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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    New to this thread (hi Merlin!), but I have to say that when it comes to chemistry, it's definitely Weir/Sheppard. I get friendship vibes from Teyla/Sheppard, but there's a connection that comes across on screen between Weir and Sheppard.

    Oh, loved the fic Merlin!


      Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
      New to this thread (hi Merlin!), but I have to say that when it comes to chemistry, it's definitely Weir/Sheppard. I get friendship vibes from Teyla/Sheppard, but there's a connection that comes across on screen between Weir and Sheppard.

      Oh, loved the fic Merlin!
      Hi sweetie ::hugs you::

      Glad you liked the fic. It was fun. I feel MORE SHep/Weir fics coming on. EEEP!

      I love the friendship that Teyla and SHeppard have. I think they have a definite chemistry in that way. I think she's good for him. But I did want to SMACK her for her attitude towards him in LETTERS! Especially considering SHE and the ATHOSIANS are alive because of SHep. <The whole activating the necklace thing aside cause they didn't know about that till later and it was HER necklace> LOL

      Sheppard and Weir just click on every level. Mind you..I'm a SHEPPer not a SHIPper so if TPTB screw it up or no matter where they go with it, I'll be cool. But..I really would like to see this go somewhere. I am especially interested in what's going to happen in season 2 with the change in all the dynamics, so to speak. Siege 2 Shep/Weir was very interesting and cool.


        Originally posted by gatelover12
        I agree but I don't see rodney and teyla working I just feel no chemistry there. at least with shwier their is a friendship and strong chemistry (not as strong as sheyla but still strong) personally I would like to see a dynamic of Shep/Teyla getting in a relashinship and wier assuming the mother role of protecting and being the voice of reason.

        *smacks Gatelover for suggesting such heresy*

        That Shep/Teyla chemisty would be of the Nobel Gas type then? Where as, we kind of like the Alkali metal chemistry that we have for Sheppard and Weir.

        Hatch! Where's Jor!!


          Oh yes, I'm a Shepper, not a shipper, LOL, but between the two women on Atlantis, definitely see the two together over Teyla. She was pretty abrasive to him in those scenes, but I haven't done those spoiler tags before so I'll just leave it at that and later we can rant about it here. I need to learn how to do those tags!


            Originally posted by Merlin7
            I love the friendship that Teyla and SHeppard have. I think they have a definite chemistry in that way. I think she's good for him. But I did want to SMACK her for her attitude towards him in LETTERS! Especially considering SHE and the ATHOSIANS are alive because of SHep. <The whole activating the necklace thing aside cause they didn't know about that till later and it was HER necklace> LOL

            Sheppard and Weir just click on every level. Mind you..I'm a SHEPPer not a SHIPper so if TPTB screw it up or no matter where they go with it, I'll be cool. But..I really would like to see this go somewhere. I am especially interested in what's going to happen in season 2 with the change in all the dynamics, so to speak. Siege 2 Shep/Weir was very interesting and cool.

            Now Merlin - do you have to go bragging you've seen all the eps now!!

            And love the term SHEPper, not SHIPper - LOL Please let me use that

            I too am a SHEPper like Merlin, not necessarily a SHIPper, but there can definitely be something between Weir and Shep. They totally respect each other, there's an equal admiration between them - they both know each other is good at what they do. That will grow into something stronger than friendship at some point. But I do think it'll need to grow. If they jump into something it becomes a soap opera and I don't want to see Atlantis take that route. Even as a couple, they'll continue to butt heads constantly - Shep taking risks, Weir not wanting him to, Shep defending her, Weir looking out for Shep. So much potential for them to hook up and continue to be individuals.

            Anyway, that's my point Thanks for the fic Merlin!! You DO have an effect on people with your fics
            Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


              Originally posted by Salty
              Now Merlin - do you have to go bragging you've seen all the eps now!!

              And love the term SHEPper, not SHIPper - LOL Please let me use that

              I too am a SHEPper like Merlin, not necessarily a SHIPper, but there can definitely be something between Weir and Shep. They totally respect each other, there's an equal admiration between them - they both know each other is good at what they do. That will grow into something stronger than friendship at some point. But I do think it'll need to grow. If they jump into something it becomes a soap opera and I don't want to see Atlantis take that route. Even as a couple, they'll continue to butt heads constantly - Shep taking risks, Weir not wanting him to, Shep defending her, Weir looking out for Shep. So much potential for them to hook up and continue to be individuals.

              Anyway, that's my point Thanks for the fic Merlin!! You DO have an effect on people with your fics
              Feel free to use the SHEPper term! LOL
              I'm glad I could convert you. <WEG>
              I think Shep and Weir need to keep butting heads. Need to continue being the people they are. I expect them to grow as individuals and as team leaders, as it were, and such. But I never want the CORE of who they are to change. I want TPTB to be smart enough ::gasp...choke::

              Sorry..furball. Ahem. I want TPTB to take it slow and flesh things out. To SHOW us the relationship building and changing and growing. IS that too much to ask? LOL


                Originally posted by Merlin7
                Melyanna...I didn't see him as Manipulating her in Hot Zone. He just felt he was right and needed. He felt she didn't see the bigger picture, which she often doesn't, when you have to choose in the moment. That's what I love about them too. John doesn't see the longterm/big picture. In his life/career he's learned to decide in the moment. Weir is the exact opposite. They can teach each other alot. They do have their moments with that. It's fun to watch.
                I read it as manipulation for a couple of reasons. It was the first time he'd used her first name, at least in an episode, and he used it in a situation when he should have been thinking of her as Doctor Weir, as his commander. And this was exactly what Elizabeth did to him in the balcony scene of Rising — when she wanted to bring him down to a personal level with her and get him to see her point of view, she used his first name.

