell that we are leaving her behind. She is a member of my team, and with or without nanites, as far as I’m concerned, she is a live, human being who is now a prisoner of war.” John rose slowly, trying to control his breathing. His eyes burned with inexpressible emotions. “We don’t leave our people behind, and I will be damned if I don’t get her back.”

                    John shoved his chair away from the table and stormed out of the room, paying no attention to the looks of surprise and disapproval as he slammed the door behind him.
                    Ooo, that's an awesome beginning!
                    There's a lot of logic to the IOA's arguments (they really could have left so easily after the ZPM, but nooo) and I appreciate the acknowledgement that mistakes were made on both sides. It gives the situation some realism, but doesn't negate the awesomeness of the rescue that is apparently coming. Go get her, John! You tell 'em!
                    Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday!

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      I bring more Sparky ficlet. (Not fillet. Stupid auto-correct. )

                      I got this prompt list off of Tumblr. It's entitled, "Friends or More?" I'm trying to challenge myself to write them as canon as I can, but a few AUs may slip in here or there. Here's the first one.

                      “You’ve been pouting ever since I went out on that date. What's going on?”

                      Elizabeth kept her eyes on her computer as John entered her office. She had uttered the words as soon as he was within audio range, and she could tell without looking that his eyebrows were raised in such a fashion that it almost matched her own look of shock.


                      Elizabeth smiled and moved a stack of cards onto a jack, keeping her eyes intently fixed on the screen. "You've been pouting. And I must say, it's not very attractive on you."

                      "I haven't been pouting," he insisted, taking a seat in front of her desk.

                      Elizabeth looked up, just for a moment, and glared at him. "John. You've been pouting like a five year old who didn't get their way. And it started around the time I went on a date with Mike Branton."

                      And then John started pouting again.

                      "There! Don't you feel your face doing that?"

                      He shook his head.

                      "Don't make me get a mirror."

                      John raised his hands. "Elizabeth, I swear, I'm not pouting, and I'm not jealous."

                      That gave Elizabeth pause. She slowly looked up. ”I didn't say you were," she replied evenly, matching his gaze.

                      John licked his lip, then stood up. "I gotta go write some personnel evaluations," he said as he walked out of her office.

                      Elizabeth watched him for a moment, then chuckled. If he preferred doing his administrative duties over talking to her, she knew she had hit the nail on the head.

                      Then she cocked her head and raised her eyebrow, frightened. “Oh, God.”

                      I hit the nail on the head.
                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                      And another one.

                      “We always shared blankets on the couch. I was sure that sharing the bed for the night would be fine too.”

                      Elizabeth chuckled softly as John continued his story. “So my brother and I are trying to sleep on my cousin’s twin bed without falling off. And I have never actually slept in the same bed as my brother, so I don’t realize that he’s a blanket hog. And a bedwetter.”

                      McKay groaned, seemingly appalled by the notion. Teyla smiled sympathetically for John. And Ronon just smirked. Elizabeth got the feeling that he’d probably never wet the bed but had bullied the children his age who had.

                      “Well, he’s a nervous bedwetter. And since we were at an unfamiliar house, it made him anxious. And just to make things worse, we’d challenged each other to drink as much Coke as we could.”

                      They all groaned. Even Teyla and Ronon, who didn’t get most Earth references yet, understood enough to know that the worst was yet to come.

                      “So I wake up at three in the morning, thinking I’m sweating,” John said, pausing dramatically, “and I’m not.”

                      A collective shiver went through the crowd, then John nodded at Elizabeth. “Okay. Your turn. Embarrassing childhood story.”

                      Elizabeth laughed softly. “I don’t think I have one that even remotely compares to yours.”

                      “Well, just do your best,” he cajoles with a smile.

                      “All right, then. When I was about nine years old, I competed in dressage events.” Mindful of her audience, she turned to Ronon and Teyla. “On Earth, they have athletic competitions where they ride horses in arenas and have to perform certain maneuvers, which they are then graded on.”

                      The Pegasus natives seemed to accept the explanation, but she could almost feel Ronon rolling his eyes at the crazy Earth customs. It did seem a little crazy when she explained it that simply.

                      “Towards the end of my event, my horse got spooked and threw me off.”

                      Everyone’s eyes widened. John frowned. "That doesn't sound embarrassing, Elizabeth, that sounds dangerous."

                      "Oh, I wasn't hurt. But it turns out that they hadn't completely cleaned the arena before my turn, and I..."

                      Rodney leaned forwards. "What? You what?" he asked excitedly, scooping a handful of popcorn out of the bowl.

