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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
    Hehe check out this cap I got. I'll post the URL and not the IMG because I'm not sure if its spoilery:
    Weir: *glaring daggers at girlfriend-of-the-week*
    *ROTFLMAO* Almost feel sorry for John when they get back.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      *ROTFLMAO* Almost feel sorry for John when they get back.
      LOL! Is it just me or do all these girlfriend of the week types look about like college sorority girls? I mean, John is a grown, mature man for cryin out loud-mid30's/40 and they keep sticking him with these really young lookin chicks! At least give him one that looks like she's over 25!


        Originally posted by Bama
        LOL! Is it just me or do all these girlfriend of the week types look about like college sorority girls? I mean, John is a grown, mature man for cryin out loud-mid30's/40 and they keep sticking him with these really young lookin chicks! At least give him one that looks like she's over 25!
        I've noticed that too - girlfriends of the week all look college age. In my neighborhood we call that robbing the cradle. *LOL*

        At his age you would think he'd be looking for a beautiful woman with brains and maturity. .*cough*LIZ*cough*

        When all else fails, change channels.


          I've been lurking this week, reading all the spoilers, and alternating between elation and suicidal tendencies. I blame the oncoming runaway train that is Christmas, but I digress. Hearing about Epiphany in relation to
          John's abandonment issues got me to possibly thinking rationally. This explains a lot about some of his previous reactions. For example in Conversion when he refuses to take no for an answer from Elizabeth and says "Try again." He feels at that point that they aren't trying hard enough to save him. This even might put a different spin on the "just kill me now" comment. Meaning that if this is the best you are willing to do, just go ahead and kill me and then you can go about your business. The man definitely has a poor self image which I hope will be dealt with at some point. In other threads people have argued that he is a bad leader because he's too quick to put himself in danger and run off on suicide missions, but it may come down to his thinking that he's pretty worthless and easily replaced. Somebody needs to help him with that. Again, as I've said before, he doesn't know she worries so much about him. I think they dropped the ball again at the end of Epiphany when he reacted emotionally to being left there so long. I would have loved to have seen Elizabeth call him on that and a heated exchange ensue. (Fanfic anyone?) It's time somebody told that boy exactly how important he is and what a jerk he's being to not trust his friends anymore than that. I mean six months isn't all that long in the grand scheme. And, by the way, why would he care? He did have the new GF and all. Oh, and the abandonment issues could tie in with the clown issues. Maybe he was abandoned by his family at the circus. Hee.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Originally posted by Southern Red
            Oh, and the abandonment issues could tie in with the clown issues. Maybe he was abandoned by his family at the circus. Hee.

            Lol!...ok, can anyone make a fic outa that?!?

            Great post...maybe when us Brits see as far as you have...I can actually take part in discussions! it' so hard to talk about eps I haven't seen...*sigh*

            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
              Lol!...ok, can anyone make a fic outa that?!?
              I second that request.
              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                Originally posted by Bama
                LOL! Is it just me or do all these girlfriend of the week types look about like college sorority girls? I mean, John is a grown, mature man for cryin out loud-mid30's/40 and they keep sticking him with these really young lookin chicks! At least give him one that looks like she's over 25!

                Ha! It looks like Joe and his wife may have worked out her problem with him kissing other women. Yet, he does always look uncomfortable in love scenes. His body language just screams sometimes, or he just goes ahead and gets it over with like in Skanktuary or Conversion, kind of like pulling off a bandaid. I'm just trying to cheer myself up, don't mind me. And have you ever seen an older actor paired with an appropriately aged woman? Examples, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, et al.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  I kinda liked Epiphany It wasn't one of the best of the season but anyway.

                  When the little girl made the wound on John's neck disappear was nicely done. Also liked the scene at the lunch table where John told them to live life instead of hiding from everything. He certinally has lived his life fully and continues to do so, not trying to protect himself fom what's out there. He likes to see and experience what life gives: touch the rain, laugh at thunderstorms - those sort of thnigs. He grabs the moment and lives it. After this episode he has become an even more of an interesting, likable character for me.
                  Got a chuckle out of him sleeping during the meditation

                  I also liked the eagerness with which Elizabeth translated the text (note to tptb: give her more give her more!!).

                  Rodney and Carson guarding Elizabeth against the Beast - heh!

                  Loved the look on her face when she looked at John after the "Can we talk about this somewhere else," You could see how relieved she was seeing him being okay.

