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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    at all the crazy hijinks! Thanks for posting that recap, FH!

    And also thanks to Celcool for letting us know about that tweet!

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    So basically, she was saying that if Elizabeth couldn't have John, she'd rather be alone. Explains why she rejected Mike so thoroughly, I guess.
    Our Lizzeh has it baaaad.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    It's also interesting how, even though Joe always questions the ship for ethical reasons, he is always quick to put his character forward as a possible choice, like pulling her chair closer or the cute little scene with the proposal. Not to mention kissing her that time at ComicCon.
    It is interesting, isn't it? He's obviously having a little fun teasing us.
    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      So basically, she was saying that if Elizabeth couldn't have John, she'd rather be alone. Explains why she rejected Mike so thoroughly, I guess.

      It's also interesting how, even though Joe always questions the ship for ethical reasons, he is always quick to put his character forward as a possible choice, like pulling her chair closer or the cute little scene with the proposal. Not to mention kissing her that time at ComicCon.
      i always found mike to be too pushy. and i'm glad 'lizabeth rejected him. i remember the kiss at comic con (there's a vid of it on youtube) but what proposal are you referring too.


        Funny pic of Joe and Torri

        Kris: Thanks for the pics

        Time to sleep. Bye
        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


          Originally posted by Probie View Post
          Funny pic of Joe and Torri

          Kris: Thanks for the pics

          Time to sleep. Bye
          OMFG. *dies laughing* That's a keeper!

          Have a good night's sleep Probie, and pleasant Sparky dreams!
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Celcool View Post
            Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've been here but had to come here for some info on Joe and Torri's latest convention appearance. And now since nobody else posted this yet, I will. I asked AnnCarters on Twitter what Joe and Torri said about Sparky and this is what she kindly wrote back:

            Torri and Joe rule! CANON BABY! Mad crush is totally how you'd interpret the way she looked at him in their scenes. And, yes Joe, you both did make it look so good. Great weekend for Sparky fans! *goes back to lurkedom*
            *tackle hug* Helloooooo! Welcome back. Leave it to SparkyCon to bring old friends back around. Thanks for the post.

            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            i always found mike to be too pushy. and i'm glad 'lizabeth rejected him. i remember the kiss at comic con (there's a vid of it on youtube) but what proposal are you referring too.
            Have you been reading the posts? Just scroll back up to FH's long post where she tells us all about the con and how a guy pretended to propose to Torri.

            They both really do enjoy teasing us, don't they? If there had been no thoughts about this ship, they wouldn't be so quick to have an answer to every Sparky question. It was teased, that's for sure. They admit that much. Too bad TPTB didn't want to figure out a way to make it work.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Looks like I missed some fun! *grumbles about stupid evil sinuses that are stupid and evil* I took a nap, hoping that would help, but it didn't.

              Thanks for all the updates, FH, Probie, and Celcool.

              It sounds like such a fun weekend (even if FH made Torri so sick she couldn't talk )

              Joe's absolutely right about the complications due to their working relationship. That reminds me of Joe's quote from after the series when asked what he didn't get to do. Part of that was "You have a job to do, and you have to push your feelings aside." Exactly! It's an interesting dynamic to play but they always had to ultimately put it off to the side.

              Of course, if you got Elizabeth back and had her be a translator/negotiator/Ancient expert then voila, the ethical problem is fixed!

              I still say they could have brought her back on a recurring basis (recurring like Zelenka, not recurring like Ford) during season 5 and they could have run with it.


                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                Joe's absolutely right about the complications due to their working relationship. That reminds me of Joe's quote from after the series when asked what he didn't get to do. Part of that was "You have a job to do, and you have to push your feelings aside." Exactly! It's an interesting dynamic to play but they always had to ultimately put it off to the side.

                Of course, if you got Elizabeth back and had her be a translator/negotiator/Ancient expert then voila, the ethical problem is fixed!

                I still say they could have brought her back on a recurring basis (recurring like Zelenka, not recurring like Ford) during season 5 and they could have run with it.
                Oh, indeed! It's a pretty simple solution, really.

                And yeah, they so could've brought her back for a real recurring role... if they had wanted to.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Oh, indeed! It's a pretty simple solution, really.

                  And yeah, they so could've brought her back for a real recurring role... if they had wanted to.
                  And their comments really show that TPTW just wanted the actors to shut up and leave them alone. No wonder so many of the actors were always "happy" with their roles. The consequences if you weren't were pretty obvious. Poor Joe. No wonder his role was getting smaller and smaller, and the nasty knocks against Shep started.

