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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    I am FORCING myself to take a real life break. Work sucks. =\

    Thanks for all the nice compliments. Wait until Act III. It's a long, long, long doozy.

    On the comment/questions:

    Yeah, Ronon and Zelenka was one of those that just 'intruded'. Suddenly they were there and they wanted to be put together. *LOL* Honestly, though, that scene was one of the most canon in my mind--I saw it from start to finish and how they'd film it, from Radek and his messy hair studying that purple disk, his expression serious, and Ronon standing, that half interested, half bored expression on his face, his muscles bulging as he leaned up on the lab table and his finger reaching out to poke the rubber. It came together so easily, as did the dialogue.



    1) Well, how far they get will be up to SR, actually *pokes SR*. In RTP, they won't have gotten very far--they're in the 'getting to know you' stage.

    In Trust, I'm not going to have them go so far as even hinting at a relationship yet. There will be a few scenes where they're close, and other people are sniffing around to the idea that they like each other (Teyla actually sort of uses that to her advantage in one scene). But in my mind this is 'slow and steady'. I might give them a balcony scene, and yet I'm torn, too, between trying to thrust Mayel too much into the spotlight and take time away from our true Atlantis crew. Right now she's still on the fringes of the activity, having scenes where they're appropriate.

    2) I'm waiting on Kitty's description of the Athosian Camp/hideout before I go further into details about it and what I do about the leadership in Trust. As far as right now is concerned, the only thing I have Jinto doing is leading the few Athosians who remain. And there is a scene in a tent, but I haven't really described out of tent yet--it could be a shelter next to caves.

    When I finish all of RTP II, I'll have better answers as to what I'm going to give the Athosians who are recovered at the end of Trust, who will be leader and how Kanaan will fit into that picture.

    3) As far as I'm concerned, Kanaan will always refer to Ronon as "Ronon" and will never refer to John as "John". Considering it took Teyla forever to call John by his first name on a regular basis, I don't see Kanaan, who isn't as close to him and seems even more respectful than she, doing it anytime soon. To me, Kanaan will always called John "Colonel Sheppard". Plus, we never saw them interact in a super friendly way, and even John's friends don't really call him John--most call him Sheppard if they're being informal. I think Elizabeth actually did it the most. So I think Kanaan sticks to Colonel Sheppard most of the time, perhaps Sheppard in times of trouble.

    4) Personally I think the Athosians would be extremely wary of the Lanteans. I don't think they trust them, and after all the stuff that's rained down on their heads, I don't think they want anything from them--especially considering they've now sort of cut Teyla off from them in defiance of the whole Atlantis connection. In Trust, I have a scene where Jinto essentially says that he understands why they were targeted and he doesn't blame Atlantis completely, but his people won't give them a free pass, either. Not a lot of 'trust' basically, between them.

    I think perhaps they get involved in the Coalition and want their own voice, separate from the Lanteans, too, so they refuse help unless it's absolutely needed.
    Okay, that's what I was waiting for. It looks like

    I may have accidentally stumbled upon the right tone to take with the Mayel situation in TBaF. I have Rodney commenting to Teyla about John dating her but he's not really sure they are in a relationship. Teyla doesn't gossip and tells him to ask John if he's so curious, but knowing what would come of that, Rodney decides to ask Ronon instead. LOL Then there is a bit when John is tied up by Sue that he thinks he sees Mayel and he has a few thoughts about how nice it is to be with her. Meanwhile Mayel is bugging Woolsey to hurry up and send rescue but she thinks she's being subtle. Aaaaaand the last scene is a cute infirmary scene with John and Mayel that is light and teasy. So there you have where it will stand after ep 4.

    I will make sure you get TBaF after it's beta'd.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      DATE OT
      so i got a dinner date tonight with the same girl i went to that concert with a couple of weeks ago and tonight i think im going to ask her to be my girlfriend. so i'm hoping everything will go well.
      so wish me good luck and all that.


        Good evenin, everybody!

        SGARising site is at 91 guests, but it has 8,613 hits ... Almost to 10,000!!!

        I started writing a chapter for a fanfic which has been left on the figurative shelf collecting dust since January, and I need to ask:
        it's for my story, "On The Other Side", where a Kate and Elizabeth from an alternate reality accidentally crossover into "ours" after their Atlantis is destroyed ...

