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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Maybe you could try phrasing it differently? I'm having a trouble trying to answer your question.
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Originally posted by gateraid View Post

      Now there's a plot bunny for someone
      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

      And who might that be?
      Turns out it was me. Falcon Horus, here's my present to you. Unbeta'd, of course.


      Pausing for a moment whilst preparing for her first client, Kate took a moment to breathe in the view from her office window. Atlantis truly was a wondrous place, and with the sunrise hitting it just right, her beauty was something to behold. Not that the view from her quarters wasn’t impressive too, but her office had that something ‘extra’.

      A knock on the door jolted her back to reality. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she still had nearly thirty minutes before her first scheduled appointment. What the.......? She thought as she headed to the door controls. Who is this early for a session? She ran her hand over the Ancient controls to reveal her guest.

      Major Sheppard! She exclaimed, not containing her surprise quite as well as she’d hoped. He waited for her to continue, with an amused look on his face.

      Did you have something you wanted to discuss with me? All expedition members were required to have a minimum number of sessions with her per year, but some people were better at coming up with ‘excuses’ for avoiding sessions than others.

      Not exactly, Doc
      . Sheppard said a little apprehensively. Kate raised an eyebrow with intrigue, which seemed to put him at ease for some reason. I have a “friend” who might need to see you. “Friend” was accentuated with air quotes, for which Kate did a better job of suppressing her amusement.

      A lot of my patients have “friends”. She said knowingly. They’re all welcome here, if that’s the way you want to play it

      No, an actual friend with a problem. It’s Teyla.

      Oh. Come in, she gestured. Is there an issue specifically that has you worried, or is this something of an ongoing nature?

      A little bit of both actually, The Major replied as he sat down. She’s been on edge for a few weeks now. I don’t really know why, it’s not like anything has changed that much. The Wraith are coming, but that’s nothing new. If anything, she should be a little more used to that than the rest of us. I don’t know, she’s been biting people’s heads off all over the show. It’s like she’s in a permanent state of PMS or something.

      Whilst her mask had failed her moments ago, she kept an almost blank expression after that remark, and resisted the urge to smack the Major on the side of the head. How do you mean...exactly?

      We had a bit of a barney the other week. She seemed to take it pretty personally. The Major exhaled deeply. It all worked out the way she wanted in the end, but I don’t know what she expected at the time. We were on a recon mission in a cloaked jumper, investigating a planet the wraith were attacking. She wanted to pick up some people that she knew, I didn’t want to risk compromising our position. Hell, I’m all for saving as many people as possible, but if we end up dead too, then it’s a pretty ineffective rescue, eh?

      He shook his head and stared at the floor as he continued. We ended up by getting a few of them out with us. We only had one jumper, so its not like we saved a village or anything. He paused, scratching at his wristband a little. She was sooo.....disappointed with me earlier though. I don’t think she quite got that it wasn’t personal, I wasn’t making a value judgement on their lives. At the time, I deemed it to be an unacceptable risk to abandon our position. She should have respected my judgement as team leader

      I see. Has she questioned your judgement before?

      Sheppard sounded surprised by the question. We work together pretty well on a mission. She’s given up a lot in order to help us, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.

      You’re talking about her position with the Athosians?

      It’s more than a position, she’s their leader. She doesn’t talk about it much, at least not to me, but I don’t think it sits too well with them. You know, her being here on Atlantis.

      That might be what’s causing her some stress.

      I don’t think so, it seems to have come on suddenly. Maybe she’ll open up to you. I hope so.

      Me too. Well, I’ll schedule a session for her.

      That might be a bit of a problem, Doc.

      Oh yes?

      I was kinda hoping you could casually bump into her, so it wouldn’t seem like this was an order or anything.

      Ah. I’m not very comfortable with that Major. Its usually best to be up front about these sorts of things.

      I know. But if I suggest it to her, she’ll just blow off the idea.

      Like you would?

      Sheppard snorted. Yeah, I guess so. Perhaps you could bump into her in the mess hall? I could arrange it so that she’s there around a certain time, you could introduce yourself, and see what happens?

      You make it sound more like a blind date than a session.

      Hey, if that’s the way you want to play it, go right ahead. I just need Teyla back to her old self.

      All right. But my objection to this stands. Don’t be surprised if this blows up in your face.

      Sheppard shrugged. It’s worth a shot.

      So, when are
      you coming in for a session? Kate said pointedly

      Oh, ummm, I’m not really very good at this sort of thing. How about after we deal with the fleet of wraith heading our way?