                  Then I think of other shows where they welcome actor input and it makes the series far richer. *sigh*

                  Happier stuff:

                  Aren't they adorable?


                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    And their comments really show that TPTW just wanted the actors to shut up and leave them alone. No wonder so many of the actors were always "happy" with their roles. The consequences if you weren't were pretty obvious. Poor Joe. No wonder his role was getting smaller and smaller, and the nasty knocks against Shep started.

                    Then I think of other shows where they welcome actor input and it makes the series far richer. *sigh*
                    Well, we won't be making that mistake with Atlantis Rising, that's for sure. *smirks*

                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    Happier stuff:

                    Aren't they adorable?
                    Yes! I'd love to see a fic where John and Elizabeth are laughing their heads off as much as Joe and Torri seem to be in that pic.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      *waves to Celcool and SMB_Books* Good to see you!

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      As reported, my USC Trojans fell to the Stanford Cardinal, 56-48. But at least we made those darn trees work for it, in THREE OVERTIMES. So nyah nyah nyah, Stanford. My sympathies to Irish Eyes and everyone else whose teams lost. *hugs*

                      Thanks for the congrats to my parents! The actual anniversary is on Halloween (yes, my parents are just as weird as I am, heehee!), but the restaurant we wanted to go to isn't open on Mondays, so we went last night. And ohhhh, dinner was soooo good.

                      I think I'm gonna have to keep a running list of everyone who could go to a Chicago Sparky Con, so I can tell Torri when I see her in November.

                      Waah, I wanna Sparky sandwich photo op! *flails* C'mon Torri, you've got to go to the Chicago con next year!
                      Sympathy right back at you. Darn teams. I'm not expecting much the rest of the season. Too many ranked opponents.

                      Halloween would be a great anniversary date!

                      Use your Jedi mind trick persuasive powers to get Torri to come to Chicago!

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Hmm, indeed. And it'd have to be 3 pics, so we could do a group photo. ;

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Some of them seem to have a theme. I just can't imagine what tale he was telling here. Maybe something he did to certain people when he found out she wasn't coming back. Maybe he's telling her about his garden. Yeah, that's it.



                      Oh SR, I think you could tell a really good story for these pictures. Maybe somewhere else? *whistles innocently*

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Oh, I also forgot that Torri stated in reply to Joe's answer to the Sparky-question that Elizabeth was a modern intelligent woman who brought along a lot of batteries (to which the crowd snorted and laughed hysterically - at least those that understood) at which Paul added a buzzing sound and went on to be really turned on by that idea. They then continued the mockery about how it was a sad day when the last generator died. To which Joe asked Torri if Elizabeth then plugged it into the ZPM. (again another round of more hystercial laughter fills the room) Paul continued with more buzzing sounds and a remark about how Atlantis sounded by night - more buzzing.

                      Yeah... my jaw still hurts from laughing so hard, and every single guest contributed to it.
                      See, here's another missed opportunity. If they hadn't gotten rid of Elizabeth, think of the conversations she could have had with Kaylee Keller on this topic!

                      Signing off. What a fun weekend guys!! We should do this every weekend.

                      JT - I hope you feel better. *hugs*
                      sig by SueKay

                      My Team:


                        Loving all the pics and reports!! Keep them coming!!!

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        I took 242 images on the first day and had to chuck about half of them out because of the poor quality. Today I took about 200 images and again had to delete about half of them because of bad quality.
                        Having shot sports for a newspaper before, I can tell you that's about what a professional photographer would take to be sure he or she had something good enough to print. When I only had to shoot and not also write the game story, I'd have close to 100 pics and that was for just about two hours of work. You were there all day, so you'd have a whole lot more.

                        To keep this on topic, I present the ficlet I promised you.

                        Destiny’s scent

                        Dr. Kate Heightmeyer hated this time of the year with a passion. It was time for her yearly evaluation of the Atlantis Expedition members. Between Rodney and all the scientists whose egos he had mercilessly crushed, she badly needed to do something, anything, to relax.

                        Fortunately for Kate, she had a bottle of lavender scented bubble bath sitting in her quarters. She had always found the scent of lavender extremely relaxing and right now it called to her like a siren’s song. The only thing that caused her to halt her journey towards nirvana was the sight of her good friend Teyla Emmagan looking like she had been put through the wringer.

                        “My God, Teyla what happened to you,” asked an extremely concerned Kate.

                        “John happened,” Teyla responded cryptically while she rubbed her bruised shoulder.

                        “Once more with clarity.”

                        “He had an unusually strong reaction to a flower that is very rare and highly prized in the Pegasus Galaxy,” began Teyla. “Among the Athosians it is known as the Matchmaker Plant and Ronon’s people called it Destiny’s Rose. Anyone who smells its scent will be drawn to their one true love.”

