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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Because even the writers were unaware that they were writing Sparky. LOL And I hadn't made the connection before, but the unkempt Mike beard was a lot like the unkempt Shep beard, wasn't it? If they had wanted someone who was not a John type, why wasn't Mike short and blonde with blue eyes, or maybe built like a football player with lots of muscles and very very neat hair. But instead, they gave us Johnlite. Gero was a subconscious Sparky. He just refused to admit it.
    I'm a pretty observant person, when it comes to that. And yeah he is secret Sparky shippers from season 1 on. Hell even Common Ground screams Sparky. He is just upset that his Sheyla path went downhill (not that I am dissing them Sparky seemed more likely)
    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


      Hey guys! *waves*

      We now have our second piece of SGA Rising fan art!

      Here's the link. Trust.

      Opinions? Thoughts? Stamp of approval?
      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
        Ahhh - the stinky sock days. "Season 4 Stinks Like My Sock" rings a bell with me. LOL
        Having read a good deal of the anti 4 and 5 threads, IMO they're the most fun threads from the whole site. But perhaps that's because of my sarcastic nature. The funniest thread I've read, though, is this one. Kirking the Universe. It's got all kinds of hysterical picture stories. Starting on page 6 they start some stuff with Elizabeth too. Frakking hysterical! If nothing else, check out this one.

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Because even the writers were unaware that they were writing Sparky. LOL And I hadn't made the connection before, but the unkempt Mike beard was a lot like the unkempt Shep beard, wasn't it? If they had wanted someone who was not a John type, why wasn't Mike short and blonde with blue eyes, or maybe built like a football player with lots of muscles and very very neat hair. But instead, they gave us Johnlite. Gero was a subconscious Sparky. He just refused to admit it.
        Whoa, whoa, whoa. I agree with what you're saying, but I must point out that John is WAY hotter than Mike.



        Slimeball Mike:

        And Lizzie agrees with me:

        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
        Hey guys! *waves*

        We now have our second piece of SGA Rising fan art!

        Here's the link. Trust.

        Opinions? Thoughts? Stamp of approval?
        Wow, that's so good!!


          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          Whoa, whoa, whoa. I agree with what you're saying, but I must point out that John is WAY hotter than Mike.



          Slimeball Mike:

          And Lizzie agrees with me:
          We know sweetie we don't need proof.
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            I was never a part of the anti threads because despite sharing many complaints, I still liked those seasons.

            As far as Mike goes: honestly that character makes me laugh. His appearance in the show just seemed so random and so brief that it comes across as more hilarious than anything else. I mostly remember him as that bearded buy who wandered into Weir's office, babbled on about "When Harry Met Sally" for a couple minutes then vanished.

            I think what stands out is that his appearance was so jarring to me on many levels. First was his completely out of the blue arrival. He started talking to Weir as if he knew her, and I was like "The hell are you? We never seen you before!" For a moment there I actually thought that would have been her reaction as well. How long had he worked there? Did they know each other before? How did he remain so hidden all this time? Why did he walk into the scene as if he was an important character?

            Secondly, his very appearance seemed almost out of place. Maybe I'm just looking at this the wrong way but his very physical appearance seemed almost tailored specifically to be a female's love interest, as if the episode long romance subplot with Elizabeth was the only reason he ever existed in the first place or the character only appeared in Atlantis so suddenly because he got lost on his way to a romantic comedy or something.

            I read a post that said that the reason John didn't get jealous of Mike was that because he only ever thought of Elizabeth as a friend.

            But I don't even remember if he even knew about Mike, he was gone so fast. I almost would expect him to walk up to Elizabeth afterward and be saying -

            "Elizabeth, who was that?"

            "I was not quite sure. I'd never seen him before in my life."
            Last edited by Infinite-Possibilities; 03 July 2011, 09:14 PM.
            "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

            *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

            "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Who can understand what TPTW think about things? At least we can say that we think with logic.

              LOL! That's true, isn't it? Sparky could fill whole libraries.