      Kate rolled her eyes. Sooner than that. Or someone may ask me to gatecrash your lunch


      SR, if you have any pointers, the floor is yours. I don't write very often, so the next opportunity will probably be....2015?


        Awesome story ShipperWriter!!

        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        I'm with you. I may hafta watch it after work ... and see if the fic/vid bunnies come up with anything else.
        I'm sorry I missed it too (baaaaaad day at the nursing home.. ended in tears.. staying home tonight and recovering). I love that episode. Reading the posts was a lot of fun, though.

        In honor of that episode.... look at his happy face.

        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
        Aaaaaaaand HUG!

        Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
        Yeah, i agree, they seem to include Keller and Carter in the ending scenes along with Sheppard's team, but they never included Carson or Elizabeth then.
        That they had never included Carson and Elizabeth in a scene like that only made the Carter/Keller inclusion seem to scream "See, audience, the team loves these two so you should too."

        And when someone tells me to do something, I'm bound to do the opposite.


          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Turns out it was me. Falcon Horus, here's my present to you. Unbeta'd, of course.


          Pausing for a moment whilst preparing for her first client, Kate took a moment to breathe in the view from her office window. Atlantis truly was a wondrous place, and with the sunrise hitting it just right, her beauty was something to behold. Not that the view from her quarters wasn’t impressive too, but her office had that something ‘extra’.

          A knock on the door jolted her back to reality. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she still had nearly thirty minutes before her first scheduled appointment. What the.......? She thought as she headed to the door controls. Who is this early for a session? She ran her hand over the Ancient controls to reveal her guest.

          Major Sheppard! She exclaimed, not containing her surprise quite as well as she’d hoped. He waited for her to continue, with an amused look on his face.

          Did you have something you wanted to discuss with me? All expedition members were required to have a minimum number of sessions with her per year, but some people were better at coming up with ‘excuses’ for avoiding sessions than others.

          Not exactly, Doc
          . Sheppard said a little apprehensively. Kate raised an eyebrow with intrigue, which seemed to put him at ease for some reason. I have a “friend” who might need to see you. “Friend” was accentuated with air quotes, for which Kate did a better job of suppressing her amusement.

          A lot of my patients have “friends”. She said knowingly. They’re all welcome here, if that’s the way you want to play it

          No, an actual friend with a problem. It’s Teyla.

          Oh. Come in, she gestured. Is there an issue specifically that has you worried, or is this something of an ongoing nature?

          A little bit of both actually, The Major replied as he sat down. She’s been on edge for a few weeks now. I don’t really know why, it’s not like anything has changed that much. The Wraith are coming, but that’s nothing new. If anything, she should be a little more used to that than the rest of us. I don’t know, she’s been biting people’s heads off all over the show. It’s like she’s in a permanent state of PMS or something.

          Whilst her mask had failed her moments ago, she kept an almost blank expression after that remark, and resisted the urge to smack the Major on the side of the head. How do you mean...exactly?

          We had a bit of a barney the other week. She seemed to take it pretty personally. The Major exhaled deeply. It all worked out the way she wanted in the end, but I don’t know what she expected at the time. We were on a recon mission in a cloaked jumper, investigating a planet the wraith were attacking. She wanted to pick up some people that she knew, I didn’t want to risk compromising our position. Hell, I’m all for saving as many people as possible, but if we end up dead too, then it’s a pretty ineffective rescue, eh?

          He shook his head and stared at the floor as he continued. We ended up by getting a few of them out with us. We only had one jumper, so its not like we saved a village or anything. He paused, scratching at his wristband a little. She was sooo.....disappointed with me earlier though. I don’t think she quite got that it wasn’t personal, I wasn’t making a value judgement on their lives. At the time, I deemed it to be an unacceptable risk to abandon our position. She should have respected my judgement as team leader

          I see. Has she questioned your judgement before?

          Sheppard sounded surprised by the question. We work together pretty well on a mission. She’s given up a lot in order to help us, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.

          You’re talking about her position with the Athosians?

          It’s more than a position, she’s their leader. She doesn’t talk about it much, at least not to me, but I don’t think it sits too well with them. You know, her being here on Atlantis.

          That might be what’s causing her some stress.

          I don’t think so, it seems to have come on suddenly. Maybe she’ll open up to you. I hope so.

          Me too. Well, I’ll schedule a session for her.

          That might be a bit of a problem, Doc.

          Oh yes?

          I was kinda hoping you could casually bump into her, so it wouldn’t seem like this was an order or anything.

          Ah. I’m not very comfortable with that Major. Its usually best to be up front about these sorts of things.

          I know. But if I suggest it to her, she’ll just blow off the idea.