                        “And when you came back from your mission, he made a beeline for Elizabeth,” stated Kate. “No surprise there. It still doesn’t explain why it looks like you went ten rounds with half the Marines on base at the same time.”

                        “Very true, but things got interesting once he found her.”


                        Two hours earlier

                        “See it’s like I told you Teyla, just like on Earth, all of those supposed magic ways to find true love are just a crock,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard after his team came through the gate.

                        “I don’t know, John,” began Teyla. “I have seen many marriages ruined because of that plant and many more tales of unending happiness that began with it.”

                        “So how was your trip to M3X-812,” called Dr. Elizabeth Weir from the bridge connecting her office to stargate operations.

                        “Elizabeth,” was all John managed to say before racing up the stairs and passionately kissing her in front of everyone. “I have been madly in love with you almost since the moment we met. Will you make me the happiest man in two galaxies and marry me?”

                        “Are you sure you’re alright, John,” said an extremely shocked Elizabeth. “This is really out of character for you and it’s starting to worry me.”

                        “Come John,” said Teyla as she tried to pull him away and spare her friends any further embarrassment as their true feelings were put on display before half of the expedition. “Let’s get our post mission visit to the infirmary out of the way while Elizabeth thinks about it.”

                        “We all know how you two feel about each other, Sheppard,” said Ronon in his typical blunt fashion. “Let’s go before things get really awkward.”


                        “And that’s when things got physical,” finished Teyla. “I’ve never seen John, or anyone else, for that matter fight that desperately before. He was bound and determined not to leave before he got Elizabeth’s answer. Ronon had to stun him so we could get him to Carson.”

                        “True love can motivate people to do things they would never have thought possible otherwise,” answered Kate knowingly before changing the subject. “You look like you could use some of my stash of bubble bath. Wait here.”

                        “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” was all Teyla could manage after getting her first smell of lavender. “That smells just divine. How do you use it?”


                        “So did you smell this flower too,” asked Kate after she finished instructing Teyla how to properly indulge in a relaxing bubble bath.

                        “No, I found out when I was young that I’m very allergic to it,” answered Teyla. “I have to avoid it like the Wraith if I want to avoid sneezing like crazy for days.”


                        “Thank you, Kate,” said Teyla as she walked Kate to the door. “You are a good friend.”


                        “Well, I guess there’s still hope,” sighed Kate as she finally slipped into her own relaxing bubble bath.
                        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                          That looks like a really fun con. Even if they hadn't talked about Sparky, it looks like they'd be a blast to watch.

                          Anyway, do any of you who remember way back like 18 months or so ago now, I once made a reference that "Sparky" reminds me of Transformers, and the concept in Transformers fiction known as "sparks," which functions sort of as some manner of amalgamation of Transformers' hearts and souls? Well now that I have learned how to timestamp YouTube videos, I can show you what I was thinking.

                          It's kinda funny because, to be fair, any real connection is extremely tenuous and I only really noticed because I'm a big fan of both.

                          But honestly I feel like the last half of this 30 second dream sequence explanation somehow captures the emotions of Sparky's run on the show extremely well in a microcosm.

                          If I ever learn how to edit together video tributes, I'm totally going to try include the audio of the last 15 seconds into some sort of John and Elizabeth video.

                          Funnily enough, I remember watching a panel at a convention from 2006 with several of the voice actors from that show talking about how good the writing was. One of them actually mentioned that really great shows exist when the writers "lose a little bit of ego" and collaborate with the actors.

                          Hows that for tying it all back to the start of conversation?
                          Last edited by Infinite-Possibilities; 31 October 2011, 12:22 AM.
                          "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                          *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                          "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                            Loving all the con reports Everything seems to have been covered fairly well. As has been pointed out, I'm a details man, so what I want to know is .....

                            Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                            Loving all the pics and reports!! Keep them coming!!!

                            Having shot sports for a newspaper before, I can tell you that's about what a professional photographer would take to be sure he or she had something good enough to print. When I only had to shoot and not also write the game story, I'd have close to 100 pics and that was for just about two hours of work. You were there all day, so you'd have a whole lot more.

                            To keep this on topic, I present the ficlet I promised you.

                            Destiny’s scent

                            Dr. Kate Heightmeyer hated this time of the year with a passion. It was time for her yearly evaluation of the Atlantis Expedition members. Between Rodney and all the scientists whose egos he had mercilessly crushed, she badly needed to do something, anything, to relax.

