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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    We've been rocking and rolling here, but everyone is okay. Mr. SR is stuck in DC and waiting it out in a frozen yogurt store. The bars are all packed.

    Now that I know what a real earthquake feels like I must admit, I'm not a fan.
    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Glad you are too. It was quite intense here. Stuff fell over and upstairs some small objects fell off shelves and the door in one cabinet came open. Of course, DC was total chaos. They evacuated all the buildings and sent everybody home early. It took Mr. SR 4 hours to get home. But thank God everybody is safe.
    Glad to hear you're okay. I'm not up with all the detes but I heard they thought it might have been a terrorist attack (at least, some of the people being evacuated did). One of our former prime ministers was there, he was trying to reassure people on the street. And get them clear of any walls.

    It's probably not the forum to air this, but some of you guys donating to the relief fund was one of the most touching things I've ever experienced. I know that wasn't for me (perish the thought) but it was so incredible that people on the other side of the world would do that. Kinda faith restoring

    We had a few earthquake jokes go around after the first one in September (kinda similar to Michael Jackson ones after his death) but not after the second one

    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
    Hey, Madness reigns - you came back.

    mandogator - a funny priest? How come I've never had one of those??

    And then it continues...

    So, uh, sir.. uh, you heading back to Earth soon?
    Yup. Can't wait to get back.
    I heard Elizabeth was heading back with you.
    Yeah, she's going to settle everything up with the IOA.
    Will you be.... uh, going with her? Sir.
    Don't worry, Sheppard. I've got my own unresolved ship on my own show.
    Good to know, sir!


      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      Good morning all!!

      That's exactly what my face looked like!

      Ouch! And the traffic had to rival Boston's - probably exceeded it.

      Guys, I really don't feel like going to work today. Anyone want to pretend to be me for the day? You just have to pretend to type something every once in awhile, and make a sarcastic remark every now and then. It's not too hard.

      On topic.... there's another way in which I am nothing like Elizabeth. JT & workaholic in the same sentence

      Oh yeah, I wanted to encourage everyone to read FH's 2 new fic. They're awesome! John and Elizabeth are in both. One of them is a scene Torri really wanted.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I don't know what all the complaining has been about. Conan was great. What are people expecting? It's an action movie about a barbarian. There is blood and gore, lots of it. Lots of fight scenes and it doesn't look like anyone has bathed in their lifetime. We loved it. The acting was adequate for the genre. Jason did a great job. I think the mistake they made is making it R rated. PG-13 would have given them a wider audience.

      Oh my, yes they were. And the rest of his 1000 parts. There's this one shot of his bare...never mind. I am here to tell you, Jason Momoa is one pretty man.
      See, when I read that, I thought why didn't they put sex (not hardcore) in it??. To me, an R rating means it is going to be fairly full on. While I don't think it would've added anything to the movie (ie it'd be completely gratuitous and pointless), you can be sure it would've increased its ratings. From what you've described, it seems to be fairly gratuitous anyway - in for a penny, in for a pound and all that. While I haven't seen it, I tend to agree that slightly less violence and a PG rating would've given them more exposure *shrugs*

      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      Hey, Madness reigns - you came back.

      mandogator - a funny priest? How come I've never had one of those??

      And then it continues...

      So, uh, sir.. uh, you heading back to Earth soon?
      Yup. Can't wait to get back.
      I heard Elizabeth was heading back with you.
      Yeah, she's going to settle everything up with the IOA.
      Will you be.... uh, going with her? Sir.
      Don't worry, Sheppard. I've got my own unresolved ship on my own show.
      Good to know, sir!
      Took me a while, but I figured out O'Neill's next line:

      Yeah, I just trying to figure out some way where it doesn't end with me getting killed, or just dying of old age and loneliness

      Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
      I thought I was the only one bothered by the theme song! LOL The first time I heard it I thought there was something wrong with the dvd!

      Lots of good dramatic moments. I didn't think of Sumner's death, but on top of being dramatic it would also have been very shocking if you didn't know he was only in those first 2 episodes.
      That was one of mine. It was shocking to me at the time - whoa! he died! - but I guess it wouldn't bother me now. I was kicking myself for forgetting the scene where Atlantis rises from the ocean in the pilot. Stupid Gateraid.


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

        Squee! We always like Sparkyrific piccies!

