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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh boy, the Welsh can feel rightly aggrieved at the moment. And for the next four years. I'm sure there will be a gold watch passing hands sometime soon

    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
    of course, how silly of me. i forgot lately that's it's been gutter central here.
    Bro, lately? There was gutter before you and I arrived, and will remain after my departure. I like to contribute, but this is the only way I know how


      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
      lol that's pretty funny.
      Heh heh, thanks Although I just noticed something in that cap....

      Tales from the AU.....

      See this? grabs ass You...Will Never.....Have THIS!!!!

      What actually happened

      See this? grabs ass You wanna piece of this? Come on, touch it. Take a bite if you want


        Gateraid, you are killing me. The picspams are above par and the analysis was quite intriguing.

        On that last one, I blacked out for a moment until I remembered the vid of JF at the last con saying that he would never pose naked and any pics of him naked are photoshopped. He really knows how to make his fangirls sad.

        Anyway, the analysis of The Tower was very interesting. I've always been firmly in the camp of those who think he did not sleep with her, and it's clear by his reaction when she tells him she wants to bear his child. But he would have, if that had not occurred. Which tells me he felt no loyalty at the time to any other woman. The balcony scene can be looked at a number of ways. As a Sparky shipper, I would like to think he spoke without thinking and then realized she had gotten the wrong idea, so he back-pedeled. But it's more likely that he wanted to make it clear to her, as his boss, that he was not sleeping with strange women while on the job. The simplest explanation, but alas, not shippy. It's just that the incredible chemistry between them that seems romantic, even when it isn't, made a lot of viewers go in that direction, even if they're not shippers. Nobody really witnessed the whole thing. Carson came closest, I guess, and even he wasn't around all the time. So we can't really say how Rodney and Teyla reacted. John wouldn't have had to explain anything to Teyla because they had hardly no contact the entire time. For all she would have known, the request by Mara for his "genes" might have come in writing. But he had to make a full report to Elizabeth, so he had to explain. I think the part about getting the girl just slipped out, and he wanted to bite his tongue.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family and College Football Saturday! Good luck to everyone's teams!

          OMG. gateraid, you're a madman! For the love of all that's holy, keep that silliness coming!

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Gateraid, you are killing me. The picspams are above par and the analysis was quite intriguing.

          On that last one, I blacked out for a moment until I remembered the vid of JF at the last con saying that he would never pose naked and any pics of him naked are photoshopped. He really knows how to make his fangirls sad.
          He may claim that he'll never pose naked, but he'll certainly take self portraits that leave very little to the imagination...

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Anyway, the analysis of The Tower was very interesting. I've always been firmly in the camp of those who think he did not sleep with her, and it's clear by his reaction when she tells him she wants to bear his child. But he would have, if that had not occurred. Which tells me he felt no loyalty at the time to any other woman. The balcony scene can be looked at a number of ways. As a Sparky shipper, I would like to think he spoke without thinking and then realized she had gotten the wrong idea, so he back-pedeled. But it's more likely that he wanted to make it clear to her, as his boss, that he was not sleeping with strange women while on the job. The simplest explanation, but alas, not shippy. It's just that the incredible chemistry between them that seems romantic, even when it isn't, made a lot of viewers go in that direction, even if they're not shippers. Nobody really witnessed the whole thing. Carson came closest, I guess, and even he wasn't around all the time. So we can't really say how Rodney and Teyla reacted. John wouldn't have had to explain anything to Teyla because they had hardly no contact the entire time. For all she would have known, the request by Mara for his "genes" might have come in writing. But he had to make a full report to Elizabeth, so he had to explain. I think the part about getting the girl just slipped out, and he wanted to bite his tongue.
          Count me in the 'he never slept with Mara' camp, too. And while it makes my shipper heart bleed, your scenario of him simply trying to explain to his boss that he did not act in an unprofessional manner while off-world is probably the correct canon interpretation of that scene.

          On the other hand, it doesn't totally negate the possibility of deeper feelings on one or both sides being left unspoken due to the regs. Though if there were unspoken feelings, I'm inclined to think they were still in a very nascent stage at this point and didn't fully develop until Seasons 3-4. But that's just me.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Count me in the 'he never slept with Mara' camp, too. And while it makes my shipper heart bleed, your scenario of him simply trying to explain to his boss that he did not act in an unprofessional manner while off-world is probably the correct canon interpretation of that scene.

            On the other hand, it doesn't totally negate the possibility of deeper feelings on one or both sides being left unspoken due to the regs. Though if there were unspoken feelings, I'm inclined to think they were still in a very nascent stage at this point and didn't fully develop until Seasons 3-4. But that's just me.
            I lean towards the didn't sleep with Mara camp as well.

            Just a Sparky twist on what may have been going through their heads after the "Got the girl line."

            Rodney's right he is Kirk.

            Maybe that hug ment what I thought it did. I better explain.

            Now onto other matters, my attempted crack fic is ready. Anyone free to beta it?
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Gateraid, you are too damn funny!!

              I agree that he didn't sleep with Mara but would have if she hadn't mentioned the whole king thing. But then I thought that whole episode was a huge pile of dog doo. When I'm doing a rewatch that last scene is the only one I watch.