              I wasn't here when the whole stinky socks thing came about, but it's one of those insider things with the anti S4-5 crowd. Falcon Horus can tell you more.
              At one time, I had a higher post count than you, General

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Joe's birthday is Jan 5, 1967, so there's a bigger age difference than I thought. Torris is younger, in case anyone missed it. LOL

              Don't even get me started on the women's hair. At least at times, Carter tried to tame it but those whispy parts hanging in her face would not be happening. I remember when SR Jr. was in the Air Force military high school. He had a friend with long curly hair. She had to smooth it down and pin it up above her collar. When she took the pins out, he said her hair just exploded. LOL And as a Marine, Cadman would have been under even stricter rules. We'll give them literary license on that one one though. No need to get nitpicky. I'm learning to be sensitive to that since getting involved with SGARising.
              The hair amused/mildly irked me, although I guess one can throw realism out the window when a Stargate is the premise. What about the uniform? Carter was out of uniform for the whole season - she should've been in BDU's like Shep. Hey, if they were gonna have her out of uniform, they should've gone the whole hog and not had her wearing anything at all. What? I have eyes

              Re nitpicky, I haven't been on there today, but from what I've read, that's not particularly nitpicky. To me, that illustrates the perception arguement. There's been no criticism of the premise and overall outline that I've encountered. Some stuff about the wraith, but that's bourne out of frustration of what was seen on the show, rather than what's appeared since. IMO of course.

              Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
              Ahhh - the stinky sock days. "Season 4 Stinks Like My Sock" rings a bell with me. LOL
              Never before have so many been modded by so few

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              I remember that too. I was a member of the anti-S4 thread but I left in S5 once I realized I had been wrong about oh so many things of a shippy nature.

              I just finished editing Trust, chapter 3. The interpersonal moments between characters is at its best in this one I think. There's a moment between
              John and Jinto
              that's just heartbreaking. Plus a couple of little
              shippy bits that are amusing and cute.
              OMG, I just realized how that sounds.
              The shippy part has nothing to do with the John/Jinto part. OMG.


              Forget Jinto. I don't even care for Ronon that much, but even I wanted to hug him at one stage. Fortunately, Teyla-lite came along And Teyla, oh, Teyla, I hope it works out for you Because it could turn to **** pretty easily

              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday!

              For those without a calculator handy, that means Joe is about two years and eleven months older than Torri. So if we were to go by actors' ages determining characters' ages, does that mean that Sheppard would be robbing the cradle in dating Weir? LOL!

              And then there's Sheppard's hair. No way would the Air Force allow those unruly spikes and cowlicks to go untamed. But then we wouldn't have The Hair, and that would just go against the laws of nature.

              So, no petty nitpicking.
              Nah, no cradle robbing. The rule is half your age, plus seven (as the absolute minimum age). He's well within that.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Stinky socks - not dirty...

              Anti's rule!
              Anti's rock!
              Anyone else can eat my sock!

              Those were the days... *remembers them fondly*

              There's a Stinky Sock thread in OT -> The Stinky Sock Association (SSA)

              Plenty of stinky sock movement in the Anti-season 4 thread in the general SGA area.

              And, there are also the plenty manips and anti-images to share - I still have a few up in my bucket-account. For anyone wanting to reminisce on the old days - have fun!:

              Funky Stuff - everything up to the Lemming-ized Atlantis images was inspired by most of the things talked about in the Anti-season 4 or 5 thread.
              Anti - also inspired by much of what was going on in the anti-threads
              Cartoons - though only ever had one entry
              Manips - again inspired by SGA events and GW discussions
              Falcon Horus Productions - the things one can do with official photo's that look horribly photoshopped

              He and I, and Paul McGillion celebrate our b'days that day.

              I like AT with long hair, much like she's wearing it now for the character of Helen Magnus.

              Oh those days...
              (((huggles the lemming)))

              I agree about AT's longer hair. I don't know how she's managed it, but she has improved with age. A lot. Does she dial 666 to reach her agent?

              Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
              Actually there's a loophole to the beard rule.....John Sheppard.Oh yeah speaking of which why wouldnt sparky work of the guy she is attracted to looks like Joe in Ephiany?
              *snort* It's their backwards logic I guess

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              Because even the writers were unaware that they were writing Sparky. LOL And I hadn't made the connection before, but the unkempt Mike beard was a lot like the unkempt Shep beard, wasn't it? If they had wanted someone who was not a John type, why wasn't Mike short and blonde with blue eyes, or maybe built like a football player with lots of muscles and very very neat hair. But instead, they gave us Johnlite. Gero was a subconscious Sparky. He just refused to admit it.
              Oooh, new ship. Branton and Banks - Shep lite and Teyla lite for the win!!!

              Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
              I was never a part of the anti threads because despite sharing many complaints, I still liked those seasons.

              As far as Mike goes: honestly that character makes me laugh. His appearance in the show just seemed so random and so brief that it comes across as more hilarious than anything else. I mostly remember him as that bearded buy who wandered into Weir's office, babbled on about "When Harry Met Sally" for a couple minutes then vanished.