                            Fortunately for Kate, she had a bottle of lavender scented bubble bath sitting in her quarters. She had always found the scent of lavender extremely relaxing and right now it called to her like a siren’s song. The only thing that caused her to halt her journey towards nirvana was the sight of her good friend Teyla Emmagan looking like she had been put through the wringer.

                            “My God, Teyla what happened to you,” asked an extremely concerned Kate.

                            “John happened,” Teyla responded cryptically while she rubbed her bruised shoulder.

                            “Once more with clarity.”

                            “He had an unusually strong reaction to a flower that is very rare and highly prized in the Pegasus Galaxy,” began Teyla. “Among the Athosians it is known as the Matchmaker Plant and Ronon’s people called it Destiny’s Rose. Anyone who smells its scent will be drawn to their one true love.”

                            “And when you came back from your mission, he made a beeline for Elizabeth,” stated Kate. “No surprise there. It still doesn’t explain why it looks like you went ten rounds with half the Marines on base at the same time.”

                            “Very true, but things got interesting once he found her.”


                            Two hours earlier

                            “See it’s like I told you Teyla, just like on Earth, all of those supposed magic ways to find true love are just a crock,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard after his team came through the gate.

                            “I don’t know, John,” began Teyla. “I have seen many marriages ruined because of that plant and many more tales of unending happiness that began with it.”

                            “So how was your trip to M3X-812,” called Dr. Elizabeth Weir from the bridge connecting her office to stargate operations.

                            “Elizabeth,” was all John managed to say before racing up the stairs and passionately kissing her in front of everyone. “I have been madly in love with you almost since the moment we met. Will you make me the happiest man in two galaxies and marry me?”

                            “Are you sure you’re alright, John,” said an extremely shocked Elizabeth. “This is really out of character for you and it’s starting to worry me.”

                            “Come John,” said Teyla as she tried to pull him away and spare her friends any further embarrassment as their true feelings were put on display before half of the expedition. “Let’s get our post mission visit to the infirmary out of the way while Elizabeth thinks about it.”

                            “We all know how you two feel about each other, Sheppard,” said Ronon in his typical blunt fashion. “Let’s go before things get really awkward.”


                            “And that’s when things got physical,” finished Teyla. “I’ve never seen John, or anyone else, for that matter fight that desperately before. He was bound and determined not to leave before he got Elizabeth’s answer. Ronon had to stun him so we could get him to Carson.”

                            “True love can motivate people to do things they would never have thought possible otherwise,” answered Kate knowingly before changing the subject. “You look like you could use some of my stash of bubble bath. Wait here.”

                            “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” was all Teyla could manage after getting her first smell of lavender. “That smells just divine. How do you use it?”


                            “So did you smell this flower too,” asked Kate after she finished instructing Teyla how to properly indulge in a relaxing bubble bath.

                            “No, I found out when I was young that I’m very allergic to it,” answered Teyla. “I have to avoid it like the Wraith if I want to avoid sneezing like crazy for days.”


                            “Thank you, Kate,” said Teyla as she walked Kate to the door. “You are a good friend.”


                            “Well, I guess there’s still hope,” sighed Kate as she finally slipped into her own relaxing bubble bath.

                            .... are they bathing together?


                              *comes out of lurkdom*

                              Hello everyone!!

                              Yes, the HalfwayCon has brought me back... just for this one post only probably though as my life is still insanely hectic :^/

                              Anyway, the con was fantastic!! Not only because of Joe and Torri, but also because of the four other actors that were there. I don't think I have ever laughed as much at a convention than I have at this one!
                              The convention itself though, organizational-wise, was a nightmare. Some of you have seen some of my complaint tweets during the weekend, but I'll write it all down in my report.
                              Well, talking about my report, I lost my notebook at the con, which holds the notes I've made over the years at cons, which holds fic ideas and fics I started writing, travel notes and some more. I lost it in the auditorium and no one brought it into the lost & found. Of course it also held all the notes I was making at this con, so there will be a lot of holes in my report and I'll barely be able to recall anything that was said on stage. I think I'll need to work with our fav Lemming for that part, because, apparently her memory isn't as frakked up as mine ;^)

                              My main contribution about this con will be photos though. You've already seen some of them, but I have dozens and dozens more :^p
                              Right now a few of them are in my G+album, which should be visible to all HERE.

                              And yes, I have my Sparky sandwich photoshoot photo!!! :^D And also one with Joe, Torri and Paul, where I very kindly asked if Joe and Torri could stand next to each other so I could stand in between Joe and Paul :^p
                              I was kinda bouncing around after triple-photoshoot, because of what FH already told you guys. I was in the line inside the photoshoot room when I saw the whole thing with the proposal and Joe acting if he wanted to beat up the guy. I also kinda wanted to kill the photographer for not taking a photo of that moment! But it is engrained in my memory for ever and ever :^D

                              There's more I still need to say, but like I said, I'll keep it for my report as for now I need to start packing to head back home.
                              Will try to check in again when I get home.

