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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
    I am currently wearing a copy of that shirt, so yes I do.

    Oh, and Southern Red - I guarantee you that I am paler than you are. Upon seeing my legs in capris in California, my friend said "have those legs EVER seen the sun?"
    I love that shirt. It's so very Joe. I also love the skull one he's wearing a lot now.

    I wish we could meet and compare color. Hee. But my pasty white legs have seen the last of the sun. At my age the doctors go all if you even mention the beach. Sun exposure does indeed come back to bite you.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      You've never seen "Alien"?!? It's a science fiction classic! (and in part inspired some of the look and feel of SGA Season 3's "Vengeance," so you really should try to see it. Mark my words, we will be snarking over this big-time when we get to the "Vengeance" post-a-thon! ) Just don't watch it alone at night, because you WILL scare the snot outta yourself. I've seen that movie so many times and I STILL jump at certain parts, even though I know they're coming.

      Aw, darn! Oh well, maybe next time for fun at BG. Nighty-night, and pleasant Sparky dreams!
      Yeah, I know, right? I guess I should just give up and watch it one of these days.

      And I did have Sparky dreams. Also Star Trek: Voyager and Evan Almighty. I'm wondering WTH did I eat last night.

      Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
      Count me as a member of this group too. Maybe we should all take a vacation together and lay on the beach. LOL
      Ooh, sounds like a plan!

      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      I am currently wearing a copy of that shirt, so yes I do.

      Oh, and Southern Red - I guarantee you that I am paler than you are. Upon seeing my legs in capris in California, my friend said "have those legs EVER seen the sun?"
      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I love that shirt. It's so very Joe. I also love the skull one he's wearing a lot now.

      I wish we could meet and compare color. Hee. But my pasty white legs have seen the last of the sun. At my age the doctors go all if you even mention the beach. Sun exposure does indeed come back to bite you.
      Just borrow some of Rodney's SPF 1000 sun screen. You'll be fine.

      I love that shirt. It's adorkable.

      Originally posted by mandogater View Post
      Sounds interesting.
      Let me guess, Elizabeth will be the civics teacher that becomes his romantic interest.
      *Sends giant carrot cake to plot bunnies*
      Eeh ... maybe? *laughs* I'm still figuring it out. Right now, it's the story on the bottom of my to-do list. I have an SG-1 fic that hasn't been updated in over a month, plus I really need to finish ODAD and work on that oneshot that I posted a few weeks back. Too many people said, "Don't leave us hanging!" and the plot bunnies promptly got to work. And another oneshot that takes place during Season 7 ... Crikey. I've got a lot to do!

      Originally posted by mandogater View Post
      Know you've given me a plot bunny!! I'm still fighting with that darn crossover!
      Meheheheheh. What can I say? I'm slightly evil and very insane.


        So duh, theme for March is St. Patrick's Day. Yet again, I get the menial work.


          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
            Yes, he is my personal bodyguard. Got a problem with that?


              When do you get to have a signature across the bottom of your posts?
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                *runs into thread squeeing*

                IT'S DONE! MY PRETTEH IS DONE! 141 PAGES, AND IT'S DONE!!!

                "Of Detectives and Doctors" -- Epilogue

                *bounces off walls and runs nekkid through thread*
                Last edited by ShipperWriter; 16 March 2012, 08:17 AM.


                  Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                  When do you get to have a signature across the bottom of your posts?
                  I think you can do that at any time. Just go to the very top and click on "My Controls" then look on the left for "edit signature".

                  Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                  I am so happy that the moderators decided that I was human and not a spammer. Hey Southern Red, do you have a account?
                  I'm sorry I neglected to answer this last night. I don't do My fics are either on my LJ or on Command Dynamics . Watch out, though. I tend to write crack.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I think you can do that at any time. Just go to the very top and click on "My Controls" then look on the left for "edit signature".

                    I'm sorry I neglected to answer this last night. I don't do My fics are either on my LJ or on Command Dynamics . Watch out, though. I tend to write crack.
                    That's a requirement to be part of this thread.


                      Congrats on finishing "Of Detectives and Doctors". I loved the epilogue and the way that John just asks Elizabeth, "So what are you planning on doing for the rest of your life?"

                      And there might be an update on "The World Goes On" sometime today. It's filler and may be slightly crack, given how the chapter ends.

                      And thanks for the compliment on the quote. It's one of my favorites too.
                      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
             Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                        Congrats on finishing "Of Detectives and Doctors". I loved the epilogue and the way that John just asks Elizabeth, "So what are you planning on doing for the rest of your life?"