        4 hours?! How long is the commute under normal circumstances?

        Roughly 35 minutes. He takes the Metro, and the problem yesterday was that so many people were trying to get home all at once and because they were inspecting the tracks for cracks, they only ran the trains at 15MPH. Usually, the release times for federal workers are staggered all throughout the afternoon. We're talking about a million people moving through the area, so yeah, it was a mess. Oh, and I have to add that this time of year, we have tons of tourists here also who already clog the Metro, and in addition anyone who parks in the indoor and/or underground parking garages was not allowed back in to get their car, so all those folks had to find an alternate way home.

        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        Oh, I think I'm fine now, judging by the Weather Channel. I live south of Tampa, on the Gulf side, so I might get some wind and rain, but that's all.

        Not yet, because internet isn't working at school and I've been on and off. But I will try to. Soon.

        Just sent you a Tweet cause I couldn't get on here. Glad you're okay!

        Glad you're okay too, LadyMore!!!

        Will keep everybody on Eastern Seaboard in my thoughts -- looks like Hurricane Irene is headed right for you.

        Better go to sleep, gotta be up at 5:30am.

        On the hurricane news, we expect lots of rain on the weekend but little wind. Hopefully, it will move to the east.

        Originally posted by gateraid View Post

        See, when I read that, I thought why didn't they put sex (not hardcore) in it??. To me, an R rating means it is going to be fairly full on. While I don't think it would've added anything to the movie (ie it'd be completely gratuitous and pointless), you can be sure it would've increased its ratings. From what you've described, it seems to be fairly gratuitous anyway - in for a penny, in for a pound and all that. While I haven't seen it, I tend to agree that slightly less violence and a PG rating would've given them more exposure *shrugs*
        Oh, there was sex. Actually the sex scene was quite lovely and very well done and we got to see lots and lots of Jason. Oh, and early in the movie, lots of bare bosoms for the guys. LOL
        Last edited by Southern Red; 24 August 2011, 03:56 AM. Reason: Left out stuff.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          This post has all the details.

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Took me a while, but I figured out O'Neill's next line:

          Yeah, I just trying to figure out some way where it doesn't end with me getting killed, or just dying of old age and loneliness
          LMAO!!!! Yeah, that about sums it up.

          Latest hurricane news for Rhode Island - it's supposed to get here on Monday, but only be a Category 1 by then. So it shouldn't be a big deal. Knock on wood.


            Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
            I thought I was the only one bothered by the theme song! LOL The first time I heard it I thought there was something wrong with the dvd!
            Same here... thought something was wrong with the download. And recently when I watched the set of DVD's I finally bought I was still cringing.

            Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
            Has anyone seen Jason in Game of Thrones? From everything I've read, fans and critics like his performance.
            I have and he's really awesome. He is Khal Drogo.


            We have thunderstorms coming, and the inevitable flooding... the irony though, last week a local music festival suffered the consequences of a brutal thunderstorm force no one could have predicted (5 people died, two tents and a stage collapsed under the pressure of the storm, healthy trees snapped like twigs and hail the size of tennisballs). And they are planning a tribute tomorrow at the city where it took place, at the exact same time as all hell broke loose last week (6:15pm) - the weather will be the same as well. Pitch black sky as if it's night, thunder and lightning going straight for the ground, hail and rain... and too much water as a whole.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
              Took me a while, but I figured out O'Neill's next line:

              Yeah, I just trying to figure out some way where it doesn't end with me getting killed, or just dying of old age and loneliness
              Poor, poor Jack.

              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
              That was one of mine. It was shocking to me at the time - whoa! he died! - but I guess it wouldn't bother me now. I was kicking myself for forgetting the scene where Atlantis rises from the ocean in the pilot. Stupid Gateraid.
              Still one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. I was one of the people who picked it; who else did?

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Roughly 35 minutes. He takes the Metro, and the problem yesterday was that so many people were trying to get home all at once and because they were inspecting the tracks for cracks, they only ran the trains at 15MPH. Usually, the release times for federal workers are staggered all throughout the afternoon. We're talking about a million people moving through the area, so yeah, it was a mess. Oh, and I have to add that this time of year, we have tons of tourists here also who already clog the Metro, and in addition anyone who parks in the indoor and/or underground parking garages was not allowed back in to get their car, so all those folks had to find an alternate way home.