              I think what stands out is that his appearance was so jarring to me on many levels. First was his completely out of the blue arrival. He started talking to Weir as if he knew her, and I was like "The hell are you? We never seen you before!" For a moment there I actually thought that would have been her reaction as well. How long had he worked there? Did they know each other before? How did he remain so hidden all this time? Why did he walk into the scene as if he was an important character?

              Secondly, his very appearance seemed almost out of place. Maybe I'm just looking at this the wrong way but his very physical appearance seemed almost tailored specifically to be a female's love interest, as if the episode long romance subplot with Elizabeth was the only reason he ever existed in the first place or the character only appeared in Atlantis so suddenly because he got lost on his way to a romantic comedy or something.

              I read a post that said that the reason John didn't get jealous of Mike was that because he only ever thought of Elizabeth as a friend.

              But I don't even remember if he even knew about Mike, he was gone so fast. I almost would expect him to walk up to Elizabeth afterward and be saying -

              "Elizabeth, who was that?"

              "I was not quite sure. I'd never seen him before in my life."
              Yeah, it wouldn't have been so jarring if he'd been in more than one ep. But unfortunately, continuity wasn't a strong point on the show. Shep did actually see Branton, but he didn't disturb them in the mess hall. Damn him.
              Last edited by gateraid; 04 July 2011, 01:54 AM.


                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                Hey guys! *waves*

                We now have our second piece of SGA Rising fan art!

                Here's the link. Trust.

                Opinions? Thoughts? Stamp of approval?
                I feel safe in speaking for everyone at SGARising and will give this a huge stamp of approval. You can email it to the SGARising email address and ask Kris to add it to the art. Beautifully done. The look on Teyla's face is perfect.

                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                Having read a good deal of the anti 4 and 5 threads, IMO they're the most fun threads from the whole site. But perhaps that's because of my sarcastic nature. The funniest thread I've read, though, is this one. Kirking the Universe. It's got all kinds of hysterical picture stories. Starting on page 6 they start some stuff with Elizabeth too. Frakking hysterical! If nothing else, check out this one.

                Whoa, whoa, whoa. I agree with what you're saying, but I must point out that John is WAY hotter than Mike.

                Wow, that's so good!!
                Oh don't think for a moment that I was implying that Mikey was in the least way attractive. He's John without any of the charm or good looks. In fact I think he's the writers view of John. They obviously didn't watch their own show.

                Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                I was never a part of the anti threads because despite sharing many complaints, I still liked those seasons.

                As far as Mike goes: honestly that character makes me laugh. His appearance in the show just seemed so random and so brief that it comes across as more hilarious than anything else. I mostly remember him as that bearded buy who wandered into Weir's office, babbled on about "When Harry Met Sally" for a couple minutes then vanished.

                I think what stands out is that his appearance was so jarring to me on many levels. First was his completely out of the blue arrival. He started talking to Weir as if he knew her, and I was like "The hell are you? We never seen you before!" For a moment there I actually thought that would have been her reaction as well. How long had he worked there? Did they know each other before? How did he remain so hidden all this time? Why did he walk into the scene as if he was an important character?

                Secondly, his very appearance seemed almost out of place. Maybe I'm just looking at this the wrong way but his very physical appearance seemed almost tailored specifically to be a female's love interest, as if the episode long romance subplot with Elizabeth was the only reason he ever existed in the first place or the character only appeared in Atlantis so suddenly because he got lost on his way to a romantic comedy or something.

                I read a post that said that the reason John didn't get jealous of Mike was that because he only ever thought of Elizabeth as a friend.

                But I don't even remember if he even knew about Mike, he was gone so fast. I almost would expect him to walk up to Elizabeth afterward and be saying -

                "Elizabeth, who was that?"

                "I was not quite sure. I'd never seen him before in my life."
                Very good points on Mike. He was forgotten as soon as Sunday was over. Maybe even before. I don't think John would have gotten jealous of Mike even if he saw them kissing. Well maybe then. I just don't think he could have taken the little twerp seriously.

                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                At one time, I had a higher post count than you, General

                The hair amused/mildly irked me, although I guess one can throw realism out the window when a Stargate is the premise. What about the uniform? Carter was out of uniform for the whole season - she should've been in BDU's like Shep. Hey, if they were gonna have her out of uniform, they should've gone the whole hog and not had her wearing anything at all. What? I have eyes
                The whole military thing had to be handwaved. But that's what you do with TV shows or you go crazy. I have trouble watching shows set in a school because they invariably have the students in the room before the teacher, and a whole bunch of other stuff that would get you fired. I'm sure it's like that with every profession.