        Anyhow, at this point, John and Elizabeth have merged their lives together, being that they were both married to their deceased counterparts, but it's starting to get to Elizabeth. It's increasingly worrisome for her how easily she transitioned into a life with our John, and she has a bit of a breakdown in this chapter. She's losing it, and John is staying somewhat calm. I'm trying to channel the reactions and emotions from "The Real World" because that's the closest canonical point I can relate to, but I was mainly wondering if Elizabeth going off her rocker and yelling and shouting at John was OOC?

        Any thoughts are appreciated!!!

        Multi-quote isn't working for me tonight, so:

        LadyMore: oh so jealous but oh so happy for you! That's a wonderful gift!!!

        And I agree with Eri's & SR's comments about Kanaan. Just adding my two cents from my little corner ...


          Just finished the first season...IT WAS AWESOME!!!
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
            Just finished the first season...IT WAS AWESOME!!!
            first season of what?


              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
              first season of what?
              Probably "Doctor Who" ... she just got gifted the first 4 seasons on DVD ...

              Still so jealous ...


                Since I'm on the wireless network at the school, I can't get onto FFdotnet, but I thought I'd go ahead and post a snippet from the new chapter of "On The Other Side" that I was talking about last night ...

                Spoiler alert:
                Sparky separates ...

                She wanted to cry.

                But she was Doctor Elizabeth Weir.

                She didn’t cry.

                Instead, she sifted through piles of paperwork, glared at computer screens, and drank coffee like her life depended on imbibing the hot bitter liquid. At this moment of internal turmoil, the coffee was the only constant. It was always strong, never changing.

                Unless someone switched to decaf. Then life on Atlantis would end.

                She groaned, running a hand over her face and leaning back in the office chair. At what point in her life did it get this crazy? When had she shifted so easily, so seamlessly into this life, that she forgot that this wasn’t really her life?

                For a fleeting moment, she almost wished that she had died on her Atlantis. Along with her husband.

                She glanced up, hearing the military boots walking outside her presently closed office door. Knowing that he might walk through the door at any given minute almost made her recoil in fear, and that veiled reaction almost made her sick to her stomach. It was heinously ironic; she had a life here, she had a husband, and yet she was terrified that she might see him soon.

                She wondered if her counterpart would roll over in her grave at the knowledge of that.

                She sighed.

                Then the doors opened.

                John Sheppard slowly entered the small office, hands shoved into the pant pockets of his black fatigues. The doors closed behind him slowly, solemnly, as if they had knowledge of the conversation about to happen.

                “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he started slowly, staring at the toes of his black boots, “but we need to talk.”

                She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and clasped her hands on top of the desktop. “I know.”

                He took a seat in front of her desk, wincing as he made contact with the hard plastic seat. The sight was oddly reminiscent of how he used to sit in her office in the control room, wanting to –

                Elizabeth withheld another sigh. It wasn’t him. Their DNA might match, they might look exactly the same with the exception of a few grey hairs, but the handsome man in front of her wasn’t the same man that she married.

                It was getting harder and harder to remember every minute.

                “It’s getting harder to remember,” John finally said, glancing up from under heavy eyes. The wrinkles became more obvious every day, a silent reminder of everything that he had gone through in this life. The difference between not being the military commander and taking on that heavy responsibility unexpectedly was evident. “I mean, I know that you’re not her, but seeing you every day, waking up next to you, I start to forget.”

                “When I look at you,” Elizabeth replied evenly, “it’s like nothing has changed. And yet, the world is a completely different place.” Her green eyes slowly looked up, meeting his uneasy gaze. “It’s not even my world anymore,” she added in a whispered voice.

                John groaned, leaning back in his chair, not wanting to speak the words but knowing someone had to. It might as well be him. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.”

                “What other option do I have, John? My Atlantis was destroyed! My husband is dead! And now I’m stranded in another world, left to pick up the pieces!” she shouted, standing from her desk, a tear threatening the corners of her eyes.

                The lieutenant colonel stood as well, his arms crossed against his flat torso. “And I’m a piece that doesn’t fit,” he flatly stated, glaring at a vague point on the wall behind Elizabeth.