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Oh, there was sex. Actually the sex scene was quite lovely and very well done and we got to see lots and lots of Jason. Oh, and early in the movie, lots of bare bosoms for the guys. LOL
              Ah, so something for everyone, then? That sounds fair, LOL!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Instead of screwing the angst, I bring a fic rec of cold hard angst in all its vicious glory:

                I thought you'd come for me, by failegaidin. A short but bitter little ficlet from Elizabeth's POV, post-Lifeline.

                I seem to be developing a fondness for pissed-off-and-bitter!Lizzeh fics. And an accompanying desire to take it out on John. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'hurt and comfort.'
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Saw that on the SGA_newsletter which I'm finding rather one-sided but that's SGA fandom-life, I guess, and wondered if I should post it here as a link. But of course, someone more Sparky-like beats me to it, obviously.

                  Good day too to be writing angsty scenes - muse was on a roll last night but 3am in the morning isn't exactly what I would call a very good hour to get a creative boost, especially when one has to get up 4 hours later for work.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Hey, I know I'm supposed to be thinking of my Sparky angsty moments... but today's not good, I have an ill 8 year old to look after, a banging headache I thought had gone away (I won't admit to it being possibly alcohol related ) and a (insert profanity here) load of washing up to do after cooking a 3 course meal for a friend, but....

                    I did take a little time out to do this, some of my favourite Sparky momnents squeezed into one handy little package

                    Last edited by Madness reigns; 26 August 2011, 06:54 AM.
                    Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                      Sweet!!! :d

                      You give me plenty of ideas for a challenge over on LJ I'm supposed to do by the middle of next week - except I'm not entirely sure I have 80 pictures of Kate & Teyla I can use... that could potentially be severally problematic.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Very nice, Madness reigns! Love the coloring!!

                        Hope everyone there starts to feel better soon.

                        SK - I'm sure you have, but just in case. You ever read hihoplastic's in the city and the forest? Lots of pissed off Lizzie in that one.


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Instead of screwing the angst, I bring a fic rec of cold hard angst in all its vicious glory:

                          I thought you'd come for me, by failegaidin. A short but bitter little ficlet from Elizabeth's POV, post-Lifeline.

                          I seem to be developing a fondness for pissed-off-and-bitter!Lizzeh fics. And an accompanying desire to take it out on John. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'hurt and comfort.'
                          I read that and left her a comment. I never thought a fic would make me want to slap John, but that one does.

                          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                          Hey, I know I'm supposed to be thinking of my Sparky angsty moments... but today's not good, I have an ill 8 year old to look after, a banging headache I thought had gone away (I won't admit to it being possibly alcohol related ) and a (insert profanity here) load of washing up to do after cooking a 3 course meal for a friend, but....

                          I did take a little time out to do this, some of my favourite Sparky momnents squeezed into one handy little package

                          That is simply marvelous. I'm stealing it for a screensaver.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                            Hey, I know I'm supposed to be thinking of my Sparky angsty moments... but today's not good, I have an ill 8 year old to look after, a banging headache I thought had gone away (I won't admit to it being possibly alcohol related ) and a (insert profanity here) load of washing up to do after cooking a 3 course meal for a friend, but....

                            I did take a little time out to do this, some of my favourite Sparky momnents squeezed into one handy little package

                            Madness Reigns great job! I forgot to introduce myself I'm TLM, probably the one with the wildest ideas and according to JT resident Kolya expert Welcome!
                            The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I read that and left her a comment. I never thought a fic would make me want to slap John, but that one does.
                              Yeah, that fic was painful. It was brilliant, but wow. Just... yeah.

                              Stupid PTB! They made John so OOC by making him forget her. Of course, Joe kept making the faces no matter what.


                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                Yeah, that fic was painful. It was brilliant, but wow. Just... yeah.

                                Stupid PTB! They made John so OOC by making him forget her. Of course, Joe kept making the faces no matter what.
                                Yeah, bless you Joe.

                                And a funny tidbit from the ChiCon. Joe thinks "fanfic" is just slash and fan fiction is other than slash. So, if anyone talks to him about SGARising, we have to be sure and call it "fan fiction." LOL I also love the way he and David said they don't own the characters so it's okay to write all the fic/fiction we want. Yay. Thanks guys. We're on it.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