                  I have to agree that the woman didn't leave much of an impression on me. I think her looks played a bigger part in her being chosen for the role rather than her acting. Oh and being 'the one' is getting old

                  I did like the ending as well, the people that really mattered to him (his new family in a way) assuring him that it's good that they've found him. John being John didn't dwell on it too much but just wanted to leave. Although you could see that it did something for him, that hearing their words in the end was something he needed to hear and know. They stand by each other and look after each other


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    I've noticed that too - girlfriends of the week all look college age. In my neighborhood we call that robbing the cradle. *LOL*

                    At his age you would think he'd be looking for a beautiful woman with brains and maturity. .*cough*LIZ*cough*
                    I have thoughts sometimes as to his confidence in relation to women based on what we've seen thus far. He comes across all 'yeah, I'm cute' and while I'm sure he has done his fair share of flirting and has had a big amount of success which is evidenced with these space chicks constantly chasing him. But, I'd lay money that he's either never had a serious adultish relationship with a woman or if he has, it ended badly and he feels he's not ready or capable of such. One of the interesting things in the shep/weir dynamic in my opinion is getting to watch John's growth into a man capable of taking on a woman in a full relationship that extends far beyond the bedroom.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      One of the interesting things in the shep/weir dynamic in my opinion is getting to watch John's growth into a man capable of taking on a woman in a full relationship that extends far beyond the bedroom.
                      A lot depends on whether or not TPTB are mature enough writers to write a mature relationship.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by Vixen
                        I kinda liked Epiphany It wasn't one of the best of the season but anyway.

                        When the little girl made the wound on John's neck disappear was nicely done. Also liked the scene at the lunch table where John told them to live life instead of hiding from everything. He certinally has lived his life fully and continues to do so, not trying to protect himself fom what's out there. He likes to see and experience what life gives: touch the rain, laugh at thunderstorms - those sort of thnigs. He grabs the moment and lives it. After this episode he has become an even more of an interesting, likable character for me.
                        Got a chuckle out of him sleeping during the meditation

                        I also liked the eagerness with which Elizabeth translated the text (note to tptb: give her more give her more!!).

                        Rodney and Carson guarding Elizabeth against the Beast - heh!

                        Loved the look on her face when she looked at John after the "Can we talk about this somewhere else," You could see how relieved she was seeing him being okay.

                        I have to agree that the woman didn't leave much of an impression on me. I think her looks played a bigger part in her being chosen for the role rather than her acting. Oh and being 'the one' is getting old

                        I did like the ending as well, the people that really mattered to him (his new family in a way) assuring him that it's good that they've found him. John being John didn't dwell on it too much but just wanted to leave. Although you could see that it did something for him, that hearing their words in the end was something he needed to hear and know. They stand by each other and look after each other
                        Maybe that was the Epiphany.
                        John seeing that his new 'family' wasn't going to abandon him like someone has in his past?
                        He does seem like a man who needs assurances from people he cares for. I thought that was a very good point that SouthernRed made in her post above. I sense too that he has issues with his real confidence. That is different from surface confidence. Some men use surface humor and a cool exterior to hide their true lack of confidence.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          A lot depends on whether or not TPTB are mature enough writers to write a mature relationship.
                          Yeah PTB. We mere women are tossin down the gauntlet and callin you guys out! Are you guys MAN enough to write a mature, full and real male/female relationship?


                            Interesting discussion here folks. It's been really moving fast lately! O can barely keep up. Just got a chance to read those new TLG spoilers. It's pretty much what I envisioned:
                            with a twist of course. It seems fairly obvious (as has been discussed) that it will be science, Mckay and some Sheppard that save Elizabeth and stop Phoebus. However, I predict some very Sparky! moments between Thalan and Phoebus that will leave us wondering who really inspired it. Not to mention the endemic leadership struggle that's going on. Should be a great ep.

                            Epiphany sounds interesting too, but I'm
                            dissappointed that we won't get any good flashbacks
                            I'm trying to stay relatively spoiler free for eps other than TLG, but it's not looking promising lol. Too many great spoilers!


                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              Hmmm...this was on page 2. I can't say I recall I've ever seen that before

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                                Didn't that thread like die several months ago??! See that's proof that nothing ever stays dead on GW...kind of like Daniel. Yes, bad joke. I just had to say it.

                                You bad.