                After Underground aired, a friend of mine jokingly commented that John really could talk Elizabeth into anything. This struck her as a bit odd, since Elizabeth is supposed to be this master diplomat and negotiator. But that's part of John's personality — he can talk people into anything. Part of that is because he marches to the beat of a drummer in a completely different band.

                I've seen Siege and it broke me on a couple of levels. WOW
                That episode amazes me every time I watch it. Gives me chills.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  I read it as manipulation for a couple of reasons. It was the first time he'd used her first name, at least in an episode, and he used it in a situation when he should have been thinking of her as Doctor Weir, as his commander. And this was exactly what Elizabeth did to him in the balcony scene of Rising — when she wanted to bring him down to a personal level with her and get him to see her point of view, she used his first name.

                  After Underground aired, a friend of mine jokingly commented that John really could talk Elizabeth into anything. This struck her as a bit odd, since Elizabeth is supposed to be this master diplomat and negotiator. But that's part of John's personality — he can talk people into anything. Part of that is because he marches to the beat of a drummer in a completely different band.

                  That episode amazes me every time I watch it. Gives me chills.
                  I guess I never saw it as manipulation in HZ cause she never really capitulated. It's just that after Bates opened the door <And I found it interesting that he did. When he opposes Shep's decisions, he doesn't keep quiet about it. HE opened the door cause he agreed with shep. It was a military issue> LOL
                  But that aside, Elizabeth made it clear she disagreed with him, so he didn't atually manipulate her, he just had things in his favor and he used that. Which he always does. I think that's part of his training. Take what you can get/have and use it to your advantage.

                  I love that he wanted to leave right in the beginning but DID stay put. Till things changed. I saw some of his decision based on Rodney going..GET SOMEONE OUT THERE! LOL

                  I just really loved the conflict in that ep. Two strong people. Both wanting to do the right thing. Wasn't it Torri who said their hearts are in the right place always and Weir knows that about John? Sometimes I get the feeling that Weir admires John for marching to a different drummer. He's a very good diplomat, is John. Without realizing it sometimes, I think. He does need some lessons on negotiating, however. I think WEir needs to give him PRIVATE Lessons.

                  Siege is just...WOW! On every level.


                    Elizabeths and John's body language is very revealing. They're constantly echoing each other's postures, especialy in briefings. they clasp hands at the same time, lean back at the same time. it's classic 'posture echo', and shows two people who are very much in tune with each other. and they tend to look at each other, even when someone else is speaking. i noticed this in teh briefing room scene in 'Letters'. it's not just a quick glance over, but an intense stare, excluding everyone else in the room. john also has a tendency to rush after elizabeth, and touch her to gain her attention. and in 'letters' i noticed, when he's talking to her after the briefing room, his gaze goes down to her lips, which is a classic giveaway to his true thoughts..whatever he's saying to her, subconsciously, he's thinking 'i really want to kiss you'

                    see. pyscholgically speaking, they're pratically a couple already!!!
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by Merlin7
                      think WEir needs to give him PRIVATE Lessons.
                      LOL...just like Weir needs PRIVATE self defense lessons too right.

                      And Hi Merlin7 glad to see you coming out of the gutter from some fresh air!

                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      Elizabeths and John's body language is very revealing. They're constantly echoing each other's postures, especialy in briefings. they clasp hands at the same time, lean back at the same time. it's classic 'posture echo', and shows two people who are very much in tune with each other. and they tend to look at each other, even when someone else is speaking. i noticed this in teh briefing room scene in 'Letters'. it's not just a quick glance over, but an intense stare, excluding everyone else in the room. john also has a tendency to rush after elizabeth, and touch her to gain her attention. and in 'letters' i noticed, when he's talking to her after the briefing room, his gaze goes down to her lips, which is a classic giveaway to his true thoughts..whatever he's saying to her, subconsciously, he's thinking 'i really want to kiss you'

                      see. pyscholgically speaking, they're pratically a couple already!!!
                      LOL too true!

                      Since all the good and intelligent thoughts have all been said by everyone else I'll just post this picture in "the gift" of an intense stare between the two. Doesn't Rodney look a bit neglected?



                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        Rodney: If my theory works, we could be at Stargate Command for lunch. . .Elizabeth?. . uh. . .um. . .hello??

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt

                          RODNEY; and then all i need do is strip naked and hop round the control room like a bunny....thought two haven't been listening to me since at least last wednesday, have you?

                          (whoops..a caption competetion seems to have been created....)
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            you know those pictures at the top of gateworld, on the left? well..i just saw one that looked liek Elizabeth kissing a soldier....not john. may have been sumner. what was going on there?
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by Athenaktt
                              rodney: Your boyfriend from earth is calling.......................... um............... elisibeth?.........................................................ok then. *walks off* (please don't mistake this as a endorsement of the shwier I just wanted to add)


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                you know those pictures at the top of gateworld, on the left? well..i just saw one that looked liek Elizabeth kissing a soldier....not john. may have been sumner. what was going on there?
                                I've seen that to not that I care who she kisses as long as teyla and shep get together.