          Like you would?

          Sheppard snorted. Yeah, I guess so. Perhaps you could bump into her in the mess hall? I could arrange it so that she’s there around a certain time, you could introduce yourself, and see what happens?

          You make it sound more like a blind date than a session.

          Hey, if that’s the way you want to play it, go right ahead. I just need Teyla back to her old self.

          All right. But my objection to this stands. Don’t be surprised if this blows up in your face.

          Sheppard shrugged. It’s worth a shot.

          So, when are
          you coming in for a session? Kate said pointedly

          Oh, ummm, I’m not really very good at this sort of thing. How about after we deal with the fleet of wraith heading our way?

          Kate rolled her eyes. Sooner than that. Or someone may ask me to gatecrash your lunch


          SR, if you have any pointers, the floor is yours. I don't write very often, so the next opportunity will probably be....2015?
          That was very well written and sounds like it would have fit into the show. I didn't look for errors. You should write more often.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Nice job, gateraid! You *should* write more often!
            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


              Whooph! I'm home!

              Now, what have I missed?

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Still excellent, and your school experience gives it a realistic touch. Cause you know what actually goes on in the teachers' lounge.
              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              All that secret info that no student's privvy of... confidential talk and all that...
              Hahaha. The teachers I eat lunch with are hilarious, but sometimes the conversation goes a little PG-13 during the last five minutes. *plugs fingers in ears and whistles*

              Though my school doesn't make french fries ... *pouts*

              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Hah! OMG, that's great! Love this new bit at the lunch table. Ronon. So. Knows. John throwing a french fry at Ronon! Priceless! And why has the idea of Rodney and Radek chaperoning a physics field trip suddenly given me the mental image of the Griffith Observatory blowing up as their students laugh themselves silly?
              *crosses arms and taps foot* You bribed my fic bunnies to send you the planning notes, didn't you? Though that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

              For the fic, I mean.

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              So, wait, the whole point of smut is writing about things behind closed doors. I was confused for a moment, but then I saw your reply to FH. Smut is not for everybody, and certainly best left to those who are comfortable with it. The readers can usually tell if you're faking it. A good beta who knows the show inside and out is the key to turning out fanfic that fandom will go for.
              Amen to this. I did write smut a few times, but now I feel uncomfortable with it and am not planning on trying again. I'll stick with the stuff I know.

              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
              um...imo their relationship starts somewhere around 38 Minutes, but the sparks starting flying when he sat in the chair in do realize that it wasn't Elizabeth kissing John in TLG, right? She was under alien influence...(not sure we're watching the same show....)
              As your avatar indicates.

              And dude. After that hot stare-glare (I frankly don't know what to call it) that John gave Elizabeth, I'm surprised she still left. ROFL


                TRW animated gifs.


                  Look I'm changing my views, but its a slow progress!
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Hi, poundpuppy!!!

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Turns out it was me. Falcon Horus, here's my present to you. Unbeta'd, of course.


                    Pausing for a moment whilst preparing for her first client, Kate took a moment to breathe in the view from her office window. Atlantis truly was a wondrous place, and with the sunrise hitting it just right, her beauty was something to behold. Not that the view from her quarters wasn’t impressive too, but her office had that something ‘extra’.

                    A knock on the door jolted her back to reality. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she still had nearly thirty minutes before her first scheduled appointment. What the.......? She thought as she headed to the door controls. Who is this early for a session? She ran her hand over the Ancient controls to reveal her guest.

                    Major Sheppard! She exclaimed, not containing her surprise quite as well as she’d hoped. He waited for her to continue, with an amused look on his face.

                    Did you have something you wanted to discuss with me? All expedition members were required to have a minimum number of sessions with her per year, but some people were better at coming up with ‘excuses’ for avoiding sessions than others.

                    Not exactly, Doc
                    . Sheppard said a little apprehensively. Kate raised an eyebrow with intrigue, which seemed to put him at ease for some reason. I have a “friend” who might need to see you. “Friend” was accentuated with air quotes, for which Kate did a better job of suppressing her amusement.

                    A lot of my patients have “friends”. She said knowingly. They’re all welcome here, if that’s the way you want to play it

                    No, an actual friend with a problem. It’s Teyla.

                    Oh. Come in, she gestured. Is there an issue specifically that has you worried, or is this something of an ongoing nature?

                    A little bit of both actually, The Major replied as he sat down. She’s been on edge for a few weeks now. I don’t really know why, it’s not like anything has changed that much. The Wraith are coming, but that’s nothing new. If anything, she should be a little more used to that than the rest of us. I don’t know, she’s been biting people’s heads off all over the show. It’s like she’s in a permanent state of PMS or something.