                        And there might be an update on "The World Goes On" sometime today. It's filler and may be slightly crack, given how the chapter ends.

                        And thanks for the compliment on the quote. It's one of my favorites too.

                        And looking forward to your next update!


                          Do you see John possibly throwing Elizabeth into a pool?
                          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                            Eeh ... maybe? *laughs* I'm still figuring it out. Right now, it's the story on the bottom of my to-do list. I have an SG-1 fic that hasn't been updated in over a month, plus I really need to finish ODAD and work on that oneshot that I posted a few weeks back. Too many people said, "Don't leave us hanging!" and the plot bunnies promptly got to work. And another oneshot that takes place during Season 7 ... Crikey. I've got a lot to do!

                            Meheheheheh. What can I say? I'm slightly evil and very insane.
                            Boy sounds like all of your free time is already spoken for. Forget I said anything. Unless you decide to use it, that is.

                            We'll have to see what I can come up with on the fic.

                            We'll also have to compare notes on the insanity issue since my nickname in high school was Crazy.
                            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              Huh. I've never seen "Alien" for some reason, but I may check into it. And spoilers? Lady, I am the queen ... of reading and finding spoilers.
                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              You've never seen "Alien"?!? It's a science fiction classic! (and in part inspired some of the look and feel of SGA Season 3's "Vengeance," so you really should try to see it. Mark my words, we will be snarking over this big-time when we get to the "Vengeance" post-a-thon! ) Just don't watch it alone at night, because you WILL scare the snot outta yourself. I've seen that movie so many times and I STILL jump at certain parts, even though I know they're coming.
                              Not to mention the part from 'Doppelganger' where Teyla dreams of that alien thing coming out of her belly like it does in the movies and of course Rodney's talk about throwing up when he saw it when he was on a date, that was pretty funny.

                              I can hardly wait for 'Prometheus', I just loved the 'Alien moves (though I think the 2nd one was my favorite, the one directed by James Cameron) and I would recoment it to anyone, and you're right they are classics, and it did manage to do something that not many other have when it comes to sci-fi horror, not to mention that the Xenomorphs are still concidered the best aliens ever created, in my opinion as well (and I did see that David Hewlett was looking forward to the movie and those aliens are his favoite as well) and something else that I love about them is the character Ellen Ripley, when they came out there really wasn't that many female heroes (at least not that didn't have a male counterpart) and she is still today one of the most popular female charcaters in film history. I think you would enjoy them ShipperWriter, true they are a pretty dark and can really make you jump but they are so well done with great actors and a great storyline...ok, I'm going to stop now, sometimes I just get really exited about something that I like...though I must admi that it's worse to hear me talk about it.


                                Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                                Do you see John possibly throwing Elizabeth into a pool?
                                Yeah, I think I could ... though I imagine Elizabeth would get a little mad and then start laughing.

                                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                                Boy sounds like all of your free time is already spoken for. Forget I said anything. Unless you decide to use it, that is.

                                We'll have to see what I can come up with on the fic.

                                We'll also have to compare notes on the insanity issue since my nickname in high school was Crazy.
                                I may. You'll hafta stick around and find out.

                                When I was in school, my nick name was "Bush". *shakes head* I didn't really take care of my hair. It was big, brown, and frizzy. Still is.

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                Not to mention the part from 'Doppelganger' where Teyla dreams of that alien thing coming out of her belly like it does in the movies and of course Rodney's talk about throwing up when he saw it when he was on a date, that was pretty funny.

                                I can hardly wait for 'Prometheus', I just loved the 'Alien moves (though I think the 2nd one was my favorite, the one directed by James Cameron) and I would recoment it to anyone, and you're right they are classics, and it did manage to do something that not many other have when it comes to sci-fi horror, not to mention that the Xenomorphs are still concidered the best aliens ever created, in my opinion as well (and I did see that David Hewlett was looking forward to the movie and those aliens are his favoite as well) and something else that I love about them is the character Ellen Ripley, when they came out there really wasn't that many female heroes (at least not that didn't have a male counterpart) and she is still today one of the most popular female charcaters in film history. I think you would enjoy them ShipperWriter, true they are a pretty dark and can really make you jump but they are so well done with great actors and a great storyline...ok, I'm going to stop now, sometimes I just get really exited about something that I like...though I must admi that it's worse to hear me talk about it.
                                I knew the "alien bursting through stomach" reference from "Spaceballs", but I've never seen it. I will watch it ... eventually.

