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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    That's cool ShipperWriter. Where did you find it?
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
      That's cool ShipperWriter. Where did you find it?
      I made it a while back.


        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        I made it a while back.
        It's a well done job!

        Hey, I'm going to be starting a Sparky fic thread soon. I have the stories together, I just would like to have a banner of sorts for it. If you have the time, would you be interested in making it?
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          thanks for the well wishes...i was starting to feel ok so i dragged my laundry to my sisters' i feel icky again...thinking i might take a sick day tomorrow (i say that now but i know i won't...i always feel bad calling off so i go to work even when i feel like poo....)

          SW love the poster!

          welcome to the newbies!
          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            With Mallozzi, the reason so many of us dislike him so has little to do with his writing or the actual show. It's because he insulted the fans on his blog, called us names and made fun of us repeatedly for the last 2 years of the show and beyond. He deliberately misled fans and teased us to the point where we don't believe anything he says. The whole mysterious feud with JF is also a factor. He made a long speech at the wrap party for the show and thanked everyone up to and including the crew, but never mentioned Joe's name. So that is, at least for me, why I will never want anything further to do with the man.
            Well said. I think if I'd never been on GW, I'd have a different impression of him. Some of his episodes were quite good - Misbegotten anyone? It's hard to say who wrote what, because he was usually paired with Mullie, who seemed to be a bit more 'in touch' with how people perceived the show. Mullie even said in a commentary (not a direct quote, so don't treat it as such) that he wasn't proud of Irresponsible, which, even though I dislike the fact that it got produced, I have to give him props for admitting.

            Mallozzi probably started his blog with the best of intentions. I didn't follow it much at the time, but I imagine it preceded the show. I do think that when it became apparent that people were heading there specifically for SGA spoilers he should have stopped posting about that side of things, or made a seperate blog - possibly one associated with gateworld. All it did was make what was said there personal to him, and meant the fan-hate was directed at him. I recall making a Letterman-style Top 10 list about what was going through his head when the s5 promo shots came out (you know, where everybody developed the ability to levitate).

            I have some (a very small amount) of sympathy for them in that when they say that the way in which Torri was fired was probably not as harsh as it might have been in other shows (as in, usually it's done via agent). Even so, given how much they crowed on about "we're all a big family" you'd think they would have gone about things a bit differently. It may have even meant she stayed on for a few more eps. The fact that Joe spoke out about it - whilst the show was still airing no less - speaks volumes. Have you ever heard of an actor doing that? I haven't. It's one thing to mention it after the show is done and dusted, but he was putting up a fight when it could have affected his job.


              Seriously, I think I'm still recovering from reading what the blog said about the proposed movie.

              I know several of you may have regarded Stargate Atlantis's cancellation and lack of continuation as a mercy killing but not me. I was genuinely disapointed when it was cancelled and really bummed out when it was revealed that Enemy at the Gates really was the end for the show. Eventually I made my peace with it but I always thought there could have been more.

              The earlier reveals about the lunar base and the self destruct code hinted to me that maybe I may not have been pleased with the final product that supposedly were making but I've never really thought that we dodged a bullet until now.
              "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

              *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

              "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                Hi guys! *waves*
                All this talk of the blog, I read it & I liked it! I loved it, made me crack up & I squeed that McKay gets hero moments including saving Tod's life & Carson gets to fly the city again! woohoo! And the jokes between Tod & Shep are hilarious & Carson gets his turtles back, yay! I loved at all, but the one thing that stood out & made me think ah, what? Was the part where it says Teyla gets with Shep... It said that Teyla suffers a great loss, which I assume is her boyfriend & father to her son... so he gets killed off so Shep can move in? That part I did not agree with. I'm not a Sparky shipper, but I do like them being paired together, but Teyla? ah, I like her, but no. It just doesn't seem right... But the rest of the blog I quite enjoyed. It did seem rather along the same lines as one of the writers old blogs that I had read a long while back, so to me its seems legit

                Last edited by McBecklover; 02 April 2013, 02:59 AM. Reason: forgot pic
                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                  Originally posted by Soulster View Post
                  Did not know that ... Poor Joe ... That's just sad!
                  Sad indeed and only the tip of the iceberg of ways he was insulted, ignored and under-appreciated. Have you ever listened to any commentaries with Mallozzi? Do you ever hear him compliment or even mention Joe? He goes on and on about other actors and how amazing they are, but never mentions Joe.

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                  I have some (a very small amount) of sympathy for them in that when they say that the way in which Torri was fired was probably not as harsh as it might have been in other shows (as in, usually it's done via agent). Even so, given how much they crowed on about "we're all a big family" you'd think they would have gone about things a bit differently. It may have even meant she stayed on for a few more eps. The fact that Joe spoke out about it - whilst the show was still airing no less - speaks volumes. Have you ever heard of an actor doing that? I haven't. It's one thing to mention it after the show is done and dusted, but he was putting up a fight when it could have affected his job.
                  The fact that he had the nerve to speak out is probably part of the problem. The little dictators only wanted yes men around. JF has principles and he sticks to them. And it's not like he needed the money. LOL

                  Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                  Seriously, I think I'm still recovering from reading what the blog said about the proposed movie.

                  I know several of you may have regarded Stargate Atlantis's cancellation and lack of continuation as a mercy killing but not me. I was genuinely disapointed when it was cancelled and really bummed out when it was revealed that Enemy at the Gates really was the end for the show. Eventually I made my peace with it but I always thought there could have been more.

                  The earlier reveals about the lunar base and the self destruct code hinted to me that maybe I may not have been pleased with the final product that supposedly were making but I've never really thought that we dodged a bullet until now.
                  Welcome to the club. Fanfic is sounding better and better. But no matter what anyone around here says, it will just be viewed as sour grapes about the ship.

