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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Whistler84
    Exactly what I'm thinking.
    The fact that there isn't a sense of closure with this means that the can of worms has been opened and nobody's planning on stuffing those suckers back in. While I still don't expect, or actually want, ship until late season three/early season four, I expect that this will always be in the back of their minds. With the Shep/Teyla conversion ending, he apologized for his "out of character" behavior, and Teyla seemed more relieved than anything. I do not want a similiar experience between Shep and Weir. "The Long Goodbye" presents a situation where they aren't held responsible for their actions, but they *will* have to deal with the reprecussions.
    I agree. I really wasn't expecting something this big to happen between them until season 3 or 4. Some compare Conversion and The Broca Divide because of the kiss, but I think the ending would seem much like TLG ending. Sam and Jack, at the end of this episode, didn't really talk about the kiss mainly because I think Jack changed the subject. So that left open a can of worms for them, like it's most likely going to do for us.

    Welcome Estragora! Stay well away from the mints!

    I really should be hittin' the books seeing that I have a biology test and a Spanish test tomorrow along with art, math, and history on friday( ), but TLG's really got me hyped up and ready to read more spoilers!


      When Phoebus infiltrates Liz's body, it's John who catches her from not to fall to the floor (*sweeett!*)
      OMFG! Didn't i totally frelling ask for this!? THANK YOU SANTA!

      I can't believe all teh goodies i've come back to....

      A big Sparky WELCOME to our noobs

      *waves to Pooh, Rose Wilde Irish and Estragora*


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Bad FP!
        *Hanging head. . standing in corner as punishment*

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
          I know how you feel. When I first saw this I was just like 'yeha!' and wanted to go crazy.
          You *wanted* to go crazy? I DID go crazy!!!

          Originally posted by alyssa
          They're not gritty or anything....
          Just a bit chalky... Don't worry, though!

          As for Critical Mass...

          The was a Shep/Weir moment at the end, when Weir was doubting herself and Shep consoled her... Other than that the ep was pretty void of Shep/Weir action...

          Thanks SO much to whoever uploaded that promo... I can't tear my eyes off of the screen!

          WELCOME Estragora!
          Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
          Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            OMFG! Didn't i totally frelling ask for this!? THANK YOU SANTA!

            I can't believe all teh goodies i've come back to....

            A big Sparky WELCOME to our noobs

            *waves to Pooh, Rose Wilde Irish and Estragora*
            OMG OMG OMGF OMFG
            i so did not know that SL... thank you for letting me know about that~!!!!!!!!!!
            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


              Originally posted by Buggy542
              As for Critical Mass...

              The was a Shep/Weir moment at the end, when Weir was doubting herself and Shep consoled her... Other than that the ep was pretty void of Shep/Weir action...
              I was thinking about that...
              but she didn't seem particularly consoled by it. I think it was a sweet gesture on John's part, but poor Liz...
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                Just got home from work and all I can say is :OMG! I read as much as I could at work and all I can do is SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

                I also just saw the promo for next month on Scif-Fi! And saw
                the kiss! And what a kiss it was!
                Santa gave me a present early! YAY!


                  Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                  OMG OMG OMGF OMFG
                  i so did not know that SL... thank you for letting me know about that~!!!!!!!!!!
                  Dude, it was in the bunch of the newest spoielrs. If you missed that then there could be other stuff you've missed TLG spoilers


                    Originally posted by xfkirsten
                    I was thinking about that...
                    but she didn't seem particularly consoled by it. I think it was a sweet gesture on John's part, but poor Liz...
                    But it's a start! And it did show her that even if what she did wasn't morally right, she wasn't alone in her decision. Her friends and co-workers backed her up. That should be pretty reassuring.
                    Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                    Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                      Dude, it was in the bunch of the newest spoielrs. If you missed that then there could be other stuff you've missed TLG spoilers
                      love this:
                      Then Halan says this to Phoebus about John and Elizabeth, as Halan and Phoebus are evidently aware of their hosts' thoughts and feelings – this is his rationale for why Phoebus/Elizabeth can't kill Halan/John: "He cares for you more than you know. If you kill me, you're killing him."
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Another TLG question: I'm a little confused about this one fabulous spoiler.
                        In the scene where Halan/John says "he cares about you far more than you know"--is that John speaking for Halan to Phoebus, or Halan speaking for John to the Liz concsiousness in Phoebus?!!? Or are we yet sure?

                        Thanks for any info,

                        EDIT: I think the above post pretty much clarified my question--however I appreciate any new info on that one lol. If this really is from
                        John, I think it is the admission we have been waiting for. Or at least, the acknowledgement from his side that we have been predicting. What a baeutiful way to weave that in. Shep cares so much that his consiousness is able to dominate!

                        Question to Mel, or any other Critical Mass viewers:
                        was there torture of Kavanagh involved??! I thought I came across such a spoiler

                        Maybe I should get back to my Historiography final lol,
                        Last edited by Royal_Nonesuch; 06 December 2005, 05:09 PM.

                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                          Another TLG question: I'm a little confused about this one fabulous spoiler.
                          In the scene where Halan/John says "he cares about you far more than you know"--is that John speaking for Halan to Phoebus, or Halan speaking for John to the Liz concsiousness in Phoebus?!!? Or are we yet sure?

                          Thanks for any info,

                          I think it's fairly safe to say that
                          Halan is speaking for John. The point of Phoebus's entire plot was to kill Halan, so John threatening Phoebus with "you kill me, and you kill Halan" isn't exactly going to stop her. She *wants* Halan dead, and is willing to go through anybody to get to him.

                          Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                          I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                          Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                            Originally posted by Buggy542
                            But it's a start! And it did show her that even if what she did wasn't morally right, she wasn't alone in her decision. Her friends and co-workers backed her up. That should be pretty reassuring.
                            I definitely agree that it's good that she's got her people sticking up for her. Although I do like the idea that it didn't end with her feeling better about it after talking with John. Hopefully that ties into the rest of the season well!
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              I was thinking about that...
                              but she didn't seem particularly consoled by it. I think it was a sweet gesture on John's part, but poor Liz...

                              What exactly does he say????


                                Originally posted by Buggy542
                                But it's a start! And it did show her that even if what she did wasn't morally right, she wasn't alone in her decision. Her friends and co-workers backed her up. That should be pretty reassuring.
                                I equate this to the ending of Siege III, where
                                Weir was trying to console Sheppard, but the ill-feeling of the whole Ford-situation was just too overwhelming. It's not about whether they're successful in their attempts to console, it's about the fact that they cared enough to try, even if they knew going in that it would do little good. When somebody you care about/love is hurting, you tend to try to make them feel better no matter if you don't have the slightest chance of succeeding. Because, for me, when somebody I love hurts, I hurt.

                                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!