                Her eyes darkened in resentment. “I didn’t say that.”

                A faint smirk flashed across his face. “You didn’t have to,” he replied, oddly calm.

                “What are you talking about, John?”

                “When Elizabeth was taken by the Replicators, all I wanted to do was find her. When I finally did, she wasn’t Elizabeth anymore. At least, I didn’t think she was.” He looked up, his face flushed with shame. “I couldn’t accept her because she had the body of a Replicator. I couldn’t see past that long enough to realize that it was the same Elizabeth Weir that I trusted with my life … until she sacrificed herself to save us. I was too late,” he admitted, rocking forward on his feet.


                He looked up at her again, hazel eyes darkening as they looked hard into hers. “That was three weeks before you showed up.”

                Elizabeth closed her eyes. She knew that John had lost his wife, but she had forgotten how recently it was. The memory of her loss was still fresh in his mind, the cuts not yet healed. She sighed in desperation, wanting things to miraculously heal between them.

                But this was real life, not a Disney movie. Miracles didn’t happen.

                John groaned, unfolding his arms and running a hand through his untamed hair. “Woolsey’s got a mission to a trading planet, asked for Lorne’s team to go along as backup,” he said, confusing Elizabeth.

                Why would he bring that up?

                “I think I’ll join them. Might be a good time to do a performance review on the major.”

                Oh. That’s why.

                Elizabeth nodded out of habit. She was giving him permission, as though he were still under her leadership, but this consent was different. Even though neither of them would say it aloud, they both knew what they were agreeing to: a trial separation.

                Ironic, considering that they never had actually married each other.

                John nodded decisively, and she knew that he had nothing more to say.

                By the time that she had sat down, staring at the pile of paperwork in the corner of her desk, the doors had already shut behind him.

                *wibbles* I haven't written anything that angsty in a while, and I know I should've posted this on Wednesday, but ... what do you think??? In character???


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Good evenin, everybody!

                  SGARising site is at 91 guests, but it has 8,613 hits ... Almost to 10,000!!!

                  I started writing a chapter for a fanfic which has been left on the figurative shelf collecting dust since January, and I need to ask:
                  it's for my story, "On The Other Side", where a Kate and Elizabeth from an alternate reality accidentally crossover into "ours" after their Atlantis is destroyed ...

                  Anyhow, at this point, John and Elizabeth have merged their lives together, being that they were both married to their deceased counterparts, but it's starting to get to Elizabeth. It's increasingly worrisome for her how easily she transitioned into a life with our John, and she has a bit of a breakdown in this chapter. She's losing it, and John is staying somewhat calm. I'm trying to channel the reactions and emotions from "The Real World" because that's the closest canonical point I can relate to, but I was mainly wondering if Elizabeth going off her rocker and yelling and shouting at John was OOC?

                  Any thoughts are appreciated!!!

                  Multi-quote isn't working for me tonight, so:

                  LadyMore: oh so jealous but oh so happy for you! That's a wonderful gift!!!

                  And I agree with Eri's & SR's comments about Kanaan. Just adding my two cents from my little corner ...
                  I think I remember starting to read that fic. If it's the one I'm thinking about, I'm glad you are continuing it.

                  I definitely think she is capable of losing it and shouting at John. She did it with Rodney in Trinity, John in Rising and HZ, Kavanaugh in a more controlled way in 38 Min and probably more, but you get my point. She would try to hold it together until it all just came pouring out.

                  And yes, at one point yesterday we had 107 viewers of the SGARising site. So exciting.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I think I remember starting to read that fic. If it's the one I'm thinking about, I'm glad you are continuing it.

                    I definitely think she is capable of losing it and shouting at John. She did it with Rodney in Trinity, John in Rising and HZ, Kavanaugh in a more controlled way in 38 Min and probably more, but you get my point. She would try to hold it together until it all just came pouring out.

                    And yes, at one point yesterday we had 107 viewers of the SGARising site. So exciting.
                    Awesome, thanks for your feedback, Auntie!!!

                    Well, the 2nd to last day of school just concluded. Thank God it's a half day! Unless someone from the front office finds me, I'm planning on chilling for the rest of my work day. Maybe working on some more fics ... I can't post anything, but I can work.

                    I love my netbook!!!