              I don't know why I thought this but I thought Elizabeth got pulled from that episode due to Torri training for TLG. *shrug* Honestly, it makes it easier for me when she's not in sucky episodes like The Tower or Irresponsible. That way I can skip the whole episodes. Sorry John, I love ya, I really do.... but Elizabeth is my girl.

              Hmm, what's the commonality between The Tower and Irresponsible? Would it be the writers?


                At the time that episode aired, I was in the 'he slept with her' camp. I was basing it on the fact that it had been a long time between drinks in that department, and he was into it until she metioned the king thing. Without wanting to go into too much detail, as I mentioned above there were ways wants and needs could have been satisfied without requiring a pregnancy test. For that matter, it's not like every time two people have sex it results in a child, but that's not really the issue.

                I think there were two possible reasons for them cutting the "I didn't sleep with her" scene. One, it leaves it unanswered. The other is how it might've looked after it was filmed:

                Your plan was unsuccessful, we didn't consumate the arrangement

                thos: Oh, do you not find her attractive?

                No, it's not that, it's just that.....

                thos: ZOMG!!! You're into dudes!!! So am I!! How about it?? ....there is another in your heart. I understand.

                I've mentioned before that him sleeping with her doesn't preclude the notion of sparky at that stage. It could've even been what made him realise that he was messing up what he could have (sometime in the future) with Elizabeth by messing around with Mara. The softly-softly nature of the balcony scene makes it look like this might be a consideration for him - if he truly didn't think there was anything between them, he would've delivered that information differently.

                But all of that said, the 'cut' scenes make it clear that he didn't sleep with her. I understand why they cut them in this case, but it would've made more sense to leave them in.


                  Totally off the topic of anything, but I just noticed that gateraid has graduated to the rank of Major. You can have your custom avatar!


                  Some wet Elizabeth just for you.



                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    Totally off the topic of anything, but I just noticed that gateraid has graduated to the rank of Major. You can have your custom avatar!


                    Some wet Elizabeth just for you.

                    Oooh, really! Way to go, buddy. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                      Totally off the topic of anything, but I just noticed that gateraid has graduated to the rank of Major. You can have your custom avatar!


                      Some wet Elizabeth just for you.

                      Hot damn! Way to go, gateraid!

                      Team Atlantis gets into the champagne again...

                      :Wow, gateraid has really been fired up with the juicy innuendo lately, hasn't he?

                      : Yes, he has. *looks speculatively at Sheppard*

                      :caldwell:: Of course, he's been talking up that alternate feed, too. What do you think, Doctor Weir?

                      : Erm...

                      : *chugs his champagne to avoid answering*

                      & : No comment.

                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Totally off the topic of anything, but I just noticed that gateraid has graduated to the rank of Major. You can have your custom avatar!


                        Some wet Elizabeth just for you.

                        Thank you You're not far behind me, probably by tomorrow you'll be senior to me. Once upon a time, my post count was higher than Scary Kitty's

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Oooh, really! Way to go, buddy. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
                        I know, I'll photoshop something to make it look like my two favourite actors are romantically involved. Then I'll go on another website and tell everyone what beautiful babies they'd have together. After all, nothing promotes the ship more than slander and innuendo

                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Hot damn! Way to go, gateraid!

                        Team Atlantis gets into the champagne again...

                        :Wow, gateraid has really been fired up with the juicy innuendo lately, hasn't he?

                        : Yes, he has. *looks speculatively at Sheppard*

                        :caldwell:: Of course, he's been talking up that alternate feed, too. What do you think, Doctor Weir?

                        : Erm...

                        : *chugs his champagne to avoid answering*

                        & : No comment.

                        That is such an unfortunate screencap



                        If I weren't so diplomatic, I'd say 'that stinks!!!'

                        :caldwell: All right, which one of you chumps cut that one?

                        Whoa, that is violent

                        My eyes haven't watered this much since I ate that lemon chicken


                        That does not smell like tuttleroot


                          He didn't sign the waiver? Did he say why he didn't want to sign?

                          *sigh* You got me Elizabeth, I lied. In my defence, have you taken a look at Simon recently? You could do a lot better

                          I'll try it, but I don't see what this has to do with you being able to put your foot behind your head

                          Elizabeth, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't touch me there when I'm flying!


                            Whoa, Walter just sat on the desk next to Landry

                            We didn't ask!!! For the love of God, don't tell!!

                            Dear Lord, I have someone else in my head, and we're still not as close as those two are right now

                            You got me a book? How touching

                            No, I wrote it

                            It looks like it took a lot of time

                            Well, you know, Rodney wrote you a 500 page book, I thought I'd do the same

                            John, this is a copy of the Karma Sutra, with copies of our heads pasted onto their bodies

                            And if you look at the index, you'll see there's a few pages dedicated to the "Sheppard Manoeuvre"


                              :carter: Why did you moonwalk into this cell?

                              :todd: Well duh, Colonel, it's because I'm a smooth criminal

                              :keller: Huh. Dr Biro did this to me just the other week

                              I may have had a piece of my skull removed, but nothing is going to stop me taking a quick peek at the merchandise

                              Your quarters, 2100hrs?

                              It's a date

                              I know you only have eyes for each other, but I'm standing right here. I CAN hear you.



                                I don't know 'Lizabeth, four times in one day is a big ask, but I'll do my best


                                HEY!!! I can still hear you!


                                Huh. Even after all that cold water, there's barely any shrinkage at all