                              Bye for now and *hugs* to all my fellow Sparkies!!!!

                              Sig by me


                                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                                Loving all the pics and reports!! Keep them coming!!!

                                Having shot sports for a newspaper before, I can tell you that's about what a professional photographer would take to be sure he or she had something good enough to print. When I only had to shoot and not also write the game story, I'd have close to 100 pics and that was for just about two hours of work. You were there all day, so you'd have a whole lot more.

                                To keep this on topic, I present the ficlet I promised you.

                                Destiny’s scent

                                Dr. Kate Heightmeyer hated this time of the year with a passion. It was time for her yearly evaluation of the Atlantis Expedition members. Between Rodney and all the scientists whose egos he had mercilessly crushed, she badly needed to do something, anything, to relax.

                                Fortunately for Kate, she had a bottle of lavender scented bubble bath sitting in her quarters. She had always found the scent of lavender extremely relaxing and right now it called to her like a siren’s song. The only thing that caused her to halt her journey towards nirvana was the sight of her good friend Teyla Emmagan looking like she had been put through the wringer.

                                “My God, Teyla what happened to you,” asked an extremely concerned Kate.

                                “John happened,” Teyla responded cryptically while she rubbed her bruised shoulder.

                                “Once more with clarity.”

                                “He had an unusually strong reaction to a flower that is very rare and highly prized in the Pegasus Galaxy,” began Teyla. “Among the Athosians it is known as the Matchmaker Plant and Ronon’s people called it Destiny’s Rose. Anyone who smells its scent will be drawn to their one true love.”

                                “And when you came back from your mission, he made a beeline for Elizabeth,” stated Kate. “No surprise there. It still doesn’t explain why it looks like you went ten rounds with half the Marines on base at the same time.”

                                “Very true, but things got interesting once he found her.”


                                Two hours earlier

                                “See it’s like I told you Teyla, just like on Earth, all of those supposed magic ways to find true love are just a crock,” said Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard after his team came through the gate.

                                “I don’t know, John,” began Teyla. “I have seen many marriages ruined because of that plant and many more tales of unending happiness that began with it.”

                                “So how was your trip to M3X-812,” called Dr. Elizabeth Weir from the bridge connecting her office to stargate operations.

                                “Elizabeth,” was all John managed to say before racing up the stairs and passionately kissing her in front of everyone. “I have been madly in love with you almost since the moment we met. Will you make me the happiest man in two galaxies and marry me?”

                                “Are you sure you’re alright, John,” said an extremely shocked Elizabeth. “This is really out of character for you and it’s starting to worry me.”

                                “Come John,” said Teyla as she tried to pull him away and spare her friends any further embarrassment as their true feelings were put on display before half of the expedition. “Let’s get our post mission visit to the infirmary out of the way while Elizabeth thinks about it.”

                                “We all know how you two feel about each other, Sheppard,” said Ronon in his typical blunt fashion. “Let’s go before things get really awkward.”


                                “And that’s when things got physical,” finished Teyla. “I’ve never seen John, or anyone else, for that matter fight that desperately before. He was bound and determined not to leave before he got Elizabeth’s answer. Ronon had to stun him so we could get him to Carson.”

                                “True love can motivate people to do things they would never have thought possible otherwise,” answered Kate knowingly before changing the subject. “You look like you could use some of my stash of bubble bath. Wait here.”

                                “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” was all Teyla could manage after getting her first smell of lavender. “That smells just divine. How do you use it?”


                                “So did you smell this flower too,” asked Kate after she finished instructing Teyla how to properly indulge in a relaxing bubble bath.

                                “No, I found out when I was young that I’m very allergic to it,” answered Teyla. “I have to avoid it like the Wraith if I want to avoid sneezing like crazy for days.”


                                “Thank you, Kate,” said Teyla as she walked Kate to the door. “You are a good friend.”


                                “Well, I guess there’s still hope,” sighed Kate as she finally slipped into her own relaxing bubble bath.
                                That was adorable. FH is going to squee her brains out.

                                Thanks to Kris for the report and the pics. We have been using them shamelessly. Can't wait for all the details.

                                This con just shows that, after all this time, the chemistry between these two is still there. I really really wish they could do something else together. They just look like they are so delighted to see each other. I wonder if they had time to discuss any political issues.

                                I think today we need this one.


                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