                      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday! Hey, I'm baaaaack! Did'ya miss me?

                      Blech, and I'm back just in time to get smacked up the head with allergies and clogged sinuses. Must remember, whump Shep, not self.

                      Anyway, I'm still catching up on everything in between finishing all the laundry, putting luggage away, blah blah blah, so I may not be around too much this weekend.

                      But, hooray for the launch of Atlantis Rising! We've kept talking about it, and talking about it, and now it's finally here! We're rocking the fandom and it is an awesome thing!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday! Hey, I'm baaaaack! Did'ya miss me?

                        Blech, and I'm back just in time to get smacked up the head with allergies and clogged sinuses. Must remember, whump Shep, not self.

                        Anyway, I'm still catching up on everything in between finishing all the laundry, putting luggage away, blah blah blah, so I may not be around too much this weekend.

                        But, hooray for the launch of Atlantis Rising! We've kept talking about it, and talking about it, and now it's finally here! We're rocking the fandom and it is an awesome thing!
                        Awesome indeed. We missed you, and see, we didn't burn down the thread while you were gone.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Sneaking on at work again. When will this day be over already!!

                          Wow - over 100 people on the site at once? Holy smokes, batman!!

                          You all are doing a wonderful job and you should be really proud of the interest. How did so many people even find out?

                          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                          Since I'm on the wireless network at the school, I can't get onto FFdotnet, but I thought I'd go ahead and post a snippet from the new chapter of "On The Other Side" that I was talking about last night ...

                          Spoiler alert:
                          Sparky separates ...

                          She wanted to cry.

                          But she was Doctor Elizabeth Weir.

                          She didn’t cry.

                          Instead, she sifted through piles of paperwork, glared at computer screens, and drank coffee like her life depended on imbibing the hot bitter liquid. At this moment of internal turmoil, the coffee was the only constant. It was always strong, never changing.

                          Unless someone switched to decaf. Then life on Atlantis would end.

                          She groaned, running a hand over her face and leaning back in the office chair. At what point in her life did it get this crazy? When had she shifted so easily, so seamlessly into this life, that she forgot that this wasn’t really her life?

                          For a fleeting moment, she almost wished that she had died on her Atlantis. Along with her husband.

                          She glanced up, hearing the military boots walking outside her presently closed office door. Knowing that he might walk through the door at any given minute almost made her recoil in fear, and that veiled reaction almost made her sick to her stomach. It was heinously ironic; she had a life here, she had a husband, and yet she was terrified that she might see him soon.

                          She wondered if her counterpart would roll over in her grave at the knowledge of that.

                          She sighed.

                          Then the doors opened.

                          John Sheppard slowly entered the small office, hands shoved into the pant pockets of his black fatigues. The doors closed behind him slowly, solemnly, as if they had knowledge of the conversation about to happen.

                          “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he started slowly, staring at the toes of his black boots, “but we need to talk.”

                          She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and clasped her hands on top of the desktop. “I know.”

                          He took a seat in front of her desk, wincing as he made contact with the hard plastic seat. The sight was oddly reminiscent of how he used to sit in her office in the control room, wanting to –

                          Elizabeth withheld another sigh. It wasn’t him. Their DNA might match, they might look exactly the same with the exception of a few grey hairs, but the handsome man in front of her wasn’t the same man that she married.

                          It was getting harder and harder to remember every minute.

                          “It’s getting harder to remember,” John finally said, glancing up from under heavy eyes. The wrinkles became more obvious every day, a silent reminder of everything that he had gone through in this life. The difference between not being the military commander and taking on that heavy responsibility unexpectedly was evident. “I mean, I know that you’re not her, but seeing you every day, waking up next to you, I start to forget.”

                          “When I look at you,” Elizabeth replied evenly, “it’s like nothing has changed. And yet, the world is a completely different place.” Her green eyes slowly looked up, meeting his uneasy gaze. “It’s not even my world anymore,” she added in a whispered voice.

                          John groaned, leaning back in his chair, not wanting to speak the words but knowing someone had to. It might as well be him. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.”

                          “What other option do I have, John? My Atlantis was destroyed! My husband is dead! And now I’m stranded in another world, left to pick up the pieces!” she shouted, standing from her desk, a tear threatening the corners of her eyes.