                      John glared sideways at him, then turned his attention back to Elizabeth. "What happened?"

                      Elizabeth smiled awkwardly. "My horse threw me and I landed in a pile of horse manure."

                      Rodney almost spit out his popcorn. The look on Teyla's face was a mixture of shock and amusement. John covered his mouth with his hand but she knew was smiling behind it. And Ronon let out a hearty laugh.

                      "Yeah. That's my embarrassing childhood memory."
                      OMG! Poor John! Poor Lizzeh! Embarrassing indeed!

                      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                      Ooo, that's an awesome beginning!
                      There's a lot of logic to the IOA's arguments (they really could have left so easily after the ZPM, but nooo) and I appreciate the acknowledgement that mistakes were made on both sides. It gives the situation some realism, but doesn't negate the awesomeness of the rescue that is apparently coming. Go get her, John! You tell 'em!
                      Couldn't have said it better myself. That is an awesome beginning, Sequoia Hope! I hope John gives those pencil-pushing pinheads hell!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Great new fic, SW and Sequoia Hope. Can't wait for more.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Trying to manhandle new insurance and get enrolled while playing Pokemon Go.

                          Yes, I am a grown woman.

                          Originally posted by Sequoia Hope View Post
                          Both are absolutely hilarious.

                          (I was on break at work today, and I was trying to read these ficlets on my phone, but apparently the "show" button underneath the spoiler tag doesn't work on smart phones. Kind of annoying when you're trying to get through an eight-hour shift and half depend on some Sparky goodness to fuel you through.)
                          Thanks! That's strange, though: I've never had any issues hitting "Show" buttons on my iPhone or iPad before. It's what got me through many a grueling days at my old grocery store job.

                          Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                          Nice ficlets, SW!
                          Poor John! Poor Liz! Embarrassing indeed, lol.
                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          OMG! Poor John! Poor Lizzeh! Embarrassing indeed!
                          Heh, thanks. I had fun with them.

                          Originally posted by Sequoia Hope View Post
                          And here's a sneak peek to a large project that I've been working on that's about 75% finished. Hopefully, the whole story will be completed soon, and in the meantime, enjoy this sneak peek.

                          Nineteen days after Atlantis arrives on New Lantea

                          Up until now, John Sheppard had only engaged in discussions with members of the IOA through video transmissions between Atlantis and the SGC. The receiving party had been taking advantage of the brief nature of the transmissions to elude his questions, and John had attempted to smile and be civil in his words, barely suppressing the frustration building up like a volcano within him. Then Ronon’s debacle with his long-lost Satedan friends-turned-Wraith-worshippers happened, and the reality that he had nearly lost another member of his team – by Ronon's personal choice – hit him. Suddenly, he demanded to return to Earth. Now, it was the first time that he found himself going head-to-head with the IOA. And he already hated these damn bureaucrats.

                          “With all due respect, Atlantis willingly cooperated in the Apollo’s mission to nuke the Replicator ships, and in doing so, we saved your asses here on Earth.” John tapped his fingers on the table, frustration building within him. “Earth’s safety, however, came at the expense of Atlantis’, because that strike provoked the Replicators to attack our city, and we ended up having to evacuate our planet. During the evacuation, many people were injured, including Dr. Weir, and we were also losing power. In a last-ditch attempt to survive, we were forced to steal a ZPM from the Replicator planet, and it was only with Dr. Weir’s help that we escaped with our lives.” He leaned forward, his voice unrelenting. “Elizabeth’s the reason that you don’t have to worry about creepy alien robots blasting this planet to bits right now, and she’s the reason that we got off the Replicator planet and our people in Atlantis didn’t turn blue in the vacuum of space. If you think that we’re not going to try to go back for her after everything she did for us, then you’re sorely mistaken.”

                          “In your mission report, however, was it not stated that Dr. Weir sacrificed herself when you and your people attempted to upload the Wraith attack command code into the Replicator central data core, not when stealing the ZPM?” Ambassador Shen Xiaoyi interrogated, her eyes steely.

                          Crap. “Yes, but –”

                          “It would appear that your team could have left very quickly after stealing the ZPM, with Dr. Weir, with no trouble at all from the Replicators,” British Representative Russel Chapman interrupted. “Yet, your team chose to linger in order to complete a task that was not on the mission’s original agenda. It sounds a bit reckless, considering your foremost priority at the time was to save your city and the people in it, was it not?”