                  But I'll just say this about that. This sounds like they intended to kill off Kanaan and turn right around and get John and Teyla together while she is still grieving. That just makes both of them look bad IMHO. It would seem like he took advantage of her, and she didn't really care about Kanaan. I can see fans not being amused by that.

                  It helps to have the facts straight. Okay, because of time travel, John now believes that he and Teyla are destined to be together. *stops to hurl* So, he comforts her while she's grieving with that thought in mind. I'm not sure I don't think that's even worse. It reminds me of the plot from The Last Man about Jennifer dying. Creepy, if you ask me. Poor Teyla, always a pawn in some plot device.
                  Last edited by Southern Red; 02 April 2013, 04:06 AM.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    But I'll just say this about that. This sounds like they intended to kill off Kanaan and turn right around and get John and Teyla together while she is still grieving. That just makes both of them look bad IMHO. It would seem like he took advantage of her, and she didn't really care about Kanaan. I can see fans not being amused by that.

                    It helps to have the facts straight. Okay, because of time travel, John now believes that he and Teyla are destined to be together. *stops to hurl* So, he comforts her while she's grieving with that thought in mind. I'm not sure I don't think that's even worse. It reminds me of the plot from The Last Man about Jennifer dying. Creepy, if you ask me. Poor Teyla, always a pawn in some plot device.
                    I'm not a big fan of the whole "it happened in a future reality so it's definitely gonna happen in this one". Now forgive my basic knowledge of quantum physics, but isn't the popular concept that once you know the future, it's not gonna happen that way because what you know will change the way you act or the decisions you make. I mean, if TLM's future reality followed true to form, Teyla would be dead and Carter would've rammed the ship and died too.

                    This point contributes to why I liked the finale for SG-1. Vala and Daniel end up together during the 50 years trapped in the time dilation bubble, but when things return to normal and Vala's asking Teal'c to reveal details about who she ends up with, Daniel's not even mentioned. They didn't push the issue in the following movies. Which is why this plot detail from Extinction is such a curve ball.


                    Sparky rules.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      With Mallozzi, the reason so many of us dislike him so has little to do with his writing or the actual show. It's because he insulted the fans on his blog, called us names and made fun of us repeatedly for the last 2 years of the show and beyond. He deliberately misled fans and teased us to the point where we don't believe anything he says. The whole mysterious feud with JF is also a factor. He made a long speech at the wrap party for the show and thanked everyone up to and including the crew, but never mentioned Joe's name. So that is, at least for me, why I will never want anything further to do with the man.
                      One question, did he say bad things about all fan in general or Sparky fans?

                      I think we can all see he really disliked Joe, by the way he handled John’s character. Totally lack of professionalism in my opinion. No matter the matters he might have with Joe, he shouldn’t have let that get in the way of the show.

                      And somehow that disliking got “transported” to that French documentary about Stargate, since when you watch it, it seems Joe and Torri where never part of the cast of any Stargate episode (let along the leads), since they are not mentioned on the documentary and only a few images of them are showed there.

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      But I'll just say this about that. This sounds like they intended to kill off Kanaan and turn right around and get John and Teyla together while she is still grieving. That just makes both of them look bad IMHO. It would seem like he took advantage of her, and she didn't really care about Kanaan. I can see fans not being amused by that.

                      It helps to have the facts straight. Okay, because of time travel, John now believes that he and Teyla are destined to be together. *stops to hurl* So, he comforts her while she's grieving with that thought in mind. I'm not sure I don't think that's even worse. It reminds me of the plot from The Last Man about Jennifer dying. Creepy, if you ask me. Poor Teyla, always a pawn in some plot device.
                      John and Teyla only would get together, because they would see through time travelling that they belong together, i mean once again it is required an “exterior factor” to make them see that they belong together.
                      sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                        Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                        One question, did he say bad things about all fan in general or Sparky fans?
                        Not Sparky fans. He always just ignored us. He called those of us who were complaining about S4 "lemmings." I'm sure FH remembers the exact quote in detail. He didn't like any criticism of the show and tried to pit fans against each other. There were a lot of blog entries in which he complained about the fact that some fans didn't appreciate the wonderfulness of S4, and this continued on into S5 and beyond.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          oh it is. i never felt more frustrated in my life then in the past two weeks. i felt like breaking something. and SW? i did it all...and it's due tommrow morning at 930am.

                          Especially sorry to hear that...


                            Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                            Hi guys! *waves*
                            All this talk of the blog, I read it & I liked it! I loved it, made me crack up & I squeed that McKay gets hero moments including saving Tod's life & Carson gets to fly the city again! woohoo! And the jokes between Tod & Shep are hilarious & Carson gets his turtles back, yay! I loved at all, but the one thing that stood out & made me think ah, what? Was the part where it says Teyla gets with Shep... It said that Teyla suffers a great loss, which I assume is her boyfriend & father to her son... so he gets killed off so Shep can move in? That part I did not agree with. I'm not a Sparky shipper, but I do like them being paired together, but Teyla? ah, I like her, but no. It just doesn't seem right... But the rest of the blog I quite enjoyed. It did seem rather along the same lines as one of the writers old blogs that I had read a long while back, so to me its seems legit

                            Love the picture! Yeah... Guess the Sparky shippers are destined to be ****ed over by You-Know-Who.
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

                              Especially sorry to hear that...
                              it's fine. i wasted my spring break working on it. i didn't do ONE fun thing. not ONE.


                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

                                The more I hear about these "ideas" for the movie, the less I like about it. Good thing it was just an April Fools' joke.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