                Re nitpicky, I haven't been on there today, but from what I've read, that's not particularly nitpicky. To me, that illustrates the perception arguement. There's been no criticism of the premise and overall outline that I've encountered. Some stuff about the wraith, but that's bourne out of frustration of what was seen on the show, rather than what's appeared since. IMO of course.
                Really? Telling us we contradict canon after all our meticulous hard work isn't being picky? Can you think of a way we can get across to that person that it's just opinion? The fact that it's fanfic seems to have escaped him. Oh wait, you said you hadn't been on there lately? Go now.

                Yeah, it wouldn't have been so jarring if he'd been in more than one ep. But unfortunately, continuity wasn't a strong point on the show. Shep did actually see Branton, but he didn't disturb them in the mess hall. Damn him.
                If John noticed them, I'm sure he didn't think anything of it. She probably had lunch with various people all the time. I wonder, though, why Carson made such a big deal of her date. Did he maybe think for a moment it might be John? He was awfully happy.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  I feel safe in speaking for everyone at SGARising and will give this a huge stamp of approval. You can email it to the SGARising email address and ask Kris to add it to the art. Beautifully done. The look on Teyla's face is perfect.

                  Oh don't think for a moment that I was implying that Mikey was in the least way attractive. He's John without any of the charm or good looks. In fact I think he's the writers view of John. They obviously didn't watch their own show.

                  Very good points on Mike. He was forgotten as soon as Sunday was over. Maybe even before. I don't think John would have gotten jealous of Mike even if he saw them kissing. Well maybe then. I just don't think he could have taken the little twerp seriously.

                  The whole military thing had to be handwaved. But that's what you do with TV shows or you go crazy. I have trouble watching shows set in a school because they invariably have the students in the room before the teacher, and a whole bunch of other stuff that would get you fired. I'm sure it's like that with every profession.

                  Really? Telling us we contradict canon after all our meticulous hard work isn't being picky? Can you think of a way we can get across to that person that it's just opinion? The fact that it's fanfic seems to have escaped him. Oh wait, you said you hadn't been on there lately? Go now.

                  If John noticed them, I'm sure he didn't think anything of it. She probably had lunch with various people all the time. I wonder, though, why Carson made such a big deal of her date. Did he maybe think for a moment it might be John? He was awfully happy.
                  Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                  Hey guys! *waves*

                  We now have our second piece of SGA Rising fan art!

                  Here's the link. Trust.

                  Opinions? Thoughts? Stamp of approval?
                  Oooo, that's AWESOME! I'm so excited one of my scenes inspired that!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  I remember that too. I was a member of the anti-S4 thread but I left in S5 once I realized I had been wrong about oh so many things of a shippy nature.

                  I just finished editing Trust, chapter 3. The interpersonal moments between characters is at its best in this one I think. There's a moment between
                  John and Jinto
                  that's just heartbreaking. Plus a couple of little
                  shippy bits that are amusing and cute.
                  OMG, I just realized how that sounds.
                  The shippy part has nothing to do with the John/Jinto part. OMG.
                  *LOLOL* Jinto does need a hug, though.

                  Trust 4 & 5 are almost done--a few paragraphs left in 5, and then it's off to the Betas. I'm talking super RAW cut, but I'm tired of looking at it.

                  And BTW, we'll hear about length again. Basically 4 & 5 could both be ending chapters, but you kinda can't tell one side of the story without the other. So I'm handwaving criticisms on being exactly like episodes and hope people just enjoy the action.

                  My next one won't be so long. I SWEAR IT!
                  Last edited by Eri13; 04 July 2011, 07:08 AM.
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I feel safe in speaking for everyone at SGARising and will give this a huge stamp of approval. You can email it to the SGARising email address and ask Kris to add it to the art. Beautifully done. The look on Teyla's face is perfect.

                    Oh don't think for a moment that I was implying that Mikey was in the least way attractive. He's John without any of the charm or good looks. In fact I think he's the writers view of John. They obviously didn't watch their own show.

                    Very good points on Mike. He was forgotten as soon as Sunday was over. Maybe even before. I don't think John would have gotten jealous of Mike even if he saw them kissing. Well maybe then. I just don't think he could have taken the little twerp seriously.