                          “We were in a position where we could turn the Wraith and the Replicators against each other, and as we are sitting here discussing this, the Wraith and the Replicators are kicking each others’ asses. We’re saving thousands, if not millions of lives in that galaxy. We knew the risks involved –”

                          “– And you paid dearly for them.” The Ambassador’s eyes were cold and unsympathetic. “Colonel, it was your people who made a decision that led to her capture, and we fail to see how the IOA should be held accountable for Dr. Weir’s loss. What is more, given that you have no viable plan, a recovery mission is out of the question."

                          “And we cannot forget that Dr. Weir is compromised, given that she is part Replicator,” Dr. Natasha Morozov added in a heavy Russian accent. “If her nanites are able to connect to the Replicator collective, even if you were able to find her, she would be a security threat to the city.”

                          “Elizabeth is able to control her nanites, and we can reprogram them to do only what we want,” John said, his words not sounding so convincing.

                          “That is of great reassurance to us.” Dr. Morozov retorted.

                          God, where’s Woolsey when you need him? “Leaving her behind is also a security threat to the city. They’ll probe her mind for intel, and the longer that we leave her there, the more information they’ll be able to gather about us.” John’s mind was in a frenzy. He was running out of arguments.

                          “But they don’t know the current location of Atlantis,” Representative Chapman countered. “If you return to the Replicator home world, and you are caught, the Replicators will be able to obtain more valuable information about Atlantis from you than they could with Dr. Weir. It is clearly of greater risk to the city to launch a recovery mission than it is to refrain from one.”

                          “Colonel, you stated in your report that you were against Dr. McKay reactivating Dr. Weir’s nanites for the very reasons that you are dismissing now,” Ambassador Shen said, her tone accusatory. “It sounds reckless that you would now choose to risk the security of Atlantis merely for one person.”

                          “Yet is it all that surprising?” Representative Chapman muttered. The Ambassador turned her head to glance at him briefly, then turned back to John, her eyes void of warmth.

                          “And all of this is based on the assumption that she is still alive.”

                          A dead silence fell over the room. A long moment passed before John slowly placed his hands on the edge of the table. His knuckles tightened, and when he spoke, his voice was low and menacing.

                          “Let me make something very clear. To all of you. Elizabeth is still out there, and there is no way in hell that we are leaving her behind. She is a member of my team, and with or without nanites, as far as I’m concerned, she is a live, human being who is now a prisoner of war.” John rose slowly, trying to control his breathing. His eyes burned with inexpressible emotions. “We don’t leave our people behind, and I will be damned if I don’t get her back.”

                          John shoved his chair away from the table and stormed out of the room, paying no attention to the looks of surprise and disapproval as he slammed the door behind him.
                          Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                          Ooo, that's an awesome beginning!
                          There's a lot of logic to the IOA's arguments (they really could have left so easily after the ZPM, but nooo) and I appreciate the acknowledgement that mistakes were made on both sides. It gives the situation some realism, but doesn't negate the awesomeness of the rescue that is apparently coming. Go get her, John! You tell 'em!
                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Couldn't have said it better myself. That is an awesome beginning, Sequoia Hope! I hope John gives those pencil-pushing pinheads hell!
                          WHAT THEY SAID!!! Looking forward to the rest!


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Great new fic, SW and Sequoia Hope. Can't wait for more.
                            Thanks Auntie! How are things going in your neck of the woods?


                              Just posted a short ficlet (trying to get those writing juices flowing!). The idea made me laugh so I had to write it.

                              Emily gets to tag along on a mission with John and receives an unexpected offer.
                              LJ: here

                              And I realized that I'd forgotten to share one I'd posted a few weeks ago. Oops.

                              Connor is learning Ancient and decides to pick on his little sister.
                              LJ: here

                              Sparky family makes me happy. *dances*
                              Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                                Just posted a short ficlet (trying to get those writing juices flowing!). The idea made me laugh so I had to write it.

                                Emily gets to tag along on a mission with John and receives an unexpected offer.
                                LJ: here

                                And I realized that I'd forgotten to share one I'd posted a few weeks ago. Oops.

                                Connor is learning Ancient and decides to pick on his little sister.
                                LJ: here

                                Sparky family makes me happy. *dances*
                                I just read the first one about Emily and OMGBBQFYI I am dying laughing! Actually, I made some sound that doesn't qualify as a laugh. More as a snort. Awesome job!!!

                                And I will read the other one ASAP. After I eat.

                                ETA: Just read all of those stories. I love it!!!
                                Last edited by ShipperWriter; 15 August 2016, 11:01 AM.