                    Whilst her mask had failed her moments ago, she kept an almost blank expression after that remark, and resisted the urge to smack the Major on the side of the head. How do you mean...exactly?

                    We had a bit of a barney the other week. She seemed to take it pretty personally. The Major exhaled deeply. It all worked out the way she wanted in the end, but I don’t know what she expected at the time. We were on a recon mission in a cloaked jumper, investigating a planet the wraith were attacking. She wanted to pick up some people that she knew, I didn’t want to risk compromising our position. Hell, I’m all for saving as many people as possible, but if we end up dead too, then it’s a pretty ineffective rescue, eh?

                    He shook his head and stared at the floor as he continued. We ended up by getting a few of them out with us. We only had one jumper, so its not like we saved a village or anything. He paused, scratching at his wristband a little. She was sooo.....disappointed with me earlier though. I don’t think she quite got that it wasn’t personal, I wasn’t making a value judgement on their lives. At the time, I deemed it to be an unacceptable risk to abandon our position. She should have respected my judgement as team leader

                    I see. Has she questioned your judgement before?

                    Sheppard sounded surprised by the question. We work together pretty well on a mission. She’s given up a lot in order to help us, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.

                    You’re talking about her position with the Athosians?

                    It’s more than a position, she’s their leader. She doesn’t talk about it much, at least not to me, but I don’t think it sits too well with them. You know, her being here on Atlantis.

                    That might be what’s causing her some stress.

                    I don’t think so, it seems to have come on suddenly. Maybe she’ll open up to you. I hope so.

                    Me too. Well, I’ll schedule a session for her.

                    That might be a bit of a problem, Doc.

                    Oh yes?

                    I was kinda hoping you could casually bump into her, so it wouldn’t seem like this was an order or anything.

                    Ah. I’m not very comfortable with that Major. Its usually best to be up front about these sorts of things.

                    I know. But if I suggest it to her, she’ll just blow off the idea.

                    Like you would?

                    Sheppard snorted. Yeah, I guess so. Perhaps you could bump into her in the mess hall? I could arrange it so that she’s there around a certain time, you could introduce yourself, and see what happens?

                    You make it sound more like a blind date than a session.

                    Hey, if that’s the way you want to play it, go right ahead. I just need Teyla back to her old self.

                    All right. But my objection to this stands. Don’t be surprised if this blows up in your face.

                    Sheppard shrugged. It’s worth a shot.

                    So, when are
                    you coming in for a session? Kate said pointedly

                    Oh, ummm, I’m not really very good at this sort of thing. How about after we deal with the fleet of wraith heading our way?

                    Kate rolled her eyes. Sooner than that. Or someone may ask me to gatecrash your lunch


                    SR, if you have any pointers, the floor is yours. I don't write very often, so the next opportunity will probably be....2015?
                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    That was very well written and sounds like it would have fit into the show. I didn't look for errors. You should write more often.
                    *points up* What she said. I did look for errors. Didn't find any. Nice job!

                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    Awesome story ShipperWriter!!

                    I'm sorry I missed it too (baaaaaad day at the nursing home.. ended in tears.. staying home tonight and recovering). I love that episode. Reading the posts was a lot of fun, though.
                    Thanks, hon! *hugs tight*

                    In honor of that episode.... look at his happy face.

                    I love that face! *huggles* And that quote is so right.

                    That they had never included Carson and Elizabeth in a scene like that only made the Carter/Keller inclusion seem to scream "See, audience, the team loves these two so you should too."

                    And when someone tells me to do something, I'm bound to do the opposite.
                    I fast forward through that scene with Carter informing the city about Kate's death something bad that happened in a dream, and watch the scene where John is sitting in his room. And I wonder, is the unexpected loss of another teammate reminding him about Elizabeth?

                    And hello, plot bunny #7,493.


                      Didn't have the time to catch up with everything, will try to do it tomorrow, but while skimming the thread i found this post introducing another fic.

                      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

                      And even though I've already rec'd it once this week, I'm gonna do it again, because chronologically speaking, it's the right time. Plus I'm trying to brainwash everybody into thinking this story is canon.

                      "Decaf on the Balcony"

                      Cleaning up some stuff on my computer, and then I'm settling down and working on Sparky fic.
                      And i must say that you indeed are so wonderful, Shipper Writer!!! I loved this fic, i have to say that i cried my eyes out while reading it! I think my eyes are still red, really wonderful job here!!