                    The whole military thing had to be handwaved. But that's what you do with TV shows or you go crazy. I have trouble watching shows set in a school because they invariably have the students in the room before the teacher, and a whole bunch of other stuff that would get you fired. I'm sure it's like that with every profession.
                    Or farming shows where every week they are shearing/drenching/mustering, which is a both a sign of complete ineptitude and a sure fire way to go bankrupt. Not to mention the rampant imaginary stock rustling, and spending thousands of dollars on one animal instead of fifty cents for a bullet.

                    Really? Telling us we contradict canon after all our meticulous hard work isn't being picky? Can you think of a way we can get across to that person that it's just opinion? The fact that it's fanfic seems to have escaped him. Oh wait, you said you hadn't been on there lately? Go now.
                    Will go after this. Some of the earlier stuff was a bit silly (IMO) re the wraith eg protecting the ships. I mean, we'd have to contradict the show to do what that person was hoping. And really, if the wraith hadn't learned to do that after ten thousand years of invisible ships, then they're a but silly too

                    If John noticed them, I'm sure he didn't think anything of it. She probably had lunch with various people all the time. I wonder, though, why Carson made such a big deal of her date. Did he maybe think for a moment it might be John? He was awfully happy.
                    So happy he could explode I'd like to think he thought it was Sheppard. I guess we'll never know


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Oooo, that's AWESOME! I'm so excited one of my scenes inspired that!

                      *LOLOL* Jinto does need a hug, though.

                      Trust 4 & 5 are almost done--a few paragraphs left in 5, and then it's off to the Betas. I'm talking super RAW cut, but I'm tired of looking at it.

                      And BTW, we'll hear about length again. Basically 4 & 5 could both be ending chapters, but you kinda can't tell one side of the story without the other. So I'm handwaving criticisms on being exactly like episodes and hope people just enjoy the action.

                      My next one won't be so long. :rodney: I SWEAR IT!
                      In this mother's opinion, Jinto is more in need of a timeout.

                      *grabby hands* I'm trying to be patient.

                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      Or farming shows where every week they are shearing/drenching/mustering, which is a both a sign of complete ineptitude and a sure fire way to go bankrupt. Not to mention the rampant imaginary stock rustling, and spending thousands of dollars on one animal instead of fifty cents for a bullet.
                      I grew up on a farm, so I get you. Farming can be messy. Some day I'll tell you about hog killing time. *shudders*

                      Will go after this. Some of the earlier stuff was a bit silly (IMO) re the wraith eg protecting the ships. I mean, we'd have to contradict the show to do what that person was hoping. And really, if the wraith hadn't learned to do that after ten thousand years of invisible ships, then they're a but silly too

                      So happy he could explode I'd like to think he thought it was Sheppard. I guess we'll never know
                      See, that's the whole thing. Anything you write that's different from what was actually written would technically violate canon, but at some point you have to come up with something new. And if someone wants to write a Wraith-centered fic, that's fine. Just don't tell me I shouldn't make them the bad guys or the 'Lanteans the good guys. WTF? How does that not make sense?

                      Plus, some of the recent criticism can be settled with a more careful reading of the fics.

                      I think we have to just reply politely when we feel it's necessary and move on. We can't let a bit of criticism change how we write.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.



                        Quick post just to say "Happy July 4 to my favorite american"!!!!!!!

                        And for the "strangers" (The rest of the world) here, hello to you!!!!!
                        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                          Originally posted by Probie View Post

                          Quick post just to say "Happy July 4 to my favorite american"!!!!!!!

                          And for the "strangers" (The rest of the world) here, hello to you!!!!!
                          All the Americans here thank you. *goes back to reading "Trust"*

                          That Mayel is just full of surprises.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Good afternoon, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday and to my fellow Americans, Happy Independence Day!

                            And how am I celebrating? I'm watching the Firefly marathon on the Science Channel.

                            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                            Nah, no cradle robbing. The rule is half your age, plus seven (as the absolute minimum age). He's well within that.
                            I wish others would remember that when they claim that Elizabeth is too old for John. *eye twitch*

                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            In this mother's opinion, Jinto is more in need of a timeout.
                            I'd say he needs to be grounded, but maybe that's just me.
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              Nah, no cradle robbing. The rule is half your age, plus seven (as the absolute minimum age). He's well within that.
                              so since i'm going to be 22 this year (yeah i know i'm a youngster) the youngest i could date somebody would be what? 18?


                                Thought I should let you know in advance (4 days seems like a good few days) that I won't be around from the 9th until the 24th of July. I'll be hiking the Hadrian's Wall trail in the north of England.

                                So, I won't be available for any beta-work, or questions concerning SG1/SGA, and whatever else I do as a Lemming.

                                Just so you know...
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