                          The lieutenant colonel stood as well, his arms crossed against his flat torso. “And I’m a piece that doesn’t fit,” he flatly stated, glaring at a vague point on the wall behind Elizabeth.

                          Her eyes darkened in resentment. “I didn’t say that.”

                          A faint smirk flashed across his face. “You didn’t have to,” he replied, oddly calm.

                          “What are you talking about, John?”

                          “When Elizabeth was taken by the Replicators, all I wanted to do was find her. When I finally did, she wasn’t Elizabeth anymore. At least, I didn’t think she was.” He looked up, his face flushed with shame. “I couldn’t accept her because she had the body of a Replicator. I couldn’t see past that long enough to realize that it was the same Elizabeth Weir that I trusted with my life … until she sacrificed herself to save us. I was too late,” he admitted, rocking forward on his feet.


                          He looked up at her again, hazel eyes darkening as they looked hard into hers. “That was three weeks before you showed up.”

                          Elizabeth closed her eyes. She knew that John had lost his wife, but she had forgotten how recently it was. The memory of her loss was still fresh in his mind, the cuts not yet healed. She sighed in desperation, wanting things to miraculously heal between them.

                          But this was real life, not a Disney movie. Miracles didn’t happen.

                          John groaned, unfolding his arms and running a hand through his untamed hair. “Woolsey’s got a mission to a trading planet, asked for Lorne’s team to go along as backup,” he said, confusing Elizabeth.

                          Why would he bring that up?

                          “I think I’ll join them. Might be a good time to do a performance review on the major.”

                          Oh. That’s why.

                          Elizabeth nodded out of habit. She was giving him permission, as though he were still under her leadership, but this consent was different. Even though neither of them would say it aloud, they both knew what they were agreeing to: a trial separation.

                          Ironic, considering that they never had actually married each other.

                          John nodded decisively, and she knew that he had nothing more to say.

                          By the time that she had sat down, staring at the pile of paperwork in the corner of her desk, the doors had already shut behind him.

                          *wibbles* I haven't written anything that angsty in a while, and I know I should've posted this on Wednesday, but ... what do you think??? In character???
                          I thought that was great! It seemed that they got along too easily before, so I think that's perfect.

                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday! Hey, I'm baaaaack! Did'ya miss me?

                          Blech, and I'm back just in time to get smacked up the head with allergies and clogged sinuses. Must remember, whump Shep, not self.

                          Anyway, I'm still catching up on everything in between finishing all the laundry, putting luggage away, blah blah blah, so I may not be around too much this weekend.

                          But, hooray for the launch of Atlantis Rising! We've kept talking about it, and talking about it, and now it's finally here! We're rocking the fandom and it is an awesome thing!
                          *glomps Scary Kitty* Nice to have you back.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Awesome indeed. We missed you, and see, we didn't burn down the thread while you were gone.
                            LOL! Though I suppose those would've been some pretty wild fireworks.

                            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                            Sneaking on at work again. When will this day be over already!!

                            Wow - over 100 people on the site at once? Holy smokes, batman!!

                            You all are doing a wonderful job and you should be really proud of the interest. How did so many people even find out?
                            Gotta love word of mouth. And truly delivering on our promises of sticking to canon doesn't hurt, either.

                            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                            *glomps Scary Kitty* Nice to have you back.
                            *glomps you back* It's good to be back!
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              In the middle of writing my big bang....I don't plan to have Sparky develop a relationship untill after Liz finds out her relationship with Simon is over.....but Sparky is still peaking through the matter what I write Sparky's gonna be there aint it?
                              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Probably "Doctor Who" ... she just got gifted the first 4 seasons on DVD ...

                                Still so jealous ...
                                Well my dad (as much as I didn't want to see him long story) wanted to get me a big gift for my birthday. I have an Ipad given by the school, have a cellphone, have a car (named the Puddle Jumper), have a TV for school and at home, have a good camera, have a pug, have a ipod, have the whole SGA Series AND a laptop. Unlike the rest the girls in my town I don't throw away perfectly good technology for the next big thing cause I am spoiled. Im practical.

                                I knew DW wouldnt be as easy as buying SGA so might as well take the advantage =P.
                                The Breeding Ground of Ships.