                      I am also reading (although i haven't got much time), or at least trying to read your fic "We will always have M51 936" and i am really enjoying it!
                      sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                        Now I understood what you said. You write what you know. And what you don't know, you ask someone else to do, and give them credit where it is due!
                        I'm sorry but I can't agree with that. Thing is, we all have a different writing style, or however you want to put it.
                        My native language is Dutch so my English vocabulary is (while extensive I think) still limited in comparison to someone whose native language is in fact English. So, when for example I'd hand my smut (which I don't write) to one of my beta's who happens to be a native speaker, the feel of the sentences, the words will change and it won't be me anymore.
                        We all write the characters a certain way, stories a certain way... I think outsourcing kinda messes with the flow.

                        But that's just me... no cheating allowed...

                        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                        : Oh, she's going to kiss me! She's going to kiss me! Get ready Sheppard, she's coming in for the kill!

                        [cue hug]

                        : Damn... a hug... *freezes*
                        Angel & Devil on his shoulders: HUG HER BACK, YOU IDIOT!!

                        Okay fine, I admit, Gateraid does it better.

                        Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                        did that make any sense (i'm in a post-massage/mani/pedi super relaxed fog right now)?
                        You're on a buzz... a happy buzz.

                        Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                        She should have choosen the newer show in the first place, because in that way maybe they wouldn't have "killed" Elizabeth then!
                        While we are not privvy to the finer details, it is generally assumed that AT was bound to the show by contract. She was signed for an 11th season of SG1, which didn't happen, and TPTW decided to bring her over to SGA instead, which generally assumed was a way to bring in more viewers who weren't already watching SGA. A few Tapping-fans indeed followed her to SGA (who hadn't previously been watching) but from hearsay I remember they weren't entirely happy with the way she was downplayed.

                        In any case, it wasn't until Sanctuary (which is a damn fine show, IMHO) was hitting it of big time that Amanda chose to pursue that show instead of SGA - and I'm glad she did because she absolutely rocks as Helen Magnus and wholeheartedly deserved the recognition that Sanctuary was getting.

                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        Turns out it was me. Falcon Horus, here's my present to you. Unbeta'd, of course.
                        Kate can gatecrash my lunch any time she likes...

                        I love it,Gateraid! It made me squee with joy.

                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        I don't write very often, so the next opportunity will probably be....2015?
                        Please, don't wait that long. 'Kay!


                        This is what happened when John suggested they'd try out that new closet he had found earlier that day before all went to hell in a handbasket...

                        : Hey, want to go and check out that new closet with me?

                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        : Nnnnno...
                        : O'kay... maybe later then
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          The reason I picked the ghostwriter was that she had a similar writing style to my own. So the flow wouldn't get messed with. The only real "problem" was that she uses British English to my American English.

                          My beta-reader is also British, but she's pretty good at American English and rarely slips up when writing with me.
                          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                            Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                            Didn't have the time to catch up with everything, will try to do it tomorrow, but while skimming the thread i found this post introducing another fic.

                            And i must say that you indeed are so wonderful, Shipper Writer!!! I loved this fic, i have to say that i cried my eyes out while reading it! I think my eyes are still red, really wonderful job here!!

                            I am also reading (although i haven't got much time), or at least trying to read your fic "We will always have M51 936" and i am really enjoying it!
                            Aww, thanks! Appreciate your patronage! I had a ton of fun writing M51-936.

                            I made you cry?! Sorry! *hugs* But in a good way, right?

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            : Oh, she's going to kiss me! She's going to kiss me! Get ready Sheppard, she's coming in for the kill!

                            [cue hug]

                            : Damn... a hug... *freezes*
                            Angel & Devil on his shoulders: HUG HER BACK, YOU IDIOT!!

                            Okay fine, I admit, Gateraid does it better.
                            Good effort! But it's hard to match the Master. LOL

                            Kate can gatecrash my lunch any time she likes...

                            I love it,Gateraid! It made me squee with joy.

                            Please, don't wait that long. 'Kay!

                            This is what happened when John suggested they'd try out that new closet he had found earlier that day before all went to hell in a handbasket...

                            : Hey, want to go and check out that new closet with me?
                            [GIF from TRW]
                            : Nnnnno...
                            : O'kay... maybe later then
                            Oh, you know that's right.


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              Good effort! But it's hard to match the Master. LOL
                              I know... I totally bow before his greatness.

                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              Oh, you know that's right.
                              Thanks to all that smut-talk I'm sailing through the gutter like you have no idea.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Princess Awinita slipped the Lemming some energy drinks - am not responsible for the consequences of this action

                                In case of emergency - break glass and make good use of following:

                                -- --
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

